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-is it alive?


-well, that's a pity, i hoped he died by now


I have been playing this game for a long time. By now, i probably tried hundred of mods, flew a billion rockets and crashed a billion more.

There are two questions arising from that statement:

-what is the point?

-did it get boring after a while?

Those questions are, however can't be answered simply. Probably because it's just difficult to understand yourself sometimes. 

But let's try to see a pattern here, shall we?-

I'll show you a dozen of pics where i launch a rocket and you try and see a reaccuring things,besides the obvious stuff like the rocket itself, or the enviroment around it.

25u5kiv.jpg   14y24q0.jpg   9atwjn.jpg

2qjljcy.jpg   2udyluh.jpg   2hmg57a.jpg

2uj2jc0.jpg   2znu3v8.jpg   <br/><a href="http://oi65.tinypic.com/qnmp76.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>

You might be asking yourselves right now: ''what are you getting at, cratercracker?''.

Reaccuring stuff like the engine flumes and a recognizible shape of a rocket is easy enough to explain, but this is not what i am trying to tell you.

All those images have sounds. And i don't mean that those sounds are coming from these pictures, i mean that those sounds are stuck in your head.

Look at the pictures again. 

Hear that?  You are probably thinking about the roaring engines, or the scream of all the air that's hitting the rocket, maybe the sound of explosions, or sepperators.

But these sounds aren't new to you. (probably)

They are not alerting, they don't grab immediate attention. For you, an experienced (or not so much) player, they are the same as the constant chatter during brakes at school, or the noise of cars on a highway. 






But what did they sound like when you turned on the game for the first time?

From here, i'll try to convey my experience of this game.

My intoduction to the game was simple, i just clicked on one of those let's- plays videos and the next thing i remember is my whole recomendation section filled with KSP.

I didn't protest it, however i didn't have the slightest of inclination to buy this game either, i just enjoyed seeing people failing miserably, or having great success within the game.

But what pushed me to make the action that would shift my interests, literally into space, is a cinematic, by Nassault.

I binge-watched all of his stuff in a single evening and then i just skyrocketed to buying this game.

My first thing i built, lacked proper fuel. So, for a long time i tried to do something with the stock vehicles. With little to no success.

Believe it or not, i used to believe that rockets just needed to fly up to get to space.

Leaving all of my stupidity aside, i managed to understand basics of orbital mechanics, without any help from anyone.


And then i discovered Scott Manley.


Allbeit, i was never into stuff like let's-plays, i enjoyed his series, probably because of his nice personality and him being an iconic person for KSP community.

Scott Manley's game was a brand new beast all together. It was soo much different from mine.

I started up google to discover a thing called ''mods'' and then proceeded to fill to the brim my GameData folder.

Modding community in this game is a garden of wonders, free wonders, many wonders.

156tz06.jpg  2ex7srk.jpg

Many mods can change this game entirely.

Want everything to be automated?


Your Computer Studies class is just not enough for you?

-Infernal Robotics

You want to spice things up a little bit?


You just want some eyecandy?


And on and on and on....

But the charm of an over-modded game faded off quickly. There were a lot of conflicting mods, ones that i couldn't even understand for the first time, hundreds of different features and mechanics and all of it just didn't sit well with me. So, i removed all the non-graphical mods from the game.

The game is quite simple on itself. It requires you to be creative, to understand the stock game mechanics and exploit them for yourself. Because I enjoyed trying to be ''creative'' without making it too complex, making it more complicated just didn't make sense to me.

But when i returned to vanilla, the charm was gone too.

It lacked something, maybe i just tried everything and been everywhere, maybe i just lost my creativity, but something very essential from my game was gone. 

That begs the question, what is KSP for me?

Well for me, KSP is not knowing how to play KSP.

KSP is the first derpy thing you build, that somehow flies


It's that first station you assembled, that can summons krackens


It's that beautiful view from a distant place


It's that first sight of the Munar surface..


My fondest memories of the game are the ones when i knew nothing about what i was doing, or where i was.

This amazing feeling of trying out things for the first time.


I am very grateful to @SQUAD, for such an amazing experience.

I am grateful for all the nice people i've met in this community.

Thank you.






(sorry for my broken english, it is not my native and i am quite stupid myself)





Edited by cratercracker
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This was one of the most charming, amazing, gorgeous displays of love for the game I have ever seen. Thank you for voicing the thoughts of thousands upon thousands of KSP players around the globe.I am sincerely touched. 

What KSP is to me an avenue to practice my knowledge of orbital mechanics, rocket engines, efficiency, and everything rocket in order to launch me into an aerospace career in the coming years. 

May your Explosions be Happy!

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Wow. @cratercracker, I believe you have 'broken the 4th wall' in this post. When I looked at the images, I just thought 'Hey cool, someone's screenshots'. But then I scrolled down and saw the part about us 'hearing' these images. I'm seriously thinking of nominating this for a Thread of The Month post (once I find out how, if it's even possible). 

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  On 11/8/2018 at 4:21 AM, The_Cat_In_Space said:

Wow. @cratercracker, I believe you have 'broken the 4th wall' in this post. When I looked at the images, I just thought 'Hey cool, someone's screenshots'. But then I scrolled down and saw the part about us 'hearing' these images. I'm seriously thinking of nominating this for a Thread of The Month post (once I find out how, if it's even possible). 


Just hit the report button and enter a note that says something like TOTM nominee! I've done it a great many times myself.

Edited by Kerbalstar
Hit, not got.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I love it. 

Brings back nostalgia from my first few Mün landings and space stations. This game has for me, like many other people, been the "one" game I play. 
Even though I am starting to lose interest in KSP slightly, I will always crack a smile when I see Jebediah on the loading screen. Whether it's to fly some planes, build a rocket, or just screw around with Kerbals, it will always be in my Steam library, beckoning me back.

I wish this made TOTM. Well worth it. 

Edited by Lo Var Lachland
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/5/2018 at 4:21 PM, cratercracker said:

Leaving all of my stupidity aside, i managed to understand basics of orbital mechanics, without any help from anyone.

(sorry for my broken english, it is not my native and i am quite stupid myself)


Hey! You stop that! Be nice to yourself. And your English is fine, don't worry about it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some important missions to attend to.

makes rocket whooshing noises

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  • 2 weeks later...


But NOW it is engine sounds from Realplume: engine started - PYSHDYSH, engine flameout - POUWW. As somebody puked :)

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