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[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28)


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What's going on here?

The simulation code has to make a decision as to when to activate the stages (and therefore in which stage the deltaV appears). The method used at the moment is not very sophisticated and is set up to give good results for launch performance of most common rocket designs but this causes a number of issues such as this one. In this case the simulation decides that the parts that are decoupled when stage 0 is fired do not include any engines or fuel so it activates stage 0 immediately as this will improve the deltaV. This is why the deltaV shows in stage 1 when the payload is detached but switches to stage 0 when it is attached.

I have plans (and some beginnings of code) for a new staging mechanism that includes a UI to allow some control over the staging decisions but it is complex and I don't often get long enough chunks of spare time to get stuck into it. As a workaround, to see the deltaV with the payload attached you could try changing the root of your vessel to the top-most part on the payload. This should cause the simulation to calculate before decoupling...

Edit: ninja'd

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That one looks more interesting. It appears to be not dropping the drop-tanks as they empty, I would need to run some tests on it. Can you either upload the craft file somewhere so I can take a closer look or start KSP fresh, load the craft, click the KER Settings button and then click the "Verbose simulation log" button. Let the button pop out again and then quit KSP and upload your output_log.txt file from the KSP_Data folder.

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I had a ship designed to deliver some Ion Drive powered satellites to Jool, using separate interplanetary stage.

The DeltaV calculations for the interplanetary stage are all wrong (both in VAB and in flight). Around 3000 m/s was listed for the stage, but it ran out of fuel after 1,700 m/s. The burn times were also way off. The stage was initially built using some Interstellar (extended) bits so I wondered if there was some incompatibility going on, stage was rebuilt using stock components with a similar result.

I seem to remember that a long time back in Engineer there was an issue with combining Ion and regular propulsion in the same craft (even if in different stages) that led to these kind of issues but I thought that bug had been long since squished? Maybe it's back?


edit: I think I got it - it's because KE is assuming that I'm going to decouple that payload (which has no propellant whatsoever) first before burning. Is there a way that I can make it so that it does not take a decoupling like that into account when calculating the dv?

Actually, looking a few posts back, maybe it's this?

My ship also has multiple payloads, each with a staged separation, and whilst mine do have propellant its all Xenon.

From reading above it seems dead mass causes an issue for KE's stage calculations but surely just a different propellant should be easy enough for it to work out?

Edited by Bishop149
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Version is now available! - Get it here!

Added: Orbital readouts - "Speed at Periapsis" and "Speed at Apoapsis". (Padishar)

Added: Manoeuvre readouts - "Post-burn Apoapsis" and "Post-burn Periapsis". (Padishar)

Fixed: Synched the minimum simulation time sliders and stopped them from snapping back after 999ms. (saybur)

Fixed: Added workaround for the bug in Vessel.horizontalSrfSpeed (Padishar)

Fixed: Physically insignificant part mass was not being correctly cascaded down through multiple parent parts.

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Version is now available! - Get it here!

Added: Orbital readouts - "Speed at Periapsis" and "Speed at Apoapsis". (Padishar)

Added: Manoeuvre readouts - "Post-burn Apoapsis" and "Post-burn Periapsis". (Padishar)

Fixed: Synched the minimum simulation time sliders and stopped them from snapping back after 999ms. (saybur)

Fixed: Added workaround for the bug in Vessel.horizontalSrfSpeed (Padishar)

Fixed: Physically insignificant part mass was not being correctly cascaded down through multiple parent parts.

Still no Funds-to-deltaV readout for the VAB? ;)

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Version is now available! - Get it here!

Added: Orbital readouts - "Speed at Periapsis" and "Speed at Apoapsis". (Padishar)

Added: Manoeuvre readouts - "Post-burn Apoapsis" and "Post-burn Periapsis". (Padishar)

Fixed: Synched the minimum simulation time sliders and stopped them from snapping back after 999ms. (saybur)

Fixed: Added workaround for the bug in Vessel.horizontalSrfSpeed (Padishar)

Fixed: Physically insignificant part mass was not being correctly cascaded down through multiple parent parts.

There was also:

Added: Orbital readout - "Time to Atmosphere".

Fixed: Intake air demand calculation not working.

Fixed: Some build engineer settings labels do not scale with UI size.

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Dang it, you modders always release new versions right when I think of a feature I'd like.

Right now, the HUDs' tops are anchored, and if there is more information to display the HUDs extend downward (The most obvious way to see this is with the "dV per stage" readout). Would it be possible to anchor the BOTTOM and allow the HUD to extend UPWARD? That way I could have my dV where it's supposed to* be, right next to the navball, and not have to start it way up above the bottom of the screen.

* I speak for everybody with that. We all want it. It's just that nobody else will say it.**

** :D

Edited by 5thHorseman
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Hyped you guys ran with my post burn Ap and Pe suggestion! Hope it's as useful as I think it's going to be. No more clicking those damn tabs for single node maneuvers.

Both this and the "speed at apses" readouts were good ideas, so thanks for making your suggestion (and thanks to RIC for making the other one). I also think a combination of the two, "post-burn speed at apses" would be handy for several things (planning aerobrake, setting a high Ap for plane change, etc.) so I may well add that in the near future...

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Please add info to hovering window when hovering mouse over struts / fuel lines and clicking mose scroller button to show wich parts are connected.


EAS-4 Strut Connector

Cost : 42.0 / 42.0

Root : FL-T400 Fuel Tank

Child : 24-77 "Twitch" Liquid Fuel Engine

I already posted in Editor Extensions thread with same idea. It kind of overlaps both EEX and KER plugins, to me both are equally ok to implement this.

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So, this might have been answered before, but: What does 'atmospheric efficiency' mean?

Answer 1: A lot less than it used to (in 0.90 and before)

Answer 2: It's how close you are to whatever speed would be freefall. Mostly you can ignore it, but you should never intentionally break it unless you're going for some challenge or something. Once you pass 100%, if you're going straight up, you're losing more fuel fighting drag than you are fighting gravity. However, it's so hard to reach it with normal rockets and you should almost never be going straight up, so the number is less and less indicative of anything important.

But back in 0.90 and before, hugging 100% on your first 10km of your climb was critical to an efficient flight to orbit.

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Answer 1: A lot less than it used to (in 0.90 and before)

Answer 2: It's how close you are to whatever speed would be freefall. Mostly you can ignore it, but you should never intentionally break it unless you're going for some challenge or something. Once you pass 100%, if you're going straight up, you're losing more fuel fighting drag than you are fighting gravity. However, it's so hard to reach it with normal rockets and you should almost never be going straight up, so the number is less and less indicative of anything important.

But back in 0.90 and before, hugging 100% on your first 10km of your climb was critical to an efficient flight to orbit.

Actually I find it fairly easy to reach 100%+ on my first stage, and I usually run at < 100% engine power until after 10km to save fuel and prevent that. I also can break 200% on some planes.

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