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NASA on the moon, info or intox ?


Before reading the page, do you think the man went to the moon?  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. Before reading the page, do you think the man went to the moon?

  2. 2. After reading the page, do you think the man went to the moon?

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  On 5/3/2019 at 4:29 PM, tater said:

It,'s, um, daytime when they did Moon walks. How many stars are there outside here at 10:30 am in New Mexico? (checks out window) Just the one. The big yellow one.


You mean the sun ? The big yellow is the Sun ?

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  On 5/3/2019 at 3:49 PM, razark said:

This is very good evidence that the moon landings happened (as if any were needed).

Along with that, if the moon landings were faked, explain Apollo 13.

And then explain why NASA hasn't faked anything since 1972.


It's not a lie, because:

  • They would not waste billions on a lie.
  • They will not put astronauts' lives at risk for a lie.


  • The budget has been reduced.
  • Their new goal is Mars.
Edited by DNKKING
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  On 5/3/2019 at 4:20 PM, Codraroll said:

Coming to this forum to try to convince people that the moon landing happened is sort of like walking into a pet store to try to convince the staff there that cats exist. You're kicking in very open doors.



It was some sort of internet joke who claimed Chihuahuas was rats


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The thing is it doesn't make sense for it to be faked.

Saturn V rockets exist. People saw them launch in person. People saw the S-IVB's TLI burn from the ground. There are eyewitnesses of this stuff.


The first post-launch sightings are represented by a spectacular series of predawn photographs, shown at right, from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) station on Maui (courtesy Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory). The first one shows the TLI burn near 15:44 UT on December 21.


That's from http://pages.astronomy.ua.edu/keel/space/apollo.html

It shows some of the pictures taken of the TLI burns as well. This stuff was seen by real people on the ground. 

I also remember someone describing a Saturn V launch somewhere (on this forum?) as so bright as to rival the Sun for a short while even many miles away.

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  On 5/3/2019 at 5:55 PM, Bill Phil said:

It shows some of the pictures taken of the TLI burns as well.


Of course, the deniers will just claim the photos are faked by people involved with the conspiracy.  There's no way that you can show them any evidence that isn't fake, or misrepresented, etc.


I'd never seen those photos before.  Thanks for the link.

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  On 5/3/2019 at 4:33 PM, DNKKING said:

You mean the sun ? The big yellow is the Sun ?


Yes, you can see the Moon during day time if sky is very clear and its far from the sun in the sky. 
Do another test stand inside an dark room an place with little light pollution and look out an window. Make the room well lit. 

We automatically think black sky==stars as we are used to it. 
So much that its windows in spaceships shows stars even if room is well lit. 

And yes having an well lit bridge negates the usefulness of windows. Same as an well lit bridge on an normal ship or plane during night. 
They cut the light in the cabin in planes so crew can spot fires if something goes wrong during takeoff. 
No its not to annoy you, first telling you to put away phone then make it to dark to read the magazine or newspaper :) 

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  On 5/3/2019 at 6:27 PM, Vanamonde said:

Non il n'a pas. C'est un titre de clickbait. 


It's a misunderstanding. The child didn’t ask Buzz Aldrin if he ever went to the moon. Rather, she posted the question “Why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time?” to the astronaut. When Aldrin said in reply that “we didn’t go there” and “that’s the way it happened,” he was referring to the fact that the U.S. has sent no missions back to the moon since the final Apollo spaceflight took place in December 1972, not asserting that he had never been to the moon in the first place.

Edited by DNKKING
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Guys... stay away from this conspiracist rabbit hole. You will find only frustration and madness there :D Recenty i had a misfortune of watching two such reality deniers trash-talking failed landing of Beresheet lander. Level of their ignorance AND arrogance left me speechless. Even worse - they dared to name drop Kerbal Space Program as an example of "space fakery". You can guess how affronted i was...


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  On 5/3/2019 at 8:54 PM, Scotius said:

Guys... stay away from this conspiracist rabbit hole. You will find only frustration and madness there :D Recenty i had a misfortune of watching two such reality deniers trash-talking failed landing of Beresheet lander. Level of their ignorance AND arrogance left me speechless. Even worse - they dared to name drop Kerbal Space Program as an example of "space fakery". You can guess how affronted i was...



I'm a bit worried about an WH40K reference without dual wielding miniguns :) 
And yes some times you need far more firepower. 


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Ah, y'know... i don't want to bring the wrath of moderator team on my head. Gun - toting xenophobic, brainwashed psychopath threatening violence and blatant disregard of human rights and freedom of speech? It seemed a bit much.

Though this might be just enough to convince some ignoramuses that space exist, and orbit can be... useful.  :science:


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  On 5/3/2019 at 4:08 PM, tater said:

Si c'est la page d'un denier d'Apollo, c'est un idiot et quiconque pense que c'est vrai est un idiot. C’est stupide au niveau de la Terre plate, comme l’est toute personne qui lui donne toute crédibilité.


I translate a page

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I tried to chase lunar conspiracists and tackle their logic but ultimately it's a battle you cannot win. You're facing a mixture of miseducation, misinformation, crowd logic, and confirmation bias and cognitive bias. There is nothing short of landing them on the moon themselves, that will change their mind. In their mind, NASA is a public enemy and considering them anything less than that, is unthinkable to a conspiracist.

Especially since nowadays they've evolved into flat earthism. So now you have to disprove the dome and how rockets can get thrust in space.

It's a messy rabbit hole with no end, no solution. There is no one fix cure. There will always be those who rebel against societal norms and societal accomplishments. Even in 500 years when travel to Mars is as common as catching a bus downtown in today's world, there will be people claiming that something else is fake. They will just evolve their argument and adjust their logic to always fight.

Just don't acknowledge them, and educate the youth. It's all we can do.

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  On 5/5/2019 at 5:35 AM, Xd the great said:

How are we supposed to do that when they are educating their children to be flat-earthers?


We educate their children so that as they grow up into adults, they learn to become informed rather than just accept what Facebook tells them like their parents. Which is actually occurring, as is the case of Ethan Lindenberger (link to his story here). A kid who's parents were antivaxxers and informed himself on vaccines on actual legitimate studies and health journals rather than blogs, Facebook posts and YouTube videos. As long as we make information readily available, and encourage kids to learn, rather than force them to just regurgitate information, they'll become informed and avoid this whole mess. IMO, the misinformation trend has risen because the current generation of parents weren't taught properly, and just had to memorize information to get good grades. The information they were given was meaningless to them as they weren't told it's importance or ever given that information in a light that actually shows it in practice. So science, history and government goes over their heads, and it's easier to believe what someone else says that "makes sense" despite being fabricated or a rough guess disguised as evidence or proof.

So by teaching, and I do mean actually teaching, we empower children to get themselves out of this mess. Some may be too immersed and won't accept the reality of things, but the number of misinformation will drop greatly as more and more children come to understand how science and society works rather than being told and forced to accept that without understanding why. There will always be people who resist society's claims and information. There has been that class of people since we first uttered our first "ugg" as cavemen, and there will be, even after we've colonized every corner of the universe. Instead of trying to eliminate them, which is fruitless, try to instead remedy the cause. A lot of misinformation could be squashed if people simply knew about the world about them and how it worked and why, but without proper education leading them up to that point, we end up where we are now.

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  On 5/5/2019 at 5:51 AM, ZooNamedGames said:

We educate their children so that as they grow up into adults, they learn to become informed rather than just accept what Facebook tells them like their parents. Which is actually occurring, as is the case of Ethan Lindenberger (link to his story here). A kid who's parents were antivaxxers and informed himself on vaccines on actual legitimate studies and health journals rather than blogs, Facebook posts and YouTube videos. As long as we make information readily available, and encourage kids to learn, rather than force them to just regurgitate information, they'll become informed and avoid this whole mess. IMO, the misinformation trend has risen because the current generation of parents weren't taught properly, and just had to memorize information to get good grades. The information they were given was meaningless to them as they weren't told it's importance or ever given that information in a light that actually shows it in practice. So science, history and government goes over their heads, and it's easier to believe what someone else says that "makes sense" despite being fabricated or a rough guess disguised as evidence or proof.

So by teaching, and I do mean actually teaching, we empower children to get themselves out of this mess. Some may be too immersed and won't accept the reality of things, but the number of misinformation will drop greatly as more and more children come to understand how science and society works rather than being told and forced to accept that without understanding why. There will always be people who resist society's claims and information. There has been that class of people since we first uttered our first "ugg" as cavemen, and there will be, even after we've colonized every corner of the universe. Instead of trying to eliminate them, which is fruitless, try to instead remedy the cause. A lot of misinformation could be squashed if people simply knew about the world about them and how it worked and why, but without proper education leading them up to that point, we end up where we are now.


Boy, you should make a youtube channel for this.

We need better education, not TV or Facebook.

Another reason for this is the serious lack of education. These type of conspiracy seems to be more prevalent in Western contries, where people won't be beaten if they skipped class.


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  On 5/5/2019 at 12:21 PM, Xd the great said:

Boy, you should make a youtube channel for this.

We need better education, not TV or Facebook. 

Another reason for this is the serious lack of education. These type of conspiracy seems to be more prevalent in Western contries, where people won't be beaten if they skipped class.



I could, but my editing skills are non-existent and more importantly YouTube is crowded with enough FE debunking/etc related channels out there. I don't think my perspective will be unique enough to garner an edge for viewership.

It's a mixture of causes. There are non-American conspiracists, they just aren't as prevalent as their local communities won't be nearly as accepting. Freedom of speech is not as protected in those countries and they may fear losing their job or some other outcome so their opinions are kept to the internet; shrouded in anonymity.

Education being available isn't the problem. We aren't teaching kids in ways that gets them to come to school in the first place. Of course they skip school, they're just skipping another session of being lectured about something they don't care about and don't see the impact on. If we made education more meaningful and impactful that words on a page or words uttered merely to get good grades- they'd be more involved. Another reason why non-American conspiracists are so few, is because students of other nations don't have school so readily available and as a result are more invested in their education and properly understanding it so they can succeed in the future and in their work today.

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  On 5/5/2019 at 3:48 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

Education being available isn't the problem. We aren't teaching kids in ways that gets them to come to school in the first place. Of course they skip school, they're just skipping another session of being lectured about something they don't care about and don't see the impact on. If we made education more meaningful and impactful that words on a page or words uttered merely to get good grades- they'd be more involved. Another reason why non-American conspiracists are so few, is because students of other nations don't have school so readily available and as a result are more invested in their education and properly understanding it so they can succeed in the future and in their work today.


I think that is the parents' attitude, in America, you fail school, you become a mechanics, no problem.

In elsewhere, you fail school, your parents beat the crap out of you.

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