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So an astronaut came to my school today..


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Most of the school watched him talk via a livestream.

And I was literally the only one in my entire class not playing Fortnite or texting during it.
There was a Q&A section at the end and a kid even had the balls to ask him if he knew what Fortnite was. The guy presenting the questions also mentioned that a significant percentage of the ones submitted were related to Fortnite. It just astounds me that you get to see in person one of the few people to have been to space and ask him a question, and they waste it on a joke that is both unfunny and extremely disrespectful. I don't even consider myself the type of person to be preaching respect to people but... Wow.

Edit: Oh yeah, and one of my teachers later in the day (who helped host the event) polled the class to see what kids thought of it. The results were.. negative to say the least. The livestream on youtube also got slightly dislike bombed.

I'm sorely disappointed.

I didn't get to meet him like I was subtly hoping I'd be able to, but he did answer my question which I had submitted, so at least I gained from it.

(Just needed to get this off my chest.)

Edited by Clockwork13
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12 minutes ago, Clockwork13 said:

entire class not playing Fortnite or texting

I'm tempted to say 'stupid kids', but really it's the parents fault... and the school's. There should be no cellphones in the class, there's no need for them. The original claim for their allowance was 'safety', but it's been shown it makes no difference what-so-ever but instead serves as a distraction.

Realize that when you're older, out there in the real world, working your butt off to make yourself a good life, paying your taxes and such - that you'll be paying for these clowns existence as well, as they'll have learned nothing.

At least you've gained from it!

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I'm graduating this year, and I was thinking about it - some of these people are going to go out there and live in our Spaceship Earth, with no further education, and some of them are never going to know or care whether or not Pluto is a star. I'm not hating on them, and I know there really are a lot of decent people (I hang out with a bunch) but it's one thing I want to help make better in the world - people need to care about learning about how we are connected to each other, our planet, and the universe in order to keep our world a nice place, and make it better. Maybe after I've done my part in space I'll come back to be an astronomy teacher.

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1 hour ago, cubinator said:

care whether or not Pluto is a star.

Huh... I didn't even know about that! 

Just joking around, of course.

It's hard to get people into space these days... 

Here's an idea, what if we made an addictive video game about it? / badjoke

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6 hours ago, Clockwork13 said:

Most of the school "watched" him talk via a livestream.

And I was literally the only one in my entire class not playing Fortnite or texting during it.

TBH, a "talking" event doesn't do much to induce interest, unless said audience was interested already. Nor is showing "cool" things people don't know.

Important STEM might be, fixing the pipes in your single-floor homes doesn't need analysis of fluid flow and stress-strain, nor it need special tools and materials. (don't ask me about quality.)

Holding a talk means preparing the parties to be open, and ensure that you start at the common level of the audience.

I share your dismay, but I understand why did it took hold.

Edited by YNM
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6 hours ago, NSEP said:

i will from now consider you as a superior human being for avoiding Fortnite. You are a legend!

Does it count if you like watching Jacksepticeye and Mark play it...............................................?


Edited by Earthlinger
Tpyo tihngies
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23 hours ago, Clockwork13 said:

but he did answer my question which I had submitted

You can't just tell us that! What was the question and answer :)


23 hours ago, Clockwork13 said:

Most of the school watched him talk via a livestream.

Just a skype livestream or from the space station?  

23 hours ago, Clockwork13 said:

if he knew what Fortnite was.

2 weeks of detention :)

please get the pun

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Loads of kids in my school are like that too. There’s this one guy who, whenever I start talking about space, just says “Space is lame” :(

Literally, every year or so, a new unintelligent shooter game comes out. Then everyone obsesses over it for a while. Then it dies.

I think more people should play KSP. Learn physics and have fun at the same time!!! :cool:

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3 hours ago, RealKerbal3x said:


Literally, every year or so, a new unintelligent shooter game comes out. Then everyone obsesses over it for a while. Then it dies.


No one's stopping you from saying 'Call of Duty' bro. Really though, the guys making CoD ruined it years ago.

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