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Your profile picture must fight the profile picture of the user above you. Who would win?

Ultimate Steve

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  • 3 weeks later...

well my icon was a( command block who (says searge says followed by a bunch of malicious things like sql injection in terms of javascript and banning every player in terms of minecraft)when inputted /help) on ixigua and bilibili(im a video maker)






i /ban-ip u

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  • 2 months later...

Analysis of my pfp shows:

Naza-profile.jpeg   ==>   Naza-profile-r.jpeg  +  Naza-profile-g.jpegNaza-profile-b.jpeg

That means it has plenty of blue, some green, but [almost] no red.

Your pfp is mostly  [ red | orange | a bit of blue].

Since the atmosphere lets the blue-like colors go through it easier than the red-like colors, it allows my pfp to go through it easier than yours.

I won.


(made with GIMP)

Edited by Nazalassa
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