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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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27 minutes ago, xman1 said:

Back on Nov 25th, there was an imminent release?  Did I miss it?  I keep checking CKAN and I don't see it.

No.  Important things to bear in mind:

  1. It'll be ready when it's ready.
  2. They'll say when it's ready.  If you haven't seen it announced in the OP of this thread, then it's not a thing yet and no need to ask.
  3. Any time you see a modder saying "soon" or "nearing completion", you should take that with a very large grain of salt.  Modders do this in their spare time, it can be difficult for them to predict how much time they'll be able to spend on it, and it can be very unpredicatable how much time will actually be required.  It's not like painting a house, where one can look at it and know "we're 90% done now".  Software's often unpredictable that way.

All of which basically boils down to "there's nothing to do but wait for an announcement, and be patient until then." ;)

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3 hours ago, xman1 said:

Back on Nov 25th, there was an imminent release?  Did I miss it?  I keep checking CKAN and I don't see it.

I know many devs dont even list, arent specific, or are hit-or-miss with updating versioning in their thread titles, but rest assured, i am 110% sure that as Soon™ as you see this:

[1.7.3-2 + Backports] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

become this:

[1.8.1-1] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

or this:

[1.9.0-1 + Backports] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

in the thread title, then that will be literally when the Kop update *everyone* has been impatiently waiting, drops, and is hot off the presses...

Until you see *that* change, no need to worry you missed an update, or to post asking/looking for/asking When™ its coming. ;)

(And I'm not just picking you out specifically, @xman1 , ;) ... this post is for all to take note of ;) )



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I'm trying to make a level site for base building. This used to work, and now it doesn't.
(KSP1.7.3, Kopernicus 1.7.3-2)

Taking advise from the above thread, I can flatten areas on Kerbin. I've created a huge mesa/butte, which is blatantly obvious and shows that I can make a working MM patch.

However, when I try to do the same on Duna.... nothing happens.

I have Stock Visual Terrain installed, could that possibly be interfering (and if so, why doesn't it interfere on Kerbin)?

EDIT: Just ask, and ye shall think of the answer yourself: it was due to SVT, which already adds PQS Mods; fixing that isse was no more than throwing in another @.

Edited by Laie
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On 12/13/2019 at 7:36 PM, xman1 said:

Back on Nov 25th, there was an imminent release?  Did I miss it?  I keep checking CKAN and I don't see it.

I’ve had enough relationships to know that “almost done” is mostly about sharing a sentiment as opposed to a result. ;) 

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11 hours ago, Kilmeister said:

Hi, Just commenting so I can find this post easier. I normally just use search to find this. If there's a better way let me know! Can't wait to actually play 1.8 as I'm still using my 1.7 Save for now. 

follow the post on the top right

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On 12/15/2019 at 7:45 AM, Kilmeister said:

Hi, Just commenting so I can find this post easier. I normally just use search to find this. If there's a better way let me know! Can't wait to actually play 1.8 as I'm still using my 1.7 Save for now. 

Set a Bookmark to this so you can Download it immediately


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Im betting that this mod is 'waiting' for the final release(1.9.x) and then have backports to 1.8.x with more ease in case 1.9 does mess with kopernicus. The major step is already done aka..the unity version switch and all that entails. But as far as i assume...kopernicus is simple..yet very complicated at its core. Which is why its version locked.


I think of it like this..the longer it takes the more polished it is. And less likely to have that bug that appears that can be easily corrected yet was overlooked due to a rush release. As much as id like to have all the planet mods in 1.8...the fact that it wasnt simply recompiled and released speaks volumes about the modders dedication to release a quality product to us...for free. And to me thats most important

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1 hour ago, Jesusthebird said:

Im betting that this mod is 'waiting' for the final release(1.9.x)

A 1.8.1 version is planned, it's just not ready yet.  1.8.x required a lot of changes, and the people who make those changes are really busy right now.  I wouldn't expect anything for another couple weeks.

Edited by OhioBob
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I'm currently surveying a small moon rumoured to be rich in resources (C2-1 from the other worlds pack) I want to scan it for resources using the stock resources scanner. However the scanner has a minimum altitude of 25km to operate while the moon has an SOI of only 9km altitude. Is there anything in the configuration I could change to either change the minimum scanning altitude or hack the SOI to make scanning possible?

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6 hours ago, tomf said:

Is there anything in the configuration I could change to either change the minimum scanning altitude or hack the SOI to make scanning possible?

This should do it...

			%sphereOfInfluence = 30000


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On 12/21/2019 at 7:00 AM, OhioBob said:
On 12/21/2019 at 5:19 AM, Jesusthebird said:

Im betting that this mod is 'waiting' for the final release(1.9.x)

A 1.8.1 version is planned, it's just not ready yet.  1.8.x required a lot of changes, and the people who make those changes are really busy right now.  I wouldn't expect anything for another couple weeks.

Edited Saturday at 07:00 AM by OhioBob


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On 12/13/2019 at 4:14 PM, Stone Blue said:

[1.8.1-1] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

or this:

[1.9.0-1 + Backports] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

I get that you were making a point in putting this in the comment... but SUCH a tease seeing that listed here. I was skimming after Googling "Kopernicus" + "1.8.1" and it led me here. LOL :)



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On 12/26/2019 at 1:57 AM, RyGuy_McFly said:

Not pestering about the update, but I just noticed the 1.8 branch on the github page, any trying it? Is it at all stable?

This is still pestering about the update.

No release, no updated thread topic => no it should not be considered stable.

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