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What did you do on your first KSP Flight?


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I started with the demo, since my dad said I couldn't get the full game until I got into a stable orbit. 


Even gave myself enough fuel to get back.


This wasn't my first flight, but it was something like the fourth or fifth. It's the first screenshot I took, and I remember taking it with snipping tool because I didn't know how to use f1 yet. This is pretty similar to the ship I used, as far as I know.

My dad followed through on the promise, and here I am now.

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The very very first thing I did? No clue. Probably a capsule, some fuel tanks, and what we now call the Swivel. It was back in the demo in 2013.

I can tell you that the first real mission I undertook was a Mun landing. It was my personal requirement to decide if the game was worth buying. I completed it within the first weekend of learning that the game existed, and bought it within minutes of splashing back down on Kerbin.

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Believe it or not, the 1st thing i did in KSP was send a SSTO to laythe and back to kerbin...


Yeah it took me like a week to figure out how to pull that off, but no joke, 1st thing i made was a SSTO starfighter (which had weapons on it as i never launch anything unarmed unless its a supply ship carrying weapons), which just about pulled off a laythe roundtrip using basic hohmans (and a stupid amount of airhogging as that was like 0.23 or something and that was the only way to make efficient SSTOs, put 50 intakes on the thing...).


After that, i spend the next week figuring out how to launch a massive cruiser into orbit, fully armed with pathetic weapons (these were the days before anyone really figured out how the collision model works and we had simple RT-5s as the strongest weaponry).  That was very painful to get into orbit (given i covered it with wings and had to make all the launch stage engines be above the ship cause it kept flipping.


So yeah, not you average beginner's start, but that was literally what got me into KSP, launching stupid completely unpractical sci-fi craft which made no sense at all and probably would have been hard enough for a veteran to get working...

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Way back in the 0.18.3 demo, I probably failed to get to orbit. It was so long ago that I don't remember now. I do remember finally doing a Mun landing in it though.

I found this picture, titled "First Mun Landing.JPG," and it's dated 2014. I was playing before that though:

Edited by MDZhB
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My first flight? Well, I made a MiG 21 replica, and shortly after it takes off, it goes uncontrollable, spinning crazily on the air before smashed into the hangar facility. The cause? I didn't know about mirror symmetry back then, so I put wings one by one, which obviously makes it horribly imbalanced, and I didn't put any elevon, leaving the craft being controlled only with puny canard that I attached in the rear (also imbalanced)

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My first flight?

Oh well, this is going to be fun.

In my first flight, because I was playing demo sandbox, I put a big bunch of little tanks on top of each other, put a capsule on top, put a Reliant on the bottom, and put a few Fleas on the bottom at probably 4 fold symmetry.

Because I had no idea what the staging meant, and because I put the capsule on the stack of tanks and not the other way round, I miserably failed the staging- I thought the 0th stage meant the first things to trigger. I think I had parachutes and engines together.

After I solved staging, I launched a few flights. I had no idea how to make boosters and stages separate, and so I flew my first few flights with the boosters attached until (explosive) first stage separation. I had no idea what RCS is, so my first few flights were essentially uncontrollable. After many flights of ignorance, I finally discovered what decouplers were.

Then, I found that the Reliants were very underpowered, so I tried a Falcon Heavy style three booster first stage. That successfully sent Val on an orbital trajectory- my first orbit. Albeit a very elliptic and inefficient orbit. (The original three had died earlier, since I accidentally clicked the "Dismiss" button. I had no idea what it meant. I later brought them back via save file editing.)

I then landed stuff on the Mun and Minimus, which are still there today. Val once visited them in an Elcano challenge.

That concludes the earliest stages of my main sandbox save.

Edited by Ho Lam Kerman
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