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[WIP] Restock: KSP Part Art Revamp (Released March 06)


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21 hours ago, Nertea said:

I'll have a think about painting the trefoil black or a darker grey for more contrast, but I've always been partial to that yellow for nuclear stuff. 

Oh yeah, I didn't mean change the yellow color. The yellow is fine - darkening the trefoil by making it either black or dark yellow, surrounded by the original light yellow, is what I meant


a0agyGr.png  fEn7Yk2.png

Edited by NovaSilisko
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I love your other mods and your art style, and I'm glad to see a part revamp that seems so thought out. I see you've taken a lot of inspiration from Porkjet's parts, which is fitting considering it's their style you are basing these parts on. Also agree with Nova on the black decal.

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7 hours ago, NovaSilisko said:

Oh yeah, I didn't mean change the yellow color. The yellow is fine - darkening the trefoil by making it either black or dark yellow, surrounded by the original light yellow, is what I meant


a0agyGr.png  fEn7Yk2.png

It has been done!

4 hours ago, Barzon Kerman said:

With revamped parts such as the LV-N shown, could there be a side-by-side comparison, with their stock counterparts.

It's a fair chunk of work to import the models, make sure their textures are set up right, and render them out in the same position. Realistically I don't have time to do this, sorry :(

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you know, the purple exhaust on NTRs may not actually be accurate. It's supposed to be hydrogen plasma, which really is that color, that's not the problem. The problem is that apparently the gas cools off extremely quickly into a clear gas, according to the hard sci-fi space fighting game Children of a Dead Earth's blog: https://childrenofadeadearth.wordpress.com/2016/04/11/why-does-it-look-like-that-part-1/



Next up, why does engine exhaust look like that? I’ve seen SpaceX’s rockets launch, and their exhaust looks nothing like that.


First, the shape. One usually finds rocket exhaust to appear as curving away from the nozzle, possibly with bright shock diamonds. As a rocket gets higher in altitude, the curvature lessens, because the air pressure lessens. In space, with no atmosphere, the curvature vanishes entirely, and the exhaust plume expands outward linearly.

The angle of expansion is dependent upon two things: the exhaust velocity of the rocket itself, and the temperature of the plume at nozzle exit. The temperature is important because it directly governs the outward velocity of the plume: hotter temperatures means the gas expands faster. A plume which expands at the same speed as the rocket’s exhaust velocity will have a 45 degree angle of expansion. As you can see in the above image, the angle is less than that, so the exhaust velocity must be greater than the expansion velocity.

Second, why is it transparent rather than a bright orange or white plume? In atmosphere, the air pressure compresses the exhaust as it tries to expand, which causes it to curve back in on itself and form shock diamonds. As a result, the temperature of the gas remains hot, hot enough to keep emitting tremendous amounts of light. In space, the exhaust gas expands unrestricted, and the temperature drops immediately as soon as the exhaust leaves the nozzle. This is simple gas laws: in an unrestricted vacuum, a gas will expand in volume and reduce in temperature as the kinetic collisions between the molecules lower rapidly.

Finally, what about the shimmering effect? Is that supposed to happen in a vacuum? It does, whenever the gas’s index of refraction differs from that of the medium it is in (in this case, vacuum, which has an index of refraction of 1). In the above image, the exhaust is dissociated methane, and the carbon expelled does have a refractive index different enough from vacuum in the visible range. However, you will find that other engines, such as rockets which have only pure hydrogen in their exhaust plumes, will not have this shimmering effect, since hydrogen has an index of refraction very close to 1 at visible ranges.


This applies to Kerbal Atomics and maybe even CryoEngines in vacuum too.

Edited by GregroxMun
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Restock is the art direction that stock should have gone but didn’t. Very nice to see what talented and creative artists come up with: a series of parts that look fantastic, mesh well together, and remain true to the spirit of the originals. Well done.

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1 hour ago, GregroxMun said:

you know, the purple exhaust on NTRs may not actually be accurate. It's supposed to be hydrogen plasma, which really is that color, that's not the problem. The problem is that apparently the gas cools off extremely quickly into a clear gas, according to the hard sci-fi space fighting game Children of a Dead Earth's blog: https://childrenofadeadearth.wordpress.com/2016/04/11/why-does-it-look-like-that-part-1/

This applies to Kerbal Atomics and maybe even CryoEngines in vacuum too.

Most upper stage engines should have invisible plumes, but we've got to take some creative license here.

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10 hours ago, Gryphorim said:

With 1.6 seemingly bringing the update for many, if not all of the remaining stock parts, how is that influencing development of ReStock?

As I mentioned in the OP, I think the stock replacement work has gone in a stylistic direction that is a quite different than the original game. As such, the 1.6 work doesn't really affect this beyond making more work for me (part variants are stupid).

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18 hours ago, Nertea said:

As I mentioned in the OP, I think the stock replacement work has gone in a stylistic direction that is a quite different than the original game. As such, the 1.6 work doesn't really affect this beyond making more work for me (part variants are stupid).

Makes me wonder if they'll end up remaking even the spaceplane parts, since Porkjet's parts aren't really like the remade parts.... I was getting all excited about the new revamp, but honestly now that this mod is in development I might just be using this anyway once it's available.

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Are you planning to use one of the interesting propositions of Porkjet for his part revamp, meaning one color style per manufacturer (to make them visually identifiable)?

He was considering the following color schemes:
- Jeb's Junkyard: grey & yellow stripes
- Kerbodyne: white with stripes of black & orange
- Rockomax: grey & orange

Edited by ndiver
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8 hours ago, Gydra54 said:

Makes me wonder if they'll end up remaking even the spaceplane parts, since Porkjet's parts aren't really like the remade parts.... I was getting all excited about the new revamp, but honestly now that this mod is in development I might just be using this anyway once it's available.

It'd be pretty sad if they did, they remain the best assets in the game.

5 hours ago, ndiver said:

Are you planning to use one of the interesting propositions of Porkjet for his part revamp, meaning one color style per manufacturer (to make them visually identifiable)?

He was considering the following color schemes:
- Jeb's Junkyard: grey & yellow stripes
- Kerbodyne: white with stripes of black & orange
- Rockomax: grey & orange

Definitely! You can already see hints of this with the LV-N there (though I wanted to preserve the sickly 'nuclear yellow').

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Ooh, exciting! Now I'll have to choose between this and the stock revamps. :) 

The NERVA looks excellent, it's a particularly hard nozzle to get looking right, I spent a long time looking at reference images and was never happy with mine:


Let me know if you want all the reference links I was using for this, I tracked down some fairly obscure photos, although I wouldn't be surprised if you had already found them.

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On 12/1/2018 at 12:57 PM, Nertea said:

As such, the 1.6 work doesn't really affect this beyond making more work for me (part variants are stupid).

Aren't they optional? I mean, there are plenty of parts in the stock game that have no variants.

And I quite like them.

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36 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

Aren't they optional? I mean, there are plenty of parts in the stock game that have no variants.

And I quite like them.

In a technical sense, every variant they add that we want to support adds additional artwork to our plate. And because I have an obsessive need to make every part have a distinct character to it, it adds real design work to be done to take what they've tried to do and build it into our aesthetic

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On 12/2/2018 at 5:35 PM, Nertea said:

In a technical sense, every variant they add that we want to support adds additional artwork to our plate. And because I have an obsessive need to make every part have a distinct character to it, it adds real design work to be done to take what they've tried to do and build it into our aesthetic

Is there a way to make new variants? Like if you made your idealized version could it appear as its own variant next to the existing ones?

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7 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

y tho? vOv

Well it would help consolidate things in the VAB, save time sifting through lots of parts. It could also help reduce the overall workload of this pretty ambitious (and amazing) project, just producing one spiffed up variant for most parts. 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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Comparing your LV-N to the Rocket engine design overhaul document, it seems clear that for at least some parts, you intend to stick pretty close to the concepts in that document. Are there any parts that will be a notable departure? Or any parts shown by Squad for their upcoming release that you intend to do differently?

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On 8/11/2017 at 7:34 PM, TheSaint said:

You should redo all of the stock parts. Don't you want to redo all of the stock parts? I think you really should.

Well, I'm getting what I wanted for Christmas. :D This is probably one of the best things that could ever happen to KSP. The fact that Squad is not paying you to do this is another clear example of how there is no justice in this world.

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58 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

I mean, do people mix stock and Ven's?

Yes. I do. I prefer the stock solar panels, Command Pods, lights and docking ports.  I don't use the additional parts that Ven adds either. I used to use the engines but stopped for the porkjet overhauls.  Come to think of it only parachutes and structural pieces now!


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