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request for module manager: Remove the Nyan Cat


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Today is Japanese National Cat Day.  The Nyan Cat always appears on February 22nd and April 1st, as well as if MM is out of date.


Admittedly, @sarbian this comes up all the time, I think people are getting tired of explaining this old joke to teh noobs.

Edited by Capt. Hunt
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11 minutes ago, sarbian said:


Good. I like the cat every April Fools day.

Besides, its only one day. The cat comes, the cat goes. What's the big deal people?

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10 minutes ago, GDJ said:

Good. I like the cat every April Fools day.

Besides, its only one day. The cat comes, the cat goes. What's the big deal people?

Professionalism. I would actually want T2 to just take it and remove the nyan cat. It's how much I hate it.

Edited by Jestersage
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2 hours ago, Jestersage said:


Ingratitude. Be thankful that sarbian is so kind as to provide ModuleManager for you to use, and for free too.
The source code is freely available as well, so if you want to change it, go ahead.

As for T2 "taking" it, it's open-source, they can't. That's excellent.

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2 hours ago, Jestersage said:

Professionalism. I would actually want T2 to just take it and remove the nyan cat. It's how much I hate it.

*Shrugging at the moment*

To each their own I guess. 

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It's harmless, doesn't affect gameplay, doesn't affect load times, is completely cosmetic, and only occurs during a phase of the game where you can completely ignore it.

I see no reason to demand it's removal, it's completely up to Sarbian to remove it if they want to. 

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2 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

If I'm reading the below post on another thread correctly, you have it fully in your power to disable to cat on your own install by including 2 swtiches on the command line.

Those are enablers, not disablers. There is no disabler. I just tested it: If you run KSP_x64.exe -nyan-nyan, it will enable the April Fools cat.

Edited by FleshJeb
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18 hours ago, Jestersage said:


HAHAHA.... he's not getting paid... @sarbian does this for free and out of love for the game. If he also loves cats, so be it.

Nobody is forcing you to use the mod he provided for free...you can always uninstall it.

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1 hour ago, 4x4cheesecake said:
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Save the cat :confused:

(honestly, it's just a fun addition to an awesome mod)

Maybe for certain times we could have this:


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27 minutes ago, Eridan said:

Is there a way to trick MM to think it's always out-of-date, so that the animation always plays regardless of date?

KSP_x64.exe -nyan-nyan will play the animation every day. :)

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