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[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28)


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I haven't noticed this because I use KER in partless mode so I can utilize ships from previous versions when an update is released, with out waiting for KER to update.  You should be able to check this in the VAB with the torque and thrust offset readouts to see if they show anything.

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4 hours ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

Here's the two part files in question:

  Reveal hidden contents

    // --- general parameters ---
    name = Engineer7500
    module = Part
    author = CYBUTEK (Code) || Keptin (Part)
    // --- asset parameters ---
    mesh = model.mu
    rescaleFactor = 0.8

    PhysicsSignificance = 1
    // --- editor parameters ---
    TechRequired = start
    entryCost = 0
    cost = 150
    category = Science
    subcategory = 0
    title = ER-7500 Computer Flight Unit
    manufacturer = CYBUTEK Solutions Ltd.
    description = The ER-7500 goes back to roots with the Kerbal Engineering System. This unit has been proven to be at least 1x10^-5 times faster than a standard hard drive... Don't tell anyone but it's actually just the chip version in a fancy box with flashing lights and spinny things.
    tags = ker engi redux compu flight tape

    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
    attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
    // --- node definitions ---
    // definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
    node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
    // --- standard part parameters ---
    mass = 0.005
    dragModelType = override
    maximum_drag = 0
    minimum_drag = 0
    angularDrag = 0
    crashTolerance = 15
    maxTemp = 3400
        name = FlightEngineerModule
        name = TapeDriveAnimator
        UseBakedAnimation = false
        MinReelSpeed = -30
        MaxReelSpeed = 30
        SpeedStopZone = 10
        SpeedDeadZone = 2.5
        SpeedChangeAmount = 30
        MinRepeatTime = 1
        MaxRepeatTime = 6
        RepeatTimeDenominator = 8
        Reel1 = geo_reel1
        Reel2 = geo_reel2
        Reel1SpeedRatio = 1
        Reel2SpeedRatio = 0.75    
        Lights1 = geo_buttonSet1
        Lights2 = geo_buttonSet2
        Lights3 = geo_buttonSet3
        Lights4 = geo_buttonSet4
        Lights5 = geo_buttonSet5
        Lights6 = geo_buttonSet6
        Lights1Speed = 0
        Lights2Speed = -2.5
        Lights3Speed = 2.5
        Lights4Speed = 10
        Lights5Speed = -15
        Lights6Speed = 17.5

  Reveal hidden contents

    // --- general parameters ---
    name = EngineerChip
    module = Part
    author = CYBUTEK

    // --- asset parameters ---
    mesh = EngineerChip.mu
    scale = 1.0
    specPower = 0.5
    rimFalloff = 3
    alphaCutoff = 0

    PhysicsSignificance = 1

    // --- node definitions ---
    // definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
    node_attach = 0.0, -0.03, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0

    // --- editor parameters ---
    TechRequired = start
      entryCost = 0
    cost = 100
    category = Science
    subcategory = 0
    title = Kerbal Engineering System
    manufacturer = CYBUTEK Solutions Ltd.
    description = The Kerbal Engineering System boasts an impressive 128bits of solid state storage and enough processing power to run at least 3 digital watches.
    tags = ker engi redux compu flight chip

    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
    attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1

    // --- standard part parameters ---
    mass = 0.005
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0
    minimum_drag = 0
    angularDrag = 0
    crashTolerance = 15
    maxTemp = 3600

        name = FlightEngineerModule

They both say Physics Significance = 1

Is 1 on or off though?

1 is off because the monoprop engines have the Physics Significance = 1 line. And the parts that affect physics don't have a Physics Significance line in the cfg file.

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I'm having the same problem as fatherdoctor.  KER gets the delta v wrong with KSPI installed BUT mechjeb gets the calculation right.  Not sure if this thread is the right place to post, but I have a screenshot for illustration.  Note that even though I have KSPI installed, the craft is using all stock parts.


Edited by fuzzywolf
fixed image url
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3 hours ago, fuzzywolf said:

I'm having the same problem as fatherdoctor.  KER gets the delta v wrong with KSPI installed BUT mechjeb gets the calculation right.  Not sure if this thread is the right place to post, but I have a screenshot for illustration.  Note that even though I have KSPI installed, the craft is using all stock parts.


This problem appears to be that the first stage to fire is burning all the fuel in the whole rocket so there is none left for the following stage(s).  Did you notice that fatherdoctor edited his post to say that the community resource pack seems to be responsible?  I presume that this is changing the resource flow mode of one of the resources concerned and this isn't being correctly handled by KER.  I will investigate further and try to determine the precise cause...

Edit: CRP doesn't do anything to the stock resources.  Next thing to look at is if KSPI includes any MM scripts that mess with the stock resources (and that only work if CRP is installed).

@fuzzywolf, can you run a test?  Run the game and load that rocket in your screenshot, then click the Settings button in the KER window and click the button by "Verbose Simulation Log".  Once the button pops back out, quit out of the game and then upload your output_log.txt file somewhere I can take a look.  Thanks...

Edited by Padishar
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23 hours ago, Aethon said:

You should be able to check this in the VAB with the torque and thrust offset readouts to see if they show anything.

The torque and thrust offset readouts do not consider drag at all.  They would consider a slightly shifted CoM if the KER part caused that but I also suspect that KER would try to add the mass to the parent part anyway and so wouldn't show any torque even if there was a bug in the core game causing there to actually be torque during flight.

23 hours ago, Jas0n said:

1 is off because the monoprop engines have the Physics Significance = 1 line. And the parts that affect physics don't have a Physics Significance line in the cfg file.

Specifically, a value of zero (the default if the value isn't present) corresponds to the Part.PhysicalSignificance.FULL enum value and a value of 1 corresponds to the NONE value.  I believe that NONE is supposed to mean that the mass and drag of the part is added at the parent part's CoM rather than its own.  This should result in a single surface mounted KER part not causing asymmetrical drag if it is attached to a part whose CoM is on the centreline of the vessel.

There may be a bug (or an undocumented or unnoticed change) in KSP 1.1 that has caused this change (if the change is actually real and not caused by some other factor not being considered) but it will require a series of carefully arranged tests to determine if this is the case...

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I put the output_log.txt, the .craft file and my ckan list on my drive for you to take a look at.










The new screenshot is because I made some changes to the rocket and didn't have an exact save of the one I posted last night.

I did some testing, removing mods one at a time.  I think the problem might be an interaction with interstellar fuel switch, as when I took out KSPI the problem persisted, but when I took out the fuel switch mods, there was no problem.  In all cases, mechjeb gave the correct answer, though.


Sorry for adding to your headaches!

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6 minutes ago, fuzzywolf said:

I did some testing, removing mods one at a time.  I think the problem might be an interaction with interstellar fuel switch, as when I took out KSPI the problem persisted, but when I took out the fuel switch mods, there was no problem.  In all cases, mechjeb gave the correct answer, though.

Yes, there have been reports of various issues between KER and IFS.  These stem from the changes to IPartMassModifier (and other restrictions on what mods can do to part masses) in KSP 1.1.  The changes I made to KER in have not been extensively tested and I've not yet had time to investigate the issues in detail.  However, like I said above, this appears to be more an issue with simulation of the fuel flow rather than the masses of the parts. though I will try to find some time in the next day or so to investigate it fully.  Do the values change by themselves for you (i.e. switch between values that look correct and ones that don't) or does it always show the same wrong values?

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There is rapid switching in values, at first.  The number for the total dv remains the same (wrong) number, but it can't decide how many stages that dv should be divided amongst.  After about a minute, it settled on what is in the screenshot.

Upon reloading, I also noticed that enabling the verbose log caused it to settle down immediately. 

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2 hours ago, wossname said:

It would be interesting to know if anyone else can reproduce this... "effect" for themselves.

I've been using KER in 1.1 and although I haven't done any empirical testing with this effect in mind I certainly haven't noticed any tendency for my crafts to lean one way or the other despite typically placing the KER part on one side as you've described.

That said, once I unlock service bays, the KER part goes in there from then on so I didn't fly too many missions with it being placed like that.

Next time I'm on I'll try slapping about a dozen of them on one side and see what happens.

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HI, I am having problems when moving from the space center or VABs to the flight scene. It doesn't happen all the time but perhaps 25% of launches. I have a fair number of mods and looking in the logs I see dozens of exceptions but the first seems to come from KER. This is happening on a simple rocket consisting of a probe core, separator, parachute, BACC and four basic fins. Do you want the full log file?

KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->Start
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

KerbalEngineer -> Object reference not set to an instance of an object
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

KerbalEngineer ->   at KerbalEngineer.Flight.Readouts.Vessel.IntakeAirDemandSupply.GetDemand () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

  at KerbalEngineer.Flight.Readouts.Vessel.IntakeAirUsage.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

  at KerbalEngineer.Flight.Sections.SectionModule.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

  at KerbalEngineer.Flight.Sections.SectionLibrary.UpdateSections (IEnumerable`1 sections) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

  at KerbalEngineer.Flight.Sections.SectionLibrary.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

  at KerbalEngineer.Flight.FlightEngineerCore.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 


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12 minutes ago, tomf said:

HI, I am having problems when moving from the space center or VABs to the flight scene. It doesn't happen all the time but perhaps 25% of launches. I have a fair number of mods and looking in the logs I see dozens of exceptions but the first seems to come from KER. This is happening on a simple rocket consisting of a probe core, separator, parachute, BACC and four basic fins. Do you want the full log file?

Probably not necessary, there's only so many things that could possibly be causing that exception in that function.  Most likely is that FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel is returning null.

However, I wouldn't expect this to be causing any other issues as the exception is caught inside the KER code and shouldn't affect the core game or the other mods.  Other mods having the same issue that don't catch the exception themselves may cause knock-on issues so it's probably worth looking at the following exceptions and letting the mods concerned know...

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im noticed a performance drop when this mod installed and windows with info displayed

in clear ksp i have at launch 55 fps with my jet plane, 22 when flying on supersonic speed, 70 fps when only lander cabin mk1 on the launch pad with 2 electric packs

now if install KER, i have ~46 at launch pad (3 windows with info) and 14-15 when flying on high speeds, 65 on the launch pad with lander

amd 635 x4 2.9gz, radeon HD 5700 1024 mb.


is this ok? is it that demanding?



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On 4/24/2016 at 4:29 AM, fatherdoctor said:

KER has gone completely bonkers in this setup. I get really off calculations and the crazy blinking bug where it seems to be constantly recalculating values. On some of my old ships there are simply no values but air intake percentage when I go to fly them. Here are some screenshots of the most basic issue and I imagine they are all related... The Command Module is the root part, and this save is a fresh one made in 1.1. KER appears to be ignoring my staging.

Are you still able to repeat this using the latest version of KSPI?  When I try I get the following with no trace of jumping numbers:


Can you upload a craft file and a log of it going wrong?

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16 hours ago, fuzzywolf said:

I put the output_log.txt, the .craft file and my ckan list on my drive for you to take a look at.

Is there any chance you have a simpler craft that shows this issue (e.g. one that just uses stock parts and maybe some KSPIE ones)?  You have a lot of mods installed and I don't really want to spend time duplicating that entire setup just to be sure I have the mods required to load it...

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Just read the last few pages of the thread and it's full of reports of issues and modders tirelessly helping with them, so I thought I'd take a moment to add some positivity by thanking @cybutek and @Padishar for their work in making and supporting this essential mod. Cheers, KSP wouldn't be the same without you. :) 

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19 hours ago, HollowHate said:

is this ok?

Only you can really answer that.

19 hours ago, HollowHate said:

is it that demanding?

Some of the readouts have to do some quite complex calculations so it can cause a noticeable slowdown especially if you happen to be showing several of the more complex ones.  Also, at the moment, most of the readouts get updated either on every graphics frame or on every physics update, and this is probably quite a bit more often than they really need to be.  I have been thinking about adding a new control that lets the user slow down the update rate to reduce the impact (e.g. a slider similar to the one that controls the time between runs of the deltaV simulation code, but affecting all the other in-flight readouts instead).  I don't think this should be too tricky to add, simply make the code that currently triggers the update check how much (real) time has elapsed and only run the updates when more than the current setting.

If you provide a screenshot showing all the readouts you have visible then I can probably suggest which ones are likely to be having the largest effect.  You can then probably move some of these to a custom section that you don't keep open most of the time.  E.g. you don't really need the code to be trying to recalculate the impact location and biome except when you are on a sub-orbital trajectory, the intake air calculations are only needed when in an oxygen atmosphere, etc.

Edited by Padishar
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1 minute ago, HollowHate said:

first window is Apoapsis, time to Apo, Periapsis, time to Per, and TWR

second is total deltaV and staged deltaV

third is Altitude (Terrain), Horizontal and Vertical speeds, Biome

If that's all the readouts you have then I'm surprised it's having as much effect as it seems to be.  Of those, only the setup code for the deltaV simulation (used for the TWR and deltaV readouts) should be taking any noticeable time (the actual simulation runs in a background thread but the vessel's state needs to be copied so the background thread can run safely).  Can you try adding the slider that controls the simulation rate, set it much higher (e.g. all the way up) and see if the speed improves?

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This has been a difficult problem to isolate and reproduce.  It seems to happen some times, not other.  Most often with KSPI installed, occasionally with just IFS installed, never with neither installed.  I spent a couple of hours running through various configurations tonight.


By the way, the craft and log I posted previously were stock + MJ parts.


After playing around for a little bit, I got the dv problem to manifest with a 2 stage rocket with boosters.  All stock parts + MJ

Here's a pic:


Here's the craft:


Here's the log:



However, upon quitting, re opening and reloading the craft -- no problem.


I managed to get the problem to manifest with a 4 part rocket.  Mk1 command pod -> LF 800 x2 -> LV 45.  Put a decoupler between the fuel tanks and you have a problem.







I don't even know what's going on any more.  I played around with different configurations for two hours and got the bug to pop up twice, but I *swear* that previously I was seeing it on every ship.  Also, in two hours I was unable to get the bug to surface with IFS but without KSPI, but I know I definitely saw it there before.  If I see it happenning again, I'll upload a log and craft, I guess?

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On 4/25/2016 at 10:50 AM, fuzzywolf said:

I'm having the same problem as fatherdoctor.  KER gets the delta v wrong with KSPI installed BUT mechjeb gets the calculation right.  Not sure if this thread is the right place to post, but I have a screenshot for illustration.  Note that even though I have KSPI installed, the craft is using all stock parts.


Same (have KSPI + IFS):


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