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[1.12.x] KSP Resonant Orbit Calculator


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20 minutes ago, Gargamel said:

Google translate.

Hi Javelius, Welcome to the forums!   We ask that all posts in the non-international forums be posted in English.   Posting in your native language and then translating to English in the same post is fine. 

Переводчик Google.

Привет Javelius, Добро пожаловать на форумы! Мы просим, чтобы все сообщения на немеждународных форумах публиковались на английском языке. Публикация на своем родном языке, а затем перевод на английский в том же посте - это хорошо.

It was bag in my browse. I posted this post in English lang. Sorry XD

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a minor correction you can include your next next release.

The message text associated with the KAC Detachment alarm contains the wording "Detach satellite #1 and circularize it's orbit".  It should be "its", not "it's". (I know, I know!  Grammar nerd...and proud of it :cool:)

The only reason I noticed it was because I was trying to figure out what had to happen at the alarm times.  The message text was very useful.


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3 hours ago, Brigadier said:

The message text associated with the KAC Detachment alarm contains the wording "Detach satellite #1 and circularize it's orbit".  It should be "its", not "it's". (I know, I know!  Grammar nerd...and proud of it

Same thing in the OP,  thanks.  Since I'm not doing anything with this, I'll probably push out a release today

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I'm a bit mystified on how to use this mod properly.  KSP v1.6.1, MechJeb v2.8.3.0-875, KAC v3.10 and KROC v0.0.4.1, GPP + GEP.

I entered a 250x250 km, 4º inclination orbit of Iota with a carrier ship containing three, powered comm sats.  I opened the mod and chose, in order, "Current Ap", "Create MN at Ap" and "Add alarms to KAC" which resulted in 4 alarms in total.  The resulting MN created at +3h11m (at the Ap) with a dV of 13 m/s from current position established a new orbit of 397x250 km and an orbital period of 5h16m.  So far, all good.

Three Detachment alarms were created at +7h10m, +11h7m and +15h5m.  These didn't look right because they were not sync'ed with Pe and meant that I was not going to be returning to the Pe in the next orbit to release the first satellite.

In fact, my altitude was closer to 337 km.  When I got to Detachment #1, I released Sat 1 and circularized with MechJeb to 250x250.  Of course, this happened at Pe, not at -1h20m to Pe where the satellite was released.

The 2nd sat was scheduled for release at Ap.  Clearly, I couldn't circularize here for 250x250, so I would have to wait until Pe.

If that's the case, why not wait until Pe to release?


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  • 2 months later...

Not sure if this is related to this mod:

5/29/2019 1:18:08 AM,ResonantOrbitCalculator-KACWrapper,Getting DrawAlarmAction
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.String].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ScienceSituationInfo.SituationModule.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
(Filename:  Line: -1)


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16 hours ago, Gordon Dry said:

Not sure if this is related to this mod:

5/29/2019 1:18:08 AM,ResonantOrbitCalculator-KACWrapper,Getting DrawAlarmAction
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.String].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ScienceSituationInfo.SituationModule.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
(Filename:  Line: -1)


What were you doing, what scene were you in, Log file, and please do the followup in the correct thread:


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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I'm using this mod alongside the JNSQ mod and when loading up the game to create the cache images of the planets I had a strange issue where many of the planets were very washed out, as if there were an extremely bright light source very close to the planet when the image was taken.

For example, this is what the image for Jool looked like

Now, that being said JNSQ is built natively at 2.7x scale and thus the system is significantly larger than stock.

Just wanted to check if this is a known issue or is something easily fixed or if I should go ahead and create the cache again so I can provide a log.

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@CoriW @linuxgurugamer this should be on the OP

Disable Kopernicus onDemand where you find it:
	%useOnDemand = False
	%useManualMemoryManagement = False

You can create a config file like
with this content:

	%useOnDemand = False
	%useManualMemoryManagement = False

Delete the files in
then start the game one time.
Get to the Main Menu, wait a minute and then exit the game.
Then rename the config file to
or delete it.

For a successful creation of the cache images you need at least:

unBlur.0.5.0.dll 	or whatever the actual version is

plus everything what belongs to the planet pack, like for example for RSS with RSSVE:

This actually is the only proper way to get the cache images created.

I suggest to backup them afterwards. (I got folders in my archive for different planet packs with the associated cache images, at least for the planet packs I played with since I use this mod)

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27 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:

@CoriW @linuxgurugamer this should be on the OP

Disable Kopernicus onDemand where you find it:
	%useOnDemand = False
	%useManualMemoryManagement = False

You can create a config file like
with this content:

	%useOnDemand = False
	%useManualMemoryManagement = False

Delete the files in
then start the game one time.
Get to the Main Menu, wait a minute and then exit the game.
Then rename the config file to
or delete it.

For a successful creation of the cache images you need at least:

unBlur.0.5.0.dll 	or whatever the actual version is

plus everything what belongs to the planet pack, like for example for RSS with RSSVE:

This actually is the only proper way to get the cache images created.

I suggest to backup them afterwards. (I got folders in my archive for different planet packs with the associated cache images, at least for the planet packs I played with since I use this mod)

I just posted in the Kopernicus thread about this.  I don't like asking users to play with files, especially if they aren't technical, this can cause big problems.  I have some ideas about how to do it automatically, will see if any other suggestions come from that post.

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58 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:

@CoriW @linuxgurugamer this should be on the OP

Disable Kopernicus onDemand where you find it:
	%useOnDemand = False
	%useManualMemoryManagement = False

You can create a config file like
with this content:

	%useOnDemand = False
	%useManualMemoryManagement = False

Delete the files in
then start the game one time.
Get to the Main Menu, wait a minute and then exit the game.
Then rename the config file to
or delete it.

For a successful creation of the cache images you need at least:

unBlur.0.5.0.dll 	or whatever the actual version is

plus everything what belongs to the planet pack, like for example for RSS with RSSVE:

This actually is the only proper way to get the cache images created.

I suggest to backup them afterwards. (I got folders in my archive for different planet packs with the associated cache images, at least for the planet packs I played with since I use this mod)


30 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I just posted in the Kopernicus thread about this.  I don't like asking users to play with files, especially if they aren't technical, this can cause big problems.  I have some ideas about how to do it automatically, will see if any other suggestions come from that post.

Hey so here's the thing, I actually did follow those steps when creating the cache images. (Not the MM patch method, just changing the variables to false in the config)

Still ended up with some washed out planets. Not all of them however were like that, here's what I mean.


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22 minutes ago, CoriW said:


Hey so here's the thing, I actually did follow those steps when creating the cache images. (Not the MM patch method, just changing the variables to false in the config)

Still ended up with some washed out planets. Not all of them however were like that, here's what I mean.

That's interesting....

I tried this as well and some images are still not created properly but it happens to different planets. In my install, Eeloo, Nara, Riga and Tylo are just plain white:



On the other hand, some planets share the same picture like Jool and Lindor but also Aden, Amos, Celes, Edna, Enon, Hamek, Krel, Moho, Prax and Talos o_O

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2 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

That's interesting....

I tried this as well and some images are still not created properly but it happens to different planets. In my install, Eeloo, Nara, Riga and Tylo are just plain white:

  Hide contents


On the other hand, some planets share the same picture like Jool and Lindor but also Aden, Amos, Celes, Edna, Enon, Hamek, Krel, Moho, Prax and Talos o_O

Did you follow the instructions 3 posts above yours? Disabling useOnDemand and useManualMemoryManagement in Kopernicus before starting the game to create the cache?

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Just now, CoriW said:

Did you follow the instructions 3 posts above yours? Disabling useOnDemand and useManualMemoryManagement in Kopernicus before starting the game to create the cache?

Of course ;)

I even modified and recompiled the mod to print out the list of planetary bodies before the thumbnails are created, which looks fine:

[Debugging] PlanetaryList:

(kinda unnecessary since the file names are created from this list as well and the thumbnails actually got the correct name which already proves that the list is correct but I've noticed this afterwards xD )

I'll investigate this further...

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@CoriW Which version of KSP do you run and are all your mods up to date? I've done several tests now but as soon as I switch "useOnDemand" to false (via MM patch or directly in the config, doesn't matter), I'll get the same picture for several planets. This does also affect kittopia, not just resonant orbit calculator, so I'm curious what's the difference between your install and mine.

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1 hour ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

@CoriW Which version of KSP do you run and are all your mods up to date? I've done several tests now but as soon as I switch "useOnDemand" to false (via MM patch or directly in the config, doesn't matter), I'll get the same picture for several planets. This does also affect kittopia, not just resonant orbit calculator, so I'm curious what's the difference between your install and mine.

Currently running KSP 1.7.1 as I'm waiting for Kopernicus to update (which likely won't be until after 1.7.3)

Actually come to think of it though I may have generated that cache from back in 1.7.0.. I'm actually in bed typing this but tomorrow morning I'll load up a fresh install of 1.7.1 with minimal dependencies and see what happens when I generate the cache again.

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