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Thread to discuss negative things in a very general way, just see where it goes y'know?


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22 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

I am upset. I was a member in good standing with a model radio control aircraft club for nearly 30 years. I joined in high school as a freshman and that was 97/98 school year. We as a club would have our dues come up in July at the meeting. Well as we know July is just days away. I was getting concerned that I had not yet seen the newsletter for June which would have the notice for the July meeting and when/ where it would be. I contacted at first the officer in charge of membership over a week ago and then a few days later having gotten 0 reply. Then yesterday I reached out to the vice president of the club seeking information. I finally got a reply back informing me the club dissolved. No word was sent out to members not on social media or not receiving the electronic newsletter or at the final meeting the dissolution occurred at. Im frustrated that this happened. Nearly 30 years dedicated in dues and loyalty to not be given the courtesy of being told the clubs gone before nearly spamming the entire leadership wanting to just be a good upstanding member.


That really blows.  Im very sorry that has happened. I hope that you are able to fill that hole with local hobbyists connected through FB groups / reddit. 

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1 hour ago, Fizzlebop Smith said:

That really blows.  Im very sorry that has happened. I hope that you are able to fill that hole with local hobbyists connected through FB groups / reddit. 

Thank you. Part of why I had no clue aside from the officer of the club in charge of members/membership is because I avoid social media like the plague. I have fb but have not used it since maybe 2014, instagram hasnt seen me post since my cat lia passed 5 years ago. Im irritated by them not respecting not only me (ive a nasty issue there too as it feels like a pattern to my existence) but the club as a whole that is like me and doesnt do social media, avoids crowds and prefers physical literature over digital bs. I stressed over this until finding out the club was gone all because they couldnt bother informing people. Worse yet the membership guy that i contacted prior to contacting the clubs vp NEVER BOTHERED TO REPLY!!! I joined in the late 1990’s around 1997 and it counted for nothing!!! :mad: At least the vp showed respect by replying and offering alternatives.


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Do you want to know why the Game Industry is risking going downhill? Whatch this video.

Somehow, Casino businessmen got their way into this Industry in an uncontrolled and unchecked way - simple like that.

I'm trying hard to avoid judgments of value and morality issues here, but when you look into Casinos as a higher moral stand (there's no children on Casinos, there's?), you know you are looking into something really, really messed up.

Edited by Lisias
Better phrasing.
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Our kid just bought a 2002 CRV (with our help) to get him around. I replaced the leaky oil pressure switch but it wouldn’t stop leaking. At first I didn't tighten it much, and when it kep leaking I tightened it more and more, until the leak got much worse. Uh-oh. I took it out and took a close look by lowering my phone down behind the engine while recording video. This is what I saw... :mad:. I dunno if the previous owner over tightened or if I did trying to get it to stop leaking.



I'm going to try to JBWeld it to kingdom come tomorrow, after blasting it with brake cleaner...

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