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[1.12.x] Textures Unlimited Recolour Depot

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Hello, just want to start off with a massive thank you for a wonderful mod! I really love stuff like this that lets you customise things aesthetically and make it your own. It adds so much character to designs and the metallic effects are gorgeous too. I'm really looking forward to putting a visually cohesive station up for once!

With that said, I've run into a couple of small problems with the foil tanks. First a simple fix I've resolved but will post for others who might not realise how to fix it, second is a little beyond me I think but seems like something in a config file maybe?

First up, the texture for the foil tank is rotated incorrectly, so it looks like this (fix info for users is included here, I'm certain this is just an oversight on your part):

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Second issue is the little Variant buttons don't seem to do anything. Whether set to Squad or All Shiny on the slider, switching between Gold and Silver doesn't change anything.
Changing from Squad to All Shiny does work, turning on the lovely shiny surface, so good news there. I'm guessing this is probably something in a config file though so I'm lost there, unfortunately I can't just rotate some code 90 degrees and hope for the best.

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I'm running KSP 1.11 so if this is actually an issue of incompatibility please forgive the ignorance. I read through previous pages and didn't see anything to say one way or the other but I got a little lost in some of the conversation about patches and the various configs.

Everything else seems to be working great so far though, so thanks again! Thoroughly looking forward to further updates whenever they may come! :D

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@Wombatlord Hey, glad you enjoy the things that work :D

Your issues lie in the fact those parts were changed by Squad in 1.10 and I have yet to upload a compatible version. There are other similar issues, the grabber is all funky from memory, the kickback too I think it was, struts, fuel lines may also have been borked along with some other stuff. Some good news on that front though...


1.10 Compatible Pack (Completely delete old version to prevent weirdness)

That should sort all of it. I may revisit the single bell poodle, not for any major redesign of the masking but to get rid of things I hate in the default texture. I try not to doctor stock diffuse textures but sometimes they really bug me.


It does depend on the Dev version of the Textures Unlimited dll though, grab that here and place it appropriately so it overwrites your existing file.


I may put together a pack that bundles a feature complete version of TU at some point but I try to avoid that as it's the kind of thing that bugs me when grabbing other mods which package old dependencies. For the most part, the standard release of TU works fine, some parts however rely on a very specific feature that was added to get more sub sections on parts utilising the stock variant system.

As with the last update, I won't update the OP or thread title with this so people hopefully read the post and get the instructions.



Oh, I should probably add, expect similar jankiness when using in 1.11, haha. It's not too bad off the top of my head, the RCS block is borked and needs redoing and new parts obviously have no config.

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Loving this mod, really made my career game more enjoyable. Noticed a minor glitch with the supersonic cockpit from mk3 expansion:

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Edit: one more thing, what's the current status/roadmap? Are there any plans for more mod integrations? 

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@Moose Thanks. It's no biggie. For the most part I enjoy doing it, when it gets tiresome I just put it to one side and pick it up again later. No feeling of being forced or guilt because I want it too, even though I don't play so much, it's just something I think should exist, so I make it happen when I can and feel inclined.

@Apelsin Thanks. I'll have a look when I can. I haven't really been checking the individual packs so posting things like this is helpful as the mods they cover probably get updated now and then. I have a couple of other mod packs locally but I'm not entirely happy with them as it stands right now, plus I'm not sure of their status in terms of compatibility in current versions of KSP.




The OP has been updated and now contains a stock recolour pack compatible with KSP 1.11.x. Whilst getting this up and running, as someone poked me about and I had been meaning to do it for some time, stock wings now have an alternate version which allows the edging to be painted. See spoiler for pics and surprises.

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There's also a pack covering B9 Procedural Wings. This will only work with forks that have the required changes surrounding disabling B9 features when a TU config is applied (This tetraflon fork seems good). You will also need to delete the config supplied with those forks which utilises Procedural Parts textures. The reason for this is as previously mentioned in this and the B9 thread, the configs supplied with B9pWings do not work correctly when you start making full use of other B9 pWings features (changing leading and trailing edge shapes), my configs correct that and also include a similar patch that will make those procedural parts textures available if that mod is also present.

No pics for this, they're on the previous page, I think. As usual, let me know of issues, errors...things subject to change...blah blah blah. Have fun.

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Here to report a few more bugs:

-Most Mk2 and Mk3 extension SRBs have messed up textures (black patches or all grey). 

-Feline Utility Rovers' glass textures turned pitch black when I installed this mod (both cabins and the passenger module&lab). 

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My game gets stuck loading with this mod installed. Specifically gets stuck loading a B9 SRB. It was actually working fine until I download the tetraflon pWings fork and deleting the B9PWingsunlimited.cfg

EDIT: Turns out Tetraflons fork is dependent on FAR. Game hangs when loading that fork and not having far installed. So you either have to Tetraflons PWings fork + FAR +  TURD in order to recolour the procedural wings and have no issues. As far as I've come to understand anyway...

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  On 1/23/2021 at 6:29 PM, Apelsin said:

-Feline Utility Rovers' glass textures turned pitch black when I installed this mod (both cabins and the passenger module&lab). 


My suspicion here is that you either don't have reflections enabled in the game options or you have the render quality set below good. At least from memory good is the minimum setting for the reflection options to be effective.

  On 1/24/2021 at 12:39 AM, GM2021 said:

My game gets stuck loading with this mod installed. Specifically gets stuck loading a B9 SRB. It was actually working fine until I download the tetraflon pWings fork and deleting the B9PWingsunlimited.cfg

EDIT: Turns out Tetraflons fork is dependent on FAR. Game hangs when loading that fork and not having far installed. So you either have to Tetraflons PWings fork + FAR +  TURD in order to recolour the procedural wings and have no issues. As far as I've come to understand anyway...


Hmm, I tried a number of the various forks for B9 pWings and had success with the one I linked. Others didn't stick paint jobs when going to the flight scene. I also didn't install FAR. So, while I may have experienced odd things if I had used the wings in anger (as in used them to fly), everything loaded fine and seemed to function correctly. I'll double check things my end at some point.



I've gone through the MK2 and MK3 Expansion packs and updated them. They should be good for the latest versions of the respective mods I found. In the process of going through these it became apparent an unintended texture had slipped in to the Stock recolour pack so that has been rectified and updated in the download. I previously made a texture to demonstrate issues with UV layouts and so one of the MK3 paint masks had a green spot. As I was trying to run through these quite quickly I might have suffered from a bit of code blindness so let me know of any errors and all that stuff.

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  On 1/24/2021 at 5:09 PM, Manwith Noname said:

My suspicion here is that you either don't have reflections enabled in the game options or you have the render quality set below good. At least from memory good is the minimum setting for the reflection options to be effective.

Hmm, I tried a number of the various forks for B9 pWings and had success with the one I linked. Others didn't stick paint jobs when going to the flight scene. I also didn't install FAR. So, while I may have experienced odd things if I had used the wings in anger (as in used them to fly), everything loaded fine and seemed to function correctly. I'll double check things my end at some point.



I've gone through the MK2 and MK3 Expansion packs and updated them. They should be good for the latest versions of the respective mods I found. In the process of going through these it became apparent an unintended texture had slipped in to the Stock recolour pack so that has been rectified and updated in the download. I previously made a texture to demonstrate issues with UV layouts and so one of the MK3 paint masks had a green spot. As I was trying to run through these quite quickly I might have suffered from a bit of code blindness so let me know of any errors and all that stuff.


That's great, thank you! The F.U.R. thing turned out to be because of an outdated Textures Unlimited  patch in that mod, disabling it fixed the problem.  For anyone interested the solution is on the last page of the F.U.R. thread.

Also if you can't tell from my new profile pic, I'm having a blast with this mod :)

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@Apelsin I'm not entirely convinced that is the problem. After reading your initial report I downloaded FUR and tested it as it comes with all my configs. It worked fine, well, the windows exhibit the same odd reflection behaviour someone later posted in the thread. The configs are old and contain things not necessary today (the reflection enable section) but they work as intended from my brief testing. Like I said, it's a common problem for parts configured with TU to show black when they are highly reflective under certain conditions because the reflection probe that should be holding the data to put on the part is missing. This happens when either reflection are not enabled or when the global rendering setting is set lower than "good".

You should be able to reinstate the config and double check the graphics options as shown in the spoiler below...

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You don't have to max them out but render quality needs to be good or higher and reflection refresh rate needs to be anything other than off.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, great mod! I'm having a slight problem. As far as I've checked, the mod is working on most of my parts, except for some engines. More specifically, I've noticed that the engines which produce shroud are the ones with the problem. The part-variant buttons are present, but doesn't change the texture. How can I solve this?  

Anyway, thanks for the awesome textures! 

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@RadicalSkeptic Good news and bad news. Based on your comment I created a test in my own install.

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So for me, things work with one exception, the 909 doesn't enable the open GUI button. I know it worked in the past and there's no reason for it to have changed. I had a quick look at the configs and it's not imediately obvious so I'll most likely investigate over the weekend.


For your particular problem as I understand it though, there is potentially a very simple reason why these engines may not function for you. These require a very specific version of Textures Unlimited. I thought I had bundled that in the latest download, so it might be worth ensuring you are using that version. If you are using CKAN to install other mods and the base Textures unlimited plugin, then you will need to manually install the correct dll which should be contained in the current release of the recolour depot or can be found here. Simply download the dll and replace the one located in GameData/000_TexturesUnlimited/Plugins/.

I hope I have understood your problem correctly and this helps. If not, please feel free to provide more detailed information.

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  On 3/12/2021 at 9:09 PM, Manwith Noname said:

@RadicalSkeptic Good news and bad news. Based on your comment I created a test in my own install.

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So for me, things work with one exception, the 909 doesn't enable the open GUI button. I know it worked in the past and there's no reason for it to have changed. I had a quick look at the configs and it's not imediately obvious so I'll most likely investigate over the weekend.


For your particular problem as I understand it though, there is potentially a very simple reason why these engines may not function for you. These require a very specific version of Textures Unlimited. I thought I had bundled that in the latest download, so it might be worth ensuring you are using that version. If you are using CKAN to install other mods and the base Textures unlimited plugin, then you will need to manually install the correct dll which should be contained in the current release of the recolour depot or can be found here. Simply download the dll and replace the one located in GameData/000_TexturesUnlimited/Plugins/.

I hope I have understood your problem correctly and this helps. If not, please feel free to provide more detailed information.


Solved! I had avoided copying TU included in the download because I already had it installed through CKAN. Copying the .dll from the download solved the problem. The engines and shrouds are now shiny!

Thanks for helping out! 

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So I tried getting this to work, and I'm not doing something right.  I downloaded the stock version and dropped into game data.  I took the DLLs for Texture Unlimited and dropped them into the respective folder overwriting the ones from ckan.  However, when I click on the parts I don't see an option to recolor them?  Is there a hotkey to bring up a recolor GUI?

I tried also adding the OPT part one, and same thing on the OPT parts.

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  On 3/24/2021 at 3:21 PM, Apelsin said:

Well you can run the two together without issues but there is no recolor option for any parts replaced by restock.


Ty bro.

This is a problem because I love restock, but hey I think I like this mod better so I'll have to settle for playing without restock hahaha but I have a problem, the tab looks like this and I can't color. Some idea?

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  On 3/24/2021 at 7:12 PM, flyguybc said:

I am using restock.  Didn't think about that.  

What about OPT though?  The OPT parts I have didn't show any different color configuration options.  Is it all OPT parts?  or are there some that aren't covered?


If you want all OPT parts to be compatible use OPT Reconfig 3.0 instead of 3.1. The latest update added in a bunch of Legacy parts that don't have TURD support.

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