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[1.3.1 - 1.12.x] Outer Planets Mod [v2.2.11] [31st Aug 2024]


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I'm having trouble with my OPM/Rescale install. Something is wrong with Thatmo. The surface blinks on and off, and when I reach the surface my lander always explodes.

I tried removing Rescale/Sigma and now I can land, but landing gear go through the ground. My lander rests on its engine, but the gear go through the ground. retracting or extending them makes the lander jump.

I tried replacing the Thatmo height, color, and normal dds's with those from Karen, and that worked without Rescale/Sigma, but then same problem showed back up with Rescale/Sigma installed.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

(this is in KSP 1.8.1)

Edited by Nicias
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  On 6/25/2020 at 11:27 AM, Nicias said:

I'm having trouble with my OPM/Rescale install. Something is wrong with Thatmo. The surface blinks on and off, and when I reach the surface my lander always explodes.

I tried removing Rescale/Sigma and now I can land, but landing gear go through the ground. My lander rests on its engine, but the gear go through the ground. retracting or extending them makes the lander jump.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

(this is in KSP 1.8.1)


If not already, please set your Terrain Detail setting to High and report back with further details.


Please also upload your: Kerbal Space Program/KSP.log file and also the contents of your Kerbal Space Program/logs folder.

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  On 6/25/2020 at 2:09 PM, Poodmund said:

If not already, please set your Terrain Detail setting to High and report back with further details.


Please also upload your: Kerbal Space Program/KSP.log file and also the contents of your Kerbal Space Program/logs folder.


Same result. Also happening around Plock. I think it happens with all OPM bodies.

Put the logs up here:


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So I'm new, got the game after 1.9 was released but jumped right into modding. Outer Planets Mod was the first one I wanted to get, but it was dependent on Kopernicus and that was version locked so I just waited until it was updated. Thank you guys so much for all the work you do, modders who spend their time making this game so much richer and more alive are responsible for so much joy in the community. I truly appreciate it. 

All that being said, I installed OPM and Kopernicus yesterday and I've had nothing but problems since. I don't see anyone else reporting issues on the Kopernicus thread, so i'm assuming I have some huge conflict with a mod somewhere, especially since my bugs don't seem like issues that should happen with these two mods. For example, I loaded a save and the KSP runway was floating in the air. Another save had a rocket on the launchpad, but I couldn't remove it. It had just disappeared. When I reloaded, the icon to click on the rocket was on top of the tracking station instead. Just now I reloaded a save and the entire space center was underground. 




Since I'm new, I often don't know when something is an issue with a mod, the base game or just a quirk of the game that happens when I make a mistake. Like a few hours ago, I was waiting for a maneuver node and my dV was bouncing +/- 30dV a couple times a second. I've never seen that before while in stable orbit. The planetary orbits on map view flicker like crazy when I'm not zoomed out. 




Anyway, I don't know if this is Kopernicus, the new Kopernicus fork, or OPM, or one of those mods conflicting with my other mods, was hoping someone could help me out diagnosing this. My complete modlist is pretty big (I'll post it at the bottom) but the biggest suspects would be Kerbalism, EVE, Scatterer, Interstellar Extended, or maybe Custom Barn Kit not being updated? Sorry if this is the wrong thread, I posted in Kopernicus as well, but these are the only two mods I've added in the last two weeks and suddenly everything is wonky. 



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  On 6/25/2020 at 4:25 PM, Nicias said:

Same result. Also happening around Plock. I think it happens with all OPM bodies.

Put the logs up here:



Something very odd and bad is happening with the PQS mesh of the body here at the end of the log:

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Did you say that this absolutely does not happen when Sigma: Dimensions is not installed? With S:D installed on my own test bed I have also found that ground scatter is floating in mid air when it spawns in distant places so there may be some issues here.

  On 6/25/2020 at 5:10 PM, theicon32 said:

So I'm new, got the game after 1.9 was released but jumped right into modding. Outer Planets Mod was the first one I wanted to get, but it was dependent on Kopernicus and that was version locked so I just waited until it was updated. Thank you guys so much for all the work you do, modders who spend their time making this game so much richer and more alive are responsible for so much joy in the community. I truly appreciate it. 

All that being said, I installed OPM and Kopernicus yesterday and I've had nothing but problems since. I don't see anyone else reporting issues on the Kopernicus thread, so i'm assuming I have some huge conflict with a mod somewhere, especially since my bugs don't seem like issues that should happen with these two mods. For example, I loaded a save and the KSP runway was floating in the air. Another save had a rocket on the launchpad, but I couldn't remove it. It had just disappeared. When I reloaded, the icon to click on the rocket was on top of the tracking station instead. Just now I reloaded a save and the entire space center was underground. 


Since I'm new, I often don't know when something is an issue with a mod, the base game or just a quirk of the game that happens when I make a mistake. Like a few hours ago, I was waiting for a maneuver node and my dV was bouncing +/- 30dV a couple times a second. I've never seen that before while in stable orbit. The planetary orbits on map view flicker like crazy when I'm not zoomed out. 


Anyway, I don't know if this is Kopernicus, the new Kopernicus fork, or OPM, or one of those mods conflicting with my other mods, was hoping someone could help me out diagnosing this. My complete modlist is pretty big (I'll post it at the bottom) but the biggest suspects would be Kerbalism, EVE, Scatterer, Interstellar Extended, or maybe Custom Barn Kit not being updated? Sorry if this is the wrong thread, I posted in Kopernicus as well, but these are the only two mods I've added in the last two weeks and suddenly everything is wonky. 


The first issue, like I mentioned to Nicias on this page above, I cannot really comment without seeing log files so if you could post them itr would be appreciated. With regards to the 2nd issue of the orbit lines jumping, unfortunately thats an inherent issue with orbits with a very large semi-major axis. This is a long-running Kopernicus issue that, at the moment, we have all just lived with for a long time.

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  On 6/25/2020 at 5:29 PM, Poodmund said:

Something very odd and bad is happening with the PQS mesh of the body here at the end of the log:

  Reveal hidden contents

Did you say that this absolutely does not happen when Sigma: Dimensions is not installed? With S:D installed on my own test bed I have also found that ground scatter is floating in mid air when it spawns in distant places so there may be some issues here


Yep, without SD it seems to work fine.

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  On 6/26/2020 at 8:58 PM, Drupegod02 said:

Would This work with After Kerbin?


Yes, it does work with After Kerbin.


also, how would I land on Ovok? It’s radius is 26km, but it’s soi is only 23km. When I tried landing I ended up inside of it by the time I entered its soi. The other moons are fine

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  On 6/26/2020 at 9:06 PM, JcoolTheShipbuilder said:

also, how would I land on Ovok? It’s radius is 26km, but it’s soi is only 23km. When I tried landing I ended up inside of it by the time I entered its soi. The other moons are fine


I would suggest then there is an issue with your install: https://github.com/Poodmund/Outer-Planets-Mod/blob/master/GameData/OPM/KopernicusConfigs/SarnusMoons/Ovok.cfg#L26

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  On 6/26/2020 at 9:49 PM, JcoolTheShipbuilder said:

So, Ovok’s soi should be 94km and not 23km?

also, I’m using the 1.9.1 kopernicus


Ovok's computed SOI is about 23 km, but the sphereOfInfluence parameter in Ovok's config should override that.  If it's not, that might be a bug in 1.9.1-1 Kopernicus.  That version of Kopernicus should not be considered ready for primetime.

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  On 6/26/2020 at 11:22 PM, OhioBob said:

Ovok's computed SOI is about 23 km, but the sphereOfInfluence parameter in Ovok's config should override that.  If it's not, that might be a bug in 1.9.1-1 Kopernicus.  That version of Kopernicus should not be considered ready for primetime.



Hm.. yes, that could be because of kopernicus. Also, I’m testing kopernicus, and I know there are a few bugs with it. I’m just testing it on a separate install lol.

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  On 6/26/2020 at 11:26 PM, JcoolTheShipbuilder said:


Hm.. yes, that could be because of kopernicus. Also, I’m testing kopernicus, and I know there are a few bugs with it. I’m just testing it on a separate install lol.


I just loaded up GPP using 1.9.1-1 Kopernicus.  One of GPP's moons uses sphereOfInfluence to override the computed value, and it's working OK.  So it may not be Kopernicus.  Ovok's config looks OK to me, I don't know why it's not working.

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  On 6/26/2020 at 11:26 PM, JcoolTheShipbuilder said:


Hm.. yes, that could be because of kopernicus. Also, I’m testing kopernicus, and I know there are a few bugs with it. I’m just testing it on a separate install lol.


Ovok's mean radius is 26,000m and its sphere of influence is specified as 94,000m. Therefore its max theoretical apoapsis is 68,000m... I've just tested this in game with KSP 1.9.1 and the latest pre-release build of Kopernicus 1.9.1-1 and it seems to correlate with what it should be:


This was the highest I could get the apoapsis without the orbit becoming parabolic.

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  On 7/4/2020 at 7:27 PM, OhioBob said:

What do you mean by "transfer window map"?  If you mean a delta-v map, here's one.  There are others if you Google for them.



I mean like what are the transfer windows for sarnus and beyond?

https://www.google.com/search?q=ksp+transfer+window&sxsrf=ALeKk03ZdOV9xIxb77FtH3PpW3AA5cGeuw:1593890943188&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWvuq7qrTqAhXwlHIEHZgAA_MQ_AUoAXoECA0QAw&cshid=1593890984331616&biw=1707&bih=868#imgrc=_DmgFM_B6aV7SM like dat

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