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[1.12.x] Docking Camera KURS Style Re-Adopted (Fixed in 1.9)


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On 2/19/2021 at 9:21 AM, Stone Blue said:

@linuxgurugamer I notice the camera UI is persistent thru not only vessel switching, but on scene changes as well. On vessel change, it still shows the view from the original vessel.

Just wondering if this is intended, and if its good or bad. (maybe on performance or something?... I notice secene/vessel changes *do* take a couple seconds or longer to load, becuase of it), but I havent played long enuff, while using it, yet, to decide if I like it or not... vOv

Idk if it would be worth it, or easy enuff, to mebbe add a "persistent" on/off setting for the user? vOv
or at least to code it, under the hood, so it only stays persistent *for the exact vessel* it was originally activated on?

And, barring performance or other issues, I would consider this a feature request, and as always, no expectations on your part, either way.
Mebbe others will pipe up with their thoughts/takes on it vOv

I'm pretty sure it's intended, otherwise wou wouldn't be able to have multiple windows with multiple docking ports active 

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1 hour ago, JIMMY_the_DOG said:

What's the difference between this and this? They are also by LGG...

@linuxgurugamer has adopted many mods (he supports over 200 of them).  He mostly supports the mods (version upgrades, bug fixes) and only actively works on developing one or two at a time (on top of all the other things he does in life) as he has a good system to streamline that support.

There's some similarity and overlap between many of them, but I think none are extremely close.  You can figure out the differences by looking at his first posts in the respective mod threads supplemented by reading the first posts of the previous mod authors, which LGG provides links to.  Here are the links to the original first posts for Hullcam VDS and Docking Camera KURS respectively.



It's been a while since I used either.  Hullcam VDS includes camera parts, including an implied camera on every Docking Adaptor, and a system to swap the view between them.  It also includes a Kerbal First-Person View while in EVA.  I mostly used it via RasterPropMonitor's more detailed IVAs including putting camera views on one or more of the Multi-Function Displays (the monitor screens in the IVAs).  Docking Camera KURS is an improved docking camera mod with many features which displayed the views on overlay windows in flight.  It also allows seeing through the docking  camera(s) of non-focused vessels within Physics range.

I don't know if the two mods would play nice with one another, as in the past I found Hullcam VDS sufficient for what I wanted.  Some of the features of Docking Camera KURS do look nice.


Edited by Jacke
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4 hours ago, Jacke said:

I don't know if the two mods would play nice with one another, as in the past I found Hullcam VDS sufficient for what I wanted.  Some of the features of Docking Camera KURS do look nice.

Yes, they do seem to play nice together, with no conflicts. I recently added support for both to all the OPT docking ports, so i had both installed, and did basic testing to see if there were any conflicts.

Both are even supported by RPM MFDs in IVA. They each are on different MFD pages, and seem to work with no problems between them.
This is at least on 1.11.1...

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On 2/24/2021 at 3:46 PM, Stone Blue said:

Yes, they do seem to play nice together, with no conflicts. I recently added support for both to all the OPT docking ports, so i had both installed, and did basic testing to see if there were any conflicts.

Both are even supported by RPM MFDs in IVA. They each are on different MFD pages, and seem to work with no problems between them.
This is at least on 1.11.1...

If you'd like me to add that OPT support into the mod, send me the files

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/23/2021 at 9:09 PM, Robin Patenall said:

Hi @linuxgurugamer,

I thought I'd chime in with an issue I'm having, I am running  KSP 1.11.1, but I suspect that it's more related to my late 2013 iMac.

The issue is basically that everything works except the image which is just a magenta block. Looking at the logs it looks like an issue with the shaders not being compatible in some way. I tested this on a reasonably modded version (half the mods seems to be supported by you, where do you find the time?), but reproduced the issue in a clean copy with just the dependencies.


KSP : (OSXPlayer) en-us (64bit)
OS: Mac OS X 10.15.7
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4771 CPU @ 3.50GHz (8)
RAM: 32768
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M OpenGL Engine (4096MB)

Camera (docking camera and part camera) only show magenta background under the overlay. The actual overlay,
controls and UI appear correctly and are working.

Mods Installed
ClickThroughBlocker v0.1.10.15 / v1.0.0.0
ToolbarControl v0.1.9.4 / v1.0.0.0
DockingCamera v1.3.8.0 / v1.0.0.0

Reproduction steps
Build a simple craft in the hanger which includes a camera. Lauch the vehicle to the runway
and put on brakes. Open Docking Camera UI from toolbar, right click on camera and tur nit on.
Camera UI appears with image only as a magenta background.

Logs (I think that this will work)

Additional notes :

I suspect the important part of the logs are where Unity is having trouble finding / loading
the shaders.

(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Shaders/Shader.cpp Line: 558)

WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'DockingCamera/NightVisionClear' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
ERROR: Shader Shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'DockingCamera/NightVisionClear' - Setting to default shader.
Desired shader compiler platform 15 is not available in shader blob


I hope this helps with looking at the issue, should I look into raising this  on Github as well?

I have same issue, also playing on macOS

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1 hour ago, elGremlin said:
On 2/23/2021 at 3:09 PM, Robin Patenall said:

Hi @linuxgurugamer,

I thought I'd chime in with an issue I'm having, I am running  KSP 1.11.1, but I suspect that it's more related to my late 2013 iMac.

The issue is basically that everything works except the image which is just a magenta block. Looking at the logs it looks like an issue with the shaders not being compatible in some way. I tested this on a reasonably modded version (half the mods seems to be supported by you, where do you find the time?), but reproduced the issue in a clean copy with just the dependencies.


KSP : (OSXPlayer) en-us (64bit)
OS: Mac OS X 10.15.7
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4771 CPU @ 3.50GHz (8)
RAM: 32768
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M OpenGL Engine (4096MB)

Camera (docking camera and part camera) only show magenta background under the overlay. The actual overlay,
controls and UI appear correctly and are working.

Mods Installed
ClickThroughBlocker v0.1.10.15 / v1.0.0.0
ToolbarControl v0.1.9.4 / v1.0.0.0
DockingCamera v1.3.8.0 / v1.0.0.0

Reproduction steps
Build a simple craft in the hanger which includes a camera. Lauch the vehicle to the runway
and put on brakes. Open Docking Camera UI from toolbar, right click on camera and tur nit on.
Camera UI appears with image only as a magenta background.

Logs (I think that this will work)

Additional notes :

I suspect the important part of the logs are where Unity is having trouble finding / loading
the shaders.

(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Shaders/Shader.cpp Line: 558)

WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'DockingCamera/NightVisionClear' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
ERROR: Shader Shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'DockingCamera/NightVisionClear' - Setting to default shader.
Desired shader compiler platform 15 is not available in shader blob


I hope this helps with looking at the issue, should I look into raising this  on Github as well?


I have same issue, also playing on macOS

It's a shader issue, and I can't fix it right now, sorry.  I don't have a dev system on MacOS.

If someone were to recompile the shaders for me, I'd be able to get a release out which would support MacOS

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2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

It's a shader issue, and I can't fix it right now, sorry.  I don't have a dev system on MacOS.

If someone were to recompile the shaders for me, I'd be able to get a release out which would support MacOS

HI, more than happy to help. Just to guide me by hand what to do as I'm not a developer. can offer you my Mac to help.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 09/04/2021 at 16:30, SiCaRiO31 said:

Ao tentar instalar usando CKAN , diz que ToolbarController não é compatível com minha versão atual (1.11.2), como posso instalá-lo?

I don't know if you're still trying to friend ... but now it's working. I managed to install by CKAN in 1.11.2

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  • 1 month later...

This mod thrw an exception when I, in the middle of a game, change some settings (windows that allow us to change some mod's configurations an game difficult).

[LOG 03:29:23.533] ApplySettings: resolutionSelected: 16
[ERR 03:29:23.534] Exception handling event onUIScaleChange in class DockingCamera:System.NullReferenceException
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject(UnityEngine.Component)
  at OLDD_camera.Camera.BaseCamera.InitBaseCamera (Part thisPart, System.Single windowSizeInit, System.String windowLabel, System.Boolean firstTime) [0x000e3] in <939df439f74b42a3812a384c250a28b1>:0 
  at OLDD_camera.Camera.BaseCamera.onUIScaleChange () [0x00000] in <939df439f74b42a3812a384c250a28b1>:0 
  at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00127] in <a1ca58b5ca7140639de29a81de5e3f32>:0 

[EXC 03:29:23.535] NullReferenceException
	OLDD_camera.Camera.BaseCamera.InitBaseCamera (Part thisPart, System.Single windowSizeInit, System.String windowLabel, System.Boolean firstTime) (at <939df439f74b42a3812a384c250a28b1>:0)
	OLDD_camera.Camera.BaseCamera.onUIScaleChange () (at <939df439f74b42a3812a384c250a28b1>:0)
	EventVoid.Fire () (at <a1ca58b5ca7140639de29a81de5e3f32>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

KSP.log: https://www.zerobin.net/?0257df7d2c14904c#9kEw/G3Zi/4leVvclVYTJFNqvYl9g5bl610MTLM8wyc=
Player.log: https://www.zerobin.net/?281b824c339ceb9e#LYY0LuKtdHe1TmXvi2Gl8N68NZwaImVepPXUi5TsN/w=

* I was not using the DockingCamera when this error was showed!


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On 6/28/2021 at 2:39 AM, Dominiquini said:

This mod thrw an exception when I, in the middle of a game, change some settings (windows that allow us to change some mod's configurations an game difficult).

What were you doing when this happened?  Your statement is rather confusing.

While the log file will be helpful, I also need to know what you were doing at the time.  Especially if you weren't using it.  It looks like you were changing screen resolution?  And since this only happened four times, all very close to each other, it is most likely something that is harmless.   A UI Scale or screen res change can cause issues like this in mods which aren't active, but which can be active in a screen.  

Also, please stop using zerobin.net.  It isn't intended for this use, can totally mess up a mobile browser.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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3 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

What were you doing when this happened?  Your statement is rather confusing.

While the log file will be helpful, I also need to know what you were doing at the time.  Especially if you weren't using it.  It looks like you were changing screen resolution?  And since this only happened four times, all very close to each other, it is most likely something that is harmless.   A UI Scale or screen res change can cause issues like this in mods which aren't active, but which can be active in a screen.  

Also, please stop using zerobin.net.  It isn't intended for this use, can totally mess up a mobile browser.

I was tinkering with mod settings, nothing related to screen resolution or graphics quality. Sometimes the error appears even without changing any settings, just opening and closing the configuration screen (by clicking 'Accept' or 'Apply').

* Sorry for the log file. Next time I upload the file!

** This bug is not priority. The mod works OK, I only reporting the exception...


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2 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Which configuration screen?

The screen the allows us to change mod settings:

In the KSC, press ESC -> Settings -> Dificulty Options: # -> Accept -> Apply -> Accept

* I can't reproduce the bug right now!

** Sorry, this was probably an irrelevant report!


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  • 2 weeks later...

In 2 occasions, the Onboard Camera stop working:


I don't know if you could see in the screenshot, but the panel with the camera controls (right side, after I click in the arrow) in blank too! When I click the cog icon to change camera mode, only 'None' keep apearing and nothing more happens...

In the second time, I change the scene (go to KSC and back to the flight) and the camera start work again.

I don't know what was different of other times that I used it. This time I made various Time Warps. I have a target selected and I was close to then. I was in orbit...

KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qg12v4cezgl2i23/KSP(DC).log?dl=0

Player.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cddmgm05jgsd1qz/Player(DC).log?dl=0


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10 hours ago, Dominiquini said:

I don't know if you could see in the screenshot, but the panel with the camera controls (right side, after I click in the arrow) in blank too! When I click the cog icon to change camera mode, only 'None' keep apearing and nothing more happens...

In the second time, I change the scene (go to KSC and back to the flight) and the camera start work again.

I don't know what was different of other times that I used it. This time I made various Time Warps. I have a target selected and I was close to then. I was in orbit...

KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qg12v4cezgl2i23/KSP(DC).log?dl=0

Player.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cddmgm05jgsd1qz/Player(DC).log?dl=0

I looked at the log, nothing jumped out at me.

Could you please try to create a specific sequence of steps to recreate this?

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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I looked at the log, nothing jumped out at me.

Could you please try to create a specific sequence of steps to recreate this?

This bug is with the Onboard Camera, not the Docking Camera!

I put one Onboard Camera in a rocket and launch to fulfill a rescue contract. As soon I exit the atmosphere, I tested the camera and worked! (I don't remember if I already selected the target or not).

Then I proceeded to circularize the orbit, align planes, etc... (I used the Maneuver Node Planner of MechJeb2). Various TimeWarps were made...
When I was in visual range of the target, I tried to turn on the camera but it didn't work... It opened a transparent window and none of the buttons that control the direction of the camera appeared! Only a white line separating the camera and the controls (both transparent).

This bug already happens in two different flights! The second one I realize that when I go to KSP and back to Flight Scene, the Onboard Camera start working again!

I don't know how to explain it better! Let me know if I can help with anything else!


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1 hour ago, Dominiquini said:

I put one Onboard Camera in a rocket and launch to fulfill a rescue contract. As soon I exit the atmosphere, I tested the camera and worked! (I don't remember if I already selected the target or not).

Then I proceeded to circularize the orbit, align planes, etc... (I used the Maneuver Node Planner of MechJeb2). Various TimeWarps were made...
When I was in visual range of the target, I tried to turn on the camera but it didn't work... It opened a transparent window and none of the buttons that control the direction of the camera appeared! Only a white line separating the camera and the controls (both transparent).

This bug already happens in two different flights! The second one I realize that when I go to KSP and back to Flight Scene, the Onboard Camera start working again!

I don't know how to explain it better! Let me know if I can help with anything else

Can you please start the game, and replicate this, recording all the steps you do.  Please do it a few times to make sure it's repeatable.




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2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Can you please start the game, and replicate this, recording all the steps you do.  Please do it a few times to make sure it's repeatable.




Steps I took to play back several times:

- I created a probe and installed 2 cameras
- I put it on LaunchPad
- Put into orbit using HyperEdit (any altitude (100km - 250km))
- I open the camera and see that it's working
- I open the MapView ('M')
- I go back to FlightView ('M')
- I test the camera and it doesn't work anymore. None of the cameras!

* Looks like it needs to be in orbit around some planet (I tested Kerbin, Mum and Mimus). Suborbit seems to work.

* If I landed (HyperEdit), the camera start working again!
* I'm testing in a game with many other mods... I'll test later without mods...
* If I leave the camera window open while switching to MapView ('M'), the camera instantly stops working. I can successfully switch to MapView if the vehicle is on the ground, although it feels a little strange:


* Probably not related, but this mod keeps throwing this exception when the game starts, and the same when I select Onboard Camera in VAB:

[ERR 15:01:07.665] Action 'DeployExperiment' already defined.
[ERR 15:01:07.666] Action 'ReviewDataEvent' already defined.
[ERR 15:01:07.672] Action 'DeployExperiment' already defined.
[ERR 15:01:07.672] Action 'ReviewDataEvent' already defined.


Can I help with anything else?

** I was able to simulate the bug without any mods, only this and HyperEdit!

** I tested the DockingCam, and it is working well. Only the Onboard Camera is bugged!


Edited by Dominiquini
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