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Im experiencing a bug with KSPI reactor where an unexplainable large consumption from DC electrical System that eat up all the power


The system consumption stopped when I disable the reactor. So it's definitely a KSPI-E bug



However if I attach a electric generator to LANTR, it will not happen

Nope it's still there

Edited by Iso-Polaris
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  On 1/2/2019 at 11:35 AM, Bishop149 said:

Thanks for the tip, I did some brief testing with the inline refrigerator and its does appear to work (thus far) bug free. . . . . hmmmm perhaps the issue is just with the scoop.

Having previously given up on atmo. mining I was investigating the terrestrial kind (specifically hydrates processing) and then began encountering issues with ISRU core temps. No matter ho many radiators I add, or what I attached them to the core temp of both the large and small inline ISRU converter always levels out at about 1200K/1000K leading to 60% efficiency. Thats on the launch pad, its less in space without convection. . . . but that's the only effect of rads I've discovered.

I had similar issues before with the stock convert-o-trons but those turned out to be a result of tweakscaling them, the ISRUs I haven't scaled away from their defaults and yet I can't get those core temps down.  


FYI: I tested the Scoop for a couple flights and I had no problem with it.

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Me again I'm afraid. I'm now having problems with the open cycle gas core engine. I have a craft with 2 of these engines. They seem to throttle up OK, giving some thrust, untill about 50% and then just die after that. In the reactor control window, I see the Geeforce overload going up to 99% at about the same time the engines cut out. If I throttle back down, the geeforce overload % drops and the engines start to produce a small amount of thrust again.

Also, if I try using them too close to Kerbin, they shut down. I understand why, but is there a way to get them to work again once they are further away from Kerbin?

I'm running 1.6.1 now, and I'm getting a message from MM that KSPIE is not compatible. Is it just a case of waiting for an update?


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  On 1/19/2019 at 12:00 AM, Turbo Ben said:

Me again I'm afraid. I'm now having problems with the open cycle gas core engine. I have a craft with 2 of these engines. They seem to throttle up OK, giving some thrust, untill about 50% and then just die after that. In the reactor control window, I see the Geeforce overload going up to 99% at about the same time the engines cut out. If I throttle back down, the geeforce overload % drops and the engines start to produce a small amount of thrust again.

Also, if I try using them too close to Kerbin, they shut down. I understand why, but is there a way to get them to work again once they are further away from Kerbin?

I'm running 1.6.1 now, and I'm getting a message from MM that KSPIE is not compatible. Is it just a case of waiting for an update?



An Open Cycle gas core leaks highly radioactive fission waste, which gets worse the more you accelerate. Kerbal Space Command has decided you not allowed to use the Gas Core in the atmosphere or having the exhaust directed at the atmosphere of Kerbin. Therefore the trick is to use the Opwn Cycle Gas Core is to aim the exhaust always away or paralel to the Kerbin atmosphere.

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  On 1/19/2019 at 7:22 AM, FreeThinker said:

An Open Cycle gas core leaks highly radioactive fission waste, which gets worse the more you accelerate. Kerbal Space Command has decided you not allowed to use the Gas Core in the atmosphere or having the exhaust directed at the atmosphere of Kerbin. Therefore the trick is to use the Opwn Cycle Gas Core is to aim the exhaust always away or paralel to the Kerbin atmosphere.


That makes sense. Is there a distance where this no longer applies, or is it anywhere in Kerbin's SOI? Can you use higher throttles at greater distances? I think I was trying to use the engines prograde at a 1000Km apoapsis (so should have been parallel), but can't be sure. I'll have another go later.

Did you get anywhere with the rotating fluid nuke problem?


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Hi, I'm still having trouble with the open gas core nuke. It's now doing what the rotating fluidized nukes were doing where there is no response at all untill the reactor is shut down. I had a look at the output log and the following is spammed:


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

[KSPI] - managedProvidedPowerSupplyPerSecondMinimumRatio illegal values.


This may be because the engines were docked with a station that also had the fluid nukes docked on it.

I can upload the output log if it will help, but it's 126Mb.

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I've confirmed a bug:

If I have a nuclear engine, like "LANTR", but only have Stock batterie that store ECs(no KSPI capacitor), there will be an unexplainable consumption on DC elctrical system in megajoules management display. If I disable the storage of EC, This unwantted comsumption will decrease proportionally.

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@FreeThinker - what happened to the large cylindrical containers that could hold solid matter such as LithiumHydride ? I have some older craft designs that won't load due to the lack of, I think, the CDT(?) containers?  and I can't find anything except little wedge tanks that can hold LithiumHydride at all now, so it's making me use 5 parts where previously I needed 1, to hold extra fuel for the Kerbstein... was this intentional? will they come back?  is something broken in my install and I shouldn't be having this issue? :)

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  On 1/25/2019 at 9:54 AM, ss8913 said:

@FreeThinker - what happened to the large cylindrical containers that could hold solid matter such as LithiumHydride ? I have some older craft designs that won't load due to the lack of, I think, the CDT(?) containers?  and I can't find anything except little wedge tanks that can hold LithiumHydride at all now, so it's making me use 5 parts where previously I needed 1, to hold extra fuel for the Kerbstein... was this intentional? will they come back?  is something broken in my install and I shouldn't be having this issue? :)


To limit part count, they were kind of replaced by the solid storage tanks in IFS, but they lack the ability to be used as drop tanks which the original tank did have. I'm considering reintroducing them in IFS but as a dropable configurable solid storage tank.

Edited by FreeThinker
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  On 1/25/2019 at 10:50 AM, FreeThinker said:

To limit part count, they were kind of replaced by the solid storage tanks in IFS, but they lack the ability to be used as drop tanks which the original tank did have. I'm considering reintroducing them in IFS but as a dropable configurable solid storage tank.


What solid tanks in IFS?  My IFS folder has no parts at all...

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  On 1/25/2019 at 10:58 AM, FreeThinker said:

I guess you only installed IFS core then


ah, I didn't notice that had split off.. i was just installing interstellar, which pulls in dependencies.. it used to be that the entire IFS was installed as a dependency, now only core is... ok now all the parts I was expecting are back :) thanks.

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  On 1/16/2019 at 6:24 AM, Iso-Polaris said:

Im experiencing a bug with KSPI reactor where an unexplainable large consumption from DC electrical System that eat up all the power


The system consumption stopped when I disable the reactor. So it's definitely a KSPI-E bug



However if I attach a electric generator to LANTR, it will not happen

Nope it's still there


I don't think you should take that  26.5 MW DC Electrical consumption too literal. This number is calculated from your available power storage times 20. Instead look at your power demand from named parts, notice your Cryostat power usage is twice as high than you power production. I would recommend using better insulating storage tanks or add additional power generators or solar cells

Edited by FreeThinker
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  On 1/8/2019 at 9:44 PM, FreeThinker said:
  On 1/8/2019 at 8:28 PM, Turbo Ben said:

I seem to be able to reproduce this problem very easily, so if there's anything I can do to help, let me know. I'll need some guiding through what you need in the way of debug information though, it's all new to me. Is there a guide I can read on how to provide debug info?




What I need a detailed description on how to reproduce the problem


Hey FreeThinker, I have this issue as well. I will save the save file and crafts, as well as screenshots, if you want them. I have 2 crafts that it has happened on now. Both are using 2 of the 2.5 meter scaled engines. They also have Near Future Tech reactors on board. Not sure if that could be a cause. I have the latest download of KSPIE running 1.6. Let me know if I can help in anyway to resolve this issue. And thank you for all your work on this mod. 

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  On 1/25/2019 at 11:58 AM, FreeThinker said:

I don't think you should take that  26.5 MW DC Electrical consumption too literal. This number is calculated from your available power storage times 20. Instead look at your power demand from named parts, notice your Cryostat power usage is twice as high than you power production. I would recommend using better insulating storage tanks or add additional power generators or solar cells


The power demand literally came from EC storage itself, It doesn't matter if I have anything that actually demands power.

I found it can usually be fixed by adding a super capacitor and set megajoules-->EC conversion to 100

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  On 1/28/2019 at 10:17 AM, Iso-Polaris said:

The power demand literally came from EC storage itself, It doesn't matter if I have anything that actually demands power.

I found it can usually be fixed by adding a super capacitor and set megajoules-->EC conversion to 100


Weird, it should already do that by default

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Right, I've been having a play about with the open cycle gas core engine, and the good news is it's not the issue.

As I suspected, the problem was with the fluid engines that were docked with my station (the same engines I was having trouble with before). When I docked the gas core engine the status in the reactor window immediately went from active (0.040%) to Active (0.000%) and no longer worked. After reloading, I undocked the fluid engines before docking the gas core engines and all was good.

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I started using this mod again, but I think it's giving me some grief. In my game I have BDB, which has a few probe cores with built in solar panels, and for some reason the batteries no longer have any electric charge! I assume this has something to do with KSPI-E, as this didn't happen until I reinstalled this mod. Is there some kind of workaround for this, or do I have to resort to adding batteries to my spacecraft?

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@FreeThinker I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this issue I'm about to talk about is something broken in the core KSP engine, but just in case it isn't... any time I use physics timewarp when using KSPIE parts, it tanks my framerate.. like it'll be perfectly smooth, then I use 4x physics on a long burn after a warp, and suddenly my framerate is about 33% of what it was.  F5/F9 doesn't fix it.. completely reloading the game does.  I see nothing relevant in the logs, either.  So I'm not really expecting this to be something you can do anything about, but *just in case* I figured I'd bring it up.

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  On 2/3/2019 at 9:39 PM, ss8913 said:

@FreeThinker I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this issue I'm about to talk about is something broken in the core KSP engine, but just in case it isn't... any time I use physics timewarp when using KSPIE parts, it tanks my framerate.. like it'll be perfectly smooth, then I use 4x physics on a long burn after a warp, and suddenly my framerate is about 33% of what it was.  F5/F9 doesn't fix it.. completely reloading the game does.  I see nothing relevant in the logs, either.  So I'm not really expecting this to be something you can do anything about, but *just in case* I figured I'd bring it up.


KSPIE doesn't do anything different in higher or lower physics than in normal physics. The only exception are high timewarp with deadalus/kerbstein/bussard fusion engine

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I have a few questions that I haven't been able to find much about on. I've gathered the basics of how to manage waste heat, but I don't understand how ISRUs and refueling reactors work.


Just some questions in no particular order...

How do ISRUs work? Reactor control panel is very confusing, and it doesn't seem to be obvious what stuff is needed to make what other stuff, and what containers you need onboard to store the in and outputs..

Aside from fuel type, what is the diffidence between the Bussard, Daedalus, Kerbstein Fusion, and Vista engine?

What do I need to do to be able to refuel the above engines? Where do I mine/how do I make solid hydrogen, fusion pellets, lithium hydride, and LH2/deurerium/tritium?

What do I need to do to be able to refuel reactors? I tried to throw a stellarator reactor on with an EM drive, and I didn't get very far until the reactor ran out of power..

Without using a solar sail or a warp drive, I haven't the slightest idea on how to make a ship that has the power to go to another star and refuel, or be self sustaining...

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  On 2/5/2019 at 9:01 PM, wkwied said:

Aside from fuel type, what is the diffidence between the Bussard, Daedalus, Kerbstein Fusion, and Vista engine?


They represent different tech levels of fusion engines. Vista is the most primitive fusion engine but it is able to fast travel to outer planets by spending more delta-v than is required for a pure Hohmann manoeuvre. Daedalus is the first true interstellar engine, capable of reaching 0.1c, Kerstein is endgame aneutronic fusion torch engine and Bussard fusion is an endgame fusion engine, capable of visiting all starts in the galaxy when combined with Bussard Magnetic scoop collecting hydrogen from the interstellar medium, solar wind or gas giants ionosphere

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  On 2/5/2019 at 9:01 PM, wkwied said:

What do I need to do to be able to refuel reactors? I tried to throw a stellarator reactor on with an EM drive, and I didn't get very far until the reactor ran out of power..


Although at first sight  EM-drive might appear to have unlimited delta-v range,  its delta-v range is effectively limited by the efficiency of converting mass into energy and efficiency of the EM drive itself which is less than 1%

The Stellarator is the most efficient fusion reactor for neutronic fusion modes (D-T, D-D, T-T) that require heat to power conversion. However, it is bulky, heavy and requires a lot of radiators to be effective. What is important is that you take a sufficient amount of fuel, preferably  Lithium deuteride from which the Deuterium atom is fused with the Tritium created from the LIthium atom in the breeding blanket. Alternatively, I would recommend using an aneutronic fusion reactor like the Tri-Alpha which produces much less waste heat, allowing your radiators to function at higher temperatures, requiring fewer radiators and therefore less mass effectively improving overall delta-v range

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