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Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition: History and Parts Pack Grand Discussion Thread!


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On 3/28/2019 at 7:55 AM, Budman said:

I guess they have not put the delta v on there, you know the main thing we need to play the game properly!!??

I'm hoping that there will be another DLC with some of the main "gameplay" requests console player have made.

Some sort of Kerbal engineer, seems to be in every PC you-tube video

The controller crowd could really use some of these read-outs.

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Ok, this is outrageous to say the least! And this is also not a suggestion per se, although there's no better forum section to post this.

Why in the world would someone have to pay $10 (38BRL here, which is really not something I can just waste from my wallet) for extra launch centers?! This is a simple feature that should be in the core game already, mods in the pc can quickly fix this, yet you guys - the Devs - have the audacity of charging us even for this after delivering us a broken game over and over and over again?!

I have bought the game in its unplayable state back in 2016. I had to wait for an year just for a response from you guys and plus another year for you to try and fail delivering a fix. Then I had to wait even a bit more with Enhanced Edition because even that was broken; not to say that, by some reports, even some serious bugs - like the stuck on ladder one - haven't been fixed AS OF YET.

But instead of properly fixing the game, you guys rather charge for basic features that a modder alone could have done better, faster and for free. This is a joke, right!?

What is next for consoles? 5$ for basic Delta-V calculation feature (which won't even come near to what modders managed to accomplish with Kerbal engineer)? 1$ for enhanced UI with an AGL altimeter toggle function? 2$ for an Apoapsis/Periapsis UI indicator without having to open the map view? 15$ for a fix/workaround of heavy performance impact around space stations/ground bases???

All this time waiting for this update, but it's so likely that not even 1/3 of the bugs were properly fixed... boy, at least we got the "Super useful" Kerbal parachutes for free (that is, if you manage, in time, to click over the falling Kerbal with your cursor controlled by an analogue stick while the game is running at 19FPS and everything is shaking...) 

So much milking... We would have a much more functional and complete game if we had modders working in the console version instead of "Devs".


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3 hours ago, James M said:

Really would like to see launch sites placeable by the player rather than being in a predetermined location. I'm not complaining, I love seeing updates for console players being one myself. Just saying what I'm thinking.

Updates or milking? While in the PC we could have many more launch sites, done so much better by a modder; in consoles the Devs pretend to care by asking us to pay 10$ in a DLC for a half broken game so we can have a super basic feature such as more launch sites.

Lovely! And there will be people buying this with a smile on their face...

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Lovely! By "playing" the game for just 1 minute I have already found another bug, although small, easily detectable.

If you open the Tracking Station and click the "toggle flags" button, the KSC symbol will dissapear from the map (even if you toggle flags back).

That shows how much attention is going towards Enhanced Edition.

And nice job removing the KSPedia app. You then tell players that somehow this makes it more convenient for them (who knows how), and you direct them to www.kerbalspaceprogram.com - very informative. Boy, this update is looking better and better... I'm amazed they didn't charge for this as well.

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I do agree with a lot of what you're saying. The technical debt video that ShadowZone uploaded explains it really well.

They're just making shiny features full of empty content rather than patching or improving failing parts of the game 

For example, their part overhauls. Restock does it MUCH better and fixes and fleshes out a lot of the existing parts. So, since they're doing what mods can do, it's a complete and utter waste of time and really shows they're out of touch with their community.

We need optimization. Multi core support should be at the top of the list for a physics based game that suffers from lag at part counts as small as 150 on mid range computers. Bugs and features that CANT be solved by mods is a priority. I always complain about how bad the stock planets are as I am a planet modder, and it's true they do need attention, but that can be accomplished with mods and it shouldn't be as big a priority as optimizations.

I almost ALWAYS quit the game for a while due to performance, not because I get bored of how the parts look. That's what the focus should be on.

And as for the moon launch site? I have a planet mod (Beyond Home) available to download for free that accomplishes this. Obviously it does add a completely new system but it's an example that if mods can do it, this content is simply not worth even paying for, hence why I haven't bought any expansions.


EDIT: Ah, you're on console...

Honestly? I'd get a PC when you can and just mod the game 

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37 minutes ago, Lupi said:

you know the additional launch sites are dlc on PC as well right

Yes, doesn't mean I agree with as well. Especially when - again - a modder could have done it with many more launch sites, taking a lot less time and for free (for who I'd gladly donate to, instead of paying the Devs after they delivered a broken game over and over again, without any consideration).

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  1. The console port is not managed by Squad but rather by a different group, so direct hate towards them, not Squad
  2. Launchsites are DLC for everyone. Console players get the bonus of a Munar launchsite we don't get. So you're 1+ on us in that regard.
  3. You can't mod console, so saying "a mod maker could make in 5 minutes" is a straight lie.
    1. (3.1) "Mod maker could make in 5 minutes" clearly shows you don't know what goes into making a mod, even for the PC, much less the heightened challenge of making mods for the console ports
    2. The Munar launchsite may also be the first of many console exclusive offerings. Who knows what they'll add in the future for consoles only.
  4. There may have been technical reasoning behind the removal of KSPedia. So again, attacking that choice is unwarranted as you don't have the full story.
  5. Consoles get the same updates PC players do, and what updates PC players get for free, so does the console community. You won't have to pay for content that PC players get for free.
  6. PC players have to struggle with clicking Kerbals just like you have to struggle to highlight a falling Kerbal
  7. Bugs with new releases are to be expected. You can help by submitting them to the bug tracker rather than throwing a tantrum. Bugs aren't desirable, but seeing as KSP is still being optimized on PC, said optimizations will make it way down to console players in time (for free too).

Just some thoughts. Take a breather. Remember we all struggle with the same game here.



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26 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

"Mod maker could make in 5 minutes" clearly shows you don't know what goes into making a mod, even for the PC, much less the heightened challenge of making mods for the console ports

I don't think the issue is so much the time it takes (did anyone say the parts included here could be made in 5 minutes? That would obviously be an exaggeration anyway), it's that a group of modders working for free, in their free time, have demonstrated the ability to make a more consistently high quality set of parts than what Squad has managed working with paid professionals, presumably working full-, or at least part-time. The Making History parts in particular are riddled with bugs, odd design choices (engine plates really mess with staging and dV), and poor balancing.

26 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

There may have been technical reasoning behind the removal of KSPedia. So again, attacking that choice is unwarranted as you don't have the full story.

That may be, but what they've provided is really poor quality. It's just a single, very large pdf with no organization at all, no contents, or internal links at all. You just have to scroll through to find what you need. That is really not very helpful.

26 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

PC players have to struggle with clicking Kerbals just like you have to struggle to highlight a falling Kerbal

That's also true, but PC players generally play with a mouse, a precision pointing tool which is well suited to clicking on relatively small, moving targets. Fumbling around with console controller thumb sticks is an entirely different world of control precision.

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45 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

The console port is not managed by Squad but rather by a different group, so direct hate towards them, not Squad

Squad is still the main developer and the responsible for the game in the end, it makes no sense. They are also the ones charging for these basic uncomplete features. If we could somehow install mods, I could have MANY more launch sites without having to pay for a useless eye-candy DLC just so I can have that.

45 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

Launchsites are DLC for everyone. Console players get the bonus of a Munar launchsite we don't get. So you're 1+ on us in that regard.

What's even the point of a Munar launchsite. They might as well take it out and I wouldn't care. It just breaks all the fun, challenge and immersion for me. I'd rather go through the work of creating a Munar refuel station and manually landing rockets there before an interplatenary jorney than launching from the Mun. Not to say there's a cheat menu.

And yes, it is a DLC for everyone, except you guys haven't been waiting +3 years for a playable game after you bought it and you can have many more launch sites than what comes with the DLC for free.

I wouldn't count it +1...

45 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

(3.1) "Mod maker could make in 5 minutes" clearly shows you don't know what goes into making a mod, even for the PC, much less the heightened challenge of making mods for the console ports

I don't recall saying 5 minutes, I did say "quickly" though - and to be fair, it would indeed be a lot quicker than waiting for the Devs to implement even half of what a modder could do. Not to say, once again, that through a mod I'd have many more Kerbin launch sites and would totally rather donate to such modder than pay for an eye-candy DLC for a game with so many problems still.

45 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

The Munar launchsite may also be the first of many console exclusive offerings. Who knows what they'll add in the future for consoles only.

Who knows... 10 more dollars for some paintings and uncomplete features (+ easily noticeable bugs for free).

45 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

There may have been technical reasoning behind the removal of KSPedia. So again, attacking that choice is unwarranted as you don't have the full story.

Fair point. Although they surely could have done a better job than just saying "go to www.kerbalspaceprogram.com".

45 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

PC players have to struggle with clicking Kerbals just like you have to struggle to highlight a falling Kerbal

Except PC players don't have to move the cursor through a stick that is barely accurate, don't have to struggle so much with "crew cabins" action appearing over the cursor pretty much everytime you have to click over an object - which also makes use of the same key you have to interact with objects - and even for a Medium-end PC KSP is much more optimized.

45 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

You can help by submitting them to the bug tracker rather than throwing a tantrum

Except, I have done that. Many, many times. Only for them to be rated as Low priority, bug fixing process almost never going over 10%, and then resume on still having players reporting the same exact multiple-times reported bugs even as "bug-fixing" updates are launched...


45 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

Remember we all struggle with the same game here.

Although some ridiculously more than others depending on the plataform you play in - which also seems to correlate with how much the devs actually care about.


I'm not making these texts as a clueless rant just because I think it's cool. I have been trying to support this game for +3 years, at every moment thinking "finally, the Devs are going to fix it, they actually care about it". Only to be let down half a dozen times. It gets to a point when you're done, especially when profitting from a DLC seems to be a bigger priority than making the game more playable.

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1 minute ago, Arch3rAc3 said:

Squad is still the main developer and the responsible for the game in the end, it makes no sense. They are also the ones charging for these basic uncomplete features. If we could somehow install mods, I could have MANY more launch sites without having to pay for a useless eye-candy DLC just so I can have that.

What's even the point of a Munar launchsite. They might as well take it out and I wouldn't care. It just breaks all the fun, challenge and immersion for me. I'd rather go through the work of creating a Munar refuel station and manually landing rockets there before an interplatenary jorney than launching from the Mun. Not to say there's a cheat menu.

And yes, it is a DLC for everyone, except you guys haven't been waiting +3 years for a playable game after you bought it and you can have many more launch sites than what comes with the DLC for free.

I wouldn't count it +1...

I don't recall saying 5 minutes, I did say "quickly" though - and to be fair, it would indeed be a lot quicker than waiting for the Devs to implement even half of what a modder could do. Not to say, once again, that through a mod I'd have many more Kerbin launch sites and would totally rather donate to such modder than pay for an eye-candy DLC for a game with so many problems still.

Who knows... 10 more dollars for some paintings and uncomplete features (+ easily noticeable bugs for free).

Fair point. Although they surely could have done a better job than just saying "go to www.kerbalspaceprogram.com".

Except PC players don't have to move the cursor through a stick that is barely accurate, don't have to struggle so much with "crew cabins" action appearing over the cursor pretty much everytime you have to click over an object - which also makes use of the same key you have to interact with objects - and even for a Medium-end PC KSP is much more optimized.

Except, I have done that. Many, many times. Only for them to be rated as Low priority, bug fixing process almost never going over 10%, and then resume on still having players reporting the same exact multiple-times reported bugs even as "bug-fixing" updates are launched...


Although some ridiculously more than others depending on the plataform you play in - which also seems to correlate with how much the devs actually care about.

If it pains you that much then you can simply play something else. KSP is a game. If it doesn't entertain you, then play something that does.

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4 minutes ago, Gargamel said:

Overlapping threads have been re-merged. 

I honestly have no idea of what's going on. Apparently the thread I created in the Suggestions sub-forum has been merged both with this topic and the "KSP Loading... A Renewed Galaxy and History and Parts Pack Gets a Release Date!" topic.

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4 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

If it pains you that much then you can simply play something else. KSP is a game. If it doesn't entertain you, then play something that does.

You don't seem to be getting my point or the reason for any of this.
It's not about playing something else, for I AM playing something else and I HAVE mostly been playing something else for the past 3 years while I waited for this game to be playable - checking back every update in the hopes that the game was actually getting noticeably better only to be let down.

I'm annoyed and disgusted by the treatment difference given to the different platforms and I'm stating some of the serious problems that are going on here in the hopes that we might have a more functional game in the future - although, I'm more and more hopeless every update, especially after this last supposed "update" with this DLC money-grabbing mess...

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2 minutes ago, James Kerman said:


I apologise profusely to you and all the commentators affected.  I am a moderator in training and made a terrible mistake that, due to the way the software works, has created the confusion.  The bad redirects will disappear after 24 hours.

No worries, to be fair there will probably be more views by console players in these topics here than the suggestion section.

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41 minutes ago, M_Rat13 said:

Just a quick question related to this:

Why would anyone want to launch from Kerbin voluntarily ever again, if they can just launch from the mun? Or am I missing something?

The point of the debate is that Squad has decided to put a fully functional KSC on the Mun and has very badly failed to make it clear, or is knowingly avoiding explaining to the community:

  • How much of an "option" it is (or is it on by default? Which is immersion-breaking because it's "already there" in plain sight and fully functioning).
  • What steps need to be taken in order to access it (Or none? Meaning it's immediately available when you start a game, which entirely defeats any sense of progression).
  • Why this is being done (It is widely assumed that Squad is providing this just to pacify the console players and "clear their [Squad's] conscience" in the face of (seemingly knowingly) doing very poor releases for console... KSP is a game that should never have come to console).

Your perspective regarding Kerbin isn't properly formed. The timeframe of KSP is set between roughly the 40's and 70's. LOP-G ("Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway"), a checkpoint station envisioned to be placed in orbit of the Moon has yet to leave the realm of fantasy, and the ISS is a well aged project, and KSP has no better (in terms of advancement, not in performance vs other) propulsion systems in stock than the single nuclear rocket and a single ion engine........ But now Squad has out of the blue, gone and put a working space center "effectively landed" on the Mun...? KSP is not a strategy game where you get to pick as various factions and get a different start point accordingly.

I don't mean to bash or trigger the forum moderators but these are very largely the reasons the community is in an uproar about it.

If Squad had chosen to implement, let's say, a city builder game sort of mechanic for deploying space centers, it would be far better received and well worth charging up to 5x KSP's normal price. As it is, it makes more sense to learn to use the Kerbal Konstructs mod, build your own space center, and share it. And these are known to be unlockable so they don't threaten your sense of progression.

Where your perspective is relatable is that as anyone reaches the late-game there is no question that everyone would welcome the ability to launch all their stuff from anywhere except Kerbin and appropriately, have major bases or space centers on bodies other than Kerbin.

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