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We, as a forum, need to list the primes, in order.  Skipping a prime or posting a non-prime will get you banned from this thread for 1 week (obvious joke).  Incorrect primes will have to be correct by the next poster to continue.   Only one prime per post, and you cannot post consecutively, there must be another post after yours before you can go again.    I'm curious as to how high we can get. 

Answers can be checked by: http://www.math.com/students/calculators/source/prime-number.htm

Cheat sheet: https://primes.utm.edu/lists/small/10000.txt

If you are posting a prime, you must check the previous answer.   This should be trivial, for at this point not many people know these off the top of their heads, and will have a list in front of them.   

You can comment/discuss as you wish, as long as you include the the next prime in your post.   Sorta like saying "over" on a walkie talkie. 

Recent developments have shown that using a picture to represent your prime is a fun way to keep this going.   The pic must include the actual number, clearly and concisely, without ambiguity.   If you are posting a pic, please include a plain text version of your number, in base 10.   You can post other forms, Roman, Hex, Binary, what have you, as long as you include the base ten value, in clear, unambiguous text. 

Amendment to pics rule:   If the item in the picture is unambiguously representing the value of the prime (ie I used a pic of the 9-11 memorial to represent 911), then having the number explicitly stated in the pic is not needed.   Also, since we are a space themed forum, pics showing specific galaxies (NGC's) are also allowed, as long as they are clearly identified with accompanying text. 

Award yourself bonus points if you can figure out or know the next one without looking it up.

Edit Insert from later post:

Bonus points will be awarded to the person who posts the first 4 and 5 digit primes. 

I will personally donate a copy of KSP1 or 2 to the person who posts the first 6 digit prime, If I'm still around here, as per the original rules. 

Forum based giveaways are not allowed per Private Division, sorry guys!

I'll begin.




Gap Game!

As some of our players have found a passion for pointing out the gaps between primes, we will now keep a top 5 list of players who list the largest correct gaps between primes.  You can only count a gap if you post the next prime on the higher end of the gap, and you identify the size of the gap.    For this game, gaps are defined by P2-P1=Gap. Ping me with an @Gargamel if you make the scoreboard.  To start, only gaps of 10 or more will be scored.  A gap that ties one on the scoreboard already will get your name added to that spot. 

Rank Player Gap

Benjamin Kerman


GRS, Green Baron


Ozymandias_The_Goat, Chemp


GRS, Green Baron


qzgy, GRS, Green Baron, Gargamel, Souptime,

Kerminator K-100


Updated: Whenever the last edited thing says. 

Edited by Gargamel
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