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18 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

No clones, no imperials. Banned



Banned because the clone troopers didn't cause the Empire. They were used as tools by the Sith, and they were implanted with chips that forced them to do Order 66. And once the Empire switched to stormtroopers, the clones were cast aside and forgotten. They were left to wander the streets and beg for credits. Therefore, the clones were not, and never were, villains. They didn't cause Order 66, the Sith did.

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Actually i have. Ban.

picard sums this up talking to data in the episode Redemption part 2: However, the claim 'I was only following orders' has been used to justify too many tragedies in our history. Starfleet doesn't want officers who will blindly follow orders without analyzing the situation. 

the clones could have not killed younglings. The CHOSE to. The chip did not force them to kill children. They absolutely chose to. Crosshair is even worse. 


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49 minutes ago, AlamoVampire said:

picard sums this up talking to data in the episode Redemption part 2: However, the claim 'I was only following orders' has been used to justify too many tragedies in our history. Starfleet doesn't want officers who will blindly follow orders without analyzing the situation. 

I'm sure that most Starfleet officers didn't have inhibitor chips implanted in their brains from birth, and when activated made them completely loyal.

50 minutes ago, AlamoVampire said:

the clones could have not killed younglings. The CHOSE to. The chip did not force them to kill children. They absolutely chose to.

Order 66 was to kill all Jedi, and I believe it even extended to all force sensitive beings. Younglings are force sensitive beings. And as you should know, after watching TCW and TBB, the inhibitor chips turned the clones into order-following machines, even wiping out their personalities.

56 minutes ago, AlamoVampire said:

Crosshair is even worse. 

Crosshair is a unique case, because his inhibitor chip was amplified. Even after his chip was disabled/removed, he was loyal to the Empire because that's the kind of soldier he was. But then [spoiler warning]


he did defect, so all clones do have good in them, underneath the inhibitor chips. And furthermore, Cade and Slip, as well as Commander Cody, show us that the clones regret the orders they followed through.

Therefore, you are banned.

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I ban you for still defending the immorality of clones killing younglings. Crosshair proves my point. He was cranked up to 11 yet eventually he abandoned his “program.” That alone PROVES that the clones ACTIVELY CHOSE to KILL NON JEDI YOUNGLINGS. A youngling is NOT a jedi. A Padawan is NOT a Jedi. Ahsoka was a youngling, then a Padawan but never a Jedi. The clones may have been compelled to kill jedi but they absolutely knew the difference between a CHILD and a fully trained jedi knight. Now, can we just go back to regular types of banning?


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Just now, AlamoVampire said:

I ban you for still defending the immorality of clones killing younglings.

I never said that the clones killing children was moral. I was explaining that the clones didn't make that choice.

1 minute ago, AlamoVampire said:

Crosshair proves my point. He was cranked up to 11 yet eventually he abandoned his “program.”

...because he realized that the Empire was bad and didn't care about the clones. Lots of clones began abandoning their "program" which proves my point: the clones were never villains; they were only forced to do villainous things by their chips. You don't go from a mindless, murderous soldier to a being with morals in the course of a few days.

4 minutes ago, AlamoVampire said:

The clones may have been compelled to kill jedi but they absolutely knew the difference between a CHILD and a fully trained jedi knight. Now, can we just go back to regular types of banning?

16 minutes ago, TwoCalories said:

Order 66 was to kill all Jedi, and I believe it even extended to all force sensitive beings. Younglings are force sensitive beings.

Furthermore, Darth Vader went back to the light side and saved Luke Skywalker. And Darth Vader killed children, too. How come we forgave Darth Vader? Because he saved a protagonist? Well, the clones also saved protagonists, like Captain Rex helped saved several protagonists (Ahsoka, Omega [when he stunned Wrecker to stop him from killing Omega.] Senator Chuchi, etc.) post-Order 66.

Speaking of Wrecker, he's a protagonist, isn't he? And he definitely cared for Omega. So according to your logic, Wrecker chose to try and execute Order 66 on Omega. But once he got his chip removed, he was back to his old self. How could this happen?

Henceforth, banned.

10 minutes ago, AlamoVampire said:

Now, can we just go back to regular types of banning?

Okay, now that I've had my final huge rant, let's (hopefully) go back to regular banning.

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I will say this again: if the chip removed ALL freewill Crosshair would NEVER have gone away from the Empire. He would have retained FULL 100% loyalty PERIOD. The fact he CHOSE to FINALLY rebel shows that the chip while driving a huge COMPULSION it did not completely strip freewill thus PROVING BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT that every single clone CHOSE to kill younglings and RATIONALIZE it (while youre agreeing its wrong what they did, youre still DEFENDING) thus im right thus youre banned. Ill quote it again because it matters:

1 hour ago, AlamoVampire said:

However, the claim 'I was only following orders' has been used to justify too many tragedies in our history. Starfleet doesn't want officers who will blindly follow orders without analyzing the situation. 

Now banned banned banned


we return us to the frivolity of fun bans and not morality bans

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The leading theory is that the clone troopers' chips gradually wore off. They removed all freewill from the clones while Order 66 was active, but wore off over time. This can be seen in clones like Howzer and Mayday, while other clones were simply pushed to defect because they saw how terrible the Empire's actions were (Cody, Crosshair).

Therefore, you are also banned banned banned.

Now, like you said,

3 minutes ago, AlamoVampire said:

we return us to the frivolity of fun bans and not morality bans

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