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Enabling Surface features without new savegame?

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I watched Shadowzone's video at youtube and he mentions that we need to start a new savegame to have the surface features.

Is there an option to enable them in the current savegame, even with the risk of everything exploding?

Edited by Boyster
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The top comment on the video shares the same concerns you have, and I imagine everyone else does not want to start a science save from scratch just to use the DLC to its full potential! In the replies of this comment, I believe that Shadowzone has explained a method of doing so. I haven't got the DLC so I can't try it out yet, but it looks like it involves a bit of tinkering so do backup! Last thing you want is the files being corrupted

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4 hours ago, Adenosine Triphospate said:

The top comment on the video shares the same concerns you have, and I imagine everyone else does not want to start a science save from scratch just to use the DLC to its full potential! In the replies of this comment, I believe that Shadowzone has explained a method of doing so. I haven't got the DLC so I can't try it out yet, but it looks like it involves a bit of tinkering so do backup! Last thing you want is the files being corrupted

I was hoping for a stock option, I dont mind some of my bases to ''explode''.

I cant even imagine loosing all my orbit infrastracture...

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1 hour ago, The Dunatian said:

@bewing, I know that I am asking a somewhat different question on another user's question, but it is somewhat related. Can terrain scatters be safely switched on without negative consequences to landed vessels?

Classic terrain scatters are merely visual decoration on top of the current terrain. They do not have colliders. They do not have any effect on anything else in the game -- except that displaying them eats clock cycles on your video board and therefore slows the game down.

So yes, you can switch them on and off within any savegame and they will have no effect except visual decoration.

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DISCLAIMER: You are doing this at your own risk so make a back up! There is a possibility that you may have a base/ landed vessel where these will spawn in - you have been warned!
1. Generate a new save
2. Go into the Kerbal Space Program>saves folder
3. Open the persistant.sfs file in notepad
4. Locate the ROCSeed # and copy it (see image)
5. Paste into the old save at the same line
6. Save it and give it a go!


Edited by Rocketology
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3 minutes ago, Rocketology said:


DISCLAIMER: You are doing this at your own risk so make a back up! There is a possibility that you may have a base/ landed vessel where these will spawn in - you have been warned!
1. Generate a new save
2. Go into the Kerbal Space Program>saves folder
3. Open the persistant.sfs file in notepad
4. Locate the ROCSeed # and copy it (see image)
5. Paste into the old save at the same line 6. Save it and give it a go!

Thanks for the info but i am worried if i will be missing any features.I dont mind having one or two bases exploding...

But what concerns me, is that fix enough to get what i would experience with a new save?Or some things just wont appear.

If its that simple why they didnt give us an option to risk it if we want in the game settings...

Edited by Boyster
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It is the same as starting a new save - you get everything. But there is a chance, albeit very low, of them spawning into a landed vessel. These are not surface scatter and are fairly rare - just like the anomalies/ easter eggs.

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11 minutes ago, Boyster said:

Is that fix enough to get what i would experience with a new save?

If its that simple why they didnt give us an option to risk it if we want in the game settings...

Yes, it is enough. Everything will spawn, because the spawning of the surface features is based on the ROCSeed value. This is literally the only difference between a 1.6 save and a DLC save.


I'd imagine they had their reasons for not making it an option.


Also, they're nowhere near as rare as easter eggs. If you're in the right biome, you'll be able to find a handful within a kilometer or two of wherever you land. The most i ever had to drive was like 10km, except on Kerbin where they're intentionally sparse, because Kerbin has way too much science as it is.

For example, see duna: 


all these shadows are small ones, and there's some visibly large ones that are a few pixels across. My rover is dead center of screen, and the skycrane is off to the side, 1.5km away,

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1 minute ago, Lupi said:

Yes, it is enough. Everything will spawn, because the spawning of the surface features is based on the ROCSeed value. This is literally the only difference between a 1.6 save and a DLC save.

Ok i am gonna try it right away.I just spented 15minutes flying around to find them and i couldnt.(without this fix)

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I got a pretty far along career mode save going and after installing breaking ground I get missions to find surface stuff and or return it, but I haven't found anything, is there some trick to finding em beyond walking around the mun/minmus/kerbin (in the suggested biomes) or do they not get populated into existing savegames?

Edited by KriLL3
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The ROCseed is indeed a random seed value. A value of -1 means no surface features in this save. Any other integer number results in surface features. Using the same integer number means the surface features will appear in exactly the same place in each save. Adding this to an existing save comes with the risk of something (landed vessels in the save) being in the wrong place at the wrong time and exploding. Doing this is something you can do to existing saves - but it’s not supported.

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14 hours ago, JPLRepo said:

The ROCseed is indeed a random seed value. A value of -1 means no surface features in this save. Any other integer number results in surface features. Using the same integer number means the surface features will appear in exactly the same place in each save. Adding this to an existing save comes with the risk of something (landed vessels in the save) being in the wrong place at the wrong time and exploding. Doing this is something you can do to existing saves - but it’s not supported.

Will our old savegames have more problems in future updates?Does a new save prepare the ground for the next thing to come or its the same with a new save just this different value.I know Rocketology and other people compared the persistent files, its just would be nice to have an official word that keeping our saves wont affect any future fixes/dlcs etc.Its not supported always scares me(like legacy servers that loose support in mp games ;.; ).

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On 5/30/2019 at 7:32 PM, Rocketology said:


Moved my 1.7.0 save to 1.7.1 and spent a good hour yesterday flying around Kerbin, thinking wow, these surface features really are rare.....now I feel a little foolish!
This fix worked perfectly and with no issues. Thanks for the info!

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And of course, if the new surface features DO break your base, just to the backup of your save (you do have your saves backed up right?), and change the ROCseed to a different number. If you have so many ground bases that this requires more than 1 revert, you are a God of ground bases and you win at Kerbal, now go find something else to do with your life.

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