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[1.12] CommNet Antennas Extension / Info / Consumptor (2024-09-16)


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  On 10/30/2018 at 4:51 PM, flart said:


@Poodmund I didn't change the original RT-parts names (not titles) in the mod, is it ok?


That's fine, when I get a chance I will pull my finger out and actually add some of the submitted form response antennas to the list. This weekend most likely.

@flart, also you're plugin is brilliant. Would you consider releasing it as a separate, stand-alone distribution? If you are taking suggestions on what you can add to it I would like to suggest that possibly the 'Antenna Rating' and 'vs DSN Lvl#' rating figures should be dynamic based on the Antenna and DSN difficulty slider values in the Difficulty Settings options. At the moment they are hardcoded but these values should really change depending on the difficulty float modifiers.

Secondly, it would be SUPER cool if the plugin could detect if Custom Barn Kit is installed, if so, list the number of DSN levels specfied as existing as a result of CBK and then listing the additional Lvl4, Lvl5 etc. DSN ratings against each antenna too.

These are just pipeline dreams I wish that somebody with the ability could manage to pull off without affecting the ModuleDataTransmitter module on the antenna parts.

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Yes, I was thinking about remaking this info tab, like in the Science Lab Info mod.
Never done this before because there is to many info about antennas what I want to know, so I still need your Signal Strength Calculator or Antenna Helper. Thanks for the possible options, need to look into... 


Now I have an answer to "does mentioned user get a notification, if the mention was added by "editing", and answer is "no".



Version 1.0.3

  •     HG-25 is HG-32 now. 
        When this antenna was included, the purpose was to make 
        InnerSOI Commnet Network reaching Minmus (before 2G-antennas) with 2 of those on each vessel.
        But HG-25 doesn't make this true, because of Combinability, 
        so the antenna-power was increased.
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  On 11/1/2018 at 6:24 PM, flart said:


Yes, I was thinking about remaking this info tab, like in the Science Lab Info mod.
Never done this before because there is to many info about antennas what I want to know, so I still need your Signal Strength Calculator or Antenna Helper. Thanks for the possible options, need to look into... 


If you ever need any help, explaination or advice feel free to ping me or send me a message as I am always up for helping to better the CommNet experience for the end user.

  On 11/1/2018 at 6:24 PM, flart said:

Now I have an answer to "does mentioned user get a notification, if the mention was added by "editing", and answer is "no".


I've always wondered this too. :D Its a shame that it doesn't do the notification.

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Version 1.1.0 (Plugin Update)

  •     shows modified ratings (if you have changed power modifiers in the settings)
  •     shows all DSN levels (Custom Barn Kit supported)
  •     shows DSN ratings, hightlights active DSN level, 
  •     shows range to Built-in antenna for relays
  •     compact version for internal antennas
  Reveal hidden contents


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  • 1 month later...

CommNet Antennas Extension v2.0.0

  • The plugin was exluded from the CommNet Antennas Extension
    Salute the CommNet Antennas Info :)
  • either of the two 500Gm antennas cannot be a base part now, as any other mod's and stock antennas
  • update MM 3.1.2

CommNet Antennas Info v2.0.0:

  •     recompiled for ksp 1.6.0


Updated OP.


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  • 3 months later...

Commnet Antennas Info v2.1.0

  • Antenna Type and CombinabilityExponent in the PAW
    It show up only with enabled Advanced Tweakable setting
  • added MM v4.0.2
  • recompiled for ksp 1.7.0
  • targeted .NET 3.5

Commnet Antennas Extension v2.0.1

  • KSP 1.7, remove KSP max version limit
  • update localization
  • update MM 4.0.2
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  • 1 month later...

Hi @flart,

Apologies if this isn't the right place to ask but I believe I'm facing a bit of an issue with CommNet Antennas * and I was hoping you'd be able to point out if I'm doing something wrong or I'm running into a bug of some kind.

I have 4 satellites in Kerbin's orbit (at 5,000K orbit) equipped with double 32M relay antennas, 99% of the time, at least one of them is connected to the KSC. I sent a probe to Minmus, equipped with a 5M direct antenna from your mod as well, but as soon as it approached Minmus, the probe only chose to connect directly to the KSC, completely ignoring the relay network around the planet. As soon as the KSC left the horizon, the probe became inoperable.

On this screenshot - https://i.imgur.com/kJSnNZf.jpg , you can see that there's at least two satellites that are "visible" to the probe, and if I understand the range correctly, the 32M antennas shouldn't have any issues talking to the probe, yet, as soon as KSC is beyond the horizon, the probe loses connection immediately.

Could you please let me know if I'm really overestimating the range of the antennas or something with the connection between the different vehicles is going wrong?

Let me know if you need any additional information!

Edit: Just to clarify - I'm running Science Career so my Tracking Station is Level 3 and the only ground station I have is the KSC itself; difficulty settings are set to requiring a connection to operate probes.

Edited by winterchillz
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@winterchillz check how the CommNet works there: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CommNet

The max. distance between a satellite 2x32M and a probe 5M is sqrt(32M * 2^0.75 * 5M) ~ 16Mm, while MInmus is farther.

For example, two 32M antennas on the satellite and two 32M antennas on the probe — then it will be enough: sqrt(32M * 2^0.75 * 32M * 2^0.75) ~ 53Mm



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  On 5/23/2019 at 9:23 AM, flart said:

@Poodmund update please HG-25 Antenna on the antennas google table, it is HG-32 with the 32M power, since Nov. 2018


Done. I grabbed the name from the comment in the part config when I added it, hence the old name: https://github.com/yalov/CommNetAntennasExtension/blob/master/GameData/CommNetAntennasExtension/Parts/CommDeployableAntenna/DeployableAntenna.cfg#L19


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  • 3 months later...

Hey @flart,

In trying to figure out my (unrelated) CommNet issues, I think I have noted a bug. Screenshots and logs here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zbdjfK5cAvwQlXb9Ig?e=McIxBN

Basically, you will note in the screenshots that I nerfed the DSN and my antenna range. The part display in the VAB seems to indicate this correctly, however the action window does not. Is that a bug or is it just something that is out of scope for the mod?

Let me know if I've been unclear or if you need more info. I need caffeine. :)

Thank you for this and all of your other modding! All the work you do to make everyone's game a bit better is much appreciated!


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  • 1 month later...

Commnet Antennas Info v2.2.0

  •  recompiled for ksp 1.8.0
  •  showed "Consumption" as EC/Mit
  •  hided "Antenna State" for Internal Antennas, because they can't transmit science
  •  supported parts with several ModuleDataTransmitters
  •  updated MM 4.1.0
  •  targeted .NET 4.7.2


Commnet Antennas Extension v2.1.0

  •  MM 4.1.0
  •  packetSizes are integers now
  •  packetResourceCost is more stockalike
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  • 2 months later...

Commnet Antennas Extension v2.1.1

  • patch for Near Future Exploration (1.0.2)
  • updated MM 4.1.3

Commnet Antennas Info v2.3.2

  • supported Near Future Exploration (1.0.2)
  • new Extras: CommNetAntennasConsumptor on CKAN
    makes antennas consume EC for supporting CommNet (rate is based on antennas power)
    f1Fcmfl.png  ZikX52w.png
  • recompiled for ksp 1.8.1
  • updated MM 4.1.3
  • Updated translation
  • Fixed not-extendable antennas
  • UPD. Oh yes, I wanted to make relays consume more than direct by default, any balance suggestion there?
    Now it's all the same by Power: Class1 - 500k - 46 EC/year; Class5 - 100G - 1 EC/sec


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