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[1.12.x] NOT RO - Kerbal Construction Time - Unrapid Planned Assembly


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3 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

To unlock a second build rate, upgrade Rate 2 from 0 BP/s to 0.1 BP/s, etc.

No, sure - I've got the second rate unlocked already. It's the third one that's giving me trouble. I've got Rates 1 & 2 at 0.9 BP/s, and in the upgrade screen it shows "Rate 3 - 0 BP/s", but there's no upgrade button to the right of it.

I'm sure there's some knack to it, rather than it being a bug - I remember getting confused by this every single time I've played KSP, and eventually working it out, but each time I always forget what the answer was.

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23 minutes ago, baldamundo said:

I've got the second rate unlocked already. It's the third one that's giving me trouble.

It used to be tied to the upgrade level of the VAB iirc and that might still be the case. Each of the three tiers would add two slots, up to six at the highest level. A different preset would have different scaling rules, it'd be defined by one of the formulas but not in a way that's immediately clear, most likely a sign() function that causes the formula to go negative once the index of the build rate is too high.

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9 hours ago, baldamundo said:

What are the requirements for adding a third build slot for the VAB or the SPH? I can never remember. And is it configurable somewhere?

There is a formula for production lines build rate, it has rate number, number of line upgrades and facility level variables. It has a trick that makes something to the result if rate number is greater than we want to allow according to facility level.

Upd: didn't see the prev response as it has gone to the next page after the question.

Edited by DarthPointer
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11 hours ago, baldamundo said:

No, sure - I've got the second rate unlocked already. It's the third one that's giving me trouble. I've got Rates 1 & 2 at 0.9 BP/s, and in the upgrade screen it shows "Rate 3 - 0 BP/s", but there's no upgrade button to the right of it.

I'm sure there's some knack to it, rather than it being a bug - I remember getting confused by this every single time I've played KSP, and eventually working it out, but each time I always forget what the answer was.

The third will unlock when the second has some more points allocated to it

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From what I can tell in the code, as long as all the preceding rates are >0, then one additional one will be made available.

In terms of being able to add to them, I think it's the following:

The previous rate has to be greater than the current rate in order to be able to add to one.

This is the line which decides whether the current line can have more added or not:

                if (availablePoints > 0 && (i == 0 || upgraded <= KCT_Utilities.GetBuildRate(i - 1, type, KSC)) && upgraded - rate > 0)

It's in KCT_GUI.cs, line 1634. 

Suffice to say, if you can't add to a particular line, then you need to increase the previous line in order to do so

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At 0.9 for the second one you should definitely see a third if you've got points available and an upgraded VAB. First goes up by 0.05, second by 0.10, third by 0.15 iirc. So for the third you should only need a rate of 0.20 in the second rate.

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17 hours ago, magico13 said:

It used to be tied to the upgrade level of the VAB iirc and that might still be the case. Each of the three tiers would add two slots, up to six at the highest level. A different preset would have different scaling rules, it'd be defined by one of the formulas but not in a way that's immediately clear, most likely a sign() function that causes the formula to go negative once the index of the build rate is too high.

Oh of course. Thanks - upgrading the VAB unlocked it for me.

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New release, 1.4.8

  • Thanks to @siimav for this:
    • Fix airlaunched vessels flipping out with Principia
  • Thanks to user @DarthPointer for this:
    • Added vessel merging
      • How to use it:
      • You build some vessels or recover them (merging only operates vessels that are in storages)
      • Start editing any vessel from the storage
      • Open merging selection
      • Pick a vessel you want to merge (make sure its root is attachable, just as with stock ship merging)
      • The achieved BP progress will be FullMergedVessel * (1 - ConfigurablePercent/100), FullMergedVessel is Build Points for a craft made of merged vessels.
  • Added public methods for needed access by L-Tech mod
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Hi friends, help needed. SpaceDock lists 1.10.1 as the latest supported version, although when testing with no other mods installed except MagiCore, the game fails to work correctly. I am unable to enter the VAB, and when entering Mission Control, no contracts are listed, and I become stuck in that scene without being able to exit or quit the game. Is 1.10.1 really supported or is that a typo? Or is my game somehow broken?

My MagiCore is, which only claims to support 1.8. Is there a newer version that I haven't found somewhere?

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2 hours ago, Stop_signGEORGE said:

Hi friends, help needed. SpaceDock lists 1.10.1 as the latest supported version, although when testing with no other mods installed except MagiCore, the game fails to work correctly. I am unable to enter the VAB, and when entering Mission Control, no contracts are listed, and I become stuck in that scene without being able to exit or quit the game. Is 1.10.1 really supported or is that a typo? Or is my game somehow broken?

My MagiCore is, which only claims to support 1.8. Is there a newer version that I haven't found somewhere?

@Stop_signGEORGE, KCT has four dependencies, ToolbarController, ClickThroughBlocker, Magicore, and SpaceTuxLibrary.  The links are in the OP. I haven't tried in 1.10.1, but it is working in 1.9.1

Edited by hemeac
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10 hours ago, Stop_signGEORGE said:

Hi friends, help needed. SpaceDock lists 1.10.1 as the latest supported version, although when testing with no other mods installed except MagiCore, the game fails to work correctly. I am unable to enter the VAB, and when entering Mission Control, no contracts are listed, and I become stuck in that scene without being able to exit or quit the game. Is 1.10.1 really supported or is that a typo? Or is my game somehow broken?

My MagiCore is, which only claims to support 1.8. Is there a newer version that I haven't found somewhere?

I am running KSP 1.10.1 with KCT 1.4.8, ClickThroughBlocker, Magiccore, SpaceTuxLibrary, and ToolbarController This combination does not seem to present any problems, and I have no issues entering the VAB or SPH.
I was also running this with KCT and had no issues.

Your problem may lay elsewhere. Perhaps some other updated mod is interfering?  Does your KSP.log file show anything odd?

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2 hours ago, ALIO11 said:

Hello every one! I'm running RSS RO RP-1 with KCT on ksp 1.8.1, and when I went to open my game today, I can only see 3 launchpad levels to upgrade to. I used to see about 7. Are there any problems that I have? Thanks!

Do you use special RO KCT? AFAIK RP folks have special KCT for their games. Probably you should ask your question not here but in RP-1 thread.

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Hi, recently I've been getting the "Error Loading KCT Data" error message. This happens whenever I have just finished a flight and go back to the Space Centre, afterwhich I can not enter the VAB/SPH or exit the game and have to ALT+F4. So technically the game is still playable, just that I have to ALT+F4 and relaunch the game (10mins loading time) each time I finish a flight scene.

I am posting on this thread because I don't even know the cause of the issue. But since KCT gave me the 'error message' I decided to post here.

This only started happening when I installed the latest version of Restock and Restock+ by Nertea. So naturally, I thought this mod was causing the problem. So I uninstalled it, but I still got the 'Error Loading KCT Data" message.

Then, I thought my save file was corrupted or something, so I went to create a new game (without Restock/Restock+) but the 'Error Loading KCT Data' still persists.

So right now I'm really perturbed. I have retraced back all my steps to before the issue started, even trying to restore previous save files using S.A.V.E but to no avail.

All my mods are installed via CKAN (compatible versions from 1.6 to 1.10.1). I know it's not a compatibility issue because my games have been running fine these past few weeks. Only after I installed Restock and Restock+ did this issue start. I have removed Restock and Restock+ but the issue still persists.

KSP.log file - https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Ciyy9NjjIS22KQmNr-1ahicAc-ZvU29/view?usp=sharing

Player.log file - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MJ6Fs38aRD_NXNwtUpCtezxVDbV1pmzA/view?usp=sharing

EDIT: FOUND THE CULPRIT. It's the CommNet Constellation Mod by TaxiService. It appears it has some issues with KCT and Trajectories. Guess I'm gonna have to give it a pass for now.

Edited by ChuDust
resolved issue
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Hey there,

I seem to have come across a weird little bug, which makes a fully built vessel disappear from the KCT build list. I have first experienced this issue in a KSP 1.8.1 install but have been able to reproduce it in KSP 1.10.1. Here is my modlist for the latter install:

Animated Decouplers
Click Through Blocker
Kerbal Alarm Clock
Kerbal Construction Time 1.4.8
Module Manager 4.1.4
Retractable Lifting Surface Module
Scatterer Default Config
Scatterer Sunflare
SpaceTux Library
SpaceX Launch Vehicles-Stock Size
Textures Unlimited
Toolbar Controller
Zero MiniAVC

(The mods with version numbers on them are the ones that I also have on my aforementioned KSP 1.8.1 install where the bug also occured.) I have installed all the mods via CKAN.

After starting a new game, the steps to reproduce the bug are the following:

1. In the KSC scene build a new launchpad from the KCT UI (didn't take time for me to finish - I suppose due to sandbox mode).
2. Enter the VAB and build a vessel (I just used a Kerbodyne S4-512 Fuel Tank with a HECS2 Core on top).
3. Add the vessel to the build list twice.
4. Exit the VAB and warp to completion of both vessels.
5. Roll out the first vessel to the original launch pad and the second vessel to the "KCT-clone" created in step 1.
6. Warp until completion of both roll-outs.
7. Press launch on the first vessel.
8. Return to the KSC scene using the stock button above the height indicator.
9. Press launch on the second vessel. A message "Launch Pad not clear!" pops up. Press cancel.
10. In the KSC scene click on the icon associated to the first vessel (the one already launched) and click on the Fly-icon to return to the flight scene.
11. The second vessel (which has not been launched yet) has now disappeared from the KCT build list (both in flight scene and in KSC scene).

Before posting this, I have tried to make sure that this is not an intended behaviour of this mod (however I am really new to KCT and I'm not yet very experienced with its features) and that this issue has not already been reported. Many apologies in case I have missed something. Also, thank you in advance for giving this a look :).

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On 8/18/2020 at 4:56 AM, Stop_signGEORGE said:

Hi friends, help needed. SpaceDock lists 1.10.1 as the latest supported version, although when testing with no other mods installed except MagiCore, the game fails to work correctly. I am unable to enter the VAB, and when entering Mission Control, no contracts are listed, and I become stuck in that scene without being able to exit or quit the game. Is 1.10.1 really supported or is that a typo? Or is my game somehow broken?

My MagiCore is, which only claims to support 1.8. Is there a newer version that I haven't found somewhere?

I've also an issue with KCT and 1.10. After one or two hours of research it seems to be the following: KSP can issue so called input locks, that's the reason the building buttons vanish and you are not able to enter builings by clicking. Also it seems to disable the escape menu and other buttons. From an old steam thread I was able to get the fix. When you bring up the debug console by pressing ALT+F12 and expand "console" click on "input locks" and then on "Clear Input Locks". For me it shows that the KCT upgrade dialog/button was invoking the lock but it didn't clear after closing the dialog.

After further inspection it seems to be a problem between KCT and the ubiquitous support mod "Click Through Blocker". It only seems to happen when Click Through Blocker is in "focus follows mouse" mode rather than the newer "focus follows click" mode. However, there was an issue with some other dialogs and I have to use the "focus follows mouse" mode. Maybe for other people it could work simply getting/setting the latest version of "Click Through Blocker" and keeping it in it's "focus follows click" mode. Maybe there can also be done something from the KCT side, I'm not sure wich mod is "more at fault" here.



As for the other things you are experiencing I don't know. This is the only problem I have at the moment.

Edited by TheYear2525
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On 8/29/2020 at 3:04 PM, TheYear2525 said:

I've also an issue with KCT and 1.10. After one or two hours of research it seems to be the following: KSP can issue so called input locks, that's the reason the building buttons vanish and you are not able to enter builings by clicking. Also it seems to disable the escape menu and other buttons. From an old steam thread I was able to get the fix. When you bring up the debug console by pressing ALT+F12 and expand "console" click on "input locks" and then on "Clear Input Locks". For me it shows that the KCT upgrade dialog/button was invoking the lock but it didn't clear after closing the dialog.

After further inspection it seems to be a problem between KCT and the ubiquitous support mod "Click Through Blocker". It only seems to happen when Click Through Blocker is in "focus follows mouse" mode rather than the newer "focus follows click" mode.

I am also using Click Through Blocker in "focus follows mouse" mode and it also happens to me from time to time that inputs get locked and I cannot interact with the KSC scene any more, even although I have closed all dialogs. I find it a little annoying, too, however for me it always works clicking on the "Clear all input locks" button in the toolbar (some mod must have placed it there exactly for these situations you and me are experiencing from time to time, not sure which one though, might actually be Click Through Blocker itself?). It's the button inside of the red circle in the second image you have linked

On 8/29/2020 at 3:04 PM, TheYear2525 said:

and I find it much more convenient to use than going into the debug console every time ;).

Actually I was thinking that this is a rather common issue with Click Through Blocker at the moment and that many mods that contain dialogs can cause this (and not only KCT). But to be honest, I have never really paid any attention to when exactly I am experiencing these input locks and I'll have to do some testing to be sure.

Hey everyone,

while I'm here, I'd also like to ask a short feature-related question: When I open the KCT settings with a right-click on the KCT button in the KSC scene, I can find the settings "inventory effect" and "build effect". Does changing these settings have any effect on the game play when the Scrapyard mod is not installed? 

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