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Store purchase, Steam, and the April 30th date


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I bought the game way back in .17 from the store, I later transferred to Steam in around 2016. My question is will Steam be smart enough to know I bought it before the cutoff date and download it?


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5 minutes ago, Clockwork13 said:

Well, KSP was first introduced to Steam long after the cutoff date, so you should be fine.

But OP means he bought on KSP Store (before the cutoff date) and then transferred it to steam after the cutoff date. I would love to know the answer to this too.

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It has been stated in the past the qualifying purchases that were transferred to steam will be honored. 

I believe these statements from Squad can be found in the various DLC threads.  In particular, the first announcement thread. 

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So i had bought the game before the cutoff date and transferred my game on Aug 26th,  2015, and seeing my purchase history, my steam game has the early adopters tag. So im 95% sure steam already knows if you can get the DLC or not, even if you transferred from the KSP store.

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1 minute ago, Frozen_Heart said:

Hmm I bought it on store in October 2012, and moved to steam later on. It's saying I have to pay for it.

Same. And the support is so overloaded at the moment it's crashing.

I'm going to wait a bit before attempting to claim my copy.

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I bought it on March 29 2013  on Steam and it's saying I have to pay for it. On the stream they said there is a place to report this but I don't see it anywhere

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Anyone have the email we are supposed to be sending the problem with not receiving the DLC for free?

EDIT: Never mind I found it: 


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So they've said it's supposed to be automatic, but it hasn't yet happened yet for many of us. Either there's an issue with those who transferred to Steam, or they have to give out so many DLCs that the automatic process is lagging.

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3 minutes ago, Gabe said:

They recommend restarting Steam and verifying the integrity of local files. So far no luck. Hopefully Steam catches up soon.

What if you bought the game before April 30th and transferred to steam later?

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I purchased through Steam in March 2013.  There are numerous people posting on the Steam forums about how nothing is activated.  We are being given the option to purchase the DLC, though it should be free.  Anything from Squad as far as what is going on?



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4 minutes ago, mostlydave said:

What if you bought the game before April 30th and transferred to steam later?

Check the link I posted earlier. Should update on Steam

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Add me to the list of people playing the darned waiting game.

Purchased v.19 on Steam on April 13th, 2013.

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