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Zombie Kerbals Since update

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I played two days ago no problem. Today it updated. Now I'm facing some weird behavior with EVA. I might need a bit of help:


Space station in orbit, click on EVA button for a kerbal.

1. Now: VIEW FOCUS unchanged. Before: VIEW FOCUS jumped near the kerball wherever it exited the habitat.

2. Now: EVAd Kerbal not grabbing from station starts spinning and getting away from station.

3. Switch to EVAd Kerbal. Kerbal stays like crucified (open arms).  RSA jetpack does not work. Does not activate. Does nothing. Cant move or control. Basically same behavior as switching to a nearby separator floating around.

What I've tried:

a. Sent another kerbonaut to EVA. This time, he staid near hatch, open arms not grabbing. Can't Board. Can't do anything

b. Switched to space center and back: no changes.

c. Closed game and reloaded: no changes.


I tried to take some screens. Hope they complete my description


Thanks in advance

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Same observation here, same version. No mods, no DLCs.

Just set a capsule with Jeb at the launch site --> EVA --> focus stayed on the capsule, Jebs name without portrait still visible right bottom --> switched "vessel" to Jeb --> got portrait but no control.

Closed down the program and checked local files, 2 were renewed but nothing changed on the state of Kerbals.

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@nestorI'm having the same Problem 

i had Kerbal Engineer Redux installed (only Mod) tried to EVA and got Zombie Kerbal. I reloaded save, Same issue. Closed verified files had 2 renewed, launched same issue on both new save (from Last night no issues) exited and removed KER. Still having Zombie Kerbal's tried old save and new game. 

Update: uninstalled and reinstalled the game same issue. Zombie Kerbal. 

FYI i have Making History i dont have Breaking Ground.  

Bought and launched through Steam. 


Edited by Thrawn889
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Gamemode was Career Mode; only have Making History installed. 

I started a new save (as i do every release). I had uninstalled all my mods and updated KER to start and it worked fine 2 night ago. Cue tonight I built a Mun flyby ship and sent it to orbit. Clicked EVA on Bob Kerman and He glitched out as a Zombie. I restarted and tried EVA on Launch pad. I thought might be bad files and attempted after verifying. Still happened when attempted any new and old saves. I uninstalled Ker tried again nope. and Ive uninstalled and reinstalled KSP on Steam and still have the issue.

Link to a log @nestor


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Same here. Kerbal in career mode, no mods installed, making history installed but I'm not using that right now/ KSP updated this evening and now any kerbals on EVA can not go anywhere. They can do EVA reports and collect surface samples but there is no way to get them back into a craft.


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  On 6/12/2019 at 9:04 PM, Thrawn889 said:




Gamemode was Career Mode; only have Making History installed. 

I started a new save (as i do every release). I had uninstalled all my mods and updated KER to start and it worked fine 2 night ago. Cue tonight I built a Mun flyby ship and sent it to orbit. Clicked EVA on Bob Kerman and He glitched out as a Zombie. I restarted and tried EVA on Launch pad. I thought might be bad files and attempted after verifying. Still happened when attempted any new and old saves. I uninstalled Ker tried again nope. and Ive uninstalled and reinstalled KSP on Steam and still have the issue.

Link to a log @nestor



When you reinstalled the game did you completely delete the KSP folder in steams folder structure before reinstalling? 

That way you can be 100% sure no residual files are laying about. 

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Hello all!!

I've got the same problem.

Version 64 bit + Making History 1.7.1

I had few mods installed. Then, after the first episode I decided to uninstall the game, deleting the game folder in Steamapps folder. Game reinstalled without any mods, I just adjusted resolution and Full Screen mode, but the problem persists.

Here two screenshots from Steam after pressing EVA button:



I cannot move poor Jebediah in any way.

I hope this can help! Thanks

Edited by Gillydan
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  On 6/12/2019 at 9:37 PM, MechBFP said:

When you reinstalled the game did you completely delete the KSP folder in steams folder structure before reinstalling? 

That way you can be 100% sure no residual files are laying about. 


@MechBFP I didnt as it was preserved my Save files, so I've done it now (removed all files before reinstall) and it's still happening.




https://www.dropbox.com/s/9lgfv8qkr3i68ih/output_log.txt?dl=0 - same link as before but new file i accidentally overwrote previous but this is a completely fresh install of game all previous versions and mod files deleted. Still getting the same issue. 

Ran the steam file verification program again. 


i can't find out what these files are but this occurred on all instances of reinstall.


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  On 6/12/2019 at 8:46 PM, nestor said:

Sounds like you had bad files. Could you try to reproduce again after verifying file integrity?


I can reproduce it. I started a new Game, Normal, Career. VAB --> Set a Pod and launched --> Eva --> Jeb is stiff with arms stretched to the side and does not move. Focus is still at the pod, with no crew on board. I can manually switch to Jeb with [.

Same happened to an existing Sandbox save-game. Though, I brought there the capsule to orbit --> Eva --> Bill floated as statue away from the capsule, at least he laughed.


Nevertheless, I shut down KSP again, verified the game files again and was told that 2 files could not be verified and need to be reaquired. But there was no information when this will occur (I assumed it would be immediately).


Version Info: KSP, Windows player X64 en-us.

Only the base game, no history or breaking ground expansions. No mods installed.

System: Windows 10 Pro build 17134

System type: x64 based PC

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I can confirm as well; on an older, lightly modded save anyways. (I had no issues prior at least.)

Haven't tried a full re-install with a new save yet, but from what I'm hearing it's not going to help.

Tons of NullReferenceExceptions being thrown in the log once the Kerbal EVA'd, enough to slow the game down.

EDIT: Whoa, a hotfix just hit Steam. That was fast.

EDIT 2: Can confirm it's fixed for me. :D

Edited by Rocket In My Pocket
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Hello everyone, thank you for your patience, we fixed an issue related to EVA not working for some players (Zombie Kerbals). Please restart your game and verify you are in version.
If you have the KSP store version, you will need to get the version installer.

We appreciate your enthusiasm and your passion for KSP.

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I hope the fix involves the Kerbals being still uncontrollable, but now instead of being motionless, stumbling around mumbling “brains... brains...”

Probably not happening but one can always hope.


How cool of a mod would that be? “Sebastian Kerman has turned into a zombie and is now attacking the rest of the crew. Send in a rescue vessel equipped with Space Marine Kerbals to save the survivors before they get eaten

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