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[1.12] Real Solar System


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello together,

does anybody know if there are plans to migrate this beautiful mod to KSP 2 ? Perhaps in KSP 2 there also will be the possibility of using the correct axial tilt for the moon ... that would be very nice but I dare not believe it.

I know it's a little bit early to ask this :-)

I am really looking forward to KSP 2 . This mod in combination with Realism Overhaul (and relatives) and the overwhelming MechJeb mod is simply great ! Thanks a lot for your work !



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I, on the other hand, have this problem:

<a href="https://ibb.co/5sDXZTy"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/5sDXZTy/Bez-tytu-u.jpg" alt="Bez-tytu-u" border="0"></a>

The undulations of the terrain on the Moon, Mars or Venus are there but there are no stones on them.

I have installed:
RSS 19.0.4
Parallax 1.3.1

Edited by Aion
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43 minutes ago, Aion said:

The undulations of the terrain on the Moon, Mars or Venus are there but there are no stones on them.

That's because you have Parallax 1.3.1 installed, which is an old version that does not include scatters.  Additionally, base RSS does not include configs for Parallax scatters, so none will generate unless you either find some online or create your own.

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In the thread above there was information that you need to have version 1.3.1. I also installed the latest version of Parallax - 2.06 and the error is the same. In the "Compatibility" folder of RSS there is a folder with the configuration called "Parallax" and inside is a .txt file with the very configuration that was there by default when downloading RSS.

If it's a configuration problem, is there a line somewhere that is responsible for the correct setting?

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2 hours ago, Aion said:

I also installed the latest version of Parallax - 2.06 and the error is the same.

3 hours ago, Entropian said:

Additionally, base RSS does not include configs for Parallax scatters, so none will generate unless you either find some online or create your own.

I think this is still relevant.


Edited by damerell
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2 hours ago, Aion said:

If it's a configuration problem, is there a line somewhere that is responsible for the correct setting?

Parallax 2.0 changed a lot of stuff relating to configs - the ones you see there are tessellation configs.  Parallax now utilizes a separate file for handling ground scatters, which RSS lacks.

2 hours ago, Aion said:

In the thread above there was information that you need to have version 1.3.1

That's old and wrong now - IIRC in the latest Parallax release Linx added backwards compatibility for 1.3.1 configs.  :)

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2 hours ago, Entropian said:

You should be able to install the latest version of Parallax with RSS although scatters won't appear unless you install configs.  As far as I know, there's no public RSS configs right now, although people are working on it.

Parallax works with RSS by default with basic support. Just have to install last version prior to 2.0

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6 minutes ago, mateusviccari said:

Parallax works with RSS by default with basic support. Just have to install last version prior to 2.0

Installing 1.3.1 instead of the latest is no longer necessary as Linx added backwards compatibility in 2.0.6 (not sure about the version number but BC was definitely added).

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I'm getting some very strange visual bugs with the gas giants in my install of RSS. It's just the latest version of RSS, 8192x4096 textures, and dependencies as installed by CKAN on a brand new install of KSP 1.12.4. I was trying to get a feel for the performance impact of RSS on its own, so I didn't install RO or any visual enhancements like EVE or scatterer.

All the gas giants are extremely bright near their sub solar points, even Neptune at its huge distance from the sun. It gets worse and worse the closer you get to them, to the point where in low orbits the entire visible portion of the planet below you is completely washed out white. Worse than that, the sun is visible through the gas giants in medium to high orbits. The screenshots below use Jupiter as an example.






Also, probably unrelated to the problems with the gas giants, Earth's atmospheric rim cuts off rather abruptly. This one is so subtle, though. Not sure if it's a bug or intended behavior. Screenshot below.



Help would be greatly appreciated. Here is a dropbox link including logs, screenshots of my gamedata folder and CKAN, and the same screenshots posted above: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ojabqwg7zq4v0pqa9d39k/h?dl=0&rlkey=oims3m0htjz8qm53hnmtgno1o

Edited by cosekantphi
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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I have two questions.First I need a mod compatible with RSS wich add clouds on earth. 


Second, I'm having trouble geting anything into orbit, rockets which worked well in vanilla KSP are now useless, even powerful one. I believe Earth is bigger than Kerbin but do you have tips or mods to help me ? thanks in advance

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1 hour ago, Professeur Fromage said:

Hello, I have two questions.First I need a mod compatible with RSS wich add clouds on earth. 


Second, I'm having trouble geting anything into orbit, rockets which worked well in vanilla KSP are now useless, even powerful one. I believe Earth is bigger than Kerbin but do you have tips or mods to help me ? thanks in advance

First question, you can use either RVE (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/206768-110x-112xreal-visual-enchancements-rve-20-release-v11-for-rss/ or RSSVE (https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSSVE). RVE apparently works with the most up to date scatterer/eve versions and requires high end setups to run (I didn't test it because I run KSP on a potato). RSSVE requires outdated scatterer/eve versions, but it works just fine (with a few minor bugs now and then).

For the second question, rockets are indeed not properly scaled for RSS because their dry mass is unrealistically too high, you need tanks with realistic mass/volume ratios. There's a simple mod to adjust that, it's called SMURFF (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/117992-17-19-smurff-simple-module-adjustments-for-real-ish-fuel-mass-fractions-191-02019-nov-12/)


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  • 2 weeks later...
16 hours ago, Ralstemar said:

non ckan download anywhere?

As mentioned upthread, you could look at the netkan files that are generated for CKAN. Those have links in, which you could then manually download. Or you could just use CKAN.

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Hi I downloaded this thru CKAN and I am getting this error graphics bug when trying to assemble a space craft together....Capsule looks too big or the booster and fuel tanks shrunk somehow. I have a screen of the mods that RSS included in the download thru CKAN. I would really like to hear what is going on and see if it can be fixed. Mod looks fantastic. Really hoping to get it up and running properly








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  • 2 weeks later...

Are parts and mods like Sandcastle, Deep Freeze, Keridian Dynamics, Rovers, DMagic Science, Station Parts Redux etc. compatible with RSS? Im essentialy looking for mods adding to this side of gameplay (planetary bases, more science, more station parts etc).

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54 minutes ago, Czejenesku said:

Are parts and mods like Sandcastle, Deep Freeze, Keridian Dynamics, Rovers, DMagic Science, Station Parts Redux etc. compatible with RSS? Im essentialy looking for mods adding to this side of gameplay (planetary bases, more science, more station parts etc).

Deep freeze, dmagic, station parts are compatible. I don't know about the others but usually there are not many reasons for mods to not be compatible with custom planet packs 

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  • 1 month later...
6 hours ago, QwertyPixel said:

I'm new to KSP and KSP forums. How do I download the mod from this thread?

If you are new to KSP, then I suggest you do not download this mod.  For a beginner, learning KSP can be hard enough without using Real Solar System.  RSS increaes the size of the celestial bodies by about 10 times what they are in the stock game, which greatly increases the difficulty.  You should attempt to master the stock game before trying RSS.

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