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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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So, I've been following this thread a bit, tho not religiously, like some... I just skimmed back thru the past 4 pages... Found very little on anything that might be new for 1.8.1 (I also have a terrible memory, so I'm sure I've forgotten anything I read moar than a week or two ago :P ) ...

Is it too soon for someone to give a quick summary/changelog (doesnt need to be complete... just highlites, mebbe?), of what wonderful goodness is coming Soon™? ... vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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this was the last changelog I wrote when I thought we were close to release

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there were a lot more changes but all are under-the-hood stuff that should not be noticeable while playing the game

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  On 1/21/2020 at 1:25 PM, Poodmund said:

... entry, that includes all the recent changes to the PQS system in the stock game such as the addition of the AtmosphericTriplanarZoomRotation material shader for the surface texturing.


- Removed particles support (Syntax deprecated)


So does that mean the PQSmods standalone, flare export, shader export, and any of that other interesting stuff on the Kop repo will be updated, as well? ... or are those obsolete already? vOv ... i see some have not been active for a couple years or moar... vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 1/21/2020 at 5:23 PM, dave1904 said:

could planet mods potentially have surface features? 


You mean like from the Breaking Ground DLC? Dunno, but would be awesome. My first guess would be the Outer Planets Mod as it comes with a very wide Variety of Biomes all with their own Science Reports, Anomalies etc and is the most supported one by other Mods. IMHO the best Planet Pack.

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  On 1/21/2020 at 7:50 PM, derbleifuss said:

You mean like from the Breaking Ground DLC? Dunno, but would be awesome. My first guess would be the Outer Planets Mod as it comes with a very wide Variety of Biomes all with their own Science Reports, Anomalies etc and is the most supported one by other Mods. IMHO the best Planet Pack.


yeah. I just upgraded to 1.8.1 from 1.5 so its all new to me and I was so surprised how cool it was. OPM for me is stock. It should be part of ksp2. It doesn't feel like a mod. Right now when I open up the galaxy map and sarnus is missing everything feels so dull. I just cannot wait for OPM in ksp2. Modders can go crazy since axial tilt is supported. I hope adding planets is easier for them because kopernicus seems to be alot of work. 

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  On 1/21/2020 at 8:17 PM, dave1904 said:

yeah. I just upgraded to 1.8.1 from 1.5 so its all new to me and I was so surprised how cool it was. OPM for me is stock. It should be part of ksp2. It doesn't feel like a mod. Right now when I open up the galaxy map and sarnus is missing everything feels so dull. I just cannot wait for OPM in ksp2. Modders can go crazy since axial tilt is supported. I hope adding planets is easier for them because kopernicus seems to be alot of work. 


IIRC there was someone in the KSP community who got to see KSP 2 in action, and remarked how easy it was for Star Theory to edit the orbital parameters of planets live via Lua scripting. I can see a system like that being accessible for modders to make their own planets and solar systems.

Edited by prestja
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@Dr. Omicron Or do like I do and obsessively check several times per day while building out a 1.81 install with your favorite mods and writing a Sigma dimensions config to leave the JNSQ planets alone and rescale Real Exo Planets to 2.7 while trying to get Kerbalism to play nice with TAC LS for an awesomely, sucktasticly painful play through when the update drops and planet packs get updated.  According to my wife I suffer from "Kerbal Masochism" and only really enjoy the game when I'm angry at it.

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  On 1/22/2020 at 3:27 PM, Rik said:

@Dr. Omicron Or do like I do and obsessively check several times per day while building out a 1.81 install with your favorite mods and writing a Sigma dimensions config to leave the JNSQ planets alone and rescale Real Exo Planets to 2.7 while trying to get Kerbalism to play nice with TAC LS for an awesomely, sucktasticly painful play through when the update drops and planet packs get updated.  According to my wife I suffer from "Kerbal Masochism" and only really enjoy the game when I'm angry at it.


I hear you; I'm currently exploring the inner/stock planets while prepping a long range launch vehicle for the upcoming extrasolar planet packs 0_0

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If 1.9 comes out I play on my 1.81 install and wait for everything to catch up.  Well, that is unless the devs announce they're stopping 1.81 development and moving to 1.9 in which case I play 1.73 till everything catches up.

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  On 1/22/2020 at 5:19 PM, Rik said:

If 1.9 comes out I play on my 1.81 install and wait for everything to catch up.  Well, that is unless the devs announce they're stopping 1.81 development and moving to 1.9 in which case I play 1.73 till everything catches up.


1.8 was mod-breaking release mostly because of the new Unity version. 1.9 is not anticipated to have such big differences.   

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  On 1/22/2020 at 3:27 PM, Rik said:

trying to get Kerbalism to play nice with TAC LS for an awesomely, sucktasticly painful play through when the update drops and planet packs get updated.


if only kerbalism and kolonization could work together :<

loving the newer science mechanic its made recently though :D

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Have you ever thought about transfer this mod to squad since you don't have time to develop this mod. May be they would like to do this. You can tell them that this mod is very important to a lot of players and we wants to catch up with every update. If this is possible, and surely Squad's developers are professional, will definitely decrease your work load and of course, we, players can be benefit as well.

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  On 1/23/2020 at 10:57 AM, sadina said:

Have you ever thought about transfer this mod to squad since you don't have time to develop this mod. May be they would like to do this. You can tell them that this mod is very important to a lot of players and we wants to catch up with every update. If this is possible, and surely Squad's developers are professional, will definitely decrease your work load and of course, we, players can be benefit as well.


some years ago, steam wanted to give the possibility, to pay modders. it would have been a way to finance modders and have a professional work. but the community was against it..

I would like to thank the modders for the work they do for free


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  On 1/23/2020 at 10:57 AM, sadina said:

Have you ever thought about transfer this mod to squad since you don't have time to develop this mod. May be they would like to do this. You can tell them that this mod is very important to a lot of players and we wants to catch up with every update. If this is possible, and surely Squad's developers are professional, will definitely decrease your work load and of course, we, players can be benefit as well.


Pretty sure Squad has their hands full with a tonne of bugs as is without taking on the community's mods. It'll get done when it's done, we can continue to be patient.

For what it's worth though, I'd love to see KSP2 include a system / body scaling option by default. Would be super handy.

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  On 1/23/2020 at 11:25 AM, Milvus said:

some years ago, steam wanted to give the possibility, to pay modders. it would have been a way to finance modders and have a professional work. but the community was against it..

I would like to thank the modders for the work they do for free


It was more about how it was going to be handled rather than the general idea. However most modders will gladly accept donations so feel free to donate to those who you feel should receive something for their tireless efforts.

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