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[1.12.x] ShowFPS


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On 9/11/2021 at 11:29 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

It’s there, but sometimes hard to find, or even off screen.

I’ll see if I can improve its visibility

Hello again @linuxgurugamer! :)

I have being tested all these latest builds, but for me only the v1.0.2.4 is still working as mentioned before, nothing changed with this updates, just to let you know, no errors on log just FPS, don't appear when I press "F8" but the "new" graphic appear when I click on the icon button on task bar.

Until then, all my automatic scripts will use that fixed version:  without FPS graph :(


which is the only version, that works for me at least...

v0.3.0 latest version, still the same sample, there isn't any visible error in log file:https://www.dropbox.com/s/fjncwfv0mxxj7hj/KSP - showFPS-0.3.0.zip?dl=0

v0.2.4 good version logs https://www.dropbox.com/s/yb72njnlo2stpbm/showdps-good-0.2.4-logs.zip?dl=0

Please let me know if you need something more, that might helps to throuble shooting this, when you have time for it, may be a video?


Edited by pmborg
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On 10/22/2021 at 2:58 PM, pmborg said:

I have being tested all these latest builds, but for me only the v1.0.2.4 is still working as mentioned before, nothing changed with this updates, just to let you know, no errors on log just FPS, don't appear when I press "F8" but the "new" graphic appear when I click on the icon button on task bar.

I think I figured out the issue, looks like some code got disabled by mistake.

Working on restoring it now

New release 0.3.1

  • Restored the F8 functionality to show the FPS on screen
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4 hours ago, pmborg said:

Did you wait until you got to the space center?

I believe the default location is near the lower right corner

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10 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Did you wait until you got to the space center?

I believe the default location is near the lower right corner

Only today for me appeared with this new version, maybe yesterday the latest version was not there yet on CKAN.

With this latest version (1:0.3.1) the reported problem, is in fact solved and FPS finally appears :), there is a difference to 1:0.2.4 that FPS was shown also on the loading screen, I will upload a video, but I will assume that feature was done on purpose, to hide FPS on loading screen:

Many Thanks!


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  • 10 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...



I see that the fps display has problems staying on the position when I position it next to the top right VAB buttons, see screenshot:

As soon as I click on the "Save" button the fps display moves to here:

When I leave the VAB by clicking the rightmost button the fps view is moved even more to the right, as can be seen in SPC:


Edited by Gordon Dry
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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

This is somewhat low on my totem pole, but I'll keep it in mind. 

Does it happen if it is elsewhere (not at the top)?

I've been having it happen when placed down near the crew portrait.... it goes half offscreen to the right
I'll see if i can get a screenie, and try other locations as well

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On 10/24/2022 at 5:03 PM, Stone Blue said:

I've been having it happen when placed down near the crew portrait.... it goes half offscreen to the right
I'll see if i can get a screenie, and try other locations as well

No, for now, that's all I need.  I'll have to revisit the position code, where it saves and reloads.

Thanks for testing.

I'm on a business trip, no access to my dev computer, will be able to look at this next week

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lmao.. i was *just* coming here to post an update :P
Sooo... it doesnt seem to be going off screen for me now vOv
Highly liely theres a mod conflict doing it... its on a dev install, and i have been adding/removing a few mods quite a bit.

It *does* jump down and to the right a bit, when you clic on the actual FPS display, to move it... but it seems to stay on screen  when you place it, unless you get to within very a few pixels of the screen edge. But as long as you dont push it *off* screen, grabbing it and pulling it so it doesnt snap off-screen, works fine

Edited by Stone Blue
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  • 3 weeks later...

New release,

  • Changed default position to 50, 50 (upper left corner)
  • Added code to save config when leaving drag mode
  • Change fps precision to 1 decimal instead of 2
  • Changed size of text box from hard-coded 200 pixels to the actual calculated size of the text for the on-screen 

Thanks to @Gordon Dry for doing some testing 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I think it would be useful if F2 (the button that removes all GUI) also removed the FPS counter by default. I try to get cinematic pictures often, and I have to hit both F2 and F8 in order to hide this one mod.

In addition, it would be nice if this mod could be toggled to be enabled by default, so when I start up a new session the FPS counter is automatically there and I don't have to hit F8.

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