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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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8 hours ago, scottadges said:

I'm running 1.7.3 and am paranoid about messing with this install (it's FINALLY working generally smoothly) so wondering... should I update to Currently running of this mod.

Nothing to be gained. The .8 and .9 releases are merely lock ups to prevent running on KSP 1.8 without warnings. You can safely skip them - not even a typo was fixed.


8 hours ago, scottadges said:

Thanks for all your awesome work keeping this updated!

Boldly crashing what no Kerbal has crashed before, sir! :) Welcome!

7 hours ago, The-Doctor said:

Unfortunately nothings changed with the dll sadly. Tried hard but no change

Send me a KSP log of the thing - from startup until you tried using it, borking, and then quitting KSP (so I have a full session). Procedural wings is something too much cool to leave things as it is.

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i simply don't understand why tweak scale isn't stock feature... i like better simple rockets approach with procedural parts.


+++ Mods
* FloatEdit and ScaleEdit PAW prefabs fixed.

did they fix it?

 L.E. just tried vers for 1.7 and is working

Edited by Acvila
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34 minutes ago, YeetBoi said:

guys tweakscale works for me now for some reason. i didnt even update it...

Did you updated KSP, right? :)


Just now, Rocketology said:

@Lisias The latest version of Tweakscale does indeed appear to be working fine with the 1.8.1 update! Maybe you get to keep your hair after all!

Too late!

Baldly crashing what no hair has crashed before….

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12 hours ago, Lisias said:

Nothing to be gained. The .8 and .9 releases are merely lock ups to prevent running on KSP 1.8 without warnings. You can safely skip them - not even a typo was fixed.


Boldly crashing what no Kerbal has crashed before, sir! :) Welcome!

Send me a KSP log of the thing - from startup until you tried using it, borking, and then quitting KSP (so I have a full session). Procedural wings is something too much cool to leave things as it is.


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I didn't realize KSP updated between play sessions, so I just hopped on and thought that I somehow accidentally installed the perfect combination to fix the UI problem. But I can also confirm to be working on both a stripped down 1.8.1 with only TweakScale, and a build with god knows how many other mods.


Even if it's working now, I still wanna say a huge thank you for how hard you've been working around the clock to try and get all this sorted, while juggling real life alongside it. Even just by scrolling through replies I know I could never develop something even a quarter as intricate as this. TweakScale has been a staple of my KSP playing since the first time I found it, and I'm glad that all these years later there's still hard work and enthusiasm being put into it

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41 minutes ago, The-Doctor said:

Could you send me also the KSP.log? Some interesting events that could affect the issue with Procedural Wings would be logged there. The Playler.log may be needed too, some exceptiions are logged only there!

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5 hours ago, Thepig said:

Can confirm that tweakscale UI is working on KSP 1.8.1, only tested a few stock parts so far but the UI is back.

Yes, at least until the moment.

But I didn't gave it a full walkthrough yet - I heard of a issue with AddOn Binder, and I'm downloading some third parties Add'Ons that I know to use Scale_Redist.dll . There're some more testings to be done before I put my SAS on the line on this. :)


On 10/28/2019 at 9:41 PM, The-Doctor said:

I'm tryna recreate the Daedalus from NatGeo's Mars, and so tweakscale is needed for procedural parts

You probably already know it by now, but I just tested B9 Procedural Wings Fork with TweakScale Version <I don't even know what I'm using anymore> on KSP 1.8.1.


It's some time since I used this, so I really don't remember, but I can't scale the procedural wings. Do you could do it on 1.7.3?


On 10/28/2019 at 8:03 PM, NemesisBosseret said:

with OPT i believe there was duplicate craft files creating a Fatal fault and BD i think something was missing or just not working right with it where tweak scale just didn't support.     sorry im sleep deprived.

Well, I gave it a try using OPT, OPT Legacy and OPT Reconfig. And I got no FATALities. Not even new Warnings:

[LOG 22:14:52.700] [TweakScale] INFO: WriteDryCost Concluded : 1097 parts found ; 0 checks failed ; 0 parts with hotfixes ; 0 parts with issues overruled ; 0 Show Stoppers found; 15 Sanity Check failed; 272 unscalable parts.

I think it should be something else installed on that case of yours.

In a way or another, YELLOW Warnings are safe, you can go on as it is. Warnings are things that you will not like, but it will not harm you neither.

Only  RED Messages are potentially destructive. It's not guaranteed that you will be bitten, but it's pretty possible you can lose the savegame - so I decided to scare you enough so you can reach me and we try to find a fix. Now and then I'm wrong, so you can cancel the default Action and keep going. But then, please use SAVE. :) 


55 minutes ago, The-Doctor said:

Oh no I deleted everything when I updated to 1.8.1 I'll have to retry it another time I guess

Not a problem. See above! :)

— — — — — 

@FreeThinker, I also gave a shot with KSP Interstellar Extended. Unfortunately, got some errors on log.

[LOG 22:02:55.844] Load(Assembly): InterstellarFuelSwitch/Plugins/Scale_Redist
[LOG 22:02:55.844] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at /Users/lisias/Workspaces/KSP/runtime/1.8.1/GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Plugins/Scale_Redist.dll
[LOG 22:02:55.880] Load(Assembly): TweakScale/Plugins/Scale_Redist
[LOG 22:02:55.880] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at /Users/lisias/Workspaces/KSP/runtime/1.8.1/GameData/TweakScale/Plugins/Scale_Redist.dll
[LOG 22:02:55.896] Load(Assembly): WarpPlugin/Plugins/Interstellar_Redist
[LOG 22:02:55.896] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at /Users/lisias/Workspaces/KSP/runtime/1.8.1/GameData/WarpPlugin/Plugins/Interstellar_Redist.dll
[LOG 22:02:55.921] Load(Assembly): WarpPlugin/Plugins/Scale_Redist
[LOG 22:02:55.921] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at /Users/lisias/Workspaces/KSP/runtime/1.8.1/GameData/WarpPlugin/Plugins/Scale_Redist.dll
[ERR 22:02:56.187] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Scale_Redist, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[ERR 22:02:56.187] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Scale_Redist, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[ERR 22:02:56.222] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Interstellar_Redist, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[ERR 22:02:56.222] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Interstellar_Redist, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Scale_Redist v1.0.0.0
Scale_Redist v1.0.0.0
Interstellar_Redist v1.2.0.0
Scale_Redist v1.0.0.0
  Scale_Redist                                                                     d7d396e245d20ad8e193e7a5e73ee8c745c0564eef60ce1c4d3eeb0db097d71d
  Scale_Redist                                                                     d7d396e245d20ad8e193e7a5e73ee8c745c0564eef60ce1c4d3eeb0db097d71d
  Interstellar_Redist                                                              07f890c0728dfd27d6ff1d3f6643ff9473e25fec6a52e33de30a6e1efe17c64a
  Scale_Redist                                                                     d7d396e245d20ad8e193e7a5e73ee8c745c0564eef60ce1c4d3eeb0db097d71d

However, on a first sight things appears to work:


That top two sliders appears to be doing nothing. I change the sliders and nothing perceptible happens.

On the bright side, the resource sliders (bottom) are on the right place now. I can see the PAW being redrawn on my machine tough, and I think the widgets are on the right place.

— — —  On the Bottom Line — — — — — 

I'm closing shop for the night, but I will come back to this. Sooner or later. :D

On the bottom line, as long you don't use also an Add'On that uses Scale_Redist.dll you are safe on using TweakScale  and above. On .8 and .9 you can safely click Cancel and going on (but you would want to go back to .7 and save yourself the hassle).

However, users of Add'Ons that make use of Scale_Redist can still have some issues, and I will work on it before releasing  .

Edited by Lisias
Hit "save" too soon.
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17 hours ago, Acvila said:

i simply don't understand why tweak scale isn't stock feature... i like better simple rockets approach with procedural parts.

Seeing the long series of support requests from the last 6 months, you really can't blame them for avoiding the subject. :sticktongue:

Serious now. TweakScale seriously impair the challengers under the present Tech Tree - it makes the game terribly easier, to the point that some guys are in a boycott move against TweakScale due it being "cheating". Of course I don't agree with this BS, Unbreakable Joints is also cheating and nobody is boycotting it - just don't use it (delete the patches, and leave the DLLs for 3rd parts Add'Ons that need it, damn it). But yet, it's how things are happening now. This can be a factor against incorporating Scaling into Stock, or on a DLC.


TweakScale has some code to support for Tech Trees, but I didn't test it yet. So in theory it's possible to solve that problem - but I can't do everything by myself, and the very same people that calls TweakScale a cheat are also the ones not willing to collaborate on fixing the thing.

Well… Forum rules prevents me to externalize what I think about this subject. ;) 

On the other hand, and looking on the licensing terms of TweakScale (that ultimately even allows me to change the licensing terms - what I didn't), my personal feelings about the matter is more than clear: keep me on the loop, so we can prevent breakage and I can help if needed while cooking a stunt to keep older Add'Ons compatible with the new stunt. And Life goes on. Why I would encourage people to tinker with TweakScale code, and then deny Squad (or anybody else) the same?

I'm still using Infernal Robotics, by the way. At the same time Serenity parts sometimes. ;) 

Edited by Lisias
A bit more clear phrasing, perhaps...
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i can't really understand how can be cheating when you use computers for flight, doing rockets as bigger than your funds or fortify ship as in real life... ksp is so unrealistically made that i lough every time when i start a career and have to wait till manage to build a humble plane...man, you get to the mun but can't build a plane! procedural parts, MJ2 and tweak scale are so much more realistic than any stock feature with manually pilot, manually orbiting (who does that in RL?) or seeing your ship from a camera way off you ship (who fly that camera :) ). without mods the game is boring. 

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Well in real life, we can scale rockets to some degree.  If they're looking for a real life challenge, they're miserably failing by calling TweakScale a cheat at all lmao.  If they're purists then I'd expect then need to remove all mods. :P  Anyway, it's not for me to say lol.  In my opinion, if it weren't for the mods, the game would be seriously lacking.  It's a great game, stock, and a lot of fun but it has so little content in terms of parts that it's almost sad.  You can create them by splicing others etc. but.... I prefer the prettier looks and more realistic designs of some of the mods.  I wanted to be an astronaut growing up.  And I studied a great deal of astronomy.  I was even accepted into Emry Riddle (but never attended).  The point of me saying all of this is this is the closest I have come to the realization of a childhood dream.  I will find myself lost drifting in the wait of a maneuver just staring at the stars and the planets.  And in some cases loading into first person cockpit views (wish I could do that on EVA but am worried to try the mod).  Tweakscale helps with that, giving an element of reality to the shuttle designs even just a small bit.  Anyway, all of this is just to say thank you one last time lmao.  I never feel like you mod authors get enough appreciation from us for what you do.  I'm too broke to visit patreon pages most of the time or I would go that route. :P


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Well I can certainly see both points of view with regards to TweakScale being 'cheating', and as Lisias said it is better just to decide which mods you want and don't want to have in your game.

Personally I use TweakScale very conservatively, essentially just to plug the gaps of missing parts I feel should be in the game but are not currently. I could just as easilly write a MM patch to put these parts into the game, but TweakScale works much better for this!

Keep up the good work @Lisias:)

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i saw a plane on kerbal x made of 3500 parts, i bet that with tweak scale, procedural parts and procedural wings that plane doesn't need more than 150 parts. hardcore elitist will make that plane just to make a pic and never touch it(risk of processor meltdown at 1fps), while players like me will make it with mods and have fun with it. i also thank all modders and mod maintainers for making a good game in a great one. this is by far the best game community i know.

Edited by Acvila
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13 hours ago, Lisias said:

It's some time since I used this, so I really don't remember, but I can't scale the procedural wings. Do you could do it on 1.7.3?

I'm using B9PW since first published release. I don't recall that it was ever possible to use Tweakscale on those. Does not have any sense either to use scaling on parts that already have built in option to make them big as you want to be. Within limitation how big B9 wings can be created and those limits are there for a reason.

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Everything you need to just play the game within its design constraints is provided stock. But for me, limited and ultimately boring. The mods bring extended life and play to the game by making it versatile.  

I don't consider using Tweakscale as cheating. But then I play the game for myself, not to impress others. And in that regard, I thank Lisias for the mod because it has helped me play the way I want to. Everyone is different and it would be pretty boring otherwise. Even in the real world, people "cheat" and it provides insights, discoveries and improvements that otherwise would not have happened. Even nature "cheats". If you want to be a "purist", fine, have at it and don't forget to turn the games "cheats" off as well. Nothing like pressure limits to ruin your launch! 

As to the updates, keep at it. As you most likely know, your not in it alone. And I would like to point out that some mods that are "upgraded" to 1.8.0 or 1.8.1 are in fact still needing work. And no, I am not going to name them and start a online cat fight. It will get figured out in the end. What ever occurred with the 2019 Unity and game coding has really scrambled things up. But I can't say it's all bad news. The unmodded game graphics are much better, the game plays faster. 

As a final note, Tweakscale allows me more versatility in using less mods and less parts. Thank you and keep up the good work! It is truly appreciated! So far it is working. I am using a very limited set of mods right now. I have had to tweak some parts configs but not many. And I have had to eliminate some MM patches to get others to work. Bottom line is that is those things were not caused by TS but is the result of the upgrade changing what is needed.

Edited by Tsani
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1 hour ago, Tsani said:

I don't consider using Tweakscale as cheating.

Well, in a certain way I consider it is, in early steps of career or science mode. If I have discovered some science which allows me to build rockets with 1.25m parts and have not discovered 2.5m or 0.625m parts, I do personally consider that building anything going beyond what I have discovered so far is cheating. So I will never rescale a 1.25m engine to fit a 0.625m tank or enlarge a 2.5m fuel tank to 3.5 or 5m because I am not aware of Heavy Rocketery at this time.

But this is a personal rule and I agree on the fact that everybody should play KSP his own way.

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5 hours ago, kcs123 said:

I'm using B9PW since first published release. I don't recall that it was ever possible to use Tweakscale on those. Does not have any sense either to use scaling on parts that already have built in option to make them big as you want to be. Within limitation how big B9 wings can be created and those limits are there for a reason.

I'm sleeping too few. The guy talked about Procedural Parts, not Wings. (sigh). Oukey. At least I published some evidence about how TweakScale is not doing something unexpected. :D

— — — 

Guys, I just nailed out the last (known) glitch between TweakScale and KSP 1.8 . In the next few hours I will publish with the scaring (and wrong) message removed, as well the apparent fix for that glitch on addon binder.



I'm sorry for the delay - but not all workdays are easy ones for me! :)

Edited by Lisias
grammars. Don't you hate this thing?
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