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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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Today I started getting these errors:

[LOG 22:57:20.102] [TweakScale] WARNING: Part US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore has a Rogue Duplicated TweakScale!
[LOG 22:57:20.240] [TweakScale] WARNING: Duplicate TweakScale module on part [US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore] Universal Storage: QuadCore

CKAN updated several mods (Including tweakscale)

I noticed several of my saved crafts suddenly contained "unknown parts"

I tried testing, rebuilding several crafts from the beginning and it seems like it's related to some of the USI parts where the tweakscale attributes are now applied twice. (The window with the tweakscale attributes is listed twice on the parts)

Also tested on a brand new save. With same results.

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cnbedb5r2qonsr0/KSP.log?dl=0

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1 hour ago, SeniLiX said:

Today I started getting these errors:

[LOG 22:57:20.102] [TweakScale] WARNING: Part US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore has a Rogue Duplicated TweakScale!
[LOG 22:57:20.240] [TweakScale] WARNING: Duplicate TweakScale module on part [US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore] Universal Storage: QuadCore

Yep, you got caught by what appears to be a new batch of bad patching. :(

I found the log entries that are bothering you:

[LOG 22:57:17.281] [TweakScale] WARNING: Duplicate TweakScale module on part [US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore] Universal Storage: QuadCore
[LOG 22:57:20.084] US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore added to ship - part count: 2
[LOG 22:57:20.102] [TweakScale] WARNING: Part US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore has a Rogue Duplicated TweakScale!
[LOG 22:57:20.240] [TweakScale] WARNING: Duplicate TweakScale module on part [US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore] Universal Storage: QuadCore
[LOG 22:57:23.210] [TweakScale] WARNING: Part US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore has a Rogue Duplicated TweakScale!

Misteriously, this part was deleted by someone right after these messages:

[LOG 22:57:31.396] deleting part US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore

And I assure you it wasn't by me (everything I do is logged and have a tag identifying who has done it).

So I kept digging, and found this:

[LOG 22:38:15.892] Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/attached-on-editor/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ProceduralPart],!MODULE[WingProcedural],!MODULE[ModuleAsteroid],!MODULE[ModuleComet],!MODULE[KerbalEVA]]:LAST[KSPRECALL-ATTACHED-ON-EDITOR]:NEEDS[TweakScale] to UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore/US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore.cfg/PART[US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore]
< some other logs>
[LOG 22:38:15.892] Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/attached-on-editor/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ProceduralPart],!MODULE[WingProcedural],!MODULE[ModuleAsteroid],!MODULE[ModuleComet],!MODULE[KerbalEVA]]:LAST[KSPRECALL-ATTACHED-ON-EDITOR]:NEEDS[TweakScale] to UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore/US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore.cfg/PART[US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore]

I mentioned this because KSP-Recall is mine, and you can bet your mouse I care about my patchings.

So this tends to rule out any addon as a source of the bad patchings, because I know for sure the above patch is solid - because I wrote and tested it myself.

With this in mind, I kept digging for who would be being induced to bork the same - more as curiosity than anything else, because at this point I was thinking  I already knew what's happening:

[LOG 22:37:35.167] Applying update UniversalStorage/Compatability/US Tweakscale/@PART[US_*] to 
<some more log entries>
[LOG 22:37:35.167] Applying update UniversalStorage/Compatability/US Tweakscale/@PART[US_*] to UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore/US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore.cfg/PART[US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore]

And now we have found the patch involved in the mess. I didn't cared to look on the patching itself, because the KSP-Recall entries above had already hinted this is a bad process of patching, not bad patches.

This looks like having two ModuleManagers in memory at the same time - I had already diagnosed this once, I even wrote a tool to detected that. But I didn't found any rogue DLL on your rig, so this apparently this is not the reason, because I didn't found any rogue DLL listed in your KSP.log… 

So I choose a random part, nfa-atomic-jet-25-1, and tracked all the patchings this part had and:

Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/attached-on-editor/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/attached-on-editor/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/refunding/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/refunding/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update AtmosphereAutopilot/csurf_sync/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update AtmosphereAutopilot/csurf_sync/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update Diazo/AGExt/part/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update Diazo/AGExt/part/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IntegratedDecoupler/@PART[*]:FINAL to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IntegratedDecoupler/@PART[*]:FINAL to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update KSPCommunityFixes/MMPatches/ModSupport/KSPRecall/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[Refunding]]:NEEDS[KSPRECALL-REFUNDING]:FINAL to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update KSPCommunityFixes/MMPatches/ModSupport/KSPRecall/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[Refunding]]:NEEDS[KSPRECALL-REFUNDING]:FINAL to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update NearFutureAeronautics/Patches/NFAeroCTT/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update NearFutureAeronautics/Patches/NFAeroCTT/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update ProbesBeforeCrew/Mod Support/ZsNF-AeronauticsPatch/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update ProbesBeforeCrew/Mod Support/ZsNF-AeronauticsPatch/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update StationScience/MKSEffects/@PART:NEEDSto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update StationScience/MKSEffects/@PART:NEEDSto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update TweakScale/Deprecating/patches/NF/NFA_TweakScale/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update TweakScale/Deprecating/patches/NF/NFA_TweakScale/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update TweakScaleCompanion/PKMC/NFA/patches/000_CleanUp/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update TweakScaleCompanion/PKMC/NFA/patches/000_CleanUp/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update TweakScaleCompanion/PKMC/NFA/patches/000_CleanUp/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-multimode-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-multimode-25-1]
Applying update TweakScaleCompanion/PKMC/NFA/patches/000_CleanUp/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-multimode-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-multimode-25-1]
Applying update TweakScaleCompanion/PKMC/NFA/patches/Engine/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update TweakScaleCompanion/PKMC/NFA/patches/Engine/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/Patches/EVAConstructionTweaks/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCargoPart],#mass]:Final to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/Patches/EVAConstructionTweaks/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCargoPart],#mass]:Final to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Patches/ScrapParts/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Patches/ScrapParts/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update WarpPlugin/Patches/OreTanksFix/@PART[*]:FINAL to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update WarpPlugin/Patches/OreTanksFix/@PART[*]:FINAL to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]

(I removed the timestamps to allow ordering the logs and making the double patch better detectable).

Wow… EVERYTHING IS BEING PATCHED TWICE. Absolutely everything.

This is a Module Manager issue. I suggest you cry for help on MM's Thread, as I can't help further on this one!

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Something seems to be going haywire between the Waterfall companion with the newest .23 tweakscale - sorry, full log was much too large to share due to tens of thousands of the following exception; I think the relevant exception is:


[EXC 21:28:42.962] NullReferenceException: TweakScale not found!
    TweakScaleCompanion.Frameworks.Waterfall.Integrator.Implementation..ctor (Part part, TweakScaleCompanion.Frameworks.Waterfall.Integrator.Listener listener) (at <77d418637add4e0586e796f77a2cd3f5>:0)
    System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.InternalInvoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
    System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.InternalInvoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.DoInvoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.Invoke (System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    TweakScaleCompanion.Frameworks.Waterfall.TweakScalerWaterfallFX.InitModule () (at <ef4aca8115994959b9495b142422849a>:0)
    TweakScaleCompanion.Frameworks.Waterfall.TweakScalerWaterfallFX.Update () (at <ef4aca8115994959b9495b142422849a>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    KSPe.Util.Log.UnityLogDecorator:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)


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35 minutes ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

Something seems to be going haywire between the Waterfall companion with the newest .23 tweakscale - sorry, full log was much too large to share due to tens of thousands of the following exception; I think the relevant exception is:

I'm starting to think something else recently published is raining hell on us, see my last post - absolutely weird as what you are describing.

The Waterfall "Integrator" stunt would not had been instantiated without Waterfall and TweakScale being installed, because the loader checks for them before doing that.

The message:

[EXC 21:28:42.962] NullReferenceException: TweakScale not found!

it's a nonsense on a healthy rig. The Integrator would not even be in memory if TweakScale wasn't installed!

I will try to reproduce this here to see what I get...

— — POST EDIT — — 




@AccidentalDisassembly, please fire up your problematic KSP, go to Main Menu then quit the game. And then send me your KSP.log, your ModuleManager.ConfigCache and your Logs/ModuleManager/* files.

It's something happening in your rig, perhaps the same problem that's affecting @SeniLiX? It's a long shot, but if we have phantom instances of Module Manager on the system, we would have also phantom instances of TweakScale...

Edited by Lisias
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On 2/7/2023 at 2:08 PM, Lisias said:


Release is available for downloading, with the following changes:

  • The fix for the ScaleType Migration Code on ended up creating a new bug on the TweakScaleRogueDuplicate security feature, leading KSP rigs infected with this problem to crash when trying to save the game.
    • My bad. Really sorry.
    • HUGE KUDOS to GoAHead on Forum for their invaluable efforts on helping me on the diagnosing this problem. I would not had done this one by myself. 
  • Closes Issues:
    • #290 Regression on handling the TweakScaleRogueDuplicate patching problem.
    • #289 Yet another unexpected Misbehaviour, this time on PartModule.OnSave.

See last NOTAM for details.

On a side (and sad) note… I still don't know why the code on had to be written (salvo for this unhappy line of code that I let pass unchecked). Sooner or Later™ I will need to revisit this issue.


By last, but not the least...

  Reveal hidden contents

No Module Manager was harmed during the development of TweakScale.


This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now.
  • CurseForge. Soon™.
  • SpaceDock (and CKAN users). A bit less Soon™.

The reasoning is to gradually distribute a potentially Support Fest release in a way that would me allow to provide proper support if anything else goes wrong - as it did with .22...

Thanks for all the work you have doing with TweakScale.  I cant even begin to imagine how hard it is maintain all while everyone is quick to point the finger when its broken. Thanks for being super transparent (even if it goes over my head most of the time), and thanks again for keeping TweakScale working (knock on wood). You are Amazing Lisias

I will be sure to let you know if i encounter any errors with the new build. 

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20 hours ago, Lisias said:


@AccidentalDisassembly, please fire up your problematic KSP, go to Main Menu then quit the game. And then send me your KSP.log, your ModuleManager.ConfigCache and your Logs/ModuleManager/* files.


It's something happening in your rig, perhaps the same problem that's affecting @SeniLiX? It's a long shot, but if we have phantom instances of Module Manager on the system, we would have also phantom instances of TweakScale...


True to KSP form, of course the error does not occur in the log I generate to send... Who knows why anything happens on KSP, really. :)

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2 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:


True to KSP form, of course the error does not occur in the log I generate to send... Who knows why anything happens on KSP, really. :)

These phantom problems are…. well… phantom. :P 

As long as you didn't installed or deinstalled anything from your rig, I can still use it as a benchmark for the problem - trying to find correlations to others KSP.log where the thing had happened.

Correlation is not causation :P Causality - but they can be useful into finding a way to prove Causality.


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On 2/8/2023 at 2:36 AM, Lisias said:

Yep, you got caught by what appears to be a new batch of bad patching. :(

I found the log entries that are bothering you:

[LOG 22:57:17.281] [TweakScale] WARNING: Duplicate TweakScale module on part [US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore] Universal Storage: QuadCore
[LOG 22:57:20.084] US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore added to ship - part count: 2
[LOG 22:57:20.102] [TweakScale] WARNING: Part US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore has a Rogue Duplicated TweakScale!
[LOG 22:57:20.240] [TweakScale] WARNING: Duplicate TweakScale module on part [US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore] Universal Storage: QuadCore
[LOG 22:57:23.210] [TweakScale] WARNING: Part US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore has a Rogue Duplicated TweakScale!

Misteriously, this part was deleted by someone right after these messages:

[LOG 22:57:31.396] deleting part US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore

And I assure you it wasn't by me (everything I do is logged and have a tag identifying who has done it).

So I kept digging, and found this:

[LOG 22:38:15.892] Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/attached-on-editor/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ProceduralPart],!MODULE[WingProcedural],!MODULE[ModuleAsteroid],!MODULE[ModuleComet],!MODULE[KerbalEVA]]:LAST[KSPRECALL-ATTACHED-ON-EDITOR]:NEEDS[TweakScale] to UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore/US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore.cfg/PART[US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore]
< some other logs>
[LOG 22:38:15.892] Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/attached-on-editor/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ProceduralPart],!MODULE[WingProcedural],!MODULE[ModuleAsteroid],!MODULE[ModuleComet],!MODULE[KerbalEVA]]:LAST[KSPRECALL-ATTACHED-ON-EDITOR]:NEEDS[TweakScale] to UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore/US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore.cfg/PART[US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore]

I mentioned this because KSP-Recall is mine, and you can bet your mouse I care about my patchings.

So this tends to rule out any addon as a source of the bad patchings, because I know for sure the above patch is solid - because I wrote and tested it myself.

With this in mind, I kept digging for who would be being induced to bork the same - more as curiosity than anything else, because at this point I was thinking  I already knew what's happening:

[LOG 22:37:35.167] Applying update UniversalStorage/Compatability/US Tweakscale/@PART[US_*] to 
<some more log entries>
[LOG 22:37:35.167] Applying update UniversalStorage/Compatability/US Tweakscale/@PART[US_*] to UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore/US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore.cfg/PART[US_1C10_Wedge_Quadcore]

And now we have found the patch involved in the mess. I didn't cared to look on the patching itself, because the KSP-Recall entries above had already hinted this is a bad process of patching, not bad patches.

This looks like having two ModuleManagers in memory at the same time - I had already diagnosed this once, I even wrote a tool to detected that. But I didn't found any rogue DLL on your rig, so this apparently this is not the reason, because I didn't found any rogue DLL listed in your KSP.log… 

So I choose a random part, nfa-atomic-jet-25-1, and tracked all the patchings this part had and:

Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/attached-on-editor/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/attached-on-editor/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/refunding/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/refunding/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update AtmosphereAutopilot/csurf_sync/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update AtmosphereAutopilot/csurf_sync/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update Diazo/AGExt/part/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update Diazo/AGExt/part/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IntegratedDecoupler/@PART[*]:FINAL to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IntegratedDecoupler/@PART[*]:FINAL to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update KSPCommunityFixes/MMPatches/ModSupport/KSPRecall/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[Refunding]]:NEEDS[KSPRECALL-REFUNDING]:FINAL to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update KSPCommunityFixes/MMPatches/ModSupport/KSPRecall/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[Refunding]]:NEEDS[KSPRECALL-REFUNDING]:FINAL to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update NearFutureAeronautics/Patches/NFAeroCTT/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update NearFutureAeronautics/Patches/NFAeroCTT/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update ProbesBeforeCrew/Mod Support/ZsNF-AeronauticsPatch/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update ProbesBeforeCrew/Mod Support/ZsNF-AeronauticsPatch/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update StationScience/MKSEffects/@PART:NEEDSto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update StationScience/MKSEffects/@PART:NEEDSto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update TweakScale/Deprecating/patches/NF/NFA_TweakScale/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update TweakScale/Deprecating/patches/NF/NFA_TweakScale/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update TweakScaleCompanion/PKMC/NFA/patches/000_CleanUp/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update TweakScaleCompanion/PKMC/NFA/patches/000_CleanUp/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update TweakScaleCompanion/PKMC/NFA/patches/000_CleanUp/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-multimode-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-multimode-25-1]
Applying update TweakScaleCompanion/PKMC/NFA/patches/000_CleanUp/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-multimode-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-multimode-25-1]
Applying update TweakScaleCompanion/PKMC/NFA/patches/Engine/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update TweakScaleCompanion/PKMC/NFA/patches/Engine/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/Patches/EVAConstructionTweaks/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCargoPart],#mass]:Final to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/Patches/EVAConstructionTweaks/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCargoPart],#mass]:Final to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Patches/ScrapParts/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Patches/ScrapParts/@PARTto NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update WarpPlugin/Patches/OreTanksFix/@PART[*]:FINAL to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]
Applying update WarpPlugin/Patches/OreTanksFix/@PART[*]:FINAL to NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Engine/Atomic/nfa-atomic-jet-25-1.cfg/PART[nfa-atomic-jet-25-1]

(I removed the timestamps to allow ordering the logs and making the double patch better detectable).

Wow… EVERYTHING IS BEING PATCHED TWICE. Absolutely everything.

This is a Module Manager issue. I suggest you cry for help on MM's Thread, as I can't help further on this one!

Well, I did some testing by exporting my entire modlist into a .ckan file, then proceeded to delete my gamedata folder, validating my KSP install, then use CKAN to reinstall my entire modlist from the .ckan file.

Still, same issue. <_<

I figured it was worth a shot.

After looking around some more, I suddenly noticed something strange. Somehow I had two different versions of Universal storage at the same time... DOH!

It turns out that Universal Storage and Universal storage 2 together, is a really bad idea.

After removing one of them, everything is back to normal.

I could have sworn I never installed Universal storage myself, but I guess I must have done so by accident when updating my mods. Fat fingers FTW! :lol:

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1 hour ago, SeniLiX said:

It turns out that Universal Storage and Universal storage 2 together, is a really bad idea.

After removing one of them, everything is back to normal.

I could have sworn I never installed Universal storage myself, but I guess I must have done so by accident when updating my mods. Fat fingers FTW! :lol:

Hey, great news! A fully diagnosed problem is a problem that we can prevent to happen again! :) 

May I suggest you to reach CKAN maintainers suggesting they mark them a conflict with each other? This will prevent some headaches in the future! 

Cheers and thanks for your time!

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On 2/8/2023 at 8:54 PM, Lisias said:

These phantom problems are…. well… phantom. :P 

As long as you didn't installed or deinstalled anything from your rig, I can still use it as a benchmark for the problem - trying to find correlations to others KSP.log where the thing had happened.

Correlation is not causation :P Causality - but they can be useful into finding a way to prove Causality.


OK, I was able to reproduce the problem on a log less than a couple hundred MB, so... hooray? :) To trigger it, it seemed to require launching a craft; I didn't see the exception in the log until I had loaded KSP, loaded a save game, constructed a craft, and launched the craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/umzt9cz39lx2iaq/ts_log_after_launch.zip?dl=0


EDIT: Out of curiosity, I tried removing TS and replacing it with Beta (because I happened to have downloaded it previously) - the same problem does not occur on .52, although a new problematic behavior does - unable to launch directly from launch pad with Beta (have not tried with 53), i.e., click on launch pad, select craft, click launch - but can launch from VAB. When launching from VAB, beta .52 does not create the same TS-companion-Waterfall related nullref spam... FWIW

EDIT EDIT: I tried Beta as well - a change between and (which, based on Github, seems to be similar to a change on the main branch) is the cause of the Waterfall-companion-related nullref spam - although .53 corrects the behavior of being unable to launch directly from the launch pad.

In other words: changing nothing but version .52 to .53 introduces the Waterfall-companion-related problem.

Edited by AccidentalDisassembly
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29 minutes ago, dan1ell1ma said:

E aí Lisias, beleza! Mano, vc planeja dar suporte ao universal storage II? Acontece que quando vc carrega as naves ele reseta as quantidades dos combustíveis ou eletricidade.

Yep! I'm going to support Universal Storage. Soon™. ;)

It will be implemented on the TweakScale Companion Program. This guy is a bit tricky to support because it have a lot of PartModules to cope with...

Do you know what? I will start to work on it this WeekEnd! :)


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hi @Lisias and here i am again :-) certainly with some things going  bad.
but this time i already made a clean  basicinstallation to reproduce

it is about KSPIE and at least one KSPIE-reactor which ends up with negative refunds on recovery but only as soon it is scaled down (didn't try up).

what happened on my original install was after i recovered my vessel i had 0.000 money left. i found out a negative refund of a part with ~  -36,000,000 was the cause. I now had to declare bankruptcy and a lot of kerbals lost their jobs

How to reproduce:

  • open SPH
  • Load the Vessel "rbug"
  • Proceed to runway
  • recover

results in negative refunds

all logs data,ckan-file,craft  and images can be found here => https://1drv.ms/u/s!Am0PDmGqv17_iroEwGwOHWpKz7xcAw?e=6tgnlx

Edited by GoAHead
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11 hours ago, GoAHead said:

hi @Lisias and here i am again :-) certainly with some things going  bad.
but this time i already made a clean  basicinstallation to reproduce

it is about KSPIE and at least one KSPIE-reactor which ends up with negative refunds on recovery but only as soon it is scaled down (didn't try up).

what happened on my original install was after i recovered my vessel i had 0.000 money left. i found out a negative refund of a part with ~  -36,000,000 was the cause. I now had to declare bankruptcy and a lot of kerbals lost their jobs

How to reproduce:

  • open SPH
  • Load the Vessel "rbug"
  • Proceed to runway
  • recover

results in negative refunds

all logs data,ckan-file,craft  and images can be found here => https://1drv.ms/u/s!Am0PDmGqv17_iroEwGwOHWpKz7xcAw?e=6tgnlx

It's not TweakScale, it's KSP-Recall that somehow is failing (or being induced to fail)  on the stunt I cooked for working around the major KSP screwup on the IPartCostModifier handling.

I will pursue this problem on KSP-Recall thread.

— — POST EDIT — — 

Current KSP-Recall and TweakScale were ruled out, it's something else screwing with KSP-Recall.

Edited by Lisias
post edit.
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5 hours ago, Borksnorkel Jr said:

I can not install without an error popping up how do I fix.

Publishing your KSP.log on dropbox and posting the link here will be a great first step!

Read this thread about how to get help:

On the OP, on the Spoiler below the title "Support:", you will find additional information for modern KSP on Linux and MacOS.


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It came to my attention that some users may be having problems with scaled parts on SubAssemblies.

I could not reproduce the problem using the latest TweakScale ( at this time) and KSP 1.12.5 - at least, using Stock parts only.

Interesting enough, I got a single situation where scaling parts with variants left me with the wrong Attachment Nodes. But it happened only on the first craft I created on the first time I loaded Editor. Once I saved a craft and clicked on 'New', the problem didn't manifested itself anymore. Didn't tested yet if launching the craft or just quitting the Editor (or the savegame) and reloading Editor would make a difference. Something to be checked later.

History suggests that we have something wrong on the Editor. Again. But I didn't zeroed in the root cause of this misbehaviour yet, so it may be something related to KSP-Recall.

No (new) misbehaviours were detected on KSP 1.7.3, I will check other KSP releases (as 1.11.2) later.

Any user experiencing this problem, please report.


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2 hours ago, bobbycom said:

please can someone help me im getting an error message and won't let me run :(  told me to post here

logs are attached below:


Hi! Your logging is insufficient. I need the full KSP.log in order to help you.  Please check OP, inside the spoiler uner the title "Support:" about how to proceed.


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bug:  Auto Scale causes radial parts to lose mesh and texture when attaching.  The part still gets attached, but is invisible and can't be interacted with.  Turning off Auto Scale doesn't bring back the hidden parts, but new radial parts can then be attached normally.



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1 hour ago, wreckreation said:

bug:  Auto Scale causes radial parts to lose mesh and texture when attaching.  The part still gets attached, but is invisible and can't be interacted with.  Turning off Auto Scale doesn't bring back the hidden parts, but new radial parts can then be attached normally.



Humm… This thing is working for me, I'm just did some tests right now radially attaching some fuel tanks and everything gone fine.

What parts did you used?

— — POST EDIT — — 

Don't bother! I understood what happened! :)

The problem you are reporting is a known issue, and is already fixed on TweakScale Beta (the almost ready for production TweakScale 2.5 series). Problem is that backporting it to the 2.4 codebase  incurs in efforts that I prefer to invest on finishing 2.5 - there're a lot of things that will make things happen faster and safer on the 2.5 series.

Since we are here, let me explain for you what is happening.

TweakScale initially had only two types of Scaling Types: the stack and the surface. The stack one is still the same, but the surface was a special scaling based on normalised values, where 1.0 is the default and anything from lim(size->0) to 4.0 (or bigger, if properly configured) is the scaling. This setup was convenient because applying surface scaling to stack parts and vice versa are intuitive.

But later it was decided that Percentages were a better way, and instead of fiddling with the UI (essentially, multiplying the scaling to 100 and printing it on a Tweakable), a whole new Scaling Type were created for them, free, and everything was converted to it. More or less at the same time, the Auto Scaling and the Chain Scaling broke due a silent change on the KSP API and where removed.

Recently I found a way to resurrect Auto Scale and Chain Scaling, but I didn't realised the problem created by percentages - the original code didn't knew squat about all of this, and so when you attach a free scaled part radially into a stack one, the scaling exponent used is 1.0, that free understands as 1% !!

Pretty lame mistake, I know - but hell, it passed trough unchecked for some time.

Anyway, I had it fixed on 2.5 because a lot of things changed on it and all that jazz made it easier to cope with different scaling types - so, if someday someone decides to use Imperial Measuring on TweakScale, things will just work without fuzz. But the bad side is that I would need to backport everything into the 2.4 series, what would essentially be rewriting some things again.

I ask for a bit of patience to have this fixed on the mainstream - The 2.5 is nearly 99.99% ready for production (famous last words, I know), and the only reason it's not published yet is because I need to push the TweakScale Companion thingies into production first, but I getting some problems to get is published on CKAN and so I'm delaying it a bit until I have this last mess sorted.


Edited by Lisias
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12 hours ago, Lisias said:

Humm… This thing is working for me, I'm just did some tests right now radially attaching some fuel tanks and everything gone fine.

What parts did you used?

— — POST EDIT — — 

Don't bother! I understood what happened! :)

The problem you are reporting is a known issue, and is already fixed on TweakScale Beta (the almost ready for production TweakScale 2.5 series). Problem is that backporting it to the 2.4 codebase  incurs in efforts that I prefer to invest on finishing 2.5 - there're a lot of things that will make things happen faster and safer on the 2.5 series.

Since we are here, let me explain for you what is happening.

TweakScale initially had only two types of Scaling Types: the stack and the surface. The stack one is still the same, but the surface was a special scaling based on normalised values, where 1.0 is the default and anything from lim(size->0) to 4.0 (or bigger, if properly configured) is the scaling. This setup was convenient because applying surface scaling to stack parts and vice versa are intuitive.

But later it was decided that Percentages were a better way, and instead of fiddling with the UI (essentially, multiplying the scaling to 100 and printing it on a Tweakable), a whole new Scaling Type were created for them, free, and everything was converted to it. More or less at the same time, the Auto Scaling and the Chain Scaling broke due a silent change on the KSP API and where removed.

Recently I found a way to resurrect Auto Scale and Chain Scaling, but I didn't realised the problem created by percentages - the original code didn't knew squat about all of this, and so when you attach a free scaled part radially into a stack one, the scaling exponent used is 1.0, that free understands as 1% !!

Pretty lame mistake, I know - but hell, it passed trough unchecked for some time.

Anyway, I had it fixed on 2.5 because a lot of things changed on it and all that jazz made it easier to cope with different scaling types - so, if someday someone decides to use Imperial Measuring on TweakScale, things will just work without fuzz. But the bad side is that I would need to backport everything into the 2.4 series, what would essentially be rewriting some things again.

I ask for a bit of patience to have this fixed on the mainstream - The 2.5 is nearly 99.99% ready for production (famous last words, I know), and the only reason it's not published yet is because I need to push the TweakScale Companion thingies into production first, but I getting some problems to get is published on CKAN and so I'm delaying it a bit until I have this last mess sorted.


Ahh thanks so much! my KSP worked fine and then i updated benjee10 and it stopped working but now i can’t get it to back to how it was :( 

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