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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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8 minutes ago, Galileo said:

I jumped the gun. Apparently the Kopernicus release might run a little longer than my initial 24 hour claim.

No worries. Any ETA in the world of gaming needs to be interpreted in the most optimistic “hopefully” manner as possible :) 

As always: “when it’s done” & “soon ™”

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53 minutes ago, Galileo said:

Well, then I was lead astray! 

I’ll slink away into my sad, little corner, with the other little boy that cried wolf.

But, wow! Thanks for all the fake internet points, guys! Though, that was not my intention.




Just like a great meal, I'd rather have it right than fast. To all the devs, thanks for the work, and please don't rush (too much)

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Great work guys
I don't know how exactly this and the planet packs mod work, but i assume that when this comes out, the planet pack creators will have to take this and update their mods (like RSS )? Or will be able to use older versions of planet packs?
Sorry if this question has been asked already

Edited by John Sheppard
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Peeps can hit that "Follow" button on the top right of the thread page, or just look for this change in the thread title while browsing main forum listings:

I know many devs dont even list, arent specific, or are hit-or-miss with updating versioning in their thread titles, but rest assured, i am 110% sure that as Soon™ as you see this:

[1.7.3-2 + Backports] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

become this:

[1.8.1-1] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

I also hope SpaceDock, Curse and Github are ready for the *SLEW* of uploading and downloading of all the huge files from updating planet/system packs, on whatever day Kop updates... lol

Its gonna be almost as bad as when a new version of KSP drops... ;)

Edited by Stone Blue
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3 hours ago, biohazard15 said:

There is a wise phrase, reportedly said by Dwarf Fortress developer.

"The interface is coming — it’s not coming in your lifetime but it’s coming."

As I quote in the bottom line of my sig, there's fun, and then there's Dwarf Fortress "fun".  This applies not just to the game but on a meta level to developing and disucssing the game. :)

Glad to hear that the new Kopernicus will be here soon.  Considering the changes with KSP 1.8 and the modding depth of Kopernicus, it's quite an accomplishment.

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1 hour ago, Stone Blue said:

I also hope SpaceDock, Curse and Github are ready for the *SLEW* of uploading and downloading of all the huge files from updating planet/system packs, on whatever day Kop updates... lol


Its gonna be almost as bad as when a new version of KSP drops... ;)

To me, a new version of Kopernicus and the associated mods (especially OPM) is the equivalent of a new version of KSP.

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The only things planet packs really need to update for are the textures for terrain shaders, but those are completely optional. Using a planet pack that only supports old stock shaders will look as they always did. Particles just aren’t supported any longer, as the ones KSP used are no longer in unity. The new particle system is just to broad and complex for the Kopernicus devs to implement, at least for now.

Edited by Galileo
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Hello, I'm new and ive always checked this post about every week or so since mid November for updates eagerly awaiting kopernicus 1.8. I've never had a forum account but i just made one in order to thank the developers working tirelessly (for free i might add) in order to deliver to the masses simple entertainment. Your work is not appreciated enough and i just want to say thank you for all you do to make sure we get a great experience out of KSP. you guys are doing great and i cant wait for the next release (which seems like it might be soon wowow)

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45 minutes ago, Alvi said:

Hello, I'm new and ive always checked this post about every week or so since mid November for updates eagerly awaiting kopernicus 1.8. I've never had a forum account but i just made one in order to thank the developers working tirelessly (for free i might add) in order to deliver to the masses simple entertainment. Your work is not appreciated enough and i just want to say thank you for all you do to make sure we get a great experience out of KSP. you guys are doing great and i cant wait for the next release (which seems like it might be soon wowow)

you sir, are what we need more of in this community. I am honored to be the first one to like your posts.

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9 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

Peeps can hit that "Follow" button on the top right of the thread page, or just look for this change in the thread title while browsing main forum listings:

I know many devs dont even list, arent specific, or are hit-or-miss with updating versioning in their thread titles, but rest assured, i am 110% sure that as Soon™ as you see this:

[1.7.3-2 + Backports] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

become this:

[1.8.1-1] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

I also hope SpaceDock, Curse and Github are ready for the *SLEW* of uploading and downloading of all the huge files from updating planet/system packs, on whatever day Kop updates... lol

Its gonna be almost as bad as when a new version of KSP drops... ;)

You got me excited...

Now I pooped myself for nothing :( 

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Oh, by-the-way, THANK YOU to everyone on the Kop dev team, for continuing the long trend of making, keeping, and supporting such a long chain of backports.

I'm sure *THAT* in itself is a pretty huge time consumer... :P ... Especially for the Backport QA Test Analysts... lol

Edited by Stone Blue
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5 hours ago, Jognt said:

Poor Sigma must be feeling pressured xD. 

honestly, I have no idea of 99.9% of the stuff that is going on in the ksp community, I don't have reddit/twitter/facebook, don't follow any twitch streamers (other than Rocketology and LGG sometimes) or youtubers. on discord I only talk with a limited number of people in private channels.

which means I have no idea of the amount of pressure :D 

Sometimes I wish I was more involved, but I have very limited free time so I must optimize it if I want to keep making mods

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