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Idea: Add Toxicity Rules to KSP forums?


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@SQUAD Have you all considered adding a "toxicity" clause to the forum rules? As a daily reader/contributor to the forums for several years I've noticed an increase in posts that are really just angry outbursts or attacking Squad rather than constructive discussion. Paradox instituted '"toxicity" rules to their forums and things calmed down a lot over there.

Just a thought. I love the game and the community and it's tough to watch the conversations devolve because someone is trolling or continually haranguing Squad or other forum users. 


From Stellaris forums:

What is toxicity?
In general any post that is overly negative, doesn't contribute to the forum or simply contains foul language and insults is toxic. If your post doesn't contribute and instead serves as a way to stir up more negativity and rage from other users, it's toxic. Keep this in mind:

  • Look at your post history. If the majority of your posts are troll posts against other players or telling other players that the Paradox team doesn't care/doesn't listen/doesn't know what they are doing, that's not productive. Don't reply to posts to say no one will reply. If you aren't looking to help the player with a question please do not respond.
  • Posts that contain threats, attacks, insults aimed at Paradox staff or zero-value trolls will be deleted. They may also result in an immediate and permanent revocation of posting privileges. These will not use a time consuming infraction system. A good guideline to use for tone is: If you wouldn’t want someone walking into your living room speaking the words you’re about to post; it’s best to find another way to say it.




Edited by Tyko
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1 hour ago, Kerbal101 said:

Speaking as a member, not as moderator, - this is pure form of censorship as "toxicity" can't be objectively evaluated (unlike all 2.2.x stuff in the Rules).

I'm concerned about that too. I only brought it up because Paradox seems to have a working solution and thought it worth asking.

Thanks for the reply :)

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@Tyko Its just my own purely personal opinion, Tyko :)  You are most welcome with this topic!

My response is result of my personal experience in with dealing with societies that rotate around a subjectively defined acceptance criteria.. Personally, I see "toxicity" as synonym to such "acceptance criteria". It also gives good soil for internal corruption (remembering my experience growing up in USSR), absence of free speech and criticism (that sometimes is quite rough) is what I personally consider to be one of the factors that lead to its corruption (its just my own point of view, I respect different opinion).   As a regular user I have also seen and been on some forums that were rotten from inside-out by a similar formula: people can be very different as situations they experience, that multiplied by lack of emotions feedback due to text communication can touch the subjectively-uncomfortable zone many times. If the forum management is driven by charisma (read, priority of a personality over neutral rule set) of the few top member, rather than by rational objective (verifiable) reasons, its just matter of time until those who "don't swim with the flow" find themselves "stranded", sometimes unpleasantly permanently...  I see parallels between these cases, see it as same thing. Its just me. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/7/2018 at 6:20 AM, putnamto said:

i love the censor here.

if i get angry and curse the game out on the forum(i know i shouldnt, but i need to vent sometimes) and it replaces all my bad words with happy loving words it usually calms me down when i reread the post.

Yes, when I was a new member, I had a few funny run ins with the filter myself! Usually ended up with me laughing and setting the post aside. :D

Just a suggestion- sometimes, when a post gets me really upset, I write out my reply in a word document, and leave it for an hour or so. Then I come back with fresh eyes and a calmer temper, and voila! I magically find ways to edit it to be calmer. :)

You can read more about it in the Positive Forums Movement thread.

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What good is a forum without some sarcasm...


Not in the "official" places of course ! There people should have some "official sarcasm" instead XD

After all, as with everything...

But then :


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