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[1.4.x] Ultimate Shuttle IVA - 1.0!! Woop Woop!


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FULL Retro


Mr. Glass


What is the Ultimate Shuttle IVA? Welp as its name implies, its truly in my opinion and those of others the best IVA that's been made thus far for the Mk 3 Cockpit, ie, the stock Shuttle Cockpit.  The reason being is that these two IVA's, Full RETRO and Mr. Glass, combine the best bits, bobs, and feels of the best Mk 3 IVA's that have been made to date, creating two distinct, but very useful and very good looking IVA's.

Frankly, I think the pictures above speak for themselves :D. 




READ THE FLIGHT MANUALS. They explain a lot of stuff, particularly about how to use the IVA's, and this is my first and only warning. If you ask me something stupid, that is in fact covered in the manual, I reserve every right to treat you with as much dignity as a used wad of toilet paper. Not really, but you will be referred to the flight manual (RTFM) with nothing else said. 

KSP 1.4.x - I designed in 1.4.2, but it will likely work in earlier versions depending on MAS, as the latest release for that and what ksp version it is for would define the required version.

MAS - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/160856-wip-14x-moardvs-avionics-systems-mas-interactive-iva-v0130-18-march-2018/

RPM - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/105821-14x-rasterpropmonitor-still-putting-the-a-in-iva-v0300-14-march-2018/

ASET Props and Avionics Packs - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/116430-aset-props-pack-v15-for-the-modders-who-create-iva/


Near Future Props - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/166941-143-near-future-props-prop-assets-for-iva-developers-may-2-2018/

Module Manager

Required for full functionality in IVA:


Kerbal Alarm Clock



  1. Install all required Dependencies.
  2. Drag and Drop UltimateShuttleIVA into your Gamedata folder.
  3. Pick and choose only ONE IVA. Either FullRetro or Mr. Glass, and place its respective .cfg into your gamedata folder.
  4. ???
  5. Play with Shuttles till you're bored.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Under no circumstance is this mod, or any derivative of it, authorized to be released on CKAN or any other mod management tool without my express written consent

Edited by G'th
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Looks great! But... folder structure are confusing, no GameData etc. So what files and where exactly need to go? Why not just make 2 separate folders for each IVA variant installation?

Edited by ZobrAA
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  On 5/13/2018 at 1:06 PM, Burning Kan said:

gratulation to release! understand u right depencies are both MAS &RPM ?sounds wired,and for what probs the near future probs needed for maybe something  in the back?&thx 4 your awesome work bk


From what I was able to tell during testing, some stuff is not converted to MAS yet, and RPM does not support all the features used, so for now both are required. It is planned for the future though to get rid of RPM, as I understand it.

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I've been waiting for this since the first screenshots you posted! So excited for space shuttles!


Suggestion: Wouldn't it be possible to include both IVAs in the game if you just add another Mk3 cockpit part? I know that wouldn't play nice with Cormorant, but it would be cool to have the option without messing with cfg files.

Edited by Kirk0007
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  On 5/13/2018 at 11:33 AM, ZobrAA said:

Looks great! But... folder structure are confusing, no GameData etc. So what files and where exactly need to go? Why not just make 2 separate folders for each IVA variant installation?


Check the first post and the Readme, it explains how to install. 

  On 5/13/2018 at 1:06 PM, Burning Kan said:

gratulation to release! understand u right depencies are both MAS &RPM ?sounds wired,and for what probs the near future probs needed for maybe something  in the back?&thx 4 your awesome work bk


Neid had the right of it. Not all of ASET's props/avionics have been converted for use in MAS, so in the meantime, I'm using RPM variants.  The next project I'm tackling is converting all of it, so shortly after that will follow a version of this that only needs MAS.

And yes, NFProps is needed for several things in the IVA. Namely the flight seats and some decorative stuff around both cabins.

  On 5/13/2018 at 4:41 PM, Kirk0007 said:

I've been waiting for this since the first screenshots you posted! So excited for space shuttles!


Suggestion: Wouldn't it be possible to include both IVAs in the game if you just add another Mk3 cockpit part? I know that wouldn't play nice with Cormorant, but it would be cool to have the option without messing with cfg files.


This is something I"m looking into. 

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what I'd like to see is an IVA that balances the use of analog instruments (including the stock navball on the console panel in between the two center-most windows of the shuttle-cockpit's windscreen, possibly)  and digital multi-function displays together in an IVA layout that provides the proverbial "best-of-both-worlds", if such a thing is feasible. Something to combine the versatility of the glass-cockpits configurable MFDs with the reliability of the analog "needle-on-a-dial" instruments in case one loses electrical power. Just a suggestion, is all.

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@G'thCongrats on the release sorry that I could really test it for you PS maybe you should say thank you to the testers who help:V

Could you just tell me again what mods you used to make the shuttle and a good canda arm because I wanna go full out shuttle with this 

Edited by Elon Kerman Jr
Because i said so
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  On 5/13/2018 at 11:03 PM, StevieC said:

what I'd like to see is an IVA that balances the use of analog instruments (including the stock navball on the console panel in between the two center-most windows of the shuttle-cockpit's windscreen, possibly)  and digital multi-function displays together in an IVA layout that provides the proverbial "best-of-both-worlds", if such a thing is feasible. Something to combine the versatility of the glass-cockpits configurable MFDs with the reliability of the analog "needle-on-a-dial" instruments in case one loses electrical power. Just a suggestion, is all.


Actually the original IVA i created for the Shuttle was precisely this. But I dropped that idea because it simply isn't feasible. You're either not going to have enough or you're going to have too much.

  On 5/13/2018 at 11:09 PM, Elon Kerman Jr said:

@G'thCongrats on the release sorry that I could really test it for you PS maybe you should say thank you to the testers who help:V

Could you just tell me again what mods you used to make the shuttle and a good canda arm because I wanna go full out shuttle with this 


If you look at the flight manuals they should have a listing.

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  On 5/13/2018 at 9:57 PM, G'th said:

This is something I"m looking into


its possible to make a part cfg with  two different IVAs (internals) on the same part ,like copy the part with diff Internals and part names!

then the idea come to make one cockpit iva upgradable to the new one that should also be possible,will look for it and report or link the side

and now i think on the part variant switch ,but thats far beyond my knowlege right now

just my two cent or three, dont know=)

and thanks for the answer

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Hi where to install the .cfg is not really clear i suppose its in squad mk3shuttle ? i try many different way the IVA look great but the button are not working ^^ if instruction where a little bit detailed it would help .

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  • 2 weeks later...

I filed a bug at the MAS thread that might belong here, pertaining to OpenGL. Happens when I use the glass cockpit.

In addition, in ksp.log I have following error both when using -force-glcore and without.

[LOG 18:47:33.564] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'UltimateShuttleIVA/Spaces/Modern_Shuttle_IVA/Modern_Shuttle_IVA'
[LOG 18:47:33.583] Cannot find InternalProp 'MAS_pb_EngineState'

I do not know if it means anything, but I thought I would let you know.

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Hey everyone :)

I have a question about installation:

I use CKAN to install mods (mostly). When I search for RPM on there there are 2 options: normal RPM or RPM Core. Do I need to install the full version or can I just get the core version?

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This is one of the best IVAs that I have seen yet.  Visually, it has all the right stuff, and just as importantly for me, the ergonomics are spot on.  Everything is at the perfect angle and easy to see.  Beautiful work G'th.  

I'm going to take a closer look at it today.  I must have left out some dependency cuz some of my buttons and the RPM screens aren't working. So I'll reinstall. 

Thank you. 

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  On 5/22/2018 at 6:01 PM, leoli6 said:

Hi where to install the .cfg is not really clear i suppose its in squad mk3shuttle ? i try many different way the IVA look great but the button are not working ^^ if instruction where a little bit detailed it would help .


Ok i figure it out ... my bad ^^"
for people like me the IVA need to be drop in : Gamedata/UltimateShuttleIVA/Spaces.

sry again X)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 6/5/2018 at 1:33 PM, leoli6 said:

Ok i figure it out ... my bad ^^"
for people like me the IVA need to be drop in : Gamedata/UltimateShuttleIVA/Spaces.

sry again X)


The readme is confusing indeed: "place its respective .cfg into your gamedata folder." 

That's simply saying e.g. './GameData/USIVA-MrGlass.cfg' -- that would be weird. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by Zah
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  • 1 month later...

I am VERY confused about the installation instructions. I want to install the retro shuttle, and have all dependencies up to date and installed, so do I delete "Modern_Shuttle_IVA.cfg", put "USIVA_FullRetro.cfg" directly into my GameData folder, or into the ultimate shuttle iva folder INSIDE my GameData folder? Or is there something else I need to do? I have tried G'th's instructions and leoli6's instructions to no avail. Please help.

Edited by JusticeForGP2
My original post made it seem like I hadn't installed it at all.
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