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[Min KSP 1.12.2] Kerbal Flying Saucers - Build Flying Saucers in KSP!

Angelo Kerman

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6 hours ago, shdwlrd said:

Probably not that heavy, I think he has it up on kerbalx if you want to check it out.

OPT-K series is on my to do list once I get back to my modded install. You'll probably need 4-6 wave generators depending on how much mass you want to send into orbit.

I had Twelve Generators at one point, essentially two full saucers with 6 Electro-Plasma Generators.

I was burning through GravWave immensely fast. I still am, I'm trying to figure out if it's a problem with Electric Charge Generation demand of the Generators themselves, or if maybe I should par down to a simple cluster of Gravitic Engines instead of a Single S-4 Gravitic Engine.

Edited by ToastyOats
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52 minutes ago, ToastyOats said:

I had Twelve Generators at one point, essentially two full saucers with 6 Electro-Plasma Generators.

I was burning through GravWave immensely fast. I still am, I'm trying to figure out if it's a problem with Electric Charge Generation demand of the Generators themselves, or if maybe I should par down to a simple cluster of Gravitic Engines instead of a Single S-4 Gravitic Engine.

Some questions for you. Are you using the fusion reactors to power the gravity wave generators? What is the total mass of your craft? Did you update KSP to 1.5?

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10 hours ago, shdwlrd said:

Some questions for you. Are you using the fusion reactors to power the gravity wave generators? What is the total mass of your craft? Did you update KSP to 1.5?

I'm not using the S.A.F.E.R but the more advanced fusion reactor, yes.

No I avoid updating when I can, most of the mods I like only just recently got up to 1.4.5 compatibility.

I'm more concerned about getting the tonnage per gravitic generator, and it's energy requirements down rather then the size of my ship atm.


I chose a close to 300t vessel tho (for internal volume for components and cargo)

"Vessel" I chose was a OPT-K Cargo SSTO lol, it just so happens to be able to fit an entire saucer worth of Gravitic Generators in a 6m Fuel section.

Edited by ToastyOats
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Kerbal Flying Saucers 0.3.12 is now available.
GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/FlyingSaucers/releases/tag/v0.3.12
Last release for KSP 1.4.5!

Bug Fixes & Enhancements
- Fixed issue where switching Play Modes would cause some files to not be renamed and cause all kinds of fun for players...
NOTE: For the changes to take effect, you'll need to switch your Play Mode to some mode other than the current one, then switch it to the desired mode.

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6 hours ago, ToastyOats said:

I chose a close to 300t vessel tho (for internal volume for components and cargo)

Just covering my bases with the power source and KSP update questions. :)

You're using a larger OPT craft. If you follow this rule I use, you shouldn't have a problem. 1 reactor and gravity wave generator per 30 tonnes plus one. As for gravity wave depletion, you'll need to throttle down. (I try to keep the throttle above 65%.) Very heavy loads will deplete the gravity waves faster. 

If you don't want to throttle down, then you'll have to increase the number of wave generators (about double), or decrease the weight of the craft and/or cargo (about half).

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Just to let people know, development is slowed due to all the bug stomping and real life stuff going on, but I haven’t forgotten about the mothership. Most recently I did some plugin work on the OmniStorage and OmniConverter for quality of life improvements, and that directly applies to the mothership. I still need to create the basic look, but the template parts are ready for texturing...

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Kerbal Flying Saucers 0.4.0 is now available.
GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/FlyingSaucers/releases/tag/v0.4.0
- Updated to KSP 1.5.X
- Fixed issues with the Kray Kray experiment not working properly.
- The Kray Kray now properly unlocks whole tech tree nodes upon a successful breakthrough research result.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/18/2018 at 1:29 AM, shdwlrd said:

I may have gone overboard with the engines... 


But the rate of acceleration... (380 m/m/s)


Then you realize how long it would take to reach 1% of the speed of light. :( Need more power...

The real question is, can you make Duna in a day?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Loving these!

the default craft seem a little unbalenced when empty, espically the 'b' if you have no lfo and drop below 50% mono it starts flippin on you, could do with a touch more cocp pit weight... i solved it with a Tac container :p

never mind, found the lead

Edited by Space Kadet
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1 hour ago, Space Kadet said:

Damn you  @Angel-125 ! This mod is great, its so good i liquided away all evening designing crafts for it instead of doing what i should have been doing!

idea thow, a long central core and flat side bits for making oval freighters :p 

Glad you're enjoying the mod! :) I've been hip deep in Pathfinder updates for the past couple of months and am trying to finish up the Sandcastle release. You can see the prototype for the mothership in the KFS mod, but they're most definitely not ready yet. But early next year I'm back to KFS. Thanks for the suggestions. :)

P.S. Don't forget to check out Crazy Mode!

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4 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

Glad you're enjoying the mod! :) I've been hip deep in Pathfinder updates for the past couple of months and am trying to finish up the Sandcastle release. You can see the prototype for the mothership in the KFS mod, but they're most definitely not ready yet. But early next year I'm back to KFS. Thanks for the suggestions. :)

P.S. Don't forget to check out Crazy Mode!

havent tried crazy yet, i think im puttin my ideas in my videos, they seem to work.

And as always my suggestions are just that, i know you have a mental ammount on your hands! and its all great!

Explodes alot in my hands.... But Great!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right i have ideas, and i know you are working on other mods, and you may not like how they fit but u never know. First off parts with flat bottoms or töps or both so you cou stack saucer parts, i.e. a 3 high saucer. 

And adapters that go from half a ship to2.5/3m sectuons. Then a long central core and parts that clip to that. 

A core section that is a drone core.

Different cargo configurations, i.e. bottom opening that looks right, end opening etc.

I know this is all along way off, but this has kept me interested in hospital. So thanks!



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4 hours ago, Space Kadet said:

Right i have ideas, and i know you are working on other mods, and you may not like how they fit but u never know. First off parts with flat bottoms or töps or both so you cou stack saucer parts, i.e. a 3 high saucer. 

And adapters that go from half a ship to2.5/3m sectuons. Then a long central core and parts that clip to that. 

A core section that is a drone core.

Different cargo configurations, i.e. bottom opening that looks right, end opening etc.

I know this is all along way off, but this has kept me interested in hospital. So thanks!



I’ll definitely consider it. There are adapters from the saucer to mk2, size 1.875, and size 2, so maybe something like core to 1.25 would work. Will the saucer make an appearance in Eve Space Project?

And damn, hope you recover soon!

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17 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

I’ll definitely consider it. There are adapters from the saucer to mk2, size 1.875, and size 2, so maybe something like core to 1.25 would work. Will the saucer make an appearance in Eve Space Project?

oh yes! the problem is is im trying not to go over board! we shall see what i use... i speand 4 days making different craft,  some might explain more what im lookin at :p 

I'm all good, it was the wife havin a kid :p 

oh for the adapters, i was meaning from a half saucer kinda like some one posted before.

On 7/6/2018 at 10:48 AM, shdwlrd said:



i mean like @shdwlrd's creation here, i love this design!

buy anyways, keep up the good work, and srtup a paetron! 

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