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[Min KSP 1.12.2] Kerbal Flying Saucers - Build Flying Saucers in KSP!

Angelo Kerman

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2 hours ago, Don0303 said:

every time i put crew in one of the space object saucers, i cant switch back to it after because i "dont own it" is there a way around this?

I've managed to take control of anomalies by grappling onto it with a grapple claw and messing around with the vessel naming

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@Angel-125 I made the bump from KFS 0.6.8 to 0.6.15.  These are common parts modules that are showing up as missing
- WBIGravaticEngineGenerator
- WBIModuleGravaticRCS
- WBIPlumeController
- WBIResourceDischarger

I'm thinking that I missed something between 0.6.8 and 0.6.15.  Any thoughts?

UPDATE:  I reverted to 0.6.8 then upgraded to 0.6.9 then 0.6.14 and finally 0.6.15 and all is fine.  I wonder if something got mangled somewhere as I was looking at files.  Carry on.  All is fine!  Just fine!  Sorry

FURTHER UPDATE:  The issue was with Norton AV quarantining FlyingSaucers.dll due to lack of reputation.  Norton hasn't seen enough downloads of the dll and so considers it a risk.  Idjits.  I ran into this with BlueShift

Edited by Ooglak Kerman
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Though.... as with Blueshift, the sliders for the thrust limiters are gone - replaced with text boxes for numbers.

UPDATE:  There is a "#" button in the upper right of the part action window.  This lets you toggle between a slider and entering absolute numbers. 

Huhhhh... :facepalm:  ...embarrassment

Edited by Ooglak Kerman
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On 5/28/2022 at 10:38 AM, Ravenspetdragon said:

I am having an issue here, KSP Community fixes is saying that the mod's dll isn't loading. 

Log: https://controlc.com/c9277345


@Ravenspetdragon Check for the existence of the following in /GameData

I have been having persistent problems with my anti-virus (Norton) quarantining  .dll files due to "Lack of Reputation"  meaning that not enough people have downloaded it for the algorithm to decide it's ok.

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@Angel-125 What is it on the gravatic engine that triggers the availability of crazy mode?  I'm working on gravatic powered landers and in testing, the landing seems to always be on a slope and the craft slides.  When I restart the gravatic, I can take off in hover mode, but crazy mode does not engage.

Do you have to be landed AND stopped before taking off again for crazy mode to engage?

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15 minutes ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

@Angel-125 What is it on the gravatic engine that triggers the availability of crazy mode?  I'm working on gravatic powered landers and in testing, the landing seems to always be on a slope and the craft slides.  When I restart the gravatic, I can take off in hover mode, but crazy mode does not engage.

Do you have to be landed AND stopped before taking off again for crazy mode to engage?

You have to be flying or suborbital, and you need hover mode on.

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1 minute ago, Angel-125 said:

You have to be flying or suborbital, and you need hover mode on.

Yeah.  I had touched down, fell over,  and then took off again in hover mode, but it wouldn't engage.  I think I figured the issue though.  I cheated out to Laythe orbit and didn't have the gear extended on the pad before cheating to Laythe.  I think the whole thing started from a "between" state.

Note to self: make sure to heavily limit the throttle for crazy mode and NOT the RCS.  BOOM.

See why you call it "Crazy Mode".  It'll drive you crazy trying to figure out which direction it will go.  So much BOOM!

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Getting rid of lateral velocity has proven to be quite a thing with a gravatic landing.  Appears to involve a direction arrow, throttle and then the 0 button. 

I've pretty well settled on 3 landers though.

One for low gravity worlds and the landing is with ye olde chem rockets.  Only need enough dV to land and then take off with the gravatic.
One for medium gravity worlds with no atmosphere.  Again.  Ye olde chem rockets for landing and then gravatic to wander about and/or leave.  Tylo remains a problem.
One for worlds with atmosphere.  (less Eve).  Haven't worked out if to use just gravatic or chem/gravatic combo.

Whole new world of stuff.  Warp / Gravatic makes it much easier in some ways and MUCH more difficult in others.

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@Angel-125 It sure seems there is  something wonky about the crazy mode - though it's an annoyance more than anything.

Took off from Kerbin.  Lifted up on gravatic and crazy mode worked fine



Flew out to Vall under warp power and auto-circularized at 600KM.  This little ship will do about 2.5C interplanetary.  Quite adequate.  Gobs... love those plasma vents.  So pretty!

Adjusted Vall orbit with gravatic to 60KM and landed with chem rockets - not gravatic.

I landed on a goodly slope and the ship fell over on landing.  Probably would have been all asplody on a high gravity world.  Used the gravatic to pick the ship up and right it, but now the crazy mode will not work.  So I tip the ship over in the direction I want to go and use the main throttle.  VSPD 0 will stop ya as long as the velocity isn't too high.



At this next pic, I've landed - turned off the gravatic - exited the Flight Operations pane and restarted gravatic.  Still no crazy mode.



Am I missing something?  I didn't try a quick save to see if that would fix things up. 
Truth be told, though the method of tipping over and using the main throttle is quite predictable though slower.  I've had a heck of a time with crazy mode.

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Just now, Angel-125 said:

@Ooglak Kerman I think I need more detailed steps to reproduce this issue since I'm unable to do so.


I'll see what I can do.  It seems to be in rather specific circumstances involved with landing on a slope, sliding, and falling over.  I consider it more of an annoyance than anything and I've not yet managed to cause it and then see if a quick save and revert would fix.

And I've got a load of "intrepid space adventurers" to.... ummm... bamboozle?

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Hey all, thought I'd share this simple Module Manager patch I made for people using Interstellar Fuel Switch.

If you have IFS installed and are using the patch that adds fuel switch to all LFO tanks, certain KFS parts will have Interstellar Fuel Switch active as well as Omni Storage, which kinda breaks Omni Storage.

In my experience, this causes issues with parts like Flapjack wing tanks or structural keels. Changing a wing tank's LFO storage to instead store Fusion Pellets and Snacks using Omni Storage, for instance, will cause the vessel to regain its LFO storage when the ship is reloaded, in addition to Fusion Pellets and Snacks. This happens every time you load it(and I believe it ignores the amount of LFO you set, so you can't drain the part in the editor to fix it), and cannot really be fixed otherwise without disabling Interstellar Fuel Switch.

This patch also disables IFS for the parts that store XenonGas, since you kind of need that to vent Static Charge, but if you want you can just remove the code for the wbiA51GravimetricGenerator, wbiS4EngineeringCore, and wbiS4GraviticEngineCore, and keep IFS active on those parts, since it's less of a problem, more of a little nitpick of mine.

Copy and paste this into a .cfg file and put it in your GameData folder, possibly inside another folder with a name like KFS InterstellarFuelSwitch Disabler, I don't remember if that's necessary.

Patch below:


// Disables IFS on KFS parts with Omni Storage or XenonGas storage

    !MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch] {}
    !MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch] {}
    !MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch] {}
    !MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch] {}
    !MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch] {}
    !MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch] {}
    !MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch] {}

//A-51 Flapjack
    !MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch] {}
    !MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch] {}
    !MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch] {}
    !MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch] {}

    !MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch] {}
    !MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch] {}


Angel, if you want to include this or improve it as IFS compatibility, go right ahead- I just threw this together after just (kinda) learning how to use Module Manager.

I don't know if I have to specify a license for this little patch, but just in case, this code uses the MIT License:


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2022 Lithobraker

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.




Edit- Unrelated, but while I'm at it, is there some way to calculate the dV offered by any given gravimetric engine / vessel mass / amount of Graviolium? Early testing seems to indicate that even just a little bit of Graviolium will go a LONG way, but it'd be nice to know how long.

Edited by Lithium-7
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There have been questions about the alien UFO anomaly that KFS provides.  I've been playing with those quite a bit - along with the "triangly thing with stars in it".

The only thing you really NEED to do is to stick an antenna that is capable of reaching Kerbin directly or via a relay onto the UFO.  You will then be able to switch to it from the tracking station.  If you wish to take it for a drive or use it as a mobile Bar&Grill, then you need to gas it up with propellium, graviolium, and zenon gas.  I've not tried driving one around, but it looks like you will also need a pilot.  It's got a buff reaction wheel on board, so it should maneuver right sporty-like.

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I've been using the gravatic drive for launching ships for a while now with great result and am now working on re-entry.  When in crazy mode coming in for a landing, how do you get rid of residual velocity?  I can't seem to bring leftover prograde velocity to zero so that it comes straight down.  Thoughts?  Hints?

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18 minutes ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

I've been using the gravatic drive for launching ships for a while now with great result and am now working on re-entry.  When in crazy mode coming in for a landing, how do you get rid of residual velocity?  I can't seem to bring leftover prograde velocity to zero so that it comes straight down.  Thoughts?  Hints?

Try slowing using the gravitic engine first, then engage crazy mode.

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