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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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2 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

"Patience, Zip. This wil be a long trip otherwise."

In all seriousness, patience amigo. Especially if your last post was only 15 minutes earlier.

Either way, did you add the PQS itself? Without a PQS the PQSMods won't do anything either. Add this.

			materialType = AtmosphericOptimized


I'm using the RSS Jupiter for testing purposes. So it already has PQS.

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Hello guys !

I want to change the ground colors of planets. So to do that, I've edited the landClasses with something like this:

		alterApparentHeight = 0
		alterRealHeight = 0
		color = 0.3835821,0.29938071,0.16772109,1

But when I launch the game, nothing hapen on ground in question. Then, if I open the KittopiaTech UI, I see my settings are fine there and if I click on Rebuild Sphere my ground color appears.

My question is: Is there a way to do that without use the "Rebuild Sphere" of KittopiaTech? And if yes, what I must to do?

Edited by Vandest
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On 12/29/2016 at 10:35 PM, blackrack said:

Hello everyone,

I'm releasing a first version of the ring shader

I don't know if this has to do with the shader, but since the issue doesn't come up with the standard kopernicus shader I guess it might:


basically, when loading a texture, the old shader reads the diagonal (either topleft>bottomright or bottomlefto>topright)

this means that the old shader works with both horizontal and vertical ring textures


from what I've heard with the new shader it is necessary to use horizontal textures, but most planet packs right now use vertical textures for rings


do you think it would be possible to make your new shader work with both types of textures?

it's not a big deal, but it would allow to add backward compatibility to all the planet packs


8 hours ago, Vandest said:

And if yes, what I must to do?

could you please post the whole cfg you are using and the modulemanager.cachefile  or whatever it's called, so that we can look what you actually did?

(please upload the files, don't paste their content directly on the forum)

Edited by Sigma88
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7 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

I don't know if this has to do with the shader, but since the issue doesn't come up with the standard kopernicus shader I guess it might:


basically, when loading a texture, the old shader reads the diagonal (either topleft>bottomright or bottomlefto>topright)

this means that the old shader works with both horizontal and vertical ring textures


from what I've heard with the new shader it is necessary to use horizontal textures, but most planet packs right now use vertical textures for rings


do you think it would be possible to make your new shader work with both types of textures?

it's not a big deal, but it would allow to add backward compatibility to all the planet packs


could you please post the whole cfg you are using and the modulemanager.cachefile  or whatever it's called, so that we can look what you actually did?

(please upload the files, don't paste their content directly on the forum)

I didn't even realize the old shader read the diagonal, I'll take care of it.

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1 hour ago, blackrack said:

I didn't even realize the old shader read the diagonal, I'll take care of it.

it's pretty easy to miss, most textures are basically very narrow rectangles

I noticed it because I tried to load a square texture once with a checkerboard patter full of different colors, and noticed how only the colors on the diagonal were featured

It was a decent time ago, but I doubt rings have changed since then


if you think about it, it's a very smart way to read the texture, because it allows you to read both vertical and horizontal textures :)

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First, thank you @Sigma88 to reply to me.

Second, here are the files you asked for:

VAO_settings.cfg and ModuleManager.ConfigCache

I've only make color change to Duna at Badlands and Craters. You'll see that I use a config file I've made that is a mix with SVE and KSPRC, I hope nobody will be offend, this is only for my game and my tests...

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22 hours ago, Vandest said:

First, thank you @Sigma88 to reply to me.

Second, here are the files you asked for:

VAO_settings.cfg and ModuleManager.ConfigCache

I've only make color change to Duna at Badlands and Craters. You'll see that I use a config file I've made that is a mix with SVE and KSPRC, I hope nobody will be offend, this is only for my game and my tests...

ok, so in the cfg there are these lines:



				texture = VisualAspectOverhaul/KSPRC/PluginData/dwarfplanet100.dds
				normals = VisualAspectOverhaul/KSPRC/PluginData/dwarfplanet101.dds

from far away (ScaledSpace) the planet will look like in this texture:



if that texture does not have the color you want, it means you need to change it's color





					map = VisualAspectOverhaul/KSPRC/PluginData/dwarfplanet100.dds
					order = 9999982


this PQSMod applies the colors from the texture mentioned before onto the planet upclose

so once you change the color of the texture everything should be ok

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Thank you @Sigma88 for taking the time to look in my files!

I did what you told me, and made a new dds file for VertexColorMap with colors I like. And it work in game. Thank you, you've solved my problem.

Now that I know how to change the biome colors with the vertex color, I've a question: What's the color section in "landClasses" for?

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6 hours ago, Vandest said:

Thank you @Sigma88 for taking the time to look in my files!

I did what you told me, and made a new dds file for VertexColorMap with colors I like. And it work in game. Thank you, you've solved my problem.

Now that I know how to change the biome colors with the vertex color, I've a question: What's the color section in "landClasses" for?

it's for coloring the terrain, but in your case the vertexcolormap is covering those colors (I suppose)

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13 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

it's for coloring the terrain, but in your case the vertexcolormap is covering those colors (I suppose)

That's I heard but it doesn't work without a "Rebuild Sphere" of KittopiaTech(and some times, it doesn't work at all. It's weird). Maybe the vertexcolormap takes precedence over the color section in "landClasses".

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Just now, Vandest said:

That's I heard but it doesn't work without a "Rebuild Sphere" of KittopiaTech(and some times, it doesn't work at all. It's weird). Maybe the vertexcolormap takes precedence over the color section in "landClasses".

yes that's likely what's happening

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On ‎5‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 7:55 AM, Galacticvoyager said:

Guys, how do you rename Kerbol like in GPP?
After that, how do you make a kerbol clone and reroute all of the kerbol system to the kerbol clone?

	cbNameLater = Whatever ya want


Kerbol Clone:

		name = Kerbol
			name = Sun
			description = The Sun is a mass of incandesent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace. Where hydrogen is built into helium, at a temperature of millions of degrees.

		inclination = //input your values
		longitudeOfAscendingNode = //input your values
		referenceBody = //input your name
		semiMajorAxis = //input your values
		epoch = //input your values
		eccentricity = //input your values
		argumentOfPeriapsis = //input your values
		meanAnomalyAtEpoch = //input your values

Reroute all of the bodies

			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol

Put all of these in a config file.

Edited by Adstriduum
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23 minutes ago, Adstriduum said:

	cbNameLater = Whatever ya want


Kerbol Clone:

		name = Kerbol
			name = Sun
			description = The Sun is a mass of incandesent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnce. Where hydrogen is build into helium, at a temperature of millions of degrees.

		inclination = //input your values
		longitudeOfAscendingNode = //input your values
		referenceBody = //input your name
		semiMajorAxis = //input your values
		epoch = //input your values
		eccentricity = //input your values
		argumentOfPeriapsis = //input your values
		meanAnomalyAtEpoch = //input your values

Reroute all of the bodies

			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol

Put all of these in a config file.

Works perfectly, although I think @Galileo created GPP by dunking the stock system to the shadow realm and re-creating it from scratch. :wink:

It is possible to delete the sun and create a new one, but it'll require a patch editing every single planet pack, so cbNameLater is the best option as it only changes the visual name, not the internal name.

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13 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

Works perfectly, although I think @Galileo created GPP by dunking the stock system to the shadow realm and re-creating it from scratch. :wink:

It is possible to delete the sun and create a new one, but it'll require a patch editing every single planet pack, so cbNameLater is the best option as it only changes the visual name, not the internal name.

Looking at the config for Ciro, and it looks like it works. Fascinating...

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49 minutes ago, Adstriduum said:

	cbNameLater = Whatever ya want


Kerbol Clone:

		name = Kerbol
			name = Sun
			description = The Sun is a mass of incandesent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace. Where hydrogen is built into helium, at a temperature of millions of degrees.

		inclination = //input your values
		longitudeOfAscendingNode = //input your values
		referenceBody = //input your name
		semiMajorAxis = //input your values
		epoch = //input your values
		eccentricity = //input your values
		argumentOfPeriapsis = //input your values
		meanAnomalyAtEpoch = //input your values

Reroute all of the bodies

			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol
			referenceBody = Kerbol

Put all of these in a config file.

That's perfect thank you!

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could it be, that this errors are because of Kopernicus?


KSP-Log and CKAN-mod-list


<Snipped by moderator, please link large log files rather than inlining them>

And sometimes the Game crashes after this Errors, when I go back to the "Tracking Center".


They came since I installed Kopernicus, because of SVT, SVE, EVE, Scatterer.





Sorry for my english, it's only my third language.

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after playing some hours, the errors came again and the game crashed, while I was switching to the Tracking Station:

<Snipped by moderator, please link large log files rather than inlining them>

Here are all the Logs and other Information you asked for:



If you need more Information, just ask for it. :wink:

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1 hour ago, Galacticvoyager said:

Annnnndd it doesn't work...

How is not working??

Just read previous messges. If ur issue is that the space center doesnt show up use this:


            referenceBody = Kerbol

Use that instead of the other Kerbin reroute

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