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Thread to discuss negative things in a very general way, just see where it goes y'know?


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@richfilesIm glad physically you came away from the dremel relatively alright. To your sisters coworkers family they have my condolences and sympathies. I am sadly well aquatinted with the specter of dementia. My grandmother as well as a few other women in my family (mothers side as well as her fathers side) have suffered it. Its brutal for sure. The one grace is my mother will never be forced to feel her brothers passing. I will have a copy of his funeral should the time come for her to be able to handle it. Thank you for your sympathies.


may this new page be less depressing

Edited by AlamoVampire
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1 hour ago, richfiles said:

@AlamoVampire You got me tearin' up again...  ;.;

Today is just the day to feel emotionally drained feeling sorrow for other people's losses and sufferings. Dementia terrifies me.

Sorry your day is so bad.

I heard stories from a close friend who's mother developed dementia.  I didn't understand the true depths of it until my mother developed it.  From its onset to her passing was 8 years, during which she was in a nursing home.  My father passed away a few years before her and it was all on me.  Midnight calls every time she fell, though fortunately nothing really came of them.  It had a bad effect.


1 hour ago, richfiles said:

I dropped my Dremel in my lap today.

I'm glad your injuries were minor.  You're going to have to change how you work with that tool to prevent it falling on you again.  Some Personal Protective Equipment might be in order too.


1 hour ago, richfiles said:

The unfortunate young man was working on the pivot of an articulated tractor...

This tragedy is all too common with young workers.  I went many years in the Canadian Forces and it was with a lot of safety standards and a bit of luck I never had a serious injury.

Safety standards are truly written in blood.


My story.  I was out earlier tonight.  As I was walking around my home, I saw what at first I thought was a cat running away from me.  But I quickly noticed it had a broad bushy tail.  It stopped by my door and turned around to face me.  There was plenty of light which was good.  I spent my time bashing the plants besides the path to make noise.  Eventually the skunk decided to turn around and wandered off.  When I went in, there was no smell, so the skunk must have felt safe.  Looks like a burrow was dug underneath my step.  Which means a call to the landlord tomorrow.

Edited by Jacke
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11 hours ago, Jacke said:

Safety standards are truly written in blood.

This is a true statement; if there's a required safety briefing it's because someone got hurt doing something the wrong way. Or some procedure has changed to prevent future injuries.

I don't care which military branch of what nation you've served with, once you leave the service, your body ages in ways the average body (the person who did not join the service - the civilian) does not. There are days that just waking up, getting out of bed, and going to the kitchen is quite the experience in pain and determination. :blush:

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15 hours ago, richfiles said:

@AlamoVampire You got me tearin' up again...  ;.;

Today is just the day to feel emotionally drained feeling sorrow for other people's losses and sufferings. Dementia terrifies me. I can't even begin to understand the drawn out toll it puts on you emotionally, as you helplessly watch your mother's decline. I'm so sorry... I agree with everyone's advice, and I think your intuition was spot on. Save her from the unnecessary pain of having to experience that loss over and over. It's just one of the burdens we carry for loved ones who suffer from cognitive decline. I wish you only the best, but also strength for when it's the worst.

As for me, today has been... something else...

I dropped my Dremel in my lap today. I was using the serrated wood cutting wheel at medium speed. Fortunately for my dignity, the wheel caught my leg and dragged itself out of my lap, across my thigh, and onto the floor. The bleeding was minimal. My day was heavenly compared to what happened at my sister's place of employment... My sister works at a farm implement dealer, basically, they sell and service stuff like tractors, harvesters, field equipment, etcetera. Today was the first day of her vacation, and as she was getting ready to hit the road, she heard sirens, and later saw a helicopter leaving the nearby hospital... She had no idea that helicopter was carrying one of her coworkers till later on in the day, when she was already on the road.

The unfortunate young man was working on the pivot of an articulated tractor... To steer, this type of machine flexes a front frame and a rear frame in the center, between the front and rear axles. Hydraulic cylinders actuate the pivot mechanism, and like any machine, occasionally require service. It sounds like he had his head inside the pivot mechanism when someone turned the steering wheel, not realizing he was there. He did not make it. The pivot crushed his head. Only 27, with a 2 year old daughter... I don't even know the guy, but I went to school with one of his aunts, and knew a few other members of his extended family... God, it just randomly hits me that his little girl just lost her father, and I'm a wreck all over again. I think about how miserable my sister must be feeling right now... She knew him.  She worked with him, and now she's off starting a vacation while everyone has started their grieving... I'm just completely emotionally strung out, spent, overwhelmed... And I didn't even know the guy, just his extended family... I know they are grieving too, and that hurts the most. I can't even comprehend how much pain his family is feeling right now.

This day can hurry up and just be over...

Oh man, my condolences... :(

I hope you feel better soon 

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Oh man... It just hit me...
The farmer that owns that tractor probably can't even get it back because it's certain to be tied up as evidence into the police and the state employment safety board investigation.
I would hope the dealership can provide a loaner, particularly cause the harvest season is going to be ramping up this month, and that farmer is gonna need that machine!

When it is finally released... Yikes, just even knowing his machine killed a man...
That will always loom over his mind whenever he has to use it...
He had no control over what happened, and yet that's gonna be a burden he'll have to carry, of no fault of his own.

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Guys, I honestly did not think I would have anything more to ask in regards to the situation about my mother and her brother but as it turns out I just learned something that has me absolutely apoplectically infuriated and want to know if my anger is right or not.

So as you know my uncle died on monday and yesterday he was laid to rest. His funeral also had a military honor guard as he was a veteran. His cousin was given a flag in his honor as my mother HIS SISTER was not there to receive it. I had (very long story but ive not spoken to this cousin in a very long while) sent word up via my father who has spoken with this cousin coordinating phone calls for my mother and her brother, requesting she send my uncles flag down here so that it could be placed with their fathers flag. Well my mothers cousin unilaterally chose to disrespect my mother, her brother (my uncle) and their love for each other by ignoring the fact he (my uncle) would have wanted HIS SISTER to have his flag and gave it to another COUSIN because that cousin was going to have a grandchild. Am i wrong to be apoplectically angry at this show of disrespect?


i do have the phone number of the other cousin the flag was given to, should i just text that cousin and embarrass the other cousin by telling her that my uncles wishes for his sister to have the flag were not respected?



Edited by AlamoVampire
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As someone who has had family that absolutely disrespected the final wishes of a deceased family member... Go ahead and communicate what the final wishes were to the other relative. Explain the situation as best as possible. Even if the decision was made disrespectfully, it was still made (in a skewed mindset) to benefit that other relative. If they can understand why the one cousin's actions caused such offense, they may be willing to honor your uncle's final wishes and send the flag. Even if what the one cousin did felt disrespectful, I'd say don't poke or prod at them, and definitely don't try and goad the other cousin into any collective "embarrassment" or chastising.  That never ends well. If the one cousin asks why the other doesn't have it. they can simply say they decided to follow the late uncle's wishes as their priority. No conflict, no hurt feelings, and no escalation. I imagine in their mind, the one cousin must think they "know best", and probably doesn't even realize the offense they are inflicting. If they are aware... then I'm sorry you have to deal with that kind of person... That's how it was in my family... In those cases, it's still better to be friendly with everyone else, and leave them to stew in their own antagonism on their own.

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Labor day weekend... I had to labor on Saturday. 

I would have just taken the Saturday off, but thanks to reasons not in my control, I absolutely had to be there for seven hours so that I could help that ONE customer with their $14.01 transaction... Mind you, one employee had been getting supervisor approval to take off every one of his Saturdays for months, just to prove how unnecessary us covering Saturdays even was... When higher management found out that we were successfully demonstrating that even our own customers didn't care if we weren't open on Saturdays... Well, they had to nip that in the bud real fast, once an actual holiday was up and someone else wanted their chance at a three day weekend... Well, I was just out of luck!

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I guess it's not much in light of recent events of this thread, but 3 days short of our 1 year anniversary, my girlfriend and I broke up. It wasn't cold or anything, and we've agreed to keep speaking (we're high school students, Y12, don't judge), but it just hurts. We never really had much time to see each other outside of school, and so it seems it was due to this and her deciding that she wasn't really ready for a relationship apparently. 

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6 hours ago, Superluminal Gremlin said:

I guess it's not much in light of recent events of this thread, but 3 days short of our 1 year anniversary, my girlfriend and I broke up. It wasn't cold or anything, and we've agreed to keep speaking (we're high school students, Y12, don't judge), but it just hurts. We never really had much time to see each other outside of school, and so it seems it was due to this and her deciding that she wasn't really ready for a relationship apparently. 

I know it hurts (I went through a much, much nastier form of that where I broke up with the girl I was dating because she was super toxic and leeched off of my self-confidence) and it will for a while longer but you'll get over it and find someone else in college :)

As another H.S. Senior, I've sworn off dating till then :wink:

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I have in the last hour been informed that the flag that was presented at my Uncles funeral that was in appropriately redirected by my mothers and his cousin to a different cousin is being sent to me to be its custodian on behalf of my mother his sister!!! I want to thank all of you who have expressed condolences and well wishes during this time. I will make one final update on this when the flag has safely arrived. Thank you all again!


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19 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

I have in the last hour been informed that the flag that was presented at my Uncles funeral that was in appropriately redirected by my mothers and his cousin to a different cousin is being sent to me to be its custodian on behalf of my mother his sister!!! I want to thank all of you who have expressed condolences and well wishes during this time. I will make one final update on this when the flag has safely arrived. Thank you all again!




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Update to the situation regarding my Uncles passing, my mother (his sister) and his flag

1. I am now in possession of his flag, I think. I sadly cannot shake the feeling I am being played and have been given a false flag. I hate that I even feel like I am being played for a fool here.

2. My mother against my wish to shield her was told of her brothers passing by my father. I expressly stated that I did not want her told for fear of how she would physiologically handle it. When asked why she was told when I expressly stated why I felt she shouldnt be told he stated and I quote: “I felt she eventually needed to know.”

So far hes gotten lucky she has not had an adverse physiological reaction like a stroke or heart attack. I am getting tired of my “family” ignoring and disrespecting me. I wanted to shield her and he blatantly disrespected my wish to protect her. Her dementia for now shields her. 


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2 minutes ago, AlamoVampire said:

Update to the situation regarding my Uncles passing, my mother (his sister) and his flag

1. I am now in possession of his flag, I think. I sadly cannot shake the feeling I am being played and have been given a false flag. I hate that I even feel like I am being played for a fool here.

2. My mother against my wish to shield her was told of her brothers passing by my father. I expressly stated that I did not want her told for fear of how she would physiologically handle it. When asked why she was told when I expressly stated why I felt she shouldnt be told he stated and I quote: “I felt she eventually needed to know.”

So far hes gotten lucky she has not had an adverse physiological reaction like a stroke or heart attack. I am getting tired of my “family” ignoring and disrespecting me. I wanted to shield her and he blatantly disrespected my wish to protect her. Her dementia for now shields her. 


Oh man, I wish I could do something to alleviate your situation; it really, really sucks that your family seems to be keen on circumventing people's wishes. :(

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Just now, AtomicTech said:

Oh man, I wish I could do something to alleviate your situation; it really, really sucks that your family seems to be keen on circumventing people's wishes. :(

I appreciate that.  I hate feeling like I dont matter to them. I know I matter to my mother, i know i mattered to her mother and father and her brother even if he and i didnt really get along easy. But the rest of my family? Its like im a burden or merit consideration. I hate that because of that I feel as if they just bought a flag, folded it and “sent” it down here to try to shut me up. Part of me thinks its the real thing because a picture that was on his wall now resides with my mom on hers but the handwriting on the “shipping label” feels too similar to my fathers. I hate that even a part of me is justified in not trusting the authenticity of that flag or that i honestly dont feel able to trust them. I feel so so alone. I feel discarded and abandoned. I hate it.


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Oh, well... Unity will start to  charge a flat fee on the Unity Runtime starting 2024.

This will royally screw up small indie developers. At only 10 cents per install,  it may look small but if you are shipping 2000 copies/month, it's an additional 20  bucks you own them. Costs pile up.

Some questions are left to be answered, however. What's an "Install"? If people uninstall the game and later install it again, it's  new "Install"? I think they would use the term "fee on Licenses sold" if it would be the case.

Additionally, if the developer updates the game releasing a new version,  it will be a new Install?

I find this new business model... Weird.


--- post edit ---

What happens of the Store decides to sell your game at discount, increasing your install base without increasing the revenue? 

What happens when  the Developer goes kaput and the game itself switches owner. The new owner didn't signed ant Coontract to Unity, did they?

Past experience suggests that Unity may have decided to milk the cash cow to its death because they don't belive the Cow will keep profitable for to long and they want to maximize the earnings.

— post post edit — 

Small little question: I'm an add'on author. I have a test-bed of **every** last minor release of KSP ever released on Steam (1.0.5, 1.1.2, 1.2.2, 1.3.1, you got it) - sometimes for regression tests, sometimes for research, sometimes just to have some fun with older versions of the thing.

(obviously, I follow the EULA and only fire up one copy at a time - my rig wouldn't support more than one running at the same time anyway)

Every one of these installations would impose a fee to the developer? If I upgrade or switch my rig and install them again, this will impose additional fees to the developer?

Edited by Lisias
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21 hours ago, Lisias said:

Oh, well... Unity will start to  charge a flat fee on the Unity Runtime starting 2024.

This will royally screw up small indie developers. At only 10 cents per install,  it may look small but if you are shipping 2000 copies/month, it's an additional 20  bucks you own them. Costs pile up.

Some questions are left to be answered, however. What's an "Install"? If people uninstall the game and later install it again, it's  new "Install"? I think they would use the term "fee on Licenses sold" if it would be the case.

Additionally, if the developer updates the game releasing a new version,  it will be a new Install?

I find this new business model... Weird.


--- post edit ---

What happens of the Store decides to sell your game at discount, increasing your install base without increasing the revenue? 

What happens when  the Developer goes kaput and the game itself switches owner. The new owner didn't signed ant Coontract to Unity, did they?

Past experience suggests that Unity may have decided to milk the cash cow to its death because they don't belive the Cow will keep profitable for to long and they want to maximize the earnings.

— post post edit — 

Small little question: I'm an add'on author. I have a test-bed of **every** last minor release of KSP ever released on Steam (1.0.5, 1.1.2, 1.2.2, 1.3.1, you got it) - sometimes for regression tests, sometimes for research, sometimes just to have some fun with older versions of the thing.

(obviously, I follow the EULA and only fire up one copy at a time - my rig wouldn't support more than one running at the same time anyway)

Every one of these installations would impose a fee to the developer? If I upgrade or switch my rig and install them again, this will impose additional fees to the developer?

Maybe you oughta load them offline or do some trickery so Unity doesn't see it?

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27 minutes ago, AtomicTech said:

Maybe you oughta load them offline or do some trickery so Unity doesn't see it?

And then committing into "piracy" on a thingy I had bought legally?

If I going to commit a crime, why bothering starting legal at first place?

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8 hours ago, AtomicTech said:

 So then, what're you gonna do about the new Unity stuff?

I'm going to side with Squad, it's their pockets being picked.

Assuming this krapness sticks (apparently they are backpaddling on this - hopefully), first we need to know what happens if "bootleg" copies of KSP are detected by Unity. Are Squad liable to pay for pirated copies installed?

If no, so damn Unity - KSP¹ at least is extremely friendly for modding and we have authorisation to tinker with the API as long we don't touch private entities. I paid Squad, and so my legal obligations is to them. They had authorised us to have multiple installations as long we run only one at once, and we have the right to use firewalls. Linux and Mac users have already user configurable firewalls, a simple external Mono executable can be made to download a list of IPs to be blocked from somewhere and automatically configure the machine. Some of us already do it, anyway.

Windows, on the other hand, will be a problem (as usual).

We will have an issue if somehow Squad would be fined by these actions. We, users, may not have signed any contract with Unity, but Squad did - and, as we can see, Game Publishers and Developers are now suffering the same abuses some of them inflicted on us, end users: licensing terms can be turned against them as easily as it can be done with us.

Problem is that this will prompt Squad to remove all previous releases from the Stores and publish a 1.12.6 with DRM as a measure to cut losses, what will shut down modding on KSP¹ for good unless creative (and probably illegal) measures are taken by us.

It's absolutely hilarious that I just took notice of this:

Well, if RockStar can do it, perhaps Squad can do it too? Releasing "cracked" copies of their own products, with all possible telemetry turned off? :D 

P.S: Yeah, I know Unity Tech said that only new installations counting from 2024 will be taxed - but they didn't said that only new games will be affected, so you can bet your mouse KSP¹ would be affected too.

In a way or another, we have 4 months to "crack" :sticktongue: this nut. (pun really intended)


On 8/30/2023 at 2:28 AM, AlamoVampire said:

may this new page be less depressing

Sorry… :(


— — POST EDIT — — 

Just found this one:


The developer of two free indie games that went viral says that new revenue rules planned by game engine provider Unity would have cost him more than $5 million in install fees.


Edited by Lisias
Entertaining grammars made less entertaining.
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My Mother just got taken to hospital, after developing a rather curious rash. She had been sick with flu/cold-like symptoms for 4 days, so slightly longer than usual in my family, but when I returned from my evening run, she had a massive red/purple patch on her back. It looked like internal skin bleeding (If a such thing exists), and so my Father whisked her off to the hospital.  Nurses haven't seen anything like it, 1 doctor has a hunch that it is Thrombocytopenia. Getting a chest x-ray pretty soon, probably just to check for any mysterious growths to rule them out. It's like 10:30 at night right now, so I won't hear anything for another 8 hours. Will update if news comes through

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1 hour ago, Superluminal Gremlin said:

My Mother just got taken to hospital, after developing a rather curious rash. She had been sick with flu/cold-like symptoms for 4 days, so slightly longer than usual in my family, but when I returned from my evening run, she had a massive red/purple patch on her back. It looked like internal skin bleeding (If a such thing exists), and so my Father whisked her off to the hospital.  Nurses haven't seen anything like it, 1 doctor has a hunch that it is Thrombocytopenia. Getting a chest x-ray pretty soon, probably just to check for any mysterious growths to rule them out. It's like 10:30 at night right now, so I won't hear anything for another 8 hours. Will update if news comes through

Oh no :(

Fingers crossed that it isn't too serious and that there's a quick fix :)

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linux. this has become synonymous with every swear word ever devised. having gotten completely fed up with the windows 11 install on my shop computer, i installed a fresh copy of debian 12. while i was generally impressed with the amount of progress towards making the ui more useful, i was less impressed that nothing i needed to do with that system worked. this thing needs to run vlc and my video projector, which worked out of the box, though in the process linux put the monitor to sleep, and then failed to wake it properly. because i hadnt configured the power button yet, the only way to reboot was to hit the master switch on the psu.

the next thing to get working was the 3d printer. my printer is one of the earlier ones, a printrbot, which made a series of excellent machines only to get out paced by the cost cutters among their peers and ended up going out of business. its still supported by cura and there is even a preset for it in the most recent version (which also is what i used on windows). it was even available in the package manager. the linux version has a unique feature, in that it is incapable of finding the printer. 

my dso is the same. its one of those cheap $200 usb ossiliscopes, and it also has a logic analyser built in. the windows software for this is terrible, but there are a number of linux only alternatives, which is a major reason why im going with linux instead of going back to win 10, 8.1 or 7. like above the software could not find the device, even though its selectable in the drop down menu. 

the final piece of software i need is for my usb inspection scope. which franky i could use vlc for if i was desparate. i havent even plugged it in yet, but i know whats gonna happen when i do. it supposidly also has a wifi mode but it only seems to work with phones. i saw an article awhile back on how to hack into it with a linux shell, but that is going to be more advanced and require some python. 

i think this ultimately comes down to permissions. the default user doesnt even have access to sudo, which i quickly rectified. these devices use serial over usb, which means i need permission to use the ttl devices. this is one area the ui still fails at. something so fundamental to the linux system still cant be handled in the desktop environment. if i cant make headway in the next 3 days im just going to install win10 ltsc.

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