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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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Besides all the efforts from TweakScale in playing nice and respect Stock's standards and life cycles, unfortunately it's beyound TweakScale's scope (and feasibility) to intervene and fix itself the problems on every non compliant Add'On.

So a decision was made recently to only support Stock, and all the non Stock (or Expansions) support are considered deprecated and not maintained anymore, with proper support delegated to the TweakScale Companion Program.


I can't forbid 3rd parties to add themselves TweakScale support on these nonconforming add'ons, and so me and the 3rd party authors end up with bug reports about situations none of us had intended to support at first place.

Additionally, some other 3rd party Add'Ons (by the nature of their features) need special attention from TweakScale in order to correctly work. The TweakScale Companion Program is rushing to provide support for all of them, but time is needed in order to correctly develop and check the solution - and, in the mean time, an user eventually installs that 3rd party Add'On on a rig with TweakScale and so things doesn't works as expected.

However, unfortunately some community members think that this is a CONFLICT ON TweakScale (sometimes solely ignoring the problem lies on them no following KSP's internal lifecycles - but, True be told, not even KSP's Editor is really respecting KSP's life cycle since 1.9.0) and repeatedly had asked for declaring TweakScale as a conflict to the whole shebang, and this is terrible because it ends up forcing the user to choose between installing TweakScale and that Add'On, when in fact all you need to do is to prevent patching some parts until the TweakScale Companion Program implements the support (or never patching at all when the Add'On itself is at fault and it's beyound my scope to fix it!).

Things are starting to get uncomfortable, because some dudes are now spamming unrelated sites with posts requiring I set TweakScale as a conflict with some Add'ons.

So, in an attempt to mitigate the problem, I opened https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/254 .

In the next days a new TweakScale release will be published with a modularized Sanity Check "Engine" (not too different from what I implemented on DOE!!) where I will maintain such incompatiblity lists and, so, I will remove TweakScale from any part that it's known to be incompatible.

Until now I had preferred to handle these situations punctually, but there're so many problematic Add'Ons around, and there's so few of me to handle them.

On a side note, an old (and recurrent) request will be now feasible: some people thinks that they know better, and that TweakScale should not be doing any Sanity Check at all. Well, with this new mechanism it will be possible to accomplish such (mis)feature - but I will be absolutely clear: absolutely no support will be provided to any one that deactivates this feature.

— — POST EDIT — — 


TweakScale BETA is on the wild, for brave Kerbonauts that doesn't fear the Krakens and love to play on the bleeding edge!


Good Luck! :)

Edited by Lisias
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On 2022/6/20 at 午前2時45分, Lisias said:

Something is not right here (beyound the problem you have):

[ERR 16:36:42.534] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'WildBlueTools': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.Reflecti
onTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x000e6] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0

Additional information about this exception:

 System.TypeLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'BARISBridge, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. assemb 

どうやら BARISBridgeがリグから欠落しているようです。しかし、確かではありません。何らかの理由で、KSPが以前のように動作していないためです(そして、私が尋ねたようにMJ2を削除したので、これはロギングへの影響を除外します)。そして、私はこれのために何か奇妙なことがあることを知っています:


問題:  ツールバーとScale_Redist がインストールされています!


うーん…。やっとわかったと思います。欠落 している依存関係が2つあります !:)

ModularFlightIntegrator  (これは必要なファイルだと思います)  BARISBridge  (これはインストールする必要があると思うファイルです)をインストールする必要があります



The content of the error has changed, but it still doesn't work.


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Fellow Kerbonauts, a pretty serious borderline situation was found, and this explains why I had found some complains in the past that I could not reproduce on my rig, not matter how much I tried (as I didn't understood the problem, so I didn't reproduced the environment!).

First, some background:

Since 1.5.x (I think) once we load a savegame, KSP will happily apply to any living flying craft any changes detected on the GameDatabase (removing missing PartModules, and injecting default values for new ones that were not present last time the savegame was written). This is bless, as it allows to safely (most of the time, some caveats were found) install new Add'Ons on our GameData without loosing our savegames (hopefully), but it can also be a curse on some borderline situations.

And I was thrown under the bus by one of these borderline situations. :P

There're two sets of computations that TweakScale needs to carry on before loading a savegame for the first time after booting KSP:

  1. Compute all the scalable part's Dry Cost
  2. Apply the Sanity Checks

And to save time, they are applied at the same time for each part.

Problem: I can execute these steps only after all PartModules are fully initialised on the prefab. This means that I can't safely apply them on the Loading Scene, when all the PartModules are "Load" with a null on the configNode (meaning this is a prefab initialisation, not a game loading), as I can't say if TweakScale is the last (or not!) PartModule being initialised on the damned part.

So, the solution chosen by the previous authors (and that I couldn't find a better alternative to this moment) [NOPE! I was the one that choose to do it on a CoRoutine! And exactly due MH] is to do these computations the first time the Main Menu is shown. This had worked (almost) flawlessly, besides Making History kinda screwing up my life because it creates parts on the GameDatabase also on the first time the Main Menu is shown. TweakScale had borked shamelessly the first time I tried it with Making History due this and the solution I took was to monitor the size of the GameDatabase "folder" related to Parts and postpone the computation until it stops changing plus some tens of frames for good measure (I think it was one of the first problems I tackled down on TS, still on the 2.4.0.x experimental times).

It works (most of the time).

Problem: when we overload KSP too much, Unity starts to drop frames in a (desperate) attempt to keep the game useable - and where I shoved the code that does all that computations? Yeah, on a Co-Routine. In an attempt to avoid stuttering the Main Menu, the previous Authors (and now me on the Sanity Checks) choose to split the computations across the frames.

This works pretty well on beefier rigs - the higher the FPS, the faster TweakScale will do the job and call it a day.

But on heavily overloaded machines things go down trough the tubes: with frames being dropped, that computations I mentioned get delayed, and more delayed, and no rarely two things happen (usually concomitantly!!):

  1. Making History gets delayed too, and TweakScale ends checking for the flag condition (the size of the GameDatabase) too soon and, assuming it can starts its work, it starts to work and then MH kicks in and we have again the problem I had with MH in 2018 when I started my tenure on TS
  2. So many frames are dropped that sometimes TweakScale checks a part per second (or less!!!) and so the user fatally starts a new game before TweakScale completes the computations!!!

The item 1 is a pain in the SAS, because without the Sanity Checks a lot of bad situations beyound TS control are not detected, and let pass trough into the loading savegame.

But the item 2 is pretty nasty, because a lot of parts ends up being upgrade pipelined into the savegame without the dry cost, i.e., with a DryCost of zero.

And I'm pretty sure by now that this was the reason of some complains in the past that I never managed to reproduce… It took a fellow Kerbonaut with an unrelated problem and a huge patience and good will to endure almost 10 days of exploratory testings on his rig until I could reproduce the problem in a way I could identify the cause!

Thinking on it, I concluded that my problem is trying to "play too nice", trying to prevent hindering the Main Menu animation. Currently I'm working on refactoring the whole DryCost + SanityChecks stunt on a single frame and then just take the hit of doing everything on a single frame (surely causing a hiccup on the Main Menu - at least, it happens only once).

(Recall have the very same problem, by the way…) [Had. it's fixed.]

If anyone have a better idea about how to workaround this problem, I'm listening. [Too late, gone wild on the thing already!]

— — POST EDIT — — 


TweakScale BETA is on the wild, for brave Kerbonauts that doesn't fear unleashing the Fury of the Krakens and wnjoy the feeling of playing on the bleeding edge!


Good Luck! :)

Edited by Lisias
post edit - new beta on the block
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Hi all not sure if this is the right place to post this but I'm having a problem with Tweakscale and USI Life suport and or USI Kolonization when I launch the game I'm getting a screen saying that i'm missing a DLL and that "System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException"  dont know if this is what you need but here is the part of log.

[ERR 08:14:19.680] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'KolonyTools': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 
  at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x000e6] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0 

Additional information about this exception:

 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'USITools, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'USITools, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

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3 hours ago, Dragokiller said:

Hi all not sure if this is the right place to post this but I'm having a problem with Tweakscale and USI Life suport and or USI Kolonization when I launch the game I'm getting a screen saying that i'm missing a DLL and that "System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException"  dont know if this is what you need but here is the part of log.

[ERR 08:14:19.680] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'KolonyTools': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 
  at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x000e6] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0 

Additional information about this exception:

 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'USITools, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'USITools, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

You had already diagnoses it on the Companion thread, so I'm just "marking the issue as resolved" here to avoid loosing ends!



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having odd issues with tweakscale which ive never had before.  ive used this exact mod list on my other pc and everything was fine but now on startup it gives me a warning saying that tweakscale found 496 fatal issues. if anyone could help out to try fix this, would be incredibly appreciated, ill attach the ksp log file.

log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-uVHuE06fEa7uUonQHq0obO267OIJJPO/view?usp=sharing

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4 hours ago, raptor-m said:

having odd issues with tweakscale which ive never had before.  ive used this exact mod list on my other pc and everything was fine but now on startup it gives me a warning saying that tweakscale found 496 fatal issues. if anyone could help out to try fix this, would be incredibly appreciated, ill attach the ksp log file.

log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-uVHuE06fEa7uUonQHq0obO267OIJJPO/view?usp=sharing


The BDB issues, apparently, is due something missing on the config files - but I didn't checked it yet (that thing is huge). You will have the same problems on Tantares, by the way (this one is confirmed).

While I can't say when (or if) I will cook a Companion for them, I'm writing something that will tell TweakScale about these problems and withdraw TS support for them if they are patched by accident. Task on https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/258 . This will solve your problems with DBD (and the ones with Tantares for other people).

About your specific problem on the logs, dude, you was bitten by a bad patching problem. It's some time since the last time I got it, I'm assuming you are migrating from an older game? I bet you are, because the double patching is coming from TweakScale itself:

[LOG 21:45:35.689] Applying update TweakScale/Deprecating/patches/B9_Aerospace/B9_HX/@PART[B9_Structure_HX0_E] to B9_Aerospace_HX/Parts/Structure_HX/model_hx_size0_endpiece.cfg/PART[B9_Structure_HX0_E]
[LOG 21:45:46.827] Applying update TweakScale/patches/B9_Aerospace/B9_HX/@PART[B9_Structure_HX0_E] to B9_Aerospace_HX/Parts/Structure_HX/model_hx_size0_endpiece.cfg/PART[B9_Structure_HX0_E]

Everything non Stock was deprecated and removed from TweakScale/patches/ a long time ago (I don't even remember when! :P ). And, well, you are using a pretty old TweakScale version!

[LOG 21:44:30.548] [TweakScale] Version /L

I strongly suggest you update TweakScale to the newest one. Lots of improvements and bug fixes were made, and one of the most important for you using old patches is the ability to migrate Scale Definitions without loosing the part.

Install the latest TweakScale and these problems should go away. For good. :)

You may want to keep an eye on the TweakScale Companion Program for replacing some of the deprecated patches.

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Hia @Lisias, hope you're doing well!

Maybe this has been answered in the past, but for some reason, the search function of the forum today is disgusting... !

Anyway, I've got the following :


deleting a DLL is something I'm always relunctant to do... and since they're not in the same location,  that adds more of a suspicion to fail..

Afterall, didn't notice any issue, got this since a long time now, but this is like a fly teasing you at night, so I thought I may ask the question finally...




Edited by Demcrew
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3 hours ago, Demcrew said:

Hia @Lisias, hope you're doing well!

Maybe this has been answered in the past, but for some reason, the search function of the forum today is disgusting... !

Anyway, I've got the following :


deleting a DLL is something I'm always relunctant to do... and since they're not in the same location,  that adds more of a suspicion to fail..

Afterall, didn't notice any issue, got this since a long time now, but this is like a fly teasing you at night, so I thought I may ask the question finally...

Whoops…. I think I made a mistake on the AirplanePlus distribution….


YES. I made a huge mistake on the A+ distribution zip.

Remove AirplanePlus/Plugins/KSPe.Light.TweakScale. I messed up the configuration file from the tool that automates the process.

I can't say about KatLib.dll, however. I would try to preserve the one on KXAPI folder, as this is where the API is implemented.

I'm fixing the AirplanePlus zip right now.

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3 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:


What does this message mean?  I looked at the file, nothing obvious to me

30667 [TweakScale] WARNING: NULL ConfigNode for CTN/Parts/3Sat/Small Solar/3satSmallSolar/3Sat_smallSolar (unholy characters on the name?). Trying partConfig instead! 


I had forgot about this one.

It means that TS coudn't find the the part's entry on the GameDatabase using the pathname (because Unith converts them into URLs), and had to check the partConfig directly - a less than ideal situation, because the URL pinpoints to the file where the part is defined, and this is convenient for diagnosing.

I log it as a warning because one of the most common problems I had at that time was patches trying to patch parts with spaces, undercores and others chars that Unity doesn't likes - and so, by having this warning and later some error or mistake on the same part I don't waste time looking on the MM config cache, as the problem is almost surely on a patching not being applied or being applied on the wrong place due the Unity's stunt.

Edited by Lisias
better phrasing
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Just now, Lisias said:

I had forgot about this one.

It means that TS coudn't find the the part's entry on the GameDatabase using the pathname (because Unith converts them into URLs), and had to check the partConfig directly - a less than ideal situation, because the URL pinpoints to the file where the part is defined, and this is convenient for diagnosing.

I log it as a warning because one of the most common problems I had at that time was patches trying to patch parts with spaces, undercores and others chars that Unity doesn't likes - and so, by having this warning and later some error or mistake on the same part I don't waste time looking on the MM config cache, as the problem is almost surely on a patching not being applied or being applied on the wrong place due the Unity's stunt.

Understood, thanks

So it's probably the space in the file name.

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1 minute ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Understood, thanks

So it's probably the space in the file name.

Yes, most of the time. This warning can be ignored unless an error with the same part happens later (it's the reason it's a warning). TweakScale has a hell of a big mouth, so usually the error come from it too but, as a rule of thumb, if anyone comply about a part and that part was mentioned on a Warning on TweakScale, you usually save some time by betting on a patch that misbehave because of that chars.

Ideally we should all avoid using spaces, underscores and anything else that Unity changes to dots on pathnames - but trying to fix this on already stablished parts brought me more problems than solutions, so I ended up keeping older pathnames intact and taking the Warning hit until the part gets revamped, and so it can get a new pathname because the assets had changed anyway and can't be reused the same way the older part's assets were - i.e., since the breakage is now unavoidable, there's no point on keeping the "buggy" pathname.

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Just now, Lisias said:

Yes, most of the time. This warning can be ignored unless an error with the same part happens later (it's the reason it's a warning). TweakScale has a hell of a big mouth, so usually the error come from it too but, as a rule of thumb, if anyone comply about a part and that part was mentioned on a Warning on TweakScale, you usually save some time by betting on a patch that misbehave because of that chars.

Ideally we should all avoid using spaces, underscores and anything else that Unity changes to dots on pathnames - but trying to fix this on already stablished parts brought me more problems than solutions, so I ended up keeping older pathnames intact and taking the Warning hit until the part gets revamped, and so it can get a new pathname because the assets had changed anyway and can't be reused the same way the older part's assets were - i.e., since the breakage is now unavoidable, there's no point on keeping the "buggy" pathname.

I'm removing the space from the directory names, I totally agree with you about that.

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4 hours ago, Rutabaga22 said:

Are you talking about this?

[LOG 07:03:14.992] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part SXTAirbag (Mk10-XL Inflatable Airbag) didn't passed the sanity check due using FSbuoyancy module without TweakScaleCompanion for Firespitter installed - see issue [#1] from TSC_FS ( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompantion_FS/issues/1 ). at error:0
[LOG 07:03:14.992] [TweakScale] WARNING: Removing TweakScale support for SXTAirbag (Mk10-XL Inflatable Airbag).

You have Firespitter installed, so you need to have TweakScale Companion for Firespitter installed too.

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TweakScale BETA is on the wild, for brave Kerbonauts that doesn't fear unleashing the Fury of the Krakens and wnjoy the feeling of playing on the bleeding edge!

Some serious changes on the whole Sanity Check infrastructure were implemented on and were further improved (and fixed) now. The Sanity Checks are known to work correctly on this Pre Release.

Additionally, a "fix" (plain removal of TweakScale, to tell the true) for Blue_DB was added, as well checks for Tantares (as a serious incompatibility to KSP-Recall, needed by TweakScale, that I still didn't diagnosed) and Configurable Containers (that has a minor mishap, but still…).


Good Luck! :)

Edited by Lisias is on the wild
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I'm getting a freeze every time I open the VAB with *just* TweakScale installed. No other mods other than dependencies, latest 2.4 version, no DLCs even.


Log: http://sprunge.us/vSGvyd, unfortunately it doesn't really show anything.


EDIT: After some quick bisect work, the last good version is TweakScale v2.4.6.10. 

Edited by revuwution
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16 hours ago, revuwution said:

I'm getting a freeze every time I open the VAB with *just* TweakScale installed. No other mods other than dependencies, latest 2.4 version, no DLCs even.

Log: http://sprunge.us/vSGvyd, unfortunately it doesn't really show anything.

EDIT: After some quick bisect work, the last good version is TweakScale v2.4.6.10. 

I found absolutely nothing remotely weird on your KSP.log.  Did you copied it with KSP still running? The last lines I found are:

[LOG 00:57:34.912] ------------------- initializing editor mode... ------------------
[LOG 00:57:34.912] editor started
[LOG 00:57:34.920] GetSubclassesOfParentClass: Using cached results for AlarmTypeBase
[LOG 00:57:34.921] Loading Depletion Nodes
[LOG 00:57:34.921] DepNodeCount:  0
[LOG 00:57:34.921] Loading Biome Nodes

So, and assuming you had quit KSP before sending me the KSP.log, your game halted while loading the Biome Nodes - and I fail to see how TweakScale could be related to it...

Anyway, I fired a test bed mimicking your rig here, but on MacOS (that essentially handle things more or less as on Linux) to see if I get something easily (I don't remember the last time I checked TweakScale without DLCs to tell you the true). And...

You apparently found something, as my rig got frozen for some seconds, I think almost 10. This is the tail of my KSP.log once the thing unfreezed:

[LOG 05:59:37.595] BiomeNodeCount:  0
[LOG 05:59:37.596] Loading Planet Nodes
[LOG 05:59:37.596] PlanetNodeCount:  0
[LOG 05:59:37.598] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 05:59:39.263] [UiApp] Awake: EngineersReport
[LOG 05:59:39.263] [UiApp] Awake: KSPedia
[LOG 05:59:39.263] [UiApp] Awake: Missions App
[LOG 05:59:39.263] [UiApp] Awake: DeltaVApp
[LOG 05:59:39.263] [UiApp] Awake: ActionGroupsApp
[LOG 05:59:39.263] [UiApp] Awake: AlarmClock
[LOG 05:59:39.263] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene EDITOR ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() False iIsPositionedAtTop False
[LOG 06:00:42.307] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 895
[LOG 06:00:42.319] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Contracts
[LOG 06:00:42.448] [MessageSystem] Reposition 0.02 20813
[LOG 06:00:42.448] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 20813
[LOG 06:00:42.448] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 20813
[LOG 06:00:42.736] [UIApp] Adding AlarmClock to Application Launcher
[LOG 06:00:42.738] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 845
[LOG 06:00:42.738] [UIApp] Adding ActionGroupsApp to Application Launcher
[LOG 06:00:42.740] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 804
[LOG 06:00:42.740] [ApplicationLauncher] SetHidden: 
[LOG 06:00:42.741] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 845
[LOG 06:00:42.741] [UIApp] Adding Missions App to Application Launcher
[LOG 06:00:42.743] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 804
[LOG 06:00:42.743] [UIApp] Adding EngineersReport to Application Launcher
[LOG 06:00:42.744] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 763
[LOG 06:00:42.783] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.1609529 20819
[LOG 06:00:42.790] [ActionGroupsApp] OnAppStarted(): id: -360798
[LOG 06:00:42.792] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.1609529 20819
[LOG 06:00:42.793] [UIApp] Adding DeltaVApp to Application Launcher
[LOG 06:00:42.795] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 722
[LOG 06:00:42.795] [MissionsApp] OnAppStarted(): id: -360786
[LOG 06:00:42.795] MissionsApp does not execute in this game mode, destroying this instance
[LOG 06:00:42.795] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Missions App
[LOG 06:00:42.796] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 722
[LOG 06:00:42.798] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.1609529 20819
[LOG 06:00:42.860] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.2009529 20820
[WRN 06:00:42.889] HighlightingSystem : Edge Highlighting requires AA to work!
[LOG 06:00:42.889] [UIApp] Adding KSPedia to Application Launcher
[LOG 06:00:42.890] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 722
[WRN 06:00:42.899] HighlightingSystem : Edge Highlighting requires AA to work!
[WRN 06:00:42.899] HighlightingSystem : Edge Highlighting requires AA to work!
[WRN 06:00:42.899] HighlightingSystem : Edge Highlighting requires AA to work!
[WRN 06:00:42.899] HighlightingSystem : Edge Highlighting requires AA to work!
[WRN 06:00:42.899] HighlightingSystem : Edge Highlighting requires AA to work!
[WRN 06:00:42.899] HighlightingSystem : Edge Highlighting requires AA to work!
[LOG 06:00:42.978] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 06:00:47.650] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 06:00:47.651] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 06:00:47.658] Game State Saved to saves/default/persistent

We got some seconds of halting here:

LOG 05:59:39.263] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene EDITOR ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() False iIsPositionedAtTop False
[LOG 06:00:42.307] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 895

and some more here:

[LOG 06:00:42.978] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 06:00:47.650] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 06:00:47.651] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 06:00:47.658] Game State Saved to saves/default/persistent

What's suggest something on KSP itself, and not on TweakScale (besides it my be collaborating to it somehow).

So, I need you to make some more tests for me:

Reproduce the problem using the latest TweakScale ( at this time), but once the game freezes, let it go for some minutes. Then, if the thing is still frozen, kill the process and then send me the new KSP.log and, additionally, the Player.log from Unity. You will find it here:

  • On Linux
    • On KSP >=1.8, you will find the Player.log on ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/KSP/

—— POST EDIT — — 

I gave it another shot, this time I got almost one minute!

[LOG 06:25:44.059] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene EDITOR ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() False iIsPositionedAtTop False
[LOG 06:26:37.254] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 895

I will try without TweakScale now... 


You found something, indeed:

[LOG 06:33:05.879] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene EDITOR ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() False iIsPositionedAtTop False
[LOG 06:33:05.889] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Contracts

I think I got a hunch about what's triggering this delay.  I'm doing some tests, but in the mean time, waiting will "workaround" the issue. The problem happens only the first time you enter the Editor...


Problem consistent on TweakScale Beta That's pretty weird, to tell you the true. And, yeah, the problem only happens the first time you enter Editor (note the timestamps):

[LOG 06:43:31.699] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene EDITOR ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() False iIsPositionedAtTop False
[LOG 06:44:35.762] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 895

On the second time and after, I got:

[LOG 06:46:09.440] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene EDITOR ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() False iIsPositionedAtTop False
[LOG 06:46:09.444] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 895

Almost intantly. I think I know what's happening, but failed to understand why. I'm going to install the DLCs back to see what I get.


You are right. The problem, indeed, started to happen on TS, being the last TS without the glitch.

I'm investigating what I had changed on .11 that could be lead to this issue. I'll probably issue an emergency release with a fix today or tomorrow (assuming nothing else happens on my life today).

[NOPE! The problem started to happen on TS! is fine! see below...]

In the mean time, your options is to stick with (that it's a bit buggy) or to use and have a bit of patience on the first time you load the Editor. Why this got so nasty on your rig it's a mystery for me, but I have a hunch: try to run KSP using the following command line:

cd "/media/eyes/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/"

There's a pretty stupid mistake on Unity (whole history here) where lots and lots of spinlocks are happening, and the more spinlocks you have on a powerful CPU like yours, the worst. This will not fix the problem, I hope to make it slightly more bearable while I work on the fix - but in the mean time, I expect you to have the same (or slightely better) performance on your rig with less heat and power consuption - at least, it worked on my rig this way


TS is innocent, the problems started to happen on .12. Why you got a good start on .10 and not .11 it's something I'm trying to figure out, because I also got a false positive on .11 .

What I think I did was not cleaning up the whole TweakScale directory while downgrading it before the tests, and so some leftover from .12 lingered when I tried .11, and by plain luck when I installed .10 to test it, the overwrite got rid of that left over.

Still working on it,



The closing of Issue #222 (due a problem related to Steam) introduced this misbehaviour, it's not TweakScale at all! That fix was necessary because Steam (only Krakens know the reason) found it was a good idea to link UNREADABLE SYSTEM DIRECTORIES (as the motherboard's UEFI file system) on the user's directory, and then I was borking while checking if the current directory was set right. This is necessary because, on UNIX machines, the current directory is not automatically set to the directory where the executable is, and if you have the bad luck of launching KSP with the current directory set to any other place, then a lot of KSP files are read or written on the wrong place, with pretty nasty consequences. Not being enough, the C# runtime also screwed me up royally because it "reparse" the DLL's path while loading (google for Reparse Points), logically destroying any symlinks the user (and Steam) creates, so I had to do some magic to be able to check that freaking current directory. Due this crap Steam unleashed on me, I had to do that magic in a different way and this ended up screwing up the loading time on TweakScale because TweakScale need to read/write a file the first time the Editor is launched.

Ugh. :(

Now that I know where the problem is, it's easier to find exactly what got screwed on the KSPe.Light I shoved on TS , and try to fix it in a way it doesn't screws me up again due that Steam's crapness above.

Edited by Lisias
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1 hour ago, Rutabaga22 said:

I saw that scaling robotics parts was an experimental patch. When will robot scaling be possible?

When I finally have time to do the tests myself, or people enough (ideally, more than 2) do the tests and report they are working. With evidences that long term playing is safe. :)

Theoretically the thing works - but the Robotics had bitten me horribly in the past, and I'm reticent on releasing it into the wild as stable and then get buried on an avalanche of bug reports for things that are out of my control - these things are terribly buggy.

As a matter of fact, I think that the best way to go on scalable robotics is still Infernal Robotics. I would really enjoy if someone finds a way to use the Stock meshes on the Infernal Robotics PartModules - and if we manage to convince the KAL-9000 to work with Infernal Robotics, that would be heaven!


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8 hours ago, Lisias said:

--- lots of stuff ---

I was asleep all during today so I wasn't able to see this reply to test anything for you, but I am astonished at the amount of effort you put in to replicate this. I am beyond thankful. If there's anything you need to me to test further I'll gladly help.

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