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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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On 7/17/2018 at 8:28 AM, Angstinator said:

I downloaded and installed that, and it told me not to open my savegames.

I do, however, recall someone saying this is just the mod's built-in safeties being a bit overzealous. Can anybody confirm?

I only used Kopernicus to use SVE, EVE and SVT, not any additional planets, etc.  My saves worked fine in 1.4.4 and now in 1.4.5, despite the warning...

I just don't get all of the visual bonuses of those mods. I still get clouds and city lights. I suspect all will sort itself out once this is updated.

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1 hour ago, Hangdog said:

I only used Kopernicus to use SVE, EVE and SVT, not any additional planets, etc.  My saves worked fine in 1.4.4 and now in 1.4.5, despite the warning...

I just don't get all of the visual bonuses of those mods. I still get clouds and city lights. I suspect all will sort itself out once this is updated.

...and now I see that the 1.4.5 version update is out. Now everything loads and works fine, a warning about SVT and EVE but everything works.

(I forgot to mention that I had a workaround to get solar panel to default back to stock even tho Kopernicus broke them during the gap.) This fix was mentioned back somewhere in the thread, in case anyone wants to stick in 1.4.4... I created a file called Kopernicus.cfg, and put it in the Configs folder inside Kopernicus folder. This fixed the solar panel not charging issue while I continued using my save in 1.4.4:


    %useKopernicusSolarPanels = false

Here's an interesting bonus. Reinstating Kopernicus actually had two strange effects on all extendible solar panels.

  1. All panels on all ships were retracted when I reopened the save.
  2. Retractable panels that were broken before (due to hard landings/flipped rovers) were all miraculously repaired!

Fixed panels unaffected.

Edited by Hangdog
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so maybe this is where I should have posted.. not sure, sorry I don't mean to splatter this out.

in support of:

17 hours ago, OhioBob said:

@Korfio, @4x4cheesecake, OPM and GPP haven't been updated for 1.4.5, so naturally you might experience some bugs using the old version with 1.4.5.  Please be patient and wait for an update.  We know the new Kopernicus has been released and we've begun the process testing and debugging.  Updated versions will be released when they're ready. 

Neither Korfio nor me asked for an update.

I cannot talk for Korfio in this point but my post is intended to help updating / debugging. Like I already said: I don't know if the issue is GPP or Kopernicus related and depending on which mod is the reason for the issue, this can be a) a bug report for kopernicus or b) might be helpful to update GPP.
At least, this is the intention of my post...I'm sorry if it sound different


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@4x4cheesecake I had the same GPP, pink Gael issue as you. I fixed it for myself just now but a) I made 2 updates at the same time and don't know which one really contained the fix b) it requires you to build Kopernicus from source c) I don't know what new issues are introduced d) if the Kopernicus build from source fixed the issue, we should all consider Kopernicus 1.4.5-1 a "release to manufacturer" so to speak and generally not assume it will work for ANY planet pack until the planet pack author tells us otherwise.

The two things I did to fix:

- Pulled latest kopernicus, it has a PQSLandControl patch that sounds pertinent. Built it (there's no release available) replaced my Kopernicus dlls.

- Pulled latest GPP, the only pertinent update to the gael pink shader problem I could see was that the gael planetary cache was updated. You don't need to be able to build to apply this fix. Just download https://github.com/Galileo88/Galileos-Planet-Pack/blob/master/GameData/GPP/Cache/Gael.bin and replace your version with that one.

To cut off any controversy discussing iterations of mods not supported by their authors might cause: this is COMPLETELY unsupported. Don't ask any of the mod authors about any of this. Don't start an argument on this board or any other board related to this post or fix, yadda yadda yadda.

Anyway, I'm playing a stable 1.4.5 with correctly colored Gael right now after only those two adjustments. 1.4.3 with GPP was crashing frequently for me, this is probably because I took a circuitous route to GPP with 1.4.3 because I had been playing stock + opm + TWB on 1.4.5 with a debug build of Kopernicus before. I don't see why anyone else who wants to use ANY planet pack should switch to 1.4.5 right now if your 1.4.3 game functions in any sense of the word.

PS as a developer who frequently digs into the source and even history behind KSP mods, I gotta say, the Kopernicus and GPP teams are a cut above. Be cool to them.

Update: can confirm it was the Kopernicus build, everyone's gonna have to sit tight for a patch release

Edited by whitespacekilla
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You guys are seeing the magenta color because Squad did something in 1.4.5 that switches on a setting in PQS_LandControl that is suppose to be set to false.  The color is showing areas where certain scatter objects, such as boulders and trees, are suppose to be located.  The Kopernicus dev has already figured out a fix for the problem.  I'm sure he'll release an update when he's ready.  Please be patient.

Edited by OhioBob
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5 hours ago, whitespacekilla said:

I don't see why anyone else who wants to use ANY planet pack should switch to 1.4.5 right now if your 1.4.3 game functions in any sense of the word.

Actually, I tried GPP on 1.4.5 just to get an answer to the question if other planet packs having issues as well...like you said, there is no reason to update right now, 1.4.3. works perfectly fine (for me) and all the mods I want to use ;)
I just tried to be kind and offer some help...

Anyway, thanks for your reply. I've started to learn some C# to get a better understanding of mod source code in general so I'll definitly take a look at the patch :)

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12 minutes ago, whitespacekilla said:

I just can't predict how long until the planet packs update

Although we're planning a GPP update, it's mainly just bug fixes.  As far as I know, the current version of GPP should work with 1.4.5 as soon as Kopernicus releases its fix to the color problem.  A new GPP release should follow soon thereafter (it's pretty much ready to go, we just have some final preparations to make).  GEP and OPM should work now with 1.4.5, though I am planning a new GEP release.

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@OhioBob GPP and GEP work for me using Kopernicus LandControl fix (and there were no bugs beyond the pink shader that I could see before that) so that's at least one data point that the plan you lay out will go just that smoothly. Sounds like TWB might need a release (haven't tested myself so could be pbkac error).

Anyway, I wasn't speculating on any particular planet pack, just the general state, i.e. be kind to your mods' authors, don't pester them, follow their advice if you want things to work.

Btw, the unreleased fixes already available in the GPP repo are working nicely for me and I feel a lot better about using Strategia on my new career with the creases ironed out. Keep up the great work!

Edited by whitespacekilla
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I released Kopernicus & KittopiaTech 1.4.5-2, as well as Kopernicus-Backport 1.3.1-11. They should fix the bug that was introduced by 1.4.5 (or 1.4.4? No idea), that caused every planet that had "createColors" set to "false" in the LandControl config. For some reason Squad decided it would be a good idea to set them to true automatically, and therefore ignoring the value of the variable completely.

Further changes include a logger overhaul that should harden it a bit (thanks to Corfiot!) and an experimental setting to specify a custom orbital period (Orbit { period = ... }) (thanks Sigma!)

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Hello! I have been having some major problems exporting planet planet configs and textures using KittopiaTech.

Whenever I press the "Export Body" button, nothing is exported and there is an error in the game log similar to the following...


[EXC 11:03:08.444] IOException: Win32 IO returned ERROR_INVALID_NAME. Path: C:/Program Files/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/KittopiaTech/PluginData/Duna/2018-08-05T11:03:08
    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectoriesInternal (System.String path)
    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (System.String path)
    Kopernicus.Configuration.Body.ExportConfig ()
    System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
    Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
    System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
    System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters)
    Kopernicus.UI.Tools.InvokeKittopiaAction (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, System.Object reference, System.Action callback)
    KittopiaTech.UI.KopernicusEditor+<>c__DisplayClass10_1.<DisplayKittopiaAction>b__2 ()
    DialogGUIButton.OptionSelected ()
    DialogGUIButton.<Create>m__7 ()
    UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke ()
    UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke ()
    UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press ()
    UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData)
    UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData)
    UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor)

I suspect this is due to symbols like colons not being allowed in file names.

Also, "Rebuild ScaledSpace Textures" appears to do nothing. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

Edited by nanorover59
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I've ecounter serious visual bug in Kopernikus 1.4.5-2. It starts right after living atmosphere.

This is not Scatterer relatet bug, it appears without scatterer as seen at first picture.

Please, confirm or refute such behaviour at enlarged planets.




Edited by ZobrAA
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30 minutes ago, ZobrAA said:

I've ecounter serious visual bug in Kopernikus 1.4.5-2. It starts right after living atmosphere.

This is not Scatterer relatet bug, it appears without scatterer as seen at first picture.

Please, confirm or refute such behaviour at enlarged planets.




Define “Enlarged” planet.

If you are using Sigma Dimension, then the issue does not warrant supported as Sigma Dimensions is not updated to the latest KSP or Kopernicus. 

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1 hour ago, Galileo said:

Define “Enlarged” planet.

If you are using Sigma Dimension, then the issue does not warrant supported as Sigma Dimensions is not updated to the latest KSP or Kopernicus. 

No, I'm not using Sigma Dimensions. I run career on my own RescaleZ mod https://spacedock.info/mod/779 which is enlarged x3.2 Kerbin, and some moons rearrangement with general stock idea for solar system.

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Now I can confirm, that this is definitely Kopernicus related bug. It appears in fresh install KSPv1.4.5 + Kopernicus v1.4.5-2 + my rescale configs after leaving atmosphere

@Thomas P. sempai notice me! :)


Code for enlarged Kerbin is:


		cacheFile = ZobrAdjustments/RescaleZ/Cache/Kerbin.bin
			%semiMajorAxis = 72888483458 //for 365 24h days Kerbin year
			%inclination = 23.439281 //to simulate Earth's tilt
            %referenceBody = Sun
			%radius = 1920000 //x3.2
			//%mass = 5.4166619E+23
			%geeASL = 1
			// Stellar day.
			%rotationPeriod = 86400 //24h Earth's day
			//timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 70000 70000 70000 120000 240000 480000 600000
			// Set navball switching around the Karman line
			%navballSwitchRadiusMult = 0.018
			%navballSwitchRadiusMultLow = 0.016
			%inverseRotThresholdAltitude = 70000
				%landedDataValue = 0.3
				%splashedDataValue = 0.4
				%flyingLowDataValue = 0.7
				%flyingHighDataValue = 0.9
				%inSpaceLowDataValue = 1
				%inSpaceHighDataValue = 1.5
				%recoveryValue = 1
				%flyingAltitudeThreshold = 20000
				%spaceAltitudeThreshold = 11955753.8 //stationary orbit
			type = Atmospheric
			fadeStart = 90000 //85000
			fadeEnd = 140000 //160000
			%rimPower = 2.06 
			%rimBlend = 0.3
			ocean = True
			oceanHeight = 0
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 12
			minDetailDistance = 8
				KEYname = IslandAirfield
				%latitude = 29 //30.23
				%longitude = -21.4
				%lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
				%repositionRadiusOffset = 17
				%reorientFinalAngle = 291

				// MapDecal
				%decalLatitude = 29 //30.2
				%decalLongitude = -21.4
				%heightMapDeformity = 20 //80
				%absoluteOffset = 20 //0
				%absolute = true
				%radius = 10000
				// Ground Materials
				//groundColor = 0.6328125, 0.6875111, 0.5078125, 1



Album a/41HRSWH will appear when post is submitted
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5 minutes ago, Cyrus Playz said:

Thomas join my dm in discord since I am starting a new mod with no copy and kittopia doesn't work

1. What's wrong with asking questions here or in the Kopernicus Discord channel? Especially because that means help can also be offered by others, not just Thomas?

2. If you're starting a new mod, don't expect Thomas to hold your hand through it. Make sure you're ready to tackle this mod on your own, otherwise you're going to have a really rough time, no joke.

3. "Kittopia doesn't work" -> we need details: logfiles, screenshots, that sort of stuff. Did you install it right? Are you using the wrong hotkeys by chance? Is something in conflict? There's a thousand-and-one reasons as to why kittopia won't work on your end. Without more information, we can't help you.

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4 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

1. What's wrong with asking questions [..] in the Kopernicus Discord channel?

Probably that he was banned there after he repeatedly copied the textures and configs of others.

Also, I can't join your discord dm or whatever, I am not in a server where you are too so DM'ing probably won't work.

Just make your bugreport here in the thread and I will take a look at it.

Edited by Thomas P.
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1 minute ago, ZobrAA said:

@Thomas P. may I ask about a bug, that I've described few messages earlier? Maybe is some kind of mistake in cfg make so, or not? Initial cause need to be found... Thank you!

Unfortunately, I cannot find any issues in your cfg.. I also have no idea why the bug you described occurs. :/

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