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[1.12.5] Restock - Revamping KSP's art (August 28)


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5 hours ago, Brigadier said:

I don't have TUFX installed and this is happening to me, as well.  I haven't investigated because I'm really not annoyed by it and functionality remains, but the behaviour was unexpected.  Maybe related, my fairings don't expand even with the PAW option set to do so.  Instead, they dissolve and, again, functionality isn't compromised.

ATM, I don't know from where my fairings come, but I believe they're stock.

Crucially, however, these started happening to me immediately after installing Deferred.  Do you have Deferred installed?

Oh, the fairing dissolve is an intentional feature of Deferred - transparency doesn't work properly with it, so instead of simply having expanding-but-still-opaque fairings, Deferred adds in a dissolve effect so that you can still see inside them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

A question. Is there a restock texture pack for the mods procedural parts/fairings?

I'm using those together with restock and restock+, but almost nothing fits the theme (the three Ven's Stock Revamp textures come somewhat close). 

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  • 1 month later...

I have found a workaround for the time being by using the stock model for this part. I'll describe the process here for anyone who needs it.

Go into "GameData\Restock" and open the file called "Restock.restockblacklist". Edit the file to remove this line "Squad/Parts/Utility/launchClamp1/". Create a new document in the same directory called "Restock.restockwhitelist" and put "Squad/Parts/Utility/launchClamp1/" in there. From there, navigate to "GameData\ReStock\Patches\Structural" and edit the filename "restock-structural-launchclamp.cfg" to "restock-structural-launchclamp.cfgdisable".

There is probably an easier way of doing this but for now this works.

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It is a known issue with Restock and certain visual mods (IIRC).

This is the 3rd such mention of this phenomenon that I've seen in a thread. 

Are you using Deferred?

1 hour ago, Losty said:

Hi, wondering if anyone can explain why the trusses on the TT18-A launch stability enhancer are missing? This happens in the VAB consistently and on the launchpad occasionally. Seems to happen irrespective of what other mods are installed.



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Restock v1.5.1
- Fixed Mk2 Lander Can bottom porthole window (#1028)
- Moved liquidEngineLV-1, liquidEngineLV-1R, rcsBlockRV-105 and ServiceBay in Restock Blacklist to deprecated filepaths to resolve log error

Restock+ v1.5.1
- Fixed offset thrust transforms for Cheetah engine verniers (#1032)
- Fixed drag cubes for 1.875m decoupler and separator (#1026)
- Fixed Oscar-A Fuel Tank packed volume size (#1025)
- Removed duplicated bulkheadProfiles line in Launch Escape System Jr. config



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I am having a problem with the 0.625 Meter Heat Shield has two attachment nodes on the bottom. The first does not initiate the shroud and the second is a MFer to select for some reason. Has anyone encountered this, not sure which mod it its. I think there is a mod that lets me identify the source for a part but not sure.

Hoping someone has experienced this and can point me to a solution?

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Now about the front part of the model: for the rectangular version, there are two holes in the upper front side of the cabin (circled by blue color), and too much alpha channel in the door hinges (circled by green). The second one causes the situation when it's working like a mirror with the shaders

(And yes, now it's 1.5.1)

And great work anyway, just for your convenience, I immediately gave feedback as a tester cause I asked about this part before

Edited by rockmeowstar
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On 11/25/2024 at 6:02 AM, rockmeowstar said:


Now about the front part of the model: for the rectangular version, there are two holes in the upper front side of the cabin (circled by blue color), and too much alpha channel in the door hinges (circled by green). The second one causes the situation when it's working like a mirror with the shaders

(And yes, now it's 1.5.1)

And great work anyway, just for your convenience, I immediately gave feedback as a tester cause I asked about this part before

is it possible that something is clipping?


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