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Kerbal Space Program Breaks Ground with a New DLC!


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This looks really nice for the most part, looking forwards to it! Not sure if it's worth the asking price, but I definetly got more than my money's worth out of the base game, and it keeps development going. So take my money!
Gotty say though, that crystal looks really out of pace on Kerbin. I don't think it will be nearly as bad on other planetary bodies, but it might pay to adjust crystal coulours to fit with the enviroment, maybe?
Also, is that a SpaceX suit? :D

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i don't have the time to play KSP anymore at the moment (newborn, house etc) but i for sure will buy the DLC, even if i won't be able to play it the next year(s). I spend soooooooooooo many hours in this game, i like to see it still around in couple years. Which won't happen if the company doesn't make money in some way.

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2 hours ago, Jesusthebird said:

Thats strange wording to say the least.. Its pretty much expected that a game company would release updates like bug fixes and enhancments for free to a base game purchaser especally for a pre-release..hard to beleive charging for bugfixes and slight enhancments would be a good business model.

That does sound bad. Glad they're not doing it here.

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16 hours ago, Xurkitree said:

Are you crazy? We're getting stock hinges, deployable science, more things to do on planets what more do you need in a dlc?

I'd expect it to be tougher to summon the kraken than Infernal robotics.

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5 hours ago, lodiped said:

You guys totally missed the point. While previous updates were all inside the base game or only added varied parts (which is totally ok, like I said in my post), this update will be restricted to the DLC and will add a whole bunch of substantial features. IF and only IF infernal robotics or SEP use just one small item of this update in their updates, it could potentially mean people would have to buy the DLC.

If the internal hooks are so good and so easy to use that IR is so much better and easier to code with them, then maybe just maybe it's worth paying for? And if it IS dropped, then surely some other modder will come in and pick it up to keep it working in the non-DLC game. Unless they all buy the DLC too. But then, you could pick it up and maintain it. I mean, it's important, right?

5 hours ago, lodiped said:

Of course they have all their ground work done and I hope they won't migrate to use ANYTHING AT ALL from this DLC. But on the other hand, having something based off of the stock game is very inviting for potential new modders and even for old mods I imagine.

I know it's important to me. That's why I'll be buying the DLC the moment it drops. Well, the moment I wake up after it drops, if the timing is anything reasonable.

5 hours ago, lodiped said:

It's very difficult for me to make somewhat bad regards like this about a game I love so much but hopefully you guys can see where I'm coming from.

I do see it, even though I don't agree with it I do understand your concerns. I'm far more concerned that Squad will otherwise stop working on the game due to lack of revenue.

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Awesome DLC. I'll definitely buy it. 

I wonder if we would also be able to "break ground" with Breaking Ground :) Imagine all those craters next to KSC from failed lithobrakes and crashes. 

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7 minutes ago, _stilgar_ said:

Awesome DLC. I'll definitely buy it. 

I wonder if we would also be able to "break ground" with Breaking Ground :) Imagine all those craters next to KSC from failed lithobrakes and crashes. 

ohhhh yesss that would be awesome!

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7 minutes ago, _stilgar_ said:

Awesome DLC. I'll definitely buy it. 

I wonder if we would also be able to "break ground" with Breaking Ground :) Imagine all those craters next to KSC from failed lithobrakes and crashes. 

I will admit I was hoping for base building and/or terrain deformation/smoothing in this update, based on the name. I'm happy with what they did put in it, don't get me wrong. But that'd have been cool :D

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Just now, 5thHorseman said:

I will admit I was hoping for base building and/or terrain deformation/smoothing in this update, based on the name. I'm happy with what they did put in it, don't get me wrong. But that'd have been cool :D

Subnautica had terrain deformation and reconstruction using a tool that let you pick up and place blobs of dirt, but it was buggy and came with such a performance impact they had to pull it out partway through development. Careful what you wish for.

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7 minutes ago, Loskene said:

Subnautica had terrain deformation and reconstruction using a tool that let you pick up and place blobs of dirt, but it was buggy and came with such a performance impact they had to pull it out partway through development. Careful what you wish for.

In Astroneer you can cut a PLANET in HALF with the terrain deformation tool.

And really all I'd like in KSP is a way to flatten (to a certain altitude above/below sea level around the center of the planet) an area to make a base.

And then base building tools so I can land raw materials there and turn them into a "mining module" or a "habitation module" or a "construction module" or a landing pad or a... and all these modules would be one-piece so the entire base is no more than a dozen or so parts, one per module.

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I feel very excited about this DLC, mostly the surface features and exploration/science. I always thought it was fun to fly to other planets but once I got there, there was nothing to do so I just planted flag and flew back. These new features should add a whole new level of gameplay.

As for the price - I think it is justified. I have already played KSP much longer time than any other game. They just can't keep fixing bugs and adding features for free, they need to earn some money, otherwise the development makes no sense from the business point of view.

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As excited as I am for this I'm a little disappointed by the seemingly arbitrary date you guys use for making this expansion free. It's not like it's a small price. I bought the game in May, 2013 and I frankly feel cheated. I was on board pretty early from my perspective. There wasn't even an update in April 2013 to justify the cut off. Please explain the date choice? 

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12 minutes ago, Emperor of Ilve said:

Nice work. Can't wait to see what becomes of this. The robotic parts excite me the most. Now I can make those Starship hinges and falcon 9 landing legs without tedious work


Same here


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6 hours ago, Xavven said:

I don't buy the argument that the devs shouldn't add something to stock or in DLC just because a mod already exists for it.

If car manufacturers adopted that philosophy then you wouldn't get a stock stereo, because "just buy an aftermarket one!"

Or wheels because you can get those aftermarket too...

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ho my god!!!! it's a real surprise! it looks huge! thank you very much again SQUAD!

ksp will become the best game of the galaxy.

kerbol still burns !!!!!!!!!!!!! for centuries and centuries !

:cool::cool:  (google trad)

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16 minutes ago, CyborgBarry said:

As excited as I am for this I'm a little disappointed by the seemingly arbitrary date you guys use for making this expansion free. It's not like it's a small price. I bought the game in May, 2013 and I frankly feel cheated. I was on board pretty early from my perspective. There wasn't even an update in April 2013 to justify the cut off. Please explain the date choice? 

Sadly there has to be some sort of cut off date .

There will always be players who bought it a few days or weeks after that who will feel cheated and want the update for free but that's just the way it is otherwise where do you draw the line?

I don't qualify for getting the DLC for free either but to be honest I've had so many hours entertainment from the game that I don't mind paying for it.

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Thank you DEVs!

  • Now my scientists will have their own distinctive uniform style!
  • I can remove KIS, KAS and SEP mods from current early career (1.7)  by knowing that, features I am interested in, are coming into stock, when I am further in career.
  • New places to see, new places to go!
  • I am happy to spend 15€ for this DLC.

Hoping for

  • Simple stock radiation science experiment like thermometer is.
  • Some stock parts for planetary stations.
  • Some sort of stock (simplified TAC/S.N.A.C.K/Kerbalism/USI) life support, as the surface experiments will take time, so will the kerbals need pass that time. Otherwise, there will be no point for just sending robotic rovers and landers (dV-wise those are otherwise the same).
  • Hit points for kerbals (pun is intentional) to measure all those near misses.
  • Some experiments (retrieved rocks, soil and such) need to be transported back to Science station or Kerbin for science.
  • Max. re-entry heat setting raised from current 120% -> 150% (I want things to be hotter, as it is not hot enough, the default should remain at 100%)
  • Stock visualization of exact location for planetary experiments (in the Tracking Sation) where the experiments were taken, without the need for planting a flag.
  • Less science points per biome, but more biomes on planetary objects (including asteroids).
  • Less science per experiment, but more experiments.
  • Stock settings option for some experiments to need to be done more than once,  and need to return those into Kerbin/science station (I just hate the current ratio in career mode in for e.g. Mystery Goo and Science Junior).
  • Replace all the special KSC and (other launch site) biomes (those are annoying workload in career mode) with common biome ones, but new surface experiments will work also only for Kerbin without the DLC.
  • Early career game helicopter parts.
  • All above is behind on/off switches like commNet is - so people can select their own taste of feature soup.

Thank you again DEVs (and all the other staff)! If any of the above is hitting the next DLC after this one, I am definately buying it too!

Edited by M.M.I
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Well, I'm on sort of a "KSP holiday" at the moment, haven't started the game for a few months to be honest, but I'm really looking forward to this - finally my shuttles will have proper robotic arms... :D 

And I have to say - I'm a bit surprised by the amount of negative reactions here. There have been more free updates (and substatntial ones, too!) in the last few months than most of us expected, and a lot of people are very angry about a DLC that adds a lot of additional content and possibilities to the game, for what I feel is a very reasonable price (even in my part of the world, there's not much you can buy for 15 dollars). What does it take to make people happy nowadays? :D 


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