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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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2 hours ago, StormxWolf said:

Thanks for the help! I tried searching, sorry I could not find it!

Not a problem! :)

It's a pretty old bug, to tell you the true - this thing never worked on TS, at least not since 1.3.0 (the older KSP I managed to check).

If you are interested, watch this issue: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/27

I will updated it when I find a time window for it!


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(Good thing I don't rely on the USA's FAA for it, not? :sticktongue:)

KSP 1.12.5 is on the wild. I'm currently downloading to check things, but by reading the CHANGE LOG I don't expect anything new happening.

In a way or another, a new TweakScale release is scheduled for Soon™ , so please report any weirdness you detect - don't mind if the problem was already reported or not, there's always something "new" lurking around and I don't want to miss it! :)

Cheers (and happy hunting!!! #hurray!!)

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7 hours ago, Lisias said:


(Good thing I don't rely on the USA's FAA for it, not? :sticktongue:)

KSP 1.12.5 is on the wild. I'm currently downloading to check things, but by reading the CHANGE LOG I don't expect anything new happening.

In a way or another, a new TweakScale release is scheduled for Soon™ , so please report any weirdness you detect - don't mind if the problem was already reported or not, there's always something "new" lurking around and I don't want to miss it! :)

Cheers (and happy hunting!!! #hurray!!)

Hello! When i increase :prograde:  the size of a MK2 Drone Core (with restock model) the price decreases  :retrograde:.

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8 hours ago, Lisias said:


(Good thing I don't rely on the USA's FAA for it, not? :sticktongue:)

KSP 1.12.5 is on the wild. I'm currently downloading to check things, but by reading the CHANGE LOG I don't expect anything new happening.

In a way or another, a new TweakScale release is scheduled for Soon™ , so please report any weirdness you detect - don't mind if the problem was already reported or not, there's always something "new" lurking around and I don't want to miss it! :)

Cheers (and happy hunting!!! #hurray!!)

Any luck with the b9 part switch + pick-up and re-place issue? I seem to remember some version of TS fixing this exact thing in the past...

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8 minutes ago, italon said:

Only thing I have to report right now is other add-on/mod config's saves aren't persisting through game restart. Interesting. Even if I change the .cfg files themselves and save those changes they don't reflect ingame. More interesting.

Please elaborate, I didn't understood. Can you list a finite number of steps to reproduce the problem?

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1 hour ago, Lisias said:

Please elaborate, I didn't understood. Can you list a finite number of steps to reproduce the problem?

With TweakScale mod enabled, it is not possible for other mod configs to be saved properly and they must be reconfigured to desired settings every time I re-launch the game. With TweakScale disabled or removed, other mod configs save properly and are persistent when re-launching the game.

For example, if I edit settings for PlanetShine or DistantObject mods, the settings changed only work during a single play session. If I quit the game and restart, the changes that were made are lost. Even if I change the .cfg files themselves located in the GameData folder, etc. and save those files, they do not persist when the game launches.

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On 1/13/2023 at 4:35 PM, italon said:

With TweakScale mod enabled, it is not possible for other mod configs to be saved properly and they must be reconfigured to desired settings every time I re-launch the game. With TweakScale disabled or removed, other mod configs save properly and are persistent when re-launching the game.

For example, if I edit settings for PlanetShine or DistantObject mods, the settings changed only work during a single play session. If I quit the game and restart, the changes that were made are lost. Even if I change the .cfg files themselves located in the GameData folder, etc. and save those files, they do not persist when the game launches.

There's something pretty wrong happening on your rig, TweakScale don't interfere with 3rd parties save process. What I think it's happening is that something is inducing TweakScale to bork, breaking an internal chain of events - it's the only thing that came to my mind that could possibly involve TweakScale on this weird misbehaviour.

Please fire up KSP with TS installed, reproduce the problem, quit KSP and post here the KSP.log using dropbox or similar service so I can check what's happening. You will find instructions about how to locate the KSP.log on the OP, in the section "Support" inside a spoiler

— — POST EDIT — — 

After some troubleshooting, it was determined that TweakScale has nothing to do with this ordeal!

Whole history on this thread:


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1 hour ago, Rocket Science42 said:


my KSP game is having issues with tweakscale, here is my log.

Nope, your KSP is suffering from many issues - what's happening is that TweakScale is the one complaining about, where the others go silent about the failures, letting them to screw you up later on the game.

You have lots of problems with ModuleWheels:

[EXC 22:17:08.422] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        ModuleWheels.ModuleWheelSubmodule.OnAwake () (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
        PartModule.Awake () (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        DragCubeSystem:SetupPartForRender(Part, GameObject)
        UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

And you have also this pretty weird problem bugging ModuleManager:

[EXC 22:12:09.517] [ModuleManager] Post run call threw an exception in loading f4b7b4c6-f092-4f75-909e-8ba42c13cadc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetTypes (System.Boolean exportedOnly) [0x0012d] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at ModuleManager.PostPatchLoader+<Run>d__16.MoveNext () [0x00538] in <ac37db06097f4706b70066f555f86981>:0

MechJeb is also being screwed by something:

[LOG 22:12:12.252] [MechJeb2] Starting the Dispatcher
[ERR 22:12:12.282] MechJeb moduleRegistry creation threw an exception in LoadComputerModules loading f4b7b4c6-f092-4f75-909e-8ba42c13cadc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetTypes (System.Boolean exportedOnly) [0x0012d] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at MuMech.MechJebCore.LoadComputerModules () [0x0002d] in <26f1f8c6d2ae4d2d8ccc568248027be7>:0

And a lot more affecting different add'ons that I quit to count in the middle of the log file.

At least but not at last, obviously, TS - the only one trying to inform you about something really, really wrong on your rig:

[LOG 22:00:25.605] [KSPe.Binder] Looking for Scale.PartDB.19x.dll on GameData\TweakScale\Plugins\PluginData\...
[LOG 22:00:25.606] [KSPe.Binder] Found it on C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TweakScale\Plugins\PluginData\Scale.Pa
[LOG 22:00:25.607] [TweakScale] Support for KSP 1.9.0 to 1.12.4 Version /L
[LOG 22:00:25.636] [TweakScale] ERROR: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetTypes (System.Boolean exportedOnly) [0x0012d] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at KSPe.Util.SystemTools+Type+Finder.FindByQualifiedName (System.String qn) [0x00039] in <e78b6736d2e9431a9ef12ef81cc2a206>:0
  at TweakScale.Startup.Start () [0x000a3] in <8ce57831e5584c899d8e7b205eefdb07>:0  at error:0

By previous experience, when TS borks with a System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException it's due some TS DLL really missing from your GameData or due some 3rd party triggering a bug on the KSP guts, more specifically, a thingy called Assembly Loader/Resolver. Since the log above says that it had found the DLL TS wants, the conclusion is that we have some 3rd party screwing up the already buggy Assembly Loader/Resolver.

Digging on your log, I found:

[LOG 21:59:22.245] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PQSModCreator' from assembly 'KopernicusExpansion.RegionalPQSMods'
[EXC 21:59:22.993] ArgumentException: Duplicate type name within an assembly.
        System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineType (System.String name, System.Reflection.TypeAttributes attr, System.Type parent, System.Type[] interfaces, System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize packingSize, System.Int32 typesize) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
        System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineType (System.String name, System.Reflection.TypeAttributes attr, System.Type parent, System.Type[] interfaces) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
        TriAxis.RunSharp.TypeGen..ctor (TriAxis.RunSharp.AssemblyGen owner, System.String name, System.Reflection.TypeAttributes attrs, System.Type baseType, System.Type[] interfaces, TriAxis.RunSharp.ITypeMapper typeMapper) (at <fd18e0ef899946d5b101c3255bfcbde8>:0)
        TriAxis.RunSharp.AssemblyGen.Class (System.String name, System.Type baseType, System.Type[] interfaces) (at <fd18e0ef899946d5b101c3255bfcbde8>:0)
        TriAxis.RunSharp.AssemblyGen.Class (System.String name, System.Type baseType) (at <fd18e0ef899946d5b101c3255bfcbde8>:0)
        KopernicusExpansion.RegionalPQSMods.PQSModCreator.Awake () (at <f5e1172978524a599c9056aa1686da11>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)

And this appears to settle the question: PQSModCreator is apparently broken (or perhaps is being induced to break by yet someone else?).

In a way or another, you will need to remove Kopernicus from your rig in order to have all that other Add'ons above to work (TS is only one of them!). I suggest you to reach Kopernicus Maintainers for further help on fixing Kopernicus, because I don't know it enough to even give you a educated guess about how to fix it!

Send them the same KSP.log you sent me, and you can pinpoint this post as a source of information. I can try to help if someone that knows Kopernicus' guts is available to guide me on the debugging!

Good Luck!

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Release is available for downloading, with the following changes:

  • Bug fixes.
  • States compatibility to KSP 1.12.5
  • Updates KSPe.Light with bug fixes and 1.12.5 support.
  • Closes Issues:
    • #246 New bug related to IVA and Cameras when TweakScale is installed.

That pesky IVA bug is no more!! #hurray!!!


By last, but not the least...


No Module Manager was harmed during the development of TweakScale.


This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now.
  • CurseForge. Right now.
  • SpaceDock (and CKAN users). Right Now.

The reasoning is to gradually distribute a potentially Support Fest release in a way that would me allow to provide proper support if anything else goes wrong.


Edited by Lisias
All your Distribution Channels are belong to us!
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8 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

Can confirm that with on 1.12.5, the issue with B9 Part Switch and symmetry persists, just FYI in case that's useful info!

yeah this^^ can replicate

have not run into any borked saves yet in about 10 hours play also

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9 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

Can confirm that with on 1.12.5, the issue with B9 Part Switch and symmetry persists, just FYI in case that's useful info!

Yep. This is going to be tackled down on https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompanion_FuelSwitches - unfortunately, I didn't had time to kickstart this project yet, as I'm getting my SAS mercilessly bashed but some stupidity I did while handling ModulePartVariant.

There's little to no point trying to support B9PS before properly support ModulePartVariant first… :blush:

On the bright side, last weekend I finally detected exactly what I did wrong on the Beta branch, removed a lot of code that became redundant and only expanded my surface of exposition for bugs. I'm making something wrong on getting the right attachment point from the Variant.

Anyway, still on the fight.


47 minutes ago, Sir_Wookie said:

have not run into any borked saves yet in about 10 hours play also

You know, this is a hell of a relief. :)

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Hey again! I'm having another problem with Tweakscale this time!

Whenever I try to place a part radially on a Tweakscaled part, the part disappears, but it still counts to mass, part count, and dimensions. I tried to make a small Mun rover but I encountered this issue very recently, I have no idea what made it happen. When I sent it out to the runway, the Kraken immediately took hold of it and sent it flying to nowhere.

Here's a clip on what happens, is there any way to fix this issue?



I've taken a closer look and as it turns out, parts are in fact NOT disappearing but they're automagically resizing themselves to 10% normal size where I can barely place them, when I scale them back to normal size, they return to 10% size when placed again.


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4 hours ago, BravoAlpha101st said:

I've taken a closer look and as it turns out, parts are in fact NOT disappearing but they're automagically resizing themselves to 10% normal size where I can barely place them, when I scale them back to normal size, they return to 10% size when placed again.

Check if you have the AutoScale option set, by looking into the video I noticed the TweakScale Icon on toolbar is greenlit!




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7 hours ago, BravoAlpha101st said:

Autoscale was on and it happened, so I turned it off and the problem still happened

Reproduce the problem and send me your KSP.log. If something wrong is happening, it will be there.

Also, send me the craft file exactly as it was after reproducing the problem.

Remember to quit KSP before fetching the KSP.log, otherwise it may be truncated, ruining the diagnosis!

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I'm working on a tweakscale config for a mod I'm adopting.  I don't fully understand the defaultScale

The parts are mostly 1.25m and 2.5m sizes.  The rescaleFactor is set to 1 on all of them, and there aren't any scaling settings in the MODEL stanza

So, should the defaultScale on the 1.25m parts be set to 1.25 and the 2.5m parts to 2.5?

and what about surface-attached parts (ie:  control surfaces, mostly)?




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1 minute ago, linuxgurugamer said:


I'm working on a tweakscale config for a mod I'm adopting.  I don't fully understand the defaultScale

The parts are mostly 1.25m and 2.5m sizes.  The rescaleFactor is set to 1 on all of them, and there aren't any scaling settings in the MODEL stanza

So, should the defaultScale on the 1.25m parts be set to 1.25 and the 2.5m parts to 2.5?

and what about surface-attached parts (ie:  control surfaces, mostly)?


defaultScale is (as I understand it) the default scale value (from the TweakScale SCALETYPE) definitions where the scale slider will be set when you right click on a part in the editor.

Short answer: yes, defaultScale of 1.25 for 1.25m parts, 2.5 for 2.5m parts, etc.

No defaultScale needed for surface attached parts if you define type = surface or type = free; they will default to 100% or 1x and scale up or down from there.

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4 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:


I'm working on a tweakscale config for a mod I'm adopting.  I don't fully understand the defaultScale

@AccidentalDisassembly had nailed it, but you can find a walkthrough about the subject here:

Edited by Lisias
kraken damned grammars...
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I just published a new deployment model for the TweakScale Companion Program: the Überpaket!!

For a long time I had received complains and suggestions about how TweakScale did things in the past, delivering to you everything and the kitchen's sink into a single, monolithic package. I will not discuss about the reasons TweakScale the main package only supports Stock and DLC nowadays, but you can find the reasons on this PhD thesis I wrote some time ago.

The way I found to support 3rd parties without being screwed up was the TweakScale Companion Program - specialised Companions grouped by thematics or features would be the tool for specialised TweakScale deployment into the wild.

But not every one liked this model, and I agree that it can be a bit cumbersome without some tooling to help on sorting the mess. Problem: such tools didn't existed at that time, and unfortunately still don't exist today: no widely used  deployment tool (used by this Community) supports triangular dependencies solving, ie,  a mechanism to automatically install something if two or more other things are also installed (but not just one or some of them).

On the absence of such a tool, my hand was forced into kinda going back to the Monolithic Days - but, this time, made right.

Every single Companion was created from the start to be allowed to be installed without the target add'on presemt and do not give problems to the user. Other than a bit of disk-space used (and a bit of time on patchez being removed by Module Manager - what is solved by the ConfigCache!) and some memory wasted by the stub dlls, no harm is done. Point.

And on the exact instant the user installs one of the target add'ons, the thing cames to life and just works. These stunts costed me some long coding nights and a lot of experimental releases until I finally nailed them right, and I admit I'm pretty proud of this accomplishment. :) 

The Überpaket is currently available on github, and I'm working on CurseForge, SpaceDock and CKAN on this exact moment.

The versioning number will differ from the Companions (and TweakScale), I'm versioning it using the release date of the most recently published Companion, currently 2022.05.22.0 . Any fix needed on this release will be issued incrementing the build number.

This package will not be updated too much, I'm planning doing it once a month tops (unless I screw up something). Each Companion will be available separately, so I will update the Überpaket only when some (more than one at least) Companion is updated/created or too much time passed since the last release and there's something new. Users willing to be kept on the bleeding edge should use KSP-AVC (the full one) in order to be kept up to date with the individual Companion Releases!


Edited by Lisias
Fixing a link!
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13 hours ago, Lisias said:


I just published a new deployment model for the TweakScale Companion Program: the Überpaket!!

For a long time I had received complains and suggestions about how TweakScale did things in the past, delivering to you everything and the kitchen's sink into a single, monolithic package. I will not discuss about the reasons TweakScale the main package only supports Stock and DLC nowadays, but you can find the reasons on this PhD thesis I wrote some time ago.

The way I found to support 3rd parties without being screwed up was the TweakScale Companion Program - specialised Companions grouped by thematics or features would be the tool for specialised TweakScale deployment into the wild.

But not every one liked this model, and I agree that it can be a bit cumbersome without some tooling to help on sorting the mess. Problem: such tools didn't existed at that time, and unfortunately still don't exist today: no widely used  deployment tool (used by this Community) supports triangular dependencies solving, ie,  a mechanism to automatically install something if two or more other things are also installed (but not just one or some of them).

On the absence of such a tool, my hand was forced into kinda going back to the Monolithic Days - but, this time, made right.

Every single Companion was created from the start to be allowed to be installed without the target add'on presemt and do not give problems to the user. Other than a bit of disk-space used (and a bit of time on patchez being removed by Module Manager - what is solved by the ConfigCache!) and some memory wasted by the stub dlls, no harm is done. Point.

And on the exact instant the user installs one of the target add'ons, the thing cames to life and just works. These stunts costed me some long coding nights and a lot of experimental releases until I finally nailed them right, and I admit I'm pretty proud of this accomplishment. :) 

The Überpaket is currently available on github, and I'm working on CurseForge, SpaceDock and CKAN on this exact moment.

The versioning number will differ from the Companions (and TweakScale), I'm versioning it using the release date of the most recently published Companion, currently 2022.05.22.0 . Any fix needed on this release will be issued incrementing the build number.

This package will not be updated too much, I'm planning doing it once a month tops (unless I screw up something). Each Companion will be available separately, so I will update the Überpaket only when some (more than one at least) Companion is updated/created or too much time passed since the last release and there's something new. Users willing to be kept on the bleeding edge should use KSP-AVC (the full one) in order to be kept up to date with the individual Companion Releases!


Just a note to let you know that the github link in your post doesn't go where you want it to :)

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I got a problem after the last update (I missed the previous one, so I don't know if it was there as well). What is the essence of the problem: some previously created crafts, when opened in VAB, have some details on a huge scale, for example, 20 meters or more. By brute force, I found that only those parts that are attached to some parts from Nertea mods (structures, engines, etc.) have such a scale. 
I also noticed that after this update, the Tweak Scale icon on the toolbar began to work (previously it was inactive for some reason). Naturally, I turned off automatic scaling, as it was written earlier (it was active). I conducted an experiment: if you take any stock part and attach it to a part from the Nertea mod with automatic scaling enabled, then it itself increases several times. At the same time, its installation on other parts does not lead to an increase in scale. The parts themselves from the Nertea mod are at the same time in the standard size specified in the stock.
Crafts had to be edited manually. I didn't notice the exact dimensionality in zooming in, because not all crafts with details of Nertea mods were spoiled. Those that were active and were in flight kept their appearance normal.

Please excuse me for not quite correct English, it is not my native language.

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12 hours ago, Sokol_323 said:

I got a problem after the last update (I missed the previous one, so I don't know if it was there as well). What is the essence of the problem: some previously created crafts, when opened in VAB, have some details on a huge scale, for example, 20 meters or more. By brute force, I found that only those parts that are attached to some parts from Nertea mods (structures, engines, etc.) have such a scale. 
I also noticed that after this update, the Tweak Scale icon on the toolbar began to work (previously it was inactive for some reason). Naturally, I turned off automatic scaling, as it was written earlier (it was active). I conducted an experiment: if you take any stock part and attach it to a part from the Nertea mod with automatic scaling enabled, then it itself increases several times. At the same time, its installation on other parts does not lead to an increase in scale. The parts themselves from the Nertea mod are at the same time in the standard size specified in the stock.
Crafts had to be edited manually. I didn't notice the exact dimensionality in zooming in, because not all crafts with details of Nertea mods were spoiled. Those that were active and were in flight kept their appearance normal.

Humm… The Near and Far Future mods from Nertea have some pretty aged patches on TweakScale distribution, kept there to prevent breakage on existing crafts but, frankly, I had deprecated them for a reason.

On the bright side, TweakScale Companion for PKMC have (probably) up to date, pretty fine patches for them! Alternatively, you can download and install the TweakScale Companion ÜberPaket here (CurseForge - CKAN is pending acceptance). The ÜberPaket is the easiest way to have TweakScale support because it have them all (or, at least, the ones that are proven in the field - no bleeding edge on this one).

Install the ÜberPaket or qhe TSC_PKMC if you prefer, and check it again.

What you are describing is looking as a "defaultScale" too big. If you are attaching a 1.25M fuel tank on a 5M one, but the defaultScale is messed up and someone shoved an 7.5M instead of 5,  then you will have the behaviour you are describing, But this only happens if you choose Auto Scale or Chain Scale (the TweakScale icon turns green when at least one of these options are enabled).

If you are absolutely sure the Green Icon on TweakScale is not there, and still the small parts gets automatically scaled up this way, I think we may had found some toe stomping fest with a 3rd party. In this case, please reproduce the problem and then send me both a craft file with the broken thingy and the KSP.log (quit KSP first to avoid having the log truncated).

Additionally, I'm publishing right now TS with a pretty importing fix that perhaps may solve your issue! Check it out here.


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