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Celestial Command - game in distress


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Its one of these threads!

Celestial Command - https://store.steampowered.com/app/330460/Celestial_Command/


Its had a few mentions in the past on the forums, but it hasnt come up for a couple years and it has undergone a great deal of development.

Its still in early access but I have had it in my library for a long while and development has been steady and significant and I think it is shaping up into something very good.

A significant update is about to drop as well.

Its not KSP, its scope and relationship with realism is very different, but its right up the KSP-players street if you ask me.


According to the devs, they are struggling to fund themselves and development is at risk.

I figure I can do them a tiny favour and make this post.

Selfish, of course, I dont want development to end, but give it a look, I think its pretty cool.

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Bought it, played it, liked it. It's kind of a lighter Elite Dangerous with real(ish) orbital mechanics, Lego-style ship building and some... interesting UI choices.

I'll probably keep with it at least for a while. Failed my first salvage mission by accidentally ramming the package at way too many m/s. Reminds me of my first docking attempt in KSP. :)

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I have a hard time saying no to a nifty looking game in early access that has native cross platform support.

Sign me up.


Edit: completed the first tutorial on my lunch.  Some of the default controls are backwards from what's intuitive and the text could certainly use some work, but it looks like they're actively working on it.

I see a lot of potential and will likely play quite a bit more tonight!  The fact that you can switch between space acting like a fluid and ships behaving like they're in a sci-fi movie, and space acting realistically is awesome.

Edited by Geonovast
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