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The Ultimate Jool 5 Challenge Continued

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1 hour ago, smotheredrun said:

Appreciate the discussion on recording.  It's quite helpful. 

@JacobJHC I'm in the process of uploading my first part of the challenge to YouTube.  Should I also post the craft file somewhere, either here or in the YT description?

You can choose either, just be sure to state where it is when you submit :D

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I think you'll have to bring 5 Kerbals for a Jeb Level, while i need to fix 2 Missions before my Jeb Level, and then finishing my Ultimate Challenge after another mission (That'll cover @5thHorseman's Kerpollo Challenge)

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15 hours ago, GRS said:

I think you'll have to bring 5 Kerbals for a Jeb Level, while i need to fix 2 Missions before my Jeb Level, and then finishing my Ultimate Challenge after another mission (That'll cover @5thHorseman's Kerpollo Challenge)

Oh yeah... there will be more Kerbals going.  There are just 2 there to make sure everything works.  (Jeb's not there at the moment as things seem to explode when he's there).  I've already shot the refuelling mission(s) and am working on the final refuelling mission and the crew/food delivery... I accidentally did a dumb dumb and basically threw a bunch of food out of the airlock.

At launch I was 45 days for my window.  With 7 days in between launches (my rule), there definitely won't be time to train a pair of Kerbals for the whole mission.  There will be at least 5 or six going...

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I've just completed this challenge with a 31 part, 27.1 ton single-stager costing 40,967. No mods were used.


Here is an imgur album and trip report: https://imgur.com/a/elxzmuQ

Here is the craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Bayesian_Acolyte/Single-Stage-Jool-5-v2

It should be possible to do this with less parts. The nose cone could probably be eliminated as this craft had no difficulty in atmospheres (and probably swap battery to a radial version). You could probably get away without a ladder as well if the capsule was rotated facing the ground and some landing gear or standing-on-flag tricks were used. It also might be possible (but annoying) to axe the solar panel. And lastly you could probably swap the 6 wing strakes for 2 big S delta wings (for an extra 0.4 tons, which would make Tylo really tough but I think doable). So probably 24 parts is possible.

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I've just completed this challenge with a 31 part, 27.1 ton single-stager costing 40,967. No mods were used.

That is an extraordinarily minimalist level 1 entry approach.  Well done indeed.

I was trying for something similarly minimalist with the below craft, for a level 3 attempt.  It's a RAPIER based space plane, with add-on drop tanks for Tylo, and a NERVA tug for interplanetary transits.  My aim is to visit every surface biome on the Jool system and so smash the Jeb level science score.  Going well so far, craft is somewhat over designed.  Jeb level needs a lot of game time.



oh yes, and my Pol space station with spin gravity for accommodating my 5 scientist in comfort. OK perhaps a not so minimalist approach :)


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depending on how *insert Profanity here* is your design to control.

The craft handles well and so far is flying around Laythe with ease, even making water landings.  The key is using chutes for vertical landings, saves a whole lot of grief.  Limited chutes = limited range, but I have more then enough to get to every biome.   I pre-tested landing and take-off on Tylo, and again no issues.

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Ok, good luck (darn, my Mohollo took 2 attempts, i won't call them success because i need to get some "Science in Space NEAR Kerbol", went to Mark 3 now, wish this'll be enough, all of my Kerpollo brings 5 Kerbals at least, with Bob doing the landings himself, halfed my Science because i'm brave and stupid).

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On 3/6/2019 at 7:24 PM, bayesian_acolyte said:

I've just completed this challenge with a 31 part, 27.1 ton single-stager costing 40,967. No mods were used.


Here is an imgur album and trip report: https://imgur.com/a/elxzmuQ

Here is the craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Bayesian_Acolyte/Single-Stage-Jool-5-v2

It should be possible to do this with less parts. The nose cone could probably be eliminated as this craft had no difficulty in atmospheres (and probably swap battery to a radial version). You could probably get away without a ladder as well if the capsule was rotated facing the ground and some landing gear or standing-on-flag tricks were used. It also might be possible (but annoying) to axe the solar panel. And lastly you could probably swap the 6 wing strakes for 2 big S delta wings (for an extra 0.4 tons, which would make Tylo really tough but I think doable). So probably 24 parts is possible.

Congratulations on completing the Jool 5 Challenge on level 1! I haven't seen many missions this tight on margins, and this one shows it. The fact that it could single stage from Tylo to a different moon to refuel is beyond impressive. Adding you to the leaderboard now.

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I just finished my Jool-5 run a couple of days ago. My craft was a bit more in the heavyweight category. 1775 tons assembled in orbit. The two launchers were about 11400 and 5100 tons on the pad, and they were simply a joy to fly. :rolleyes:  Eight kerbonauts and one reporter traveled to Jool for what (hopefully) will be a level 3 submission. I'm still putting the imgur album together (never realized how many pictures I took), but I'll post it and my craft files for my official submission once it's complete.


A few pics in the spoiler below



Launch of the mother ship



Launch of the smaller transports and landers



Fully assembled mother ship in orbit. Ejecting the very last stage of the heavy lifter after using its fuel to start the Jool transfer



Eristed and Val on Tylo



Nedly, Bill, and Nasby on Laythe



Bob and Jeb on Vall



Bob and Tanwise on Pol



Jeb, Bob, Val, and reporter Scoop on Bop



Finally home and heading for a landing at KSC



Final crew photo on the KSC runway


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9 hours ago, JacobJHC said:

@Grogs Mission looks great! Would you happen to have any more pictures of any maneuvers or trajectories or any of the landings?


The album is here:


I just haven't finished it yet. I had about 1800 screenshots and it's taken a while to pick out the good one and add captions. I should be able to finish it up tonight, then I'll upload the craft files as well.

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16 hours ago, JacobJHC said:

@Grogs Mission looks great! Would you happen to have any more pictures of any maneuvers or trajectories or any of the landings?

Here's my official submission:

Two Kerbin Launches (plus a separate crew launch for realism); assembled in LKO

$12,118,362 funds (so if we weren't broke before the mission, we are now!)

16,475.186 tons on the pad; 1,775.1 tons assembled in orbit

568 parts (for mother ship + landers/transports assembled in orbit)

Game Version 1.6.1 + Making History DLC

No Mods

9 Kerbals on Mission:

      Tylo - Val and Eristed

      Laythe - Nedly, Bill, and Nasby

      Vall - Jeb and Bob

      Pol - Tanwise and Bob

      Bop - Jeb, Bob, Val, and Scoop

Imgur album: https://imgur.com/a/xyOp3Xl

Craft file for mother ship on lifter: https://kerbalx.com/Grogs/Manticore-1500-HLV

Craft file for landers and transports on lifter: https://kerbalx.com/Grogs/Manticore-500

You can find all the individual ships here: https://kerbalx.com/Grogs/craft

Final thoughts: This was a really fun challenge. While no individual part of the challenge was super difficult, it took a lot of planning to design all the ships, then figure out how to get them into orbit, on to Jool, and back. I think I spent about 5 weeks from initial design until finishing the challenge. I learned a lot along the way, and I'm sure I could do something similar much faster in the future. Thanks to @JacobJHC for running this challenge.

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On 3/10/2019 at 4:33 PM, Grogs said:

Here's my official submission:

Two Kerbin Launches (plus a separate crew launch for realism); assembled in LKO

$12,118,362 funds (so if we weren't broke before the mission, we are now!)

16,475.186 tons on the pad; 1,775.1 tons assembled in orbit

568 parts (for mother ship + landers/transports assembled in orbit)

Game Version 1.6.1 + Making History DLC

No Mods

9 Kerbals on Mission:

      Tylo - Val and Eristed

      Laythe - Nedly, Bill, and Nasby

      Vall - Jeb and Bob

      Pol - Tanwise and Bob

      Bop - Jeb, Bob, Val, and Scoop

Imgur album: https://imgur.com/a/xyOp3Xl

Craft file for mother ship on lifter: https://kerbalx.com/Grogs/Manticore-1500-HLV

Craft file for landers and transports on lifter: https://kerbalx.com/Grogs/Manticore-500

You can find all the individual ships here: https://kerbalx.com/Grogs/craft

Final thoughts: This was a really fun challenge. While no individual part of the challenge was super difficult, it took a lot of planning to design all the ships, then figure out how to get them into orbit, on to Jool, and back. I think I spent about 5 weeks from initial design until finishing the challenge. I learned a lot along the way, and I'm sure I could do something similar much faster in the future. Thanks to @JacobJHC for running this challenge.

Congratulations on a level 3 submission! Your launches had the most interesting fairings I've ever seen, and your transfer stage was impressive. One final comment, it has been a while since I've seen such a diverse and robust assortment of landers. Adding you to the leaderboard now... :D

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8 hours ago, JacobJHC said:

Congratulations on a level 3 submission! Your launches had the most interesting fairings I've ever seen, and your transfer stage was impressive. One final comment, it has been a while since I've seen such a diverse and robust assortment of landers. Adding you to the leaderboard now... :D

Thanks. I think it was a byproduct of not really knowing what I was doing, especially when I was initially designing the ships. :cool: I built and tested the individual landers at different times, then I had to spend the rest of my time trying to figure out how to make everything fit together and get it off the ground. People who already know what works going in are probably able to design things a lot more efficiently and have them mesh together smoothly.

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Jool 5 Science Mission.  Jebediah level:


Mission notes:

  • Two Kerbin launches (1)  KASA SLS launch vehicle, with payload of NERVA tug and Tylo drop tanks ($826,543 / 1,252.890 t) and (2) Laythe Spaceplane ($132,539 /  46.813 t )  Assembled in LKO
  • Game version  + Making History.  Mechjeb installed but hardly used.  Craft file available on request.
  • Science points earned:  82,520


  • The KASA SLS launch vehicle is a mimic of the NASA SLS Heavy Lift vehicle.  Intent was to give the  mission an Apollo style, inspired by the Kerpollo Challenge
  • The self imposed challenge was to land a 2 man pressurised vessel on all five of Jool's moons, with orbiters, Apollo style.  A temporary space station for the scientists was established at Pol.
  • The safety and comfort of the Kerbal crew was also a priority, so the Kerbals enjoyed an artificial gravity environment for the interplanetary journey, and at the Pol Space Station.
  • The mission included a suitably configured lander for each moon allowing ability to "hop" to every biome on the surface,  by docking together a combination of tug, spaceplane and drop tanks.
  • The Laythe lander is a RAPIER based spaceplane with ISRU, allowing near infinite range.  The plane included a disposable light weight stabiliser at the rear to ensure stable atmospheric entry (no craft flipping)
  • Additional drop tanks were docked with the spaceplane providing greater stability, and necessary range for Tylo. 
  • The NERVA tug is docked for Pol, allowing single stop refuelling.
  • 5 scientists were on the mission, in addition to Jeb the pilot and Bill the ISRU engineer
  1. Pol - Jeb, Bill, Bob
  2. Laythe - Jeb, Bill, Aldsby
  3. Vall - Jeb, Bill, Burhat, Geofrod
  4. Bop - Jeb, Bill,  Burhat, Geofrod
  5. Tylo - Jeb, Bill, Romin
  • In accordance with Werner von Kermans vision for a glider landing for Duna, this was executed on Laythe with a spaceplane science hopper.  To reduce risk of crashing, all landings were vertical.
  • All landings included a full compliment of science instruments, and as much science was collected as possible within a reasonable game time.  There was some science left to gather (this score can be beaten)
  • There is a bug which caused  the landing gear and struts to randomly reorient themselves after each save.  This made the final landing at KSC a bit rougher than expected.

Thanks again to @JacobJHC for running this challenge.  

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