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[1.12.5] Restock - Revamping KSP's art (August 28)


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Here's an odd one, has anyone had any problems launching rockets from the woomerang, or desert launch sites since starting to use this mod? I know it's not a restock issue, because in a clean install with only restock it doesn't happen, but in my main install of 150+ mods, the minute I add restock the restock parts start falling through the woomerang and desert launch site platforms. Insofar as I can tell, non-restock parts aren't affected. I'm starting the process of troubleshooting my mod list now, but was wondering/hoping someone else had seen this before and could give me a leg up on identifying the offending mod.

Edit: Correction problem is specific to Woomerang site. Desert site is fully functional with no problems.

Edited by vardicd
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38 minutes ago, Streetwind said:


1. Verify that the terrain quality setting is the same between both installs. If not, please re-test with identical settings.

2. Does your modded install include Kopernicus? If yes, check if removing that fixes the issue.

1 Quality settings are the same,

2 I do not play with Kopernicus.

I have already ruled out both Kerbal construction time, [which modifies launch times, sites, resources, and was my number one suspect] and world stabilizer, which modifies world conditions when loading vessels


It's really confusing me, as most of the mods I'm running are just part packs, launch escape systems, near future, feline utility rovers, pathfinder, buffalo, etc, or mods that modify parts, like dock rotate, jet sounds, wheel sounds, mk-1 cabin hatch.

Kerbal construction time and world stabilizer are really the only 2 mods I have that affect "the world" to the best of my knowledge. I've got UI mods, like KSP alternate resource panel, kerbal alarm clock, and others like them, but nothing I'd suspect would affect the world, or how vessels load into it.

Edited by vardicd
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13 hours ago, PmThay said:

for who uses the Mk2 and Mk3 Expansion mods and is interested, I made this whitelist (because this mods use some stock textures):



I do indeed using Mk2/Mk3 Expansions, but I'm wondering if the ReStock folks can validate where do the whitelist file(s) go in the KSP folder structure?

Do they sit in the "GameData/ReStock" folder? Or the main GameData folder?

On 3/6/2019 at 4:49 PM, Tyko said:

you can create a xxx.restockwhitelist file anywhere in your GameData distribution

So just to understand, does "GameData distribution" mean anywhere in the GameData folder itself? i.e. outside the Restock mod folder, or would even putting the file within it work?

Thanks for confirming!

Edited by scottadges
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I believe they work like MM patches: Anywhere in any folder (or no folder) under GameData will work.  For one-offs and personal use I maintain my own folder inside GameData, and I would probably put it there to keep it separate from official mod files.

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1 hour ago, scottadges said:

So just to understand, does "GameData distribution" mean anywhere in the GameData folder itself? i.e. outside the Restock mod folder, or would even putting the file within it work?

Correct - as @PmThay and @DStaal also mentioned - you can put your MM configs anywhere in the GameData folder. Like them, I also have a folder I created just to store my personal configs. This isn't required, but it keeps your GameData folder organized and makes it easy to move your favorite configs from one game install to the next.


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10 minutes ago, Relative_Prgramming said:

I have a problem with the NR-M6 Configurable Engine Cluster Mount. I cannot place any of the 2.5m Engines inside. It either places them sideways outside, or in the center.

You probably want the Near Future Tech thread - that part comes from NF Launch Vehicles, not Restock(+).

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7 minutes ago, TonedMite133805 said:

For Kerbalism, SXT, and SSPXr.

Just for those?... but why?... those are all supported on KSP 1.6.1... vOv which means, if those are your only mods, you *should* be running newest MM... unless you are on a really old version of KSP... vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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5 minutes ago, blowfish said:

Do you have a specific reason to believe it isn't?

There was a time when ModuleManager 4 was incompatible with Kerbalism, but now their latest versions are compatible

EDIT: from the Kerbalism thread


Kerbalism 2.1.2 and Module Manager 4.0.2 and above are compatible.

WARNING: Do not use Module Manager 4.x for now! There is an incompatibility. Use 3.x versions of MM.


Edited by Eridan
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8 minutes ago, Eridan said:

There was a time when ModuleManager 4 was incompatible with Kerbalism, but now their latest versions are compatible

EDIT: from the Kerbalism thread


Ah right, forgot about that.  It shouldn't be an issue with Kerbalism 2.1.2 anymore though.

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26 minutes ago, TonedMite133805 said:

How do I convert the mods from 3.1.2 to 4.0.2?

You mean from working with ModuleManager 3.1.2 to 4.0.2?  First off, this is the wrong thread to be asking that in - you should be asking in the ModuleManager thread.

Secondly, there were no syntax changes between those two ModuleManager versions - there was just more error checking added, and some reordering of the loading for speed.  In most cases there's nothing to convert.  If you do see errors, consult the ModuleManager thread for how to report, fix, or better yet report a fix to the mod in question.  ;)

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