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The Ultimate Jool 5 Challenge Continued

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Hello everyone, I am back from my hiatus (please forgive me I know it's been a heckin' long time). I will begin reviewing submissions Monday while I watch labpadre's Starship livestreams.

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On 3/17/2018 at 12:03 AM, JacobJHC said:

2. No part-clipping of functional parts (fuel tanks, batteries, crew pods, engines, science parts, SAS) into each other. It is okay to clip structural and non-functional parts, wings, and heat shields.

Question: I built a spaceplane for this challenge that uses some moderate clipping. I thought it was fine, but I'm not sure anymore, and I'd rather find out before spending weeks on a science run and then being disqualified


this is the plane. looks good. which is why i resorted to some clipping to make it look like this


I put the mystery goo and 2 rtg inside the science jr. but hey, the science jr has a lot of empty space inside, i thought it was fair game. isn't it?

I can easily fix that if needed. I only put them like this because a scientist in eva can restore both experiments without needing to leave the cockpit


I did a little bit of clipping with the propellers to fit two in a single cargo bay. Only a little bit. I suppose I can rearrange that too if needed, though it would be a lot less convenient.


the inside of the science and electricity cargo bays are a huge mess, but as far as i can tell, there's no clipping inside. except...


the rover arm is just spanning multiple parts. but there was no cargo bay large enough to accomodate it using the mk1 size, and i wanted it to be inside a cargo bay. mostly for aesthetics, because the extra drag from putting it outside would be negligible, and if i put it behind the cockpit, it would be shielded for atmospheric reentry. The alternative would be using Mk 2, but everyone around here says they are evil


I've spent one week  building and optimizing this spaceplane for this challenge. I avoided clipping of engines, fuel tanks, and most other parts. I certainly never abused clipping. I've mostly done it for practicity, or to make the plane look better. at worst i'd have to put in an extra cargo bay, which would not be a huge deal; this thing can ssto from kerbin with 2 tons of fuel left, it would still be able to perform all its tasks

Please tell me the plane is fine as it is; I'm already in jool system, having performed the gravity assist for capture; having to go back would cost me several hours of gameplay.

If the plane is not fine, please tell me which of those licenses I took are acceptable, and which are not


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5 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

If the plane is not fine, please tell me which of those licenses I took are acceptable, and which are not

The propellers are fine, although the science bay needs to have the clipped science parts and RTG moved. I also think the roverarm needs to be moved so it isn't clipping as well, although I am not sure what I would suggest you do with it.

On 10/2/2020 at 9:56 AM, dawg said:

Hey, sorry for the late review. Did you transfer fuel from a pre-launched Minmus station before heading to Jool? 

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On 10/17/2020 at 4:19 PM, s_gamer101 said:

Hello everyone, here's my submission to this challenge. It was a single launch using an reusable launch vehicle. I made 4 imgur albums instead of one because I didn't upload all the pictures on the same day.


It's a 3rd level mission. I had five crew members. Here's who landed on which moon:

  • Laythe: Kerfrey Kerman and Jeb
  • Tylo: Bob and Jeb
  • Vall: Val and Jeb
  • Bop: Laing Kerman and Jeb
  • Pol: The entire crew

Mods used:

  • Kerbal Engineer Redux
  • Transfer Window Planner
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock
  • ManeuverNodeSplitter
  • RCS Build Aid
  • Editor Extensions Redux
  • Trajectories

I also used both Making History and Breaking Ground.



Congratulations @s_gamer101 on completing the Jool 5 challenge on the third level! Your decision to use the Tylo tug as an extra stage gave this mission a tinge of suspense missing from most entries, and your reusable launcher was quite impressive. Additionally, I found your Laythe aerobrake maneuver to be quite entertaining as well. I'll add your submission to the leaderboards now!

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44 minutes ago, JacobJHC said:

The propellers are fine, although the science bay needs to have the clipped science parts and RTG moved. I also think the roverarm needs to be moved so it isn't clipping as well, although I am not sure what I would suggest you do with it.


ok. another question, since i'm going for science. the orbital scanner adds another 20 science when scanning a planet. do those 20 science count even if they don't generate a report?

if they do, can i get them by launching a few disposable probes (which will separate from the main ship in jool orbit) that i will never recover?

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3 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

ok. another question, since i'm going for science. the orbital scanner adds another 20 science when scanning a planet. do those 20 science count even if they don't generate a report?

if they do, can i get them by launching a few disposable probes (which will separate from the main ship in jool orbit) that i will never recover?

For any science points to be counted they must be recovered.

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2 hours ago, JacobJHC said:

The propellers are fine, although the science bay needs to have the clipped science parts and RTG moved. I also think the roverarm needs to be moved so it isn't clipping as well

ok, i worked on it. i added another cargo bay, and i arranged the stuff around. the science bay has no parts clipped in it.

As for the rover arm. i can't fit it into a cargo bay because there isn't a bay large enugh. i even tried to remake the whole plane as a Mk2, and there the cargo bay works, and it also flies very well, and it has exceptional resistance to reentry. but it's much heavier and it has no chance of taking off from water. too much drag.

But! I moved the three non-propellers cargo bays together, and I placed the robotic arm in a way that is entirely contained in the bays and it's not clipping anything else. In my mind, those three bays would be joined by a hole where the robotic arm would pass. It's a tight fit, but there's no clipping for any piece, except the arm is going through the cargo bay walls.




It's the best I can do with the lack of a longer cargo bay. Will that be acceptable?

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26 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

Will that be acceptable?

Yep! Your solution of making a pretend larger cargo bay is probably the smartest thing you could have done. Best of luck on your submission!

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On 11/9/2020 at 12:41 PM, JacobJHC said:

The propellers are fine, although the science bay needs to have the clipped science parts and RTG moved. I also think the roverarm needs to be moved so it isn't clipping as well, although I am not sure what I would suggest you do with it.

Hey, sorry for the late review. Did you transfer fuel from a pre-launched Minmus station before heading to Jool? 

Yes. Is that not allowed?

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7 hours ago, JacobJHC said:

Yeah, sorry. Using pre-launched craft in addition to the actual mission (with the exception of ore probes) is forbidden. 

I always set up my games with orbital refueling stations around Minmus and Kerbin. No parts were transferred, just ore & fuel, which the lander could have picked up from Minmus itself.

Are there any other unwritten rules I need to meet? Not entering another SoI? Not landing before a moon of Jool? I could probably lift it with full ore tanks off Kerbin or refuel at Minmus, though I'm not really driven to waste another 7-8 hours of my life. It was ultimately more for my entertainment going to Jool again, after such a long time ignoring it.

Edited by dawg
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On 10/22/2020 at 9:19 AM, camacju said:


Here's my Grand Tour mission as a submission for the Jool 5 challenge. The Jool system landings were Laythe, Tylo, Vall, Pol, and Bop in that order. Single launch mission which did split before Jool but the only parts that met at Jool were the mothership and an interplanetary tug.

Note that I didn't get the kerbal out on the surface of Laythe because I was afraid the lander would tip without SAS but I had forgotten that it had a probe core. So I could have done it but oh well

Congratulations @The Space Dino on completing not just a Jool 5 level 1 submission, but for completing an entire grand tour! If you haven't submitted this to the "Ultimate Challenge"  challenge I would do that as well so you can get a grand tour completion badge. Using the Laythe lander again as a Tylo lander is something I haven't seen in a while, and can't remember a lander quite like that one before. Even though it did not have enough delta-v to re-orbit and your Kerbonaut had to jetpack, I found it quite intriguing. I will add your mission to the leader boards now! :D 

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@JacobJHC you might have pinged the wrong person (:

Also the Tylo lander was supposed to have enough delta-v to reorbit Tylo by using the descent stage to take off. However I accidentally pressed space while on the surface which is why I had to use the jetpack.

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  • 4 weeks later...
4 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

may i get my entry in the front page before someone takes advantage of the new eva experiments to beat my record? :D

Oh yeah don't worry! I've been super busy lately so I looked at half a few days ago and am finishing it up now. I'll ping you as soon as its ready.

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Congratulations @king of nowhere on completing the Jool 5 Challenge on Jeb's level! In many ways, this is the Jool 5 mission. The amount of roving conducted on each world is mind-boggling and requires patience I cannot fathom, and the flight on Jool was nothing short of nail-biting. This mission is incredible, and I cannot overstate that.  I will be adding you to the leaderboards immediately.  Please do add the completion badge to your signature, because you have more than earned it for this mission!

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4 hours ago, JacobJHC said:

Congratulations @king of nowhere on completing the Jool 5 Challenge on Jeb's level! In many ways, this is the Jool 5 mission. The amount of roving conducted on each world is mind-boggling and requires patience I cannot fathom, and the flight on Jool was nothing short of nail-biting. This mission is incredible, and I cannot overstate that.  I will be adding you to the leaderboards immediately.  Please do add the completion badge to your signature, because you have more than earned it for this mission!

small nitpick, the rover is called dancing porcupine, not flying porcupine.

and thanks for the kind words

EDIT: you also forgot the ISRU tag

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