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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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12 hours ago, Galileo said:

their rotation will be reset afaik. So it will be like starting a new career

no, planet position is calculated using the time of the game "universe".

so if you install a planet pack and load a game saved at Year 50  you will get the planets in the same position you would get if you had load a new save (Year 1) and timewarped to Year 50

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18 hours ago, Padishar said:

I would be very interested to see what MemGraph has to say about it (and about how much memory taskmanager says KSP is using in total).  Can you try it in the "all mods + kopernicus" and "all mods - kopernicus" setups?  Just go to the space center and leave it running for at least a couple of minutes and then take a screenshot of the graph window...


Ok, hope this is what you are looking for: http://imgur.com/a/IQJjN

Taskmanager & windows resource monitor report:

1) all mods -Kopernicus/OPM: resmon: commit size 5,637,336 KB;    taskmanager: 3,735 KB

2) all mods +Kopernicus/OPM: resmon: commit size 5,579,212 KB;    taskmanager: 4,265 KB


Btw, so far I havent been able to identify any meaningful combination of mods causing this sharp drop in FPS. I am very inclined to blame this onto the fact that I am hitting a certain limit (maybe video memory, my gtx960M has 2MB only), and then it degrades (like each mod is adding a small bucket of water into a 2L canister, and at one point there is an overflow, without it being any specific mod's fault...). Already using d3d11 btw, might also try with glcore.


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1 hour ago, TheDog said:

Ok, hope this is what you are looking for

Yep, that looks pretty much as it should.  The only slightly worrying thing is that with Kopernicus/OPM the Mono heap is 200 meg larger.  I would've expected most of the memory usage to be in additional textures loaded outside of Mono.

1 hour ago, TheDog said:

Btw, so far I havent been able to identify any meaningful combination of mods causing this sharp drop in FPS. I am very inclined to blame this onto the fact that I am hitting a certain limit (maybe video memory, my gtx960M has 2MB only), and then it degrades (like each mod is adding a small bucket of water into a 2L canister, and at one point there is an overflow, without it being any specific mod's fault...). Already using d3d11 btw, might also try with glcore.

It just be overload of some kind, that is a lot of mods.  There are various programs that should be able to tell you how much of your video card's memory is being used.  If it has to start shuffling textures to the card on every frame that could explain it.  Perhaps try switching the texture resolution down to minimum as a test?

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39 minutes ago, Padishar said:

Yep, that looks pretty much as it should.  The only slightly worrying thing is that with Kopernicus/OPM the Mono heap is 200 meg larger.  I would've expected most of the memory usage to be in additional textures loaded outside of Mono.

It just be overload of some kind, that is a lot of mods.  There are various programs that should be able to tell you how much of your video card's memory is being used.  If it has to start shuffling textures to the card on every frame that could explain it.  Perhaps try switching the texture resolution down to minimum as a test?

I cannot solve this mystery... :-(

  • with half-res textures (all mods +Kopernicus/OPM): no change, 30 FPS
  • with glcore instead of d3d11: no change, 30 FPS
  • removed only MFI (but left in Kopernicus/OPM, which doesnt work of course, but all the assets etc are loaded): 90 FPS

I give up... Anyway I need to/want to play with OPM, so 30 FPS it be then...

Thanks for all support & suggestions though!!

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Excuse me for this, but I'm going to voice my concern for the Kopernicus Creativity Marathon. It's been deadly silent there for months, I actually wonder if it's still being worked on. I already asked over there two weeks ago, but it seems as if the poor thread has been cast into oblivion. Therefore my question, is the KCM still alive? It'd be a shame to see such a creative idea go to waste.

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Ok, so my OPM support patch for EveRevamp works, but for JoolSystemTweaks it keeps Eeloo in orbit around Sarnus, with it's new texture from Sarnus, BUT remains the orbit I gave it for Jool.
Vall, on the other hand, got COMPLETELY messed up. It orbits the sun. INSIDE the sun. -2,000,000m INSIDE THE SUN. Can anyone take a look at this config and guess what's wrong?

			exportMesh = true
			update = true
		cacheFile = JoolSystemTweaks/Cache/Eeloo.bin		
			description = Eeloo was one of the last Moons of Jool to be discovered. Frustrated scientists kept trying to wipe it off the lenses of their telescopes. Eventually after a rash of returned telescopes, Advanced Optics Co. finally decided to just tell them it was an actual object in the sky.
			tidallyLocked = True
            @referenceBody = Jool
			semiMajorAxis = 59184000
			inclination = 1.5
            eccentricity = 0.02
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 55
			exportMesh = true
			update = true
		cacheFile = JoolSystemTweaks/Cache/Vall.bin		
			description = Discovered at the same time as Plock, the square heads in charge of cataloging the astronomical discoveries mixed up the records of two celestial bodies, leading to years of one being confused for the other. The surface of Vall is covered in vast mountains. It is hypothosised that the moon harbors a liquid ocean beneath its frozen crust.
			tidallyLocked = True
				landedDataValue = 11
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 10
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 9.5
				recoveryValue = 10
            @referenceBody = Sarnus
			semiMajorAxis = 19105978
			inclination = 2.3
            eccentricity = 0.0034
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 55

Some of the lines got offset when I pasted. -.-;

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@SmashingKirby148 Are you sure it loads after OPM itself? Could be that it simply can't find 'Sarnus' yet.

Also, what do you mean by "it keeps Eeloo in orbit around Sarnus, with it's new texture from Sarnus, BUT remains the orbit I gave it for Jool." Is it around Sarnus or Jool? And what exactly are you trying to accomplish?

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Just now, The White Guardian said:

@SmashingKirby148 Are you sure it loads after OPM itself? Could be that it simply can't find 'Sarnus' yet.

Also, what do you mean by "it keeps Eeloo in orbit around Sarnus, with it's new texture from Sarnus, BUT remains the orbit I gave it for Jool." Is it around Sarnus or Jool? And what exactly are you trying to accomplish?


Not sure... Should it be AFTER[OPM]?

It is around Sarnus, and it looks like the modified OPM Eeloo, but instead of orbiting in between Slate and the rings, it orbits at the height I gave it for when it's meant to be around Jool. So it's around Sarnus, with a different height.

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Just now, SmashingKirby148 said:

Not sure... Should it be AFTER[OPM]?

It is around Sarnus, and it looks like the modified OPM Eeloo, but instead of orbiting in between Slate and the rings, it orbits at the height I gave it for when it's meant to be around Jool. So it's around Sarnus, with a different height.

Hmm... try changing it to AFTER[OPM] indeed, that should force it to be loaded after OPM. Actually, try AFTER[OPM]:NEEDS[OPM] to ensure both loading order and dependencies are in place.

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39 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

Hmm... try changing it to AFTER[OPM] indeed, that should force it to be loaded after OPM. Actually, try AFTER[OPM]:NEEDS[OPM] to ensure both loading order and dependencies are in place.

Well, it half worked... The OPM Modified Eeloo is now orbiting Jool where it should be, and Vall is orbiting Sarnus, but not in its designated orbit. It orbits at the same height stock Eeloo orbits the Sun in the stock system, but around Sarnus.

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Is it possible to make the lifespan of an asteroid infinite..  Or should I just make the lifetime value some like 9999999?

Also, is it possible to have 2 persistent asteroid belts? The cfg I set up seems to swap between the two locations over time.  Changing the name of the belts doesn't seem to make a difference. 

Edited by Galileo
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I'm going to have to ask for a little help myself. Stupid LandControl mod is doing this to my planet:


And I have NO idea what's causing it.

And here's the culprit:


					altitudeBlend = 0.2
					altitudeFrequency = 12
					altitudeOctaves = 2
					altitudePersistance = 0.6
					altitudeSeed = 212121
					createColors = True
					createScatter = True
					latitudeBlend = 0.05
					latitudeFrequency = 4
					latitudeOctaves = 4
					latitudePersistance = 0.6
					latitudeSeed = 47373
					longitudeBlend = 0.05
					longitudeFrequency = 4
					longitudeOctaves = 4
					longitudePersistance = 0.6
					longitudeSeed = 768453
					useHeightMap = False
					vHeightMax = 3500
					order = 9999991
					enabled = True
						frequency = 12
						octaves = 2
						persistence = 0.600000023841858
						frequency = 4
						octaves = 4
						persistence = 0.600000023841858
						frequency = 4
						octaves = 4
						persistence = 0.600000023841858
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0.49804,0.4549,0.32941,1
							coverageBlend = 1
							coverageFrequency = 8
							coverageOctaves = 3
							coveragePersistance = 0.9
							coverageSeed = 34535345
							name = MainClass
							latDelta = 1
							latitudeDouble = False
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0
							noiseBlend = 1
							noiseColor = 0.76078,0.69804,0.50196,1
							noiseFrequency = 5
							noiseOctaves = 6
							noisePersistance = 0.7
							noiseSeed = 45656745
							delete = False
								endEnd = 0.2
								endStart = 0.2
								startEnd = -250
								startStart = -250
								frequency = 8
								octaves = 3
								persistence = 0.899999976158142
								endEnd = 11
								endStart = 11
								startEnd = -9
								startStart = -9
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								frequency = 5
								octaves = 6
								persistence = 0.699999988079071
									density = 0.5
									scatterName = boulder
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0,0.48235,0.74118,1
							coverageBlend = 1
							coverageFrequency = 8
							coverageOctaves = 3
							coveragePersistance = 0.9
							coverageSeed = 34535345
							name = High
							latDelta = 1
							latitudeDouble = False
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0
							noiseBlend = 1
							noiseColor = 0,0.20784,0.54118,1
							noiseFrequency = 5
							noiseOctaves = 6
							noisePersistance = 0.7
							noiseSeed = 45656745
							delete = False
								endEnd = 250
								endStart = 250
								startEnd = 0.2
								startStart = 0.2
								frequency = 8
								octaves = 3
								persistence = 0.899999976158142
								endEnd = 11
								endStart = 11
								startEnd = -9
								startStart = -9
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								frequency = 5
								octaves = 6
								persistence = 0.699999988079071
									density = 0.5
									scatterName = boulder
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0.76078,0.69804,0.50196,1
							coverageBlend = 1
							coverageFrequency = 8
							coverageOctaves = 3
							coveragePersistance = 0.8
							coverageSeed = 93747294
							name = PolarClass
							latDelta = 0
							latitudeDouble = True
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0.100000001490116
							noiseBlend = 1
							noiseColor = 0.49804,0.4549,0.32941,1
							noiseFrequency = 9
							noiseOctaves = 6
							noisePersistance = 0.2
							noiseSeed = 6288946
							delete = False
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								frequency = 8
								octaves = 3
								persistence = 0.800000011920929
								endEnd = 11
								endStart = 11
								startEnd = 0.754999995231628
								startStart = 0.65
								endEnd = 0.35
								endStart = 0.245000004768372
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								frequency = 9
								octaves = 6
								persistence = 0.200000002980232
									density = 0.4
									scatterName = boulder
							materialType = Diffuse
							mesh = BUILTIN/boulder
							castShadows = True
							densityFactor = 0.25
							maxCache = 512
							maxCacheDelta = 32
							maxLevelOffset = 0
							maxScale = 4
							maxScatter = 20
							maxSpeed = 1000
							minScale = 0.1
							recieveShadows = True
							name = boulder
							seed = 4565677
							verticalOffset = 0.2
							delete = False
							collide = False
							science = False
								color = 0,0.48235,0.74118,1
								mainTex = BUILTIN/terrain_rock00
								mainTexScale = 1,1
								mainTexOffset = 0,0


Disabling LandControl -> no problem, enabling LandControl -> stupid black outlines on everything. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong with this overcomplicated problem-maker?

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1 hour ago, The White Guardian said:

I'm going to have to ask for a little help myself. Stupid LandControl mod is doing this to my planet:


And I have NO idea what's causing it.

And here's the culprit:

  Hide contents

					altitudeBlend = 0.2
					altitudeFrequency = 12
					altitudeOctaves = 2
					altitudePersistance = 0.6
					altitudeSeed = 212121
					createColors = True
					createScatter = True
					latitudeBlend = 0.05
					latitudeFrequency = 4
					latitudeOctaves = 4
					latitudePersistance = 0.6
					latitudeSeed = 47373
					longitudeBlend = 0.05
					longitudeFrequency = 4
					longitudeOctaves = 4
					longitudePersistance = 0.6
					longitudeSeed = 768453
					useHeightMap = False
					vHeightMax = 3500
					order = 9999991
					enabled = True
						frequency = 12
						octaves = 2
						persistence = 0.600000023841858
						frequency = 4
						octaves = 4
						persistence = 0.600000023841858
						frequency = 4
						octaves = 4
						persistence = 0.600000023841858
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0.49804,0.4549,0.32941,1
							coverageBlend = 1
							coverageFrequency = 8
							coverageOctaves = 3
							coveragePersistance = 0.9
							coverageSeed = 34535345
							name = MainClass
							latDelta = 1
							latitudeDouble = False
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0
							noiseBlend = 1
							noiseColor = 0.76078,0.69804,0.50196,1
							noiseFrequency = 5
							noiseOctaves = 6
							noisePersistance = 0.7
							noiseSeed = 45656745
							delete = False
								endEnd = 0.2
								endStart = 0.2
								startEnd = -250
								startStart = -250
								frequency = 8
								octaves = 3
								persistence = 0.899999976158142
								endEnd = 11
								endStart = 11
								startEnd = -9
								startStart = -9
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								frequency = 5
								octaves = 6
								persistence = 0.699999988079071
									density = 0.5
									scatterName = boulder
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0,0.48235,0.74118,1
							coverageBlend = 1
							coverageFrequency = 8
							coverageOctaves = 3
							coveragePersistance = 0.9
							coverageSeed = 34535345
							name = High
							latDelta = 1
							latitudeDouble = False
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0
							noiseBlend = 1
							noiseColor = 0,0.20784,0.54118,1
							noiseFrequency = 5
							noiseOctaves = 6
							noisePersistance = 0.7
							noiseSeed = 45656745
							delete = False
								endEnd = 250
								endStart = 250
								startEnd = 0.2
								startStart = 0.2
								frequency = 8
								octaves = 3
								persistence = 0.899999976158142
								endEnd = 11
								endStart = 11
								startEnd = -9
								startStart = -9
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								frequency = 5
								octaves = 6
								persistence = 0.699999988079071
									density = 0.5
									scatterName = boulder
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0.76078,0.69804,0.50196,1
							coverageBlend = 1
							coverageFrequency = 8
							coverageOctaves = 3
							coveragePersistance = 0.8
							coverageSeed = 93747294
							name = PolarClass
							latDelta = 0
							latitudeDouble = True
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0.100000001490116
							noiseBlend = 1
							noiseColor = 0.49804,0.4549,0.32941,1
							noiseFrequency = 9
							noiseOctaves = 6
							noisePersistance = 0.2
							noiseSeed = 6288946
							delete = False
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								frequency = 8
								octaves = 3
								persistence = 0.800000011920929
								endEnd = 11
								endStart = 11
								startEnd = 0.754999995231628
								startStart = 0.65
								endEnd = 0.35
								endStart = 0.245000004768372
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								frequency = 9
								octaves = 6
								persistence = 0.200000002980232
									density = 0.4
									scatterName = boulder
							materialType = Diffuse
							mesh = BUILTIN/boulder
							castShadows = True
							densityFactor = 0.25
							maxCache = 512
							maxCacheDelta = 32
							maxLevelOffset = 0
							maxScale = 4
							maxScatter = 20
							maxSpeed = 1000
							minScale = 0.1
							recieveShadows = True
							name = boulder
							seed = 4565677
							verticalOffset = 0.2
							delete = False
							collide = False
							science = False
								color = 0,0.48235,0.74118,1
								mainTex = BUILTIN/terrain_rock00
								mainTexScale = 1,1
								mainTexOffset = 0,0


Disabling LandControl -> no problem, enabling LandControl -> stupid black outlines on everything. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong with this overcomplicated problem-maker?

which template are you using ?

did you add removePQSMods = LandControl (might be removePQSMods = PQSLandControl, I don't remember) or did you just add the code you posted above?

Edited by Sigma88
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Hi, I'm still working with terrain scatters. Specially at Kerbin. Now I'm trying to get the objects in "real time" (appearing and dissapearing properly while you overfly in certain area). It seems related with scatterer/maxSpeed (rising maxSpeed the objects appears even when you are flying fast over an area) but yet it seems to work pretty randomly. As example: if the zone have trees, weed and rocks... just rocks and weed appear in realtime. Then you reload and the scene has a lot of trees... (this is very similar to the stock behaviour)

But sometimes (just sometimes) you flight high, and when I'm back everything appear and dissapears in real time (which is gorgeous...).

So I would like to know if this is caused by my lack of knowledge about the Kopernicus capabilities o just the stock behaviour of terrain scatters (as far as I know, not finished at all).

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3 hours ago, The White Guardian said:

I'm going to have to ask for a little help myself. Stupid LandControl mod is doing this to my planet:


And I have NO idea what's causing it.

And here's the culprit:

  Reveal hidden contents

					altitudeBlend = 0.2
					altitudeFrequency = 12
					altitudeOctaves = 2
					altitudePersistance = 0.6
					altitudeSeed = 212121
					createColors = True
					createScatter = True
					latitudeBlend = 0.05
					latitudeFrequency = 4
					latitudeOctaves = 4
					latitudePersistance = 0.6
					latitudeSeed = 47373
					longitudeBlend = 0.05
					longitudeFrequency = 4
					longitudeOctaves = 4
					longitudePersistance = 0.6
					longitudeSeed = 768453
					useHeightMap = False
					vHeightMax = 3500
					order = 9999991
					enabled = True
						frequency = 12
						octaves = 2
						persistence = 0.600000023841858
						frequency = 4
						octaves = 4
						persistence = 0.600000023841858
						frequency = 4
						octaves = 4
						persistence = 0.600000023841858
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0.49804,0.4549,0.32941,1
							coverageBlend = 1
							coverageFrequency = 8
							coverageOctaves = 3
							coveragePersistance = 0.9
							coverageSeed = 34535345
							name = MainClass
							latDelta = 1
							latitudeDouble = False
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0
							noiseBlend = 1
							noiseColor = 0.76078,0.69804,0.50196,1
							noiseFrequency = 5
							noiseOctaves = 6
							noisePersistance = 0.7
							noiseSeed = 45656745
							delete = False
								endEnd = 0.2
								endStart = 0.2
								startEnd = -250
								startStart = -250
								frequency = 8
								octaves = 3
								persistence = 0.899999976158142
								endEnd = 11
								endStart = 11
								startEnd = -9
								startStart = -9
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								frequency = 5
								octaves = 6
								persistence = 0.699999988079071
									density = 0.5
									scatterName = boulder
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0,0.48235,0.74118,1
							coverageBlend = 1
							coverageFrequency = 8
							coverageOctaves = 3
							coveragePersistance = 0.9
							coverageSeed = 34535345
							name = High
							latDelta = 1
							latitudeDouble = False
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0
							noiseBlend = 1
							noiseColor = 0,0.20784,0.54118,1
							noiseFrequency = 5
							noiseOctaves = 6
							noisePersistance = 0.7
							noiseSeed = 45656745
							delete = False
								endEnd = 250
								endStart = 250
								startEnd = 0.2
								startStart = 0.2
								frequency = 8
								octaves = 3
								persistence = 0.899999976158142
								endEnd = 11
								endStart = 11
								startEnd = -9
								startStart = -9
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								frequency = 5
								octaves = 6
								persistence = 0.699999988079071
									density = 0.5
									scatterName = boulder
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0.76078,0.69804,0.50196,1
							coverageBlend = 1
							coverageFrequency = 8
							coverageOctaves = 3
							coveragePersistance = 0.8
							coverageSeed = 93747294
							name = PolarClass
							latDelta = 0
							latitudeDouble = True
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0.100000001490116
							noiseBlend = 1
							noiseColor = 0.49804,0.4549,0.32941,1
							noiseFrequency = 9
							noiseOctaves = 6
							noisePersistance = 0.2
							noiseSeed = 6288946
							delete = False
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								frequency = 8
								octaves = 3
								persistence = 0.800000011920929
								endEnd = 11
								endStart = 11
								startEnd = 0.754999995231628
								startStart = 0.65
								endEnd = 0.35
								endStart = 0.245000004768372
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								endEnd = 10
								endStart = 10
								startEnd = -10
								startStart = -10
								frequency = 9
								octaves = 6
								persistence = 0.200000002980232
									density = 0.4
									scatterName = boulder
							materialType = Diffuse
							mesh = BUILTIN/boulder
							castShadows = True
							densityFactor = 0.25
							maxCache = 512
							maxCacheDelta = 32
							maxLevelOffset = 0
							maxScale = 4
							maxScatter = 20
							maxSpeed = 1000
							minScale = 0.1
							recieveShadows = True
							name = boulder
							seed = 4565677
							verticalOffset = 0.2
							delete = False
							collide = False
							science = False
								color = 0,0.48235,0.74118,1
								mainTex = BUILTIN/terrain_rock00
								mainTexScale = 1,1
								mainTexOffset = 0,0


Disabling LandControl -> no problem, enabling LandControl -> stupid black outlines on everything. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong with this overcomplicated problem-maker?


Woah. That looks wacky. :o

Obviously I don't know what causes that. :P To prevent cluttering this thread, I'll continue about my compatibility issues in our PM.

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