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[1.12.x] Textures Unlimited Recolour Depot

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could you possible write two optional configs, one that excludes all conflicting parts from being affected by turd (leaving restock versions) and a second that excludes all conflicting parts from being affected by restock (leaving the stock versions with recolor functions). That way any user can pick the part versions they want and delete the rest, leaving two configs that should be transferable after an update. Something like Restock-Overrides-TURD.cfg and TURD-Overrides-Restock.cfg

There are many restock parts that I like better and am happy with as far as the variants (mostly rocket parts) but there are also parts that I would rather recolor, even if they have crappier models. The Mk1 inline docking port is a good example. The restock part looks much better, but you can't color it to match the rest of a craft. As I've said in older posts, I mainly want TURD for painting aircraft and spaceplanes, and I think that's true of a lot of users.

I can edit patches, but writing them myself hasn't really manifested. I would try to do this myself, but I don't know where to start.

Of course the holy grail would be to just add the recolor parts as another stock variant so you can switch between the different models in game, but I assume that's harder to do.

On a side note, if you could use and implement color maps for restock parts, I would be happy to take a swing at making them. I'm a graphic designer and I've edited dds files in the past. I'm sure I can easily replicate your RGB color blocking. If there are any quirks or dds settings I should know, please fill me in.

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First things first. The Stock recolour file has been updated. There's a bit of a cleanup along with some of the new parts being configured. The cleanup involved removing some of the old parts that are no longer located in the GameData folder. I know some still exist outside in a deprecated folder but consider them gone, breakage may occur. You've been warned.

Along with this update, against my better judgement in a way, the configs are moving toward Restock compatibility. This means that if Restock is installed, some files are blacklisted and certain configs will not load. For now, all I have done is look at the paths in the Restock blacklist file for the stock parts it prevents loading. Where these conflict with TURD, I have put measures in place to prevent that. This by no means...means there are no issues. I'd rather spend my time at least trying to finish getting Stock parts up to some semblance of completion, for now. If you find Restock parts with messed up variants or a TU texture switch slider that does nothing, name the part and I'll implement measures to prevent that.

Before installing, delete the existing TURD folder from you install. There's also no need to delete the variant remover cfg. It should all be taken care of by "NEEDS" and at some point in the future, this file will no longer exist anyway...hopefully.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Electrocutor I appreciate the offer. I'm close to releasing a significant update which I had hoped would be done by this weekend. There's a few more things I want to get done.


Edit: Ok, I've had a bit to drink but where's the like button gone?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, in true TURD style, just before a KSP update, there's an update to the recolour packs.

Be advised, this will, again, break saved craft and those in flight if you install it. They should only revert to stock materials I think so it's not game breaking but I figure the warning should be given. All parts now use the normalising shader and for the most part have normalisation values. There are odd parts I have not quite got round to doing but they are those I would consider less important. The values are also "ball park". The part with values re not necessarily finalised in a lot of cases but they are close. Future changes to these values may alter the look of craft in flight and those with saved schemes but hopefully not significantly.

There's a distinct difference in what people are used to from previous versions and it is now more inline with the intended usage of this particular feature of Textures Unlimited.

If people find broken things and weirdness, please let  me know. Reporting things helps fix them quicker. Of particular interest is preventing the conflicts when ReStock is installed as I will likely not find these unless they are reported.


Otherwise, I hope people find this update pleasing.


Edit: Oh....and I made a profile pic :D

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Hello there ! I have a pretty noob question to ask today. I installed TU through CKAN  and then TURD and I have this issue that  I can't find the recoloring gui for adjusting the colour of the parts, all I have is a slider going from Stock, to "It's all shiny" to "Bob Ross".  So maybe it's just me who doesn't understand how it all works but a little help coulb be great ! I also realised that I had nothing on the OPT parts although I downloaded the pack for this mod along with the stock core and the Mk2 pack. Then I also have no idea if this is supposed to work with BDB, but I think I saw videos where it looks like it did.

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To open the recolour GUI, when you have the "Bob Ross" set selected a new button should appear in the menu, typically right at the bottom of the list but above any fuel sliders. Clicking it should open the GUI.

I forgot to mention that the OPT pack is not updated to the new normalisation shaders. I'm working on it right now, probably a bit more than half way through, so that will come Soon™. It might also be worth mentioning, it only covers the main OPT pack which might explain why you are not seeing a slider. The "legacy" pack has not been covered.

Lastly, no, none of these packs apply anything to BDB. I've not seen any recolour packs for that but I do think some people may have uploaded configs for applying the metallic shaders. Finding them would most likely require digging through the main Textures Unlimited or BDB threads.

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23 minutes ago, Manwith Noname said:

To open the recolour GUI, when you have the "Bob Ross" set selected a new button should appear in the menu, typically right at the bottom of the list but above any fuel sliders. Clicking it should open the GUI.

I forgot to mention that the OPT pack is not updated to the new normalisation shaders. I'm working on it right now, probably a bit more than half way through, so that will come Soon™. It might also be worth mentioning, it only covers the main OPT pack which might explain why you are not seeing a slider. The "legacy" pack has not been covered.

Ah alright, I probably didn't see it ! Thank you for your help and your speed honestly , this is really cool !

24 minutes ago, Manwith Noname said:

Lastly, no, none of these packs apply anything to BDB. I've not seen any recolour packs for that but I do think some people may have uploaded configs for applying the metallic shaders. Finding them would most likely require digging through the main Textures Unlimited or BDB threads.

Okay yeah, that makes sense, I don't know if I'll go this far, but thanks again for this too.

I'll post pictures when I can !

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Heh, that's a bit more than what the recolour pack does from my view. I did however find another mod which adds a CST-100 Starliner. The following link takes you to a community update of it...

In other news:

OPT Recolour is now updated to use normalisation shaders. There's also a minor update to the Stock Recolour pack, mainly to add alternate texture sets to MK2 parts and form clean line with those in OPT. The original design intention for MK2 was to mimic the SR-71 stripes as when Space Plane plus released, that's what I saw. Keeping that flow across parts authored by different people became noticeably painful when adding them to some of the OPT MK2 designs, so, I copped out and simplified it but then, I'd kinda intended to make alternate texture sets like this for a while. I've yet to apply the alternate textures to MK2 Expansion but that will come at some point.

Also, to make it clear, this is still for 1.7.x. I haven't even tried running 1.8 with TU because I strongly suspect it's broken. I did however try "backporting" (read copy and pasting) the new 1.8 parts to get started on working with them but they failed to compile during load.


No pics no Clicks? An example of the OPT pack below...



It is mostly two tone, K Series is currently mostly one layer. I recommend painting any unused layers the same as the primary colour to avoid weirdness if / when the designs receive a refresh. As previously, delete current installs before adding these packs. Stock recolour shouldn't break any stock parts with texture sets applied, OPT on the other hand will (as in any parts with the previous OPT texture sets will need to be reapplied and will typically revert to a stock look until that is done). These kind of breakages shouldn't really happen in the future. They've been intentional due to the significant change of results when moving from the old "tint" shader to the new ones.



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Heya! First off this mod is amazing :)

I found nothing that didn't work as intended although some stock aero parts like the longer nosecones and the 1.25m to 0.625m ncs cone weren't supported. 

Secondly, is it possible to get this working on B9 procedural wings? I've tried doing it myself but it's beyond my knowledge pretty much. 


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3 hours ago, Cruss said:

I found nothing that didn't work as intended although some stock aero parts like the longer nosecones and the 1.25m to 0.625m ncs cone weren't supported. 

Ah, do you have Restock installed? These are currently in the black list and do not get patches applied when Restock is present. They also need revisiting in the 1.8 update because Squad changed the folder structure and added some more variants. If Restock isn't adjusting the NCS Cone then I can look at changing what I've done there to prevent conflicts. It was a pretty quick "hotfix" and only based on what I found in their own distributed blacklist, so there might be some mistakes as I didn't install Restock to check anything. This is exactly the kind of report I was hoping for, so thanks.


3 hours ago, Cruss said:

Secondly, is it possible to get this working on B9 procedural wings? I've tried doing it myself but it's beyond my knowledge pretty much. 

This was briefly discussed not so long ago (on the previous page I think). Essentially, B9 Proc Wings distributes with it's own recolouring shader, so getting things to play nicely with TU is...tricky and I suspect not possible without some severe code change in the plugins. Most likely, it would require a B9 Proc Wings distribution with the recolour component removed. During the KerbPaint era I did make some updates to the non B9 Proc Wings recolouring and it might well be possible to port these to TU, though, having not looked at that for a while it would probably be better starting them from scratch depending on what changes have occurred there with the supplied textures.

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1 hour ago, Manwith Noname said:

Ah, do you have Restock installed? These are currently in the black list and do not get patches applied when Restock is present. They also need revisiting in the 1.8 update because Squad changed the folder structure and added some more variants. If Restock isn't adjusting the NCS Cone then I can look at changing what I've done there to prevent conflicts. It was a pretty quick "hotfix" and only based on what I found in their own distributed blacklist, so there might be some mistakes as I didn't install Restock to check anything. This is exactly the kind of report I was hoping for, so thanks.


This was briefly discussed not so long ago (on the previous page I think). Essentially, B9 Proc Wings distributes with it's own recolouring shader, so getting things to play nicely with TU is...tricky and I suspect not possible without some severe code change in the plugins. Most likely, it would require a B9 Proc Wings distribution with the recolour component removed. During the KerbPaint era I did make some updates to the non B9 Proc Wings recolouring and it might well be possible to port these to TU, though, having not looked at that for a while it would probably be better starting them from scratch depending on what changes have occurred there with the supplied textures.

I do have restock indeed but I don't know if these specific parts are touched by that mod. I'll see if I can find something out tomorrow!

I did find one that is a bug I think, the supersonic inline intake, with the confusing part name ( i think it's called something with radial because it allows surface attach or was that the rapier lol, the one commonly used with that.). It is configurable in the vab/sph but once you launch the craft it reverts back to its original texture. If you need further clarification I'll upload a screenshot!

About B9 proc wings: I realised something like that shortly after I asked it. :) It seems easier to modify b9 proc. Wings to include some sort of metallic/specular settings then! 

I played around with the non b9 pwings(for 1.3 but it worked on 1.7.3) aswell! The patches to make it FAR compatible had deprecated syntax but that was fixed easily. But no colour options sadly on the version i had, that, combined with b9's somewhat superior control system made me stick with b9.

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3 hours ago, Cruss said:

I did find one that is a bug I think, the supersonic inline intake, with the confusing part name ( i think it's called something with radial because it allows surface attach or was that the rapier lol, the one commonly used with that.). It is configurable in the vab/sph but once you launch the craft it reverts back to its original texture. If you need further clarification I'll upload a screenshot!

Hmm, I read this earlier and just got round to checking it. Now reading it again I forgot you said inline intake, the radial attachment stuck in my mind, so this is the shot I have...



Don't mind the debris, it's not a "craft" but all the parts from the aero folder of the install. I thought adding a launch clamp near the center of mass would keep it safe but apparently not. I would check again because despite it not being in the pic, the inline airtake also maintained the paint job. Though I just thought, do you mean it reverts back to the RGB scheme despite you changing it? Hmm, I'll double check that but I do generally paint parts and "launch" them just to see how things look outside the editor and make sure everything is generally ok.

I also made a start on setting up some 1.8 parts...





Edit: Ok, I'm kinda stumped...MOAR INTAKES!




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This is in SPH:



The cockpit is a upside down mk1 cockpit, with the maintenance panel coloured blue ^^

And when i launch it: ( I added some of those non functional nosecones, these don't even have the appearance slider, this goes for all making history parts too as far as i could tell, these are changed by some mod though because they all have an additional "black" texture in addition to MH's own textures.)



I'll try if the "it's all shiny" preset, or other colours makes any difference for the inline airtake we talked about earlier :)

edit: Both the It's all shiny and rgb Bob Ross preset revert to stock textures. 

Edit 2: the nosecones are changed by restock indeed. Below is an overview of all my mods: (The only mod that changes anything on that intake is interstellar extended but it does not touch the textures afaik. it only adds a module called sabreheating, which mimics overheating if a precooler is not present.) 


KSP: 1.7.3 (Win64) - Unity: 2017.1.3p1 - OS: Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
ClickThroughBlocker -
Filter Extensions -
TexturesUnlimited -
ToolbarControl -
AtmosphereAutopilot - 1.5.15
B9 Part Switch - 2.11
Community Resource Pack - 1.2
CommunityTechTree - 3.3.7
AdvancedTextures - 1.7.3
DynamicBatteryStorage - 2.0.6
Ferram Aerospace Research -
FShangarExtender - 3.5.5
HeapPadder -
HideEmptyTechTreeNodes - 1.1.1
Interstellar Fuel Switch -
Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.6
Kerbal Foundries -
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.5
KerbalKonstructs -
<b><color=#CA7B3C>Kopernicus</color></b> -
AdvancedFlyByWire -
KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.3.1
KSPWheel -
ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.6
NearFutureConstruction - 1.1.4
NearFutureElectrical - 1.0.3
NearFutureLaunchVehicles - 1.2.3
NearFutureProps - 0.5.1
NearFuturePropulsion - 1.1.1
NearFutureSolar - 1.0.5
NearFutureSpacecraft - 1.2.4
Photon Sailor -
Procedural Parts - 1.3.18
RealPlume - Stock - 2.0
RealSolarSystem - 16.2
ReStock - 0.1.4
ReStockPlus - 0.1.4
SMURFF - 1.9
TextureReplacer - 3.7
TweakScale -
KSP Interstellar Extended -
World Stabilizer - 0.9.5

Edit 3: Maybe this matters, I use a rather weak, passive gfx card atm, it doesn't support dx11, although it is forced to run in dx11! 

Edit 4: The "chrome" colour preset doesn't seem to work, this is what made me think directX might be related but I'm really geussing here. It looks essentially like vantablack(its darker than absolute black).

Other than that I only found that the mk2 expansion pack has gotten some new parts since you made those files. There are a few engines and rcs systems that are unsupported or not working properly:

"configurable oms blister" (4 variants), there are 3 variants of that, that either uses intake air, lf/ox or monoprop.

"Eep-13 Spirit Ion thruster" is supported but not working as intended, it has 3 different textures but only 1 seems to have an effect.

"Je-1 mule turbofan" is unsupported.



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Hmm, I'll have another look at the MK2 Expansion pack at some point, I did go through it with the most recent download at the time. I'll be checking a lot of it anyway because I'm adding the alternate MK2 paints I made. Those I have applied so far gave some interesting different results due to how the stock textures have been distorted to fit the meshes.

On the stock inline pre cooler, yes, it's certainly related to Interstellar. I've found it borks the NERV, the Nacelle and radiators along with the pre cooler so far. Maybe more.

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13 minutes ago, Manwith Noname said:


On the stock inline pre cooler, yes, it's certainly related to Interstellar. I've found it borks the NERV, the Nacelle and radiators along with the pre cooler so far. Maybe more.

I can confirm that the nacelle shows similar behavior, reverting to stock textures and that the NERV doesn't show the appearance slider indeed! Maybe @FreeThinker knows more :)

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Ok, here we go, this should be acceptable.


		%showColorHeat = False


For now, create a .cfg file somewhere in GameData and paste that to it. I'm thinking I'll probably bundle some of the other patch fixes and this in to the Standardised Switching folder at some point but this can do for now without any need to force a download on people.

From my investigation and testing, this should simply disable any shader effects coming from the module on these parts and not cause other issues. If it becomes apparent other parts are affected or it presents other issues, I can look at changing it.


Edit: Oh yeah, took this to show it functioning...




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11 hours ago, Manwith Noname said:

Ok, here we go, this should be acceptable.

  Hide contents

		%showColorHeat = False


For now, create a .cfg file somewhere in GameData and paste that to it. I'm thinking I'll probably bundle some of the other patch fixes and this in to the Standardised Switching folder at some point but this can do for now without any need to force a download on people.

From my investigation and testing, this should simply disable any shader effects coming from the module on these parts and not cause other issues. If it becomes apparent other parts are affected or it presents other issues, I can look at changing it.


Edit: Oh yeah, took this to show it functioning...

  Hide contents



Ahhh yes that explains! I never thought of the heat effects on them. Thank you! 

That SRB looks great by the way :)

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