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[1.9.1+] OPT Legacy 3.1.2 | Reconfig 3.4 [Apr 20, 2021]


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After upgrading, I'm getting the following errors, and can't figure out why.

    Line 81199: [WRN 20:03:15.001] Warning on PartSubtype OPTSUP on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='OPTcmd') on part l.8m.cockpit: More than one module can't manage resource 'Supplies'
    Line 81200: [WRN 20:03:15.001] Warning on PartSubtype OPTSUP on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='OPTcmd') on part l.8m.cockpit: More than one module can't manage resource 'Mulch'
    Line 81202: [WRN 20:03:15.010] Warning on PartSubtype OPTFTZ on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='OPTcmd') on part l.8m.cockpit: More than one module can't manage resource 'Fertilizer'
    Line 81204: [WRN 20:03:15.012] Warning on PartSubtype OPTGYP on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='OPTcmd') on part l.8m.cockpit: More than one module can't manage resource 'Gypsum'
    Line 81206: [WRN 20:03:15.015] Warning on PartSubtype OPTMIN on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='OPTcmd') on part l.8m.cockpit: More than one module can't manage resource 'Minerals'
    Line 81208: [WRN 20:03:15.017] Warning on PartSubtype OPTORE on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='OPTcmd') on part l.8m.cockpit: More than one module can't manage resource 'Ore'
Log is here https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=15LqsPc93jUPqEgdgF1wD-rOsGfVMQP0b

Any help would be appreciated.

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  On 12/5/2019 at 2:57 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

@Critter79606 I'm seeing some things concerning ModularFuelTanks. I just released a revised MM patch for that and now I see that I didn't ensure that they don't apply at the same time. Delete OPT Reconfig's OPT_MFT_RF.cfg file and your problem should go away.


Thanks @JadeOfMaar that fixed it right up.

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  On 12/8/2019 at 6:32 AM, Bom-bombardier said:

Does this mod require the original mod to be downloaded, or does it include all the parts already?

thanks in advance


OPT Reconfig is an optional enhancement to OPT's "Main" package. But it is required by OPT Legacy and it is a separate download, not bundled with Legacy. Reconfig does nothing by itself.

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@Azic Minar I havent written a tutorial but you'll need to learn to use this mod to produce the new attachment nodes, then copy/save each one into an MM patch config for the parts you're targeting.

Some starting tips:

  • Every stack node's name goes like node_stack_thingyouwant# but there is only ever one surface attach node and it's named node_attach
  • The numbers in a stack node are X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, S where the first XYZ are position, the second XYZ are rotation (0 to 1), and S is node size (1 for 1.25m, 2 for 2.5m and each higher number is increments of 1.25). OPT tends to use size 4 for J and K, and size 3 for Mk2 and inside the cargo bays.
  • When you press the Show Orientation Marker button in NodeHelper's UI, the selected node will show a red line pointing outward from its center. This line is hard to see when you make the node marker size 3 or bigger.
  • Do not attempt to add, move or rotate nodes while in the SPH. The world orientation is different there and will screw you up. Only use NodeHelper in the VAB.
  • X+ is through the VAB main door, Y+ is skyward, Z+ is ventral/to the flag-bearing VAB wall.
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  On 12/14/2019 at 10:57 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@Azic Minar I havent written a tutorial but you'll need to learn to use this mod to produce the new attachment nodes, then copy/save each one into an MM patch config for the parts you're targeting.

Some starting tips:

  • Every stack node's name goes like node_stack_thingyouwant# but there is only ever one surface attach node and it's named node_attach
  • The numbers in a stack node are X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, S where the first XYZ are position, the second XYZ are rotation (0 to 1), and S is node size (1 for 1.25m, 2 for 2.5m and each higher number is increments of 1.25). OPT tends to use size 4 for J and K, and size 3 for Mk2 and inside the cargo bays.
  • When you press the Show Orientation Marker button in NodeHelper's UI, the selected node will show a red line pointing outward from its center. This line is hard to see when you make the node marker size 3 or bigger.
  • Do not attempt to add, move or rotate nodes while in the SPH. The world orientation is different there and will screw you up. Only use NodeHelper in the VAB.
  • X+ is through the VAB main door, Y+ is skyward, Z+ is ventral/to the flag-bearing VAB wall.

Thank you!

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  On 12/14/2019 at 10:57 PM, JadeOfMaar said:
  • When you press the Show Orientation Marker button in NodeHelper's UI, the selected node will show a red line pointing outward from its center. This line is hard to see when you make the node marker size 3 or bigger.

Interesting... in *my* game, the node direction indicator line stays in the same location above the node, no matter *what* size the node is... vOv

I could *swear* i also remember there was a way to increase the length and thickness of that indicator, in a long ago version...:/ ... vOv

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  On 12/15/2019 at 8:29 PM, Stone Blue said:

Interesting... in *my* game, the node direction indicator line stays in the same location above the node, no matter *what* size the node is... vOv

I could *swear* i also remember there was a way to increase the length and thickness of that indicator, in a long ago version...:/ ... vOv


I don't think I've used LGG's version yet so I'll assume that's a QoL feature he added.

I've never seen the option to configure the marker's length and thickness. If that exists it's not in an obvious place in the UI. I've used just about every button by now and seen no hint of those controls. :/


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  • 2 weeks later...

"Let me upgrade you"


SAF6OXL.png VRwEls2.pngnb9u6A9.png

OPT Legacy 1.6.1

  • Aligned inner stack nodes perfectly with outer nodes for Stail drop bay. Reduces chances of attaching this part wrong and causing insane drag.
  • Clean up resource configs in part configs.
  • Fixed error in heat limit buff for Stail aerospike.
  • Removed SAS module from anything that's not a drone core.
  • Updated WarpJet SAGE Engine:
    • Dual-mode.
    • Closed Cycle mode has VASIMR-like feature powered by B9 Part Switch or Near Future Propulsion. B9-based Isp options require tech node unlock and require the engine to be shutdown while changing option.
  • Updated drop tanks:
    • Fixed CoM position. It was at the attach point. It is now properly centered in the tank.
    • Added thermal stats upgrades with texture options.

OPT Reconfig 1.9.0

  • Fixed major oops (baddum tish!) with MFT/RealFuels patch (I hope :P) . It activated alongside other patches and caused tank options conflicts.
  • Added Ablator tank type as part of drop tanks upgrade.
  • Added IntakeAtm tank option for WarpJet SAGE's closed cycle:
    • Mk2 nose.
    • Drop tanks.
    • J, K, KH, Humpback inline SAS.
  • Added plural B9 tank descriptions.
  • Enabled all Mono-fed OPT RCS devices to switch between, and use MonoPropellant or IntakeAtm. (Needs B9 Part Switch and Community Resource Pack.)
  • Enabled all Bi-prop-fed OPT RCS devices to switch between, and use LFO or LH2O. (Needs B9 Part Switch and Community Resource Pack.)
  • Enabled inline RCS devices and aerodynamic, pointy RCS thrusters to hold RCS fuels.
  • Fixed error in cockpit detection.
  • Fixed big error in RCS patch.
  • Removed SAS module from anything that's not a drone core.
  • Updated configs for stripping unwanted resource and feature switch modules.
  • Updated drop tanks to have proper complementary servings of LF or OX separately.
  • WBI Classic Stock
  • Added templates for Atmosphere and for Atmosphere + CompressedAtmosphere. These resources no longer blacklisted in OPT Omnistorage and are required for fueling WarpJet SAGE's closed cycle, or fueling air-breathing RCS thrusters.
  • Enabled equivalent mono or bi-propellant RCS fuel mix options.
    • MonoPropellant, Nitronite, CompressedAtmosphere.
    • LiquidFuel + Oxidizer, Propellium + Oxidizer.
  • WarpJets also include alternators for producing CompressedAtmosphere for air-breathing RCS.



Edited by JadeOfMaar
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you must have broken something with the SAGE, as my game is stuck on loading the config for it on gamestart. Using most current version from CKAN.


Best regards


//edit: some more Info: most current game version, most current CKAN version, most current OPT Legacy and Reconfig from CKAN (as per version info in CKAN, the one just released earlier.) It seems to be stuck on reading the cfg file for the SAGE.

Edited by DrKartoffelsalat
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@DrKartoffelsalat I cannot confirm your observation. I just upgraded from 1.5/1.8 to 1.6/1.9 and it loaded without any issues even though I play with lots of mods (sometimes there are conflicts between mods even though they work fine on their own and fine with most other mods, but create unique issues when combined with a specific mod). All the parts work as well, at least as far as I can see.

Did you delete the OPT_Legacy and OPT_Reconfig folders in your GameData directory before applying the new versions? Did you upgrade both, OPT_Legacy & OPT_Reconfig? Did you already try it manually instead of using CKAN? Do you have any mods or custom configs affecting OPT? Sorry for the obvious questions.

Edited by caipi
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@caipi @DrKartoffelsalat The issue described is where the SAGE and SURGE are expecting the IntakeAtm resource but Community Resource Pack (which contains its definition) is not installed. I changed this quite sometime ago (so that they expect stock IntakeAir by default) so this issue should not be happening now.

My guesses are:

  • CKAN is tripping over itself (harshly) in order to produce this situation which was cured a few versions ago).
  • You somehow have an empty GameData/CommunityResourcePack/ directory.

For anything else I'll need to see the KSP/KSP.log and the KSP/Logs/ folder (all nicely wrapped together in a zip file).

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  On 12/30/2019 at 4:14 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@caipi @DrKartoffelsalat The issue described is where the SAGE and SURGE are expecting the IntakeAtm resource but Community Resource Pack (which contains its definition) is not installed. I changed this quite sometime ago (so that they expect stock IntakeAir by default) so this issue should not be happening now.

My guesses are:

  • CKAN is tripping over itself (harshly) in order to produce this situation which was cured a few versions ago).
  • You somehow have an empty GameData/CommunityResourcePack/ directory.

For anything else I'll need to see the KSP/KSP.log and the KSP/Logs/ folder (all nicely wrapped together in a zip file).


Same error for me, the game don't load, i use manual form and not Ckan, the OPT original need work wht 1.7.3 or more oldest EVA archives. This problem happen when i download updade OPT reconfig and OPT legacy. 

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Hi @JadeOfMaar,

i have the most current CRP installed but if i read the configs correctly, there is no such Ressource (IntakeAtm) in CRP, not in the most current version from CKAN ( or from Spacedock. That would likely explain the issue. GameData/CommunityResourcePack/ is not empty at all.


Best regards


//edit: To be clear, there is a ressource definition in the main config, but not ressource config file for IntakeAtm, but i'm not expert :D

Logs to be found here https://workupload.com/file/eVjEhMGY

Edited by DrKartoffelsalat
additional info, added Logs
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I am also having the same issue. Originally downloaded from ckan and the tried to delete all files and download it manually. All to no avail.

Is there somewhere I can get the older version of mods from, until the issue is resolved?

Edited by johns1169
Didn't mean to post it yet.
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I'm having the same problem with the SAGE engine. Loading KSP always hangs up on it. I've tried both with a manual install as well as CKAN install. Ive also tried both manual and CKAN versions of Community Resource Pack. I've also found that the game will load if I manually delete the SAGE folder from the mod file.

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@JadeOfMaar logs here: https://workupload.com/file/eVjEhMGY


[LOG 18:14:37.522] PartLoader: Part 'OPT_Legacy/Parts/Engines/SAGE/OPT_SAGE/opt_sage' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 18:14:37.533] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'opt.sage'
[EXC 18:14:37.565] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    NearFuturePropulsion.VariableISPEngine.GetInfo () (at <3736a42f686d40a3a6f49d2583424429>:0)
    PartLoader.CompilePartInfo (AvailablePart newPartInfo, Part part) (at <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0)
    PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.MoveNext () (at <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <5aeafee3fea24f37abd1315553f2cfa6>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

Maybe some wierd interaction with NFP?


Best regards

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@DrKartoffelsalat Yeah,that would be the connection to the problem. It's best I remove it. There are a few reasons I can see why I can't use NFP's VASIMR plugin the way I want to, now that I know this is the case.

I posted a quick update to Legacy, removing the feature. That problem should be gone now.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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