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[1.12.x] StageRecovery - Recover Funds+ from Dropped Stages


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On 3/19/2021 at 1:41 AM, AccidentalDisassembly said:

Something going a little wonky when trying (failing, here) to recover stage bits with the combination of JNSQ, Kerbal Konstructs, Sigma Dimensions (downscaled JNSQ to end up at ~1.6x stock size based on my personal preferences) and Stage Recovery - not sure if this is sufficient information, but is what I found in the log:

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[LOG 22:14:42.604] [F: 170542]: Vessel AstRedirector Class A Debris was on-rails at 1.2 kPa pressure and was destroyed.
[LOG 22:14:42.618] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: OnVesselRecoveryRequested
[LOG 22:14:42.618] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: OnVesselRecoveryRequested is career
[LOG 22:14:42.618] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: Distance to KSC is 892694.565493538
[LOG 22:14:42.619] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 1421637.92103428
[LOG 22:14:42.619] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 1421620.53937732
[LOG 22:14:42.619] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 1420576.47396286
[LOG 22:14:42.620] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 1422000.32789427
[LOG 22:14:42.620] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 1422197.4787732
[LOG 22:14:42.620] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 1421538.40708906
[LOG 22:14:42.621] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 889555.831496541
[LOG 22:14:42.621] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: KK: closest updated to KSC Harbor Heliport, distance 889555.831496541
[LOG 22:14:42.621] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 889619.906252892
[LOG 22:14:42.621] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 889064.806279482
[LOG 22:14:42.621] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: KK: closest updated to KSC Harbor Water, distance 889064.806279482
[LOG 22:14:42.622] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 1793315.09444069
[LOG 22:14:42.622] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 1796214.67492588
[LOG 22:14:42.622] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 1794352.05492911
[LOG 22:14:42.622] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 867537.786093777
[LOG 22:14:42.622] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: KK: closest updated to Welcome Harbor Water, distance 867537.786093777
[LOG 22:14:42.623] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 1276430.01378608
[LOG 22:14:42.623] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 1276507.52270186
[LOG 22:14:42.623] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: distance is: 1276702.20319688
[LOG 22:14:42.623] KK: [StageRecovery] PreRecovery: SpaceCenter set to: Welcome Harbor Water
[LOG 22:14:42.656] KK: [KerbalKonstructs] OnProcessRecoveryProcessing: OnProcessRecovery
[LOG 22:14:42.656] KK: [KerbalKonstructs] OnProcessRecoveryProcessing: Distance to KSC is 470966.037939381
[LOG 22:14:42.656] KK: [KerbalKonstructs] OnProcessRecoveryProcessing: closest updated to KSC Harbor Heliport, distance 467992.455706893
[LOG 22:14:42.656] KK: [KerbalKonstructs] OnProcessRecoveryProcessing: closest updated to KSC Harbor Water, distance 467499.530358056
[LOG 22:14:42.656] KK: [KerbalKonstructs] OnProcessRecoveryProcessing: closest updated to Welcome Harbor Water, distance 450730.064897616
[ERR 22:14:42.657] Exception handling event onVesselRecoveryProcessing in class KerbalKonstructs:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at KerbalKonstructs.KerbalKonstructs.OnProcessRecoveryProcessing (ProtoVessel vessel, KSP.UI.Screens.MissionRecoveryDialog dialog, System.Single recovery) [0x000f9] in <d148da5d5d9249218e63843d11b290e5>:0
  at EventData`3[T,U,V].Fire (T data0, U data1, V data2) [0x000b0] in <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0

[EXC 22:14:42.658] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    KerbalKonstructs.KerbalKonstructs.OnProcessRecoveryProcessing (ProtoVessel vessel, KSP.UI.Screens.MissionRecoveryDialog dialog, System.Single recovery) (at <d148da5d5d9249218e63843d11b290e5>:0)
    EventData`3[T,U,V].Fire (T data0, U data1, V data2) (at <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    EventData`3:Fire(ProtoVessel, MissionRecoveryDialog, Single)
    StageRecovery.StageRecovery:RecoverVessel(Vessel, Boolean)
[LOG 22:14:42.664] KK: [StageRecovery] PostRecovery: onVesselRecovered called
[LOG 22:14:42.664] [Vessel AstRedirector Class A Debris]: Vessel was destroyed.
[LOG 22:15:05.927] [FlightIntegrator]: Vessel AstRedirector Class A has been unloaded 3.79736328125, applying analytic temperature 243.120994027334
[LOG 22:15:05.953] [FlightIntegrator]: Vessel AstRedirector Class A has been unloaded 3.43701171875, applying analytic temperature 243.289693804022
[LOG 22:15:05.978] [FlightIntegrator]: Vessel AstRedirector Class A has been unloaded 3.07666015625, applying analytic temperature 243.438672534141
[LOG 22:15:05.983] [FlightIntegrator]: Vessel AstRedirector Class A has been unloaded 2.71630859375, applying analytic temperature 243.517948007375
[LOG 22:15:11.463] Unpacking AstRedirector Class A

Log is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p96anzx1nsz466g/ksplog_stagerecoveryKKjnsq.log?dl=0

I'm certainly not the one to solve that issue, but those recovery distances prior to the exception look a bit extreme for a recovery to occur.  Are those distances accurate to where your craft was?  Again, I'm just curious.  I am in no position to solve the problem

Edited by darthgently
meant to reply
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3 hours ago, darthgently said:


I'm certainly not the one to solve that issue, but those recovery distances prior to the exception look a bit extreme for a recovery to occur.  Are those distances accurate to where your craft was?  Again, I'm just curious.  I am in no position to solve the problem

They're certainly possible distances, if they're measured in meters - 2000km diameter planet, I think.

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1 hour ago, Apelsin said:

Is there an in game menu that I missed?

Go into the Global Difficulty settings for your current game (ESC key and select settings then difficulty options). Then select the Stage Recovery button and adjust the settings to your liking.

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  • 4 weeks later...


The latest StageRecovery.dll isn't compatible with my 1.11.2 modded game, stops loading at its end. Is there an update need or something coming from my side ?


Edit 2 : NVM, I forgot to install SpaceTux Library (already had a Spacetux folder in gamedata). 

Everything fine !


Edited by Djackmix
My bad.
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1 hour ago, Djackmix said:


The latest StageRecovery.dll isn't compatible with my 1.11.2 modded game, stops loading at its end. Is there an update need or something coming from my side ?


That usually indicates an error loading some parts.

I'm on mobile right now, will look at the log later.

In the meantime, how did you install it?

Edit: I was able to look at that.  That isn't an error, although it can be confusing.  You need to post the complete Player.log, short fragments leave out important information

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Hi, I'm getting this error:

[ERR 22:20:59.271] Exception handling event OnGameSettingsApplied in class StageRecovery:System.NullReferenceException
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject(UnityEngine.Component)
  at StageRecovery.StageRecovery.GameSettingsAppliedEvent () [0x00014] in <e2e649ec976541df8005c6a6ed8b1856>:0 
  at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00127] in <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0 

[EXC 22:20:59.272] NullReferenceException
	StageRecovery.StageRecovery.GameSettingsAppliedEvent () (at <e2e649ec976541df8005c6a6ed8b1856>:0)
	EventVoid.Fire () (at <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t0kmcb5gqugxlqp/KSP.log?dl=0

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1 minute ago, linuxgurugamer said:

What were you doing when this happened?

I was in the middle of debugging a different issue, and I noticed this in the log. What I did was create a new career save, then at the KSC I opened up the console to unlock all facilities and research. I made a quick plane and launched it, then quit the game.

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New release,

  • Fixed rare nullref related to settings changes

@John007qwe While I wasn't able to replicate this, that method only had two lines, so this should take care of it.  You have way too many mods installed for me to replicate the install.

Please test and verify, bit I'm pretty sure this fixes the problem

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2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

New release,

  • Fixed rare nullref related to settings changes

@John007qwe While I wasn't able to replicate this, that method only had two lines, so this should take care of it.  You have way too many mods installed for me to replicate the install.

Please test and verify, bit I'm pretty sure this fixes the problem

Still getting the exact same error unfortunately.

[ERR 16:23:19.339] Exception handling event OnGameSettingsApplied in class StageRecovery:System.NullReferenceException
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject(UnityEngine.Component)
  at StageRecovery.StageRecovery.GameSettingsAppliedEvent () [0x0002e] in <425e2ef471cb4dd59a134137be9bdd48>:0 
  at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00127] in <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0 

[EXC 16:23:19.340] NullReferenceException
	StageRecovery.StageRecovery.GameSettingsAppliedEvent () (at <425e2ef471cb4dd59a134137be9bdd48>:0)
	EventVoid.Fire () (at <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)


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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

That didn't do it as well. For a sec I actually thought it did, but then i tried creating a career save, and it threw the exception just loading into KSC. Might be a career mode specific thing then, since I couldn't reproduce it on a new sandbox save.


Edit: I think I found the issue. The exception gets thrown when I press any of these buttons: 


Edit 2: Doesn't seem to throw the error when RemoteTech is not installed. That leaves 2 buttons left in this window, which both do not throw the exception.

Now it seems to just either throw the exception when I create a new sandbox game, or when I press the above buttons.

Edited by John007qwe
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Hi, I'm not sure if this is a bug or working as intended. When you load a quicksave from before you have recovered stages, the messages from then are still in the menu. All the values (money etc.) are from before the recoveries though. These messages that stay behind aren't really useful, and just clutter the recoveries tab.

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On 4/25/2021 at 5:41 PM, DoctorSnakes said:

Hi, I'm not sure if this is a bug or working as intended. When you load a quicksave from before you have recovered stages, the messages from then are still in the menu. All the values (money etc.) are from before the recoveries though. These messages that stay behind aren't really useful, and just clutter the recoveries tab.

Which messages?

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46 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Which messages?

Sorry for being unclear, I mean this:

These "messages" on the recoveries screen, whatever they're called. They stay around if you load an earlier quicksave of the same ship. Let's say you make a quicksave before you launch a rocket, and then you recover some parts. Then you load the quicksave and end up back at the launchpad, but these messages are still there, despite not having recovered anything yet at that point.

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1 hour ago, DoctorSnakes said:

Sorry for being unclear, I mean this:

These "messages" on the recoveries screen, whatever they're called. They stay around if you load an earlier quicksave of the same ship. Let's say you make a quicksave before you launch a rocket, and then you recover some parts. Then you load the quicksave and end up back at the launchpad, but these messages are still there, despite not having recovered anything yet at that point.

I'll take a look, not sure if it can be fixed or not.  Will depend on how it's saving the messages


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  • 1 month later...
41 minutes ago, Antipaten said:

KSP hangs at startup and complains that StageRecovery.dll version isn't compatible with version 1.11.2  of KSP.  :-(

Might be another mod conflict, as I have been using StageRecovery with KSP 1.11.2 since it was released without issues.

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9 hours ago, Antipaten said:

KSP hangs at startup and complains that StageRecovery.dll version isn't compatible with version 1.11.2  of KSP.  :-(

Make sure you install all the dependencies listed in the first post. They are not mentioned on the spacedock site unfortunately.

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