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Not much luck for Trouble Maker, his radiator crashed into the ground resulting in a DNF.

They have a lot of work to do if they want to catch up.

Race #3 "Black Mail" : Startnumber 809. driver: Kerul Kerman, scientist.

Next race: "Trigger Happy"


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Excellent race by Black Mail, 14.96

Slower then Sledge Hammer (14.26), but he managed to keep his car in one piece (not the manga) ! :cool:

Race 4: "Trigger Happy": Startnumber 4069, driver: Trasy Kerman, engineer.

Next up: "Panic Attack"





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What a race from Trigger Happy, 10.78 is a time to beat.

Trasy told us her brakes failed, ending in completely crashing the car, I'm glad I don't have to pay the repair bill. :lol:

Race 5 "Panick Attack": Startnumber 835, driver: Nelrod Kerman, engineer.


Next up: "Master Blaster"


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We can't say the contestants are holding back, what a fast race by Panic Attack, 09.98 Too bad he panicked in his attack, brakes are a real issue here, I hope the teams are working on that before round 2 . . .

Race 6: "Master Blaster": Startnumber 4008, driver: Ribvin Kerman, scientist.

Next up: "Helter Skelter"


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What happened there Master Blaster ? It was one of my favorites, I hope they come back strong...14.74

Race 7: "Helter Skelter" : Startnumber 6488, driver: Alsy Kerman, scientist.



Next up: "Booster Bucket"



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Here's my rat rod.  Modelled after a rocket sled I was working on as an early mission for a career mod.

Pure SRB design.  Needs the mod Smart Parts to fire its second set of Separatrons.

Steering is disabled becuase if controls are touched, even with Precision on, it crashes.  Has a couple of drogue 'chutes to pop after burnout after the finish.




And not being satisfied with Rocket Sled's performance, here's Rocket Sled 2!  Simpler and faster!  Again, 1 Smart Part, but now it automatically stages to pop the 'chutes just before SRB burnout.

This one depends on SAS to stay on the track.  But with SAS, it should pass the gate.  May leave the runway shortly after, but shouldn't crash.




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So right after letting @NBDesigns's Vomit Comet run, all the other teams bosses busted into my office saying the Comet was build for dragracing and not a real rat rod.

I kinda had to agree with them and I desided that I'm putting the Comet in a new category: The Top Fuel 1.000

The TF1000 will host cars build to go superfast, sorry to say @Jacke, I'm not going to have entrees using mods to keep things fair.

I hope you will come up with a new car, I'd love to race your creation.

@NBDesigns you might wanna make a new car too . . . :cool:



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1 hour ago, NBDesigns said:

TF1000 any restriction on max deltaV for main proplution not including breaking rockets?

No restrictions as long as it has wheels that tough the ground and your car has breaks so it can drive another day without exploding. :lol:

And no mods.


1: Panic Attack: 09.98

2: Trigger Happy: 10.78

3: Helter Skelter: 11.62

4: Booster Bucket: 13.18

5: Sledge Hammer: 14.26

6: Master Blaster: 14.74

7: Black Mail: 14.96

8: Trouble Maker: DNF

Now that the cars are allowed to be tuned I expect some wacky cars with lots of rockets and parachutes.

Remember, in round 2 the cars are not allowed to test, it's build and go.

First up in round 2: Panic Attack.


We will give the teams some time to tune up their cars and we will be back soon with round 2, race 1. &)


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54 minutes ago, Triop said:

...sorry to say @Jacke, I'm not going to have entrees using mods to keep things fair.

I hope you will come up with a new car, I'd love to race your creation.

That's no problem, @Triop :)

The Rocket Sled 2 was easy to modify to be stock only.  Just be sure to let it settle, turn on SAS, and pop those 'chutes as soon as it hits passes the finish gate.



And considering your latest entry, I'm going to have to up my game to beat that speed demon. :)

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As the teams are working on their cars, we have time for a TF 1000 race, next up is @Jacke's car, I took the liberty of giving his car a cool name :




Great run, great time !

Kudos for calculating your fuel for 1000 meter run. :cool:

I guess @NBDesigns has some work to do. :D

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Ok, looks like team Panic Attack is ready to go, as I suspected they beefed up their car adding moarrr rockets . . . 14 in total.

They stripped the engine, the lights, the exploding antenna's (which I liked :lol:) tuned the brakes, removed the steeringwheel and added brake shutes.


ROUND 2, RACE 1: Nelrod Kerman in his "Panic Attack".


TBC :ph34r:


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Whahahahaha ! :lol: So every team was watching Panic Attack's race and right after the crash they ran to their cars and started removing rockets....moarrr rockets doesn't seem to help....

That's too bad for team Panic Attack, having the fastest time ment they had to start first in the second round, they took the risk adding too much rockets and they lost while the other teams learned from Team P.A's mistake.

Thug life. :cool:

Next up:


Not many changes on this one, added 2 moarr rockets in the front and 2 in the back, raised the chassis a bit and added a parachute.



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2 hours ago, Triop said:

As the teams are working on their cars, we have time for a TF 1000 race, next up is @Jacke's car, I took the liberty of giving his car a cool name :




Great run, great time !

Kudos for calculating your fuel for 1000 meter run. :cool:

Cool name, @Triop!  Yup, I figured no use hauling fuel that won't be burnt before the finish line.



I guess @NBDesigns has some work to do. :D

1 hour ago, NBDesigns said:

Yes sir, I do.  

Good design @Jacke

Thanks, @NBDesigns!  I had to work to beat your time.  As as team Panic Attack and I'm sure others have learned, going at these speeds makes also going straight a tricky challlenge as well.  "Serious Buzziness" and the other rocket sleds crashed so many times.  And still do on some runs.

But lordy, lordy, lordy, what's the name of this wickedly fast beastie, @Triop ? :)

4 hours ago, Triop said:



I almost thought I'd never get one as fast without almost copying it.

Almost thought. :D

I don't have the track in my testing rig, so I used top speed around crossing the finish line (as eyeballed).

So, I'm wondering, how fast my next TF1000 entry is.  Rocket Sled 4, AKA "Risky Buzziness". :)

Risky because if I took a screenshot while the SRBs are burning, it crashed.  No screenshot under boost, no crash.  Dang. :D

EDIT: BTW, needs SAS to stay on track.  And when past the finish, needs both 'chutes and brakes to stop.  Especially if still on the runway.



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6 minutes ago, Jacke said:

But lordy, lordy, lordy, what's the name of this wickedly fast beastie


I've started a dragrace challenge, I hope you and others will enter.

It's gonna be fun. :cool:



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ROUND 2, RACE 2: Trasy Kerman in her "Trigger Happy" car.



Very nice race by team Trigger Happy, they avoid the risks and made a safe pass. 09:40

As you can see in the video the 2 front rocket engines failed (don't know why?) but 6 rockets keeps them in the lead. :cool:


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@Jacke I did 6 runs with your Rocket Sled 4, exploded into the ground every time....

Good news though, it's fast and got a new record, The bad news, since it keeps "fireballing" on my nice runway it is disqualified...:lol:


I bet a bit more tuning will make the RS-4 the fastest car so far, goodluck with that.

Edit, fyi, all crashes happened before crossing the finish.



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58 minutes ago, Triop said:

@Jacke I did 6 runs with your Rocket Sled 4, exploded into the ground every time....

Good news though, it's fast and got a new record, The bad news, since it keeps "fireballing" on my nice runway it is disqualified...:lol:





I bet a bit more tuning will make the RS-4 the fastest car so far, goodluck with that.

Edit, fyi, all crashes happened before crossing the finish.


From my testing, I would imagine it's the LY-05 front gear failing leading to loss of the vehicle.

Do you ever hear the "whump" of the Separatrons burning out before a crash?  It has happened a few times for me during testing.

However, those post-burnout crashes are rare.  If it's happening before the finish line, I would imagine the SRBs are still burning, as they have 3.5s of fuel.  As about 0.1s to 0.2s of that burn happens before crossing the start line, the SRBs should burn out about 0.3s to 0.4s before crossing the finish line.

From what I normally do, I pop the chutes about a full second or more after crossing where the finish would be.  I also delay using the brakes until under 150m/s, as the braking of the main gear puts more stress on that LY-05.

Cutting the fuel to burn from 3.5s (70%) to 3.0s (60%) did make the Rocket Sled 3 work (same as RS-4 with a Girder Adapter and a Command Seat in place of the Mk1 Command pod to save 500kg), although crashes still happened.  But doing so on the RS-4 may put it behind the TR-1-OP.

I do have a good percentages of RS-4 runs that work (as long as there's no screenshots; I only started doing them after I got RS-4 to work and then it failed every time I did a screenshot under power).  Unfortunately, there must be enough different between our two game installs to somehow push it closer to yielding.

I think I'll have to change that front end to something more durable.  If the speed drops too much, well, you know what that means....  MOAR BOOSTERS! :D

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I think I've got it. :)

Rocket Sled 5, AKA "Kompak Trak".


Instructions on the KerbalX page.



Rebuilt everything.  Used tougher wheels.  Not driven, steering enabled on the front, but may not be needed.

Now 36x4s Seperatrons (RS-4 used 32x3.5s) to make up for added drag.  RS-4 topped out about 408m/s.  RS-5 gets to 401 and will have SRBs burning when it crosses the 1000m finish line.

6 drogue 'chutes low down at wheel mount level can be fired right after SRB burnout and shouldn't tip the vehicle forward or back.  6 to slow it fast to get below speeds where a little bounce can destroy the whole thing.

The twin fins are what makes this beastie keep on track.  Finally figured out using a rear fin at these speeds leads to yaw-opposite roll coupling.

Say SAS wants to turn a bit left to stay on track.  The small fin deflection also causes a small roll to the right.  As the wheels even rolling have drag, the right roll presses down the right wheels and reduces the left yaw of the SAS input.  And can overwhelm it completely at times.

A forward fin will deflect in the opposite direction, opposing the roll effect of the rear fin.  Also, the fins are lower to reduce roll effects overall.

And the forward fin is clear of the pod hatch.

Make it work as small as I could get it.

And best of all, now tough enough that I can get screenshots while under thrust.  So it should work for others now.

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